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1、高考新高考山东卷英语试题含答案绝密启用前2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将口己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.问答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在木试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将冷试卷和答题卡一并交回。4一部分阅读(共两节,满分5。分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读卜-列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。POETRY CHALLENGEWrite a POeln about how

2、 courage, determination, and Strenglh have helped you face Challenges in your li (%.PriZCS3 Grand Prizes: TriP to Washington, D C for each Of three winners, a Parent and One Other PerSOn Of the winnersChOiCC TriP includes round-trip air tickets, hold Stay for IWO nights, and tours Of the National Ai

3、r and SPaCC MUSeUm and theOffiCe OfNatiOnal GeOgraPhiC World.6 KirSt PriZes: ThC b8k Sky Pioneer: A PhOtObiograPlly OfAmeha EUrhart Signed by author COrinnC SZabO and PilOtLinda FinCh 50 HOnOrable Mentions: JUdgeS Will ChOOSe UP Io 50 honorable InentiOn winners, WhO W川 each receive a T - Shirt inmem

4、ory OfEarhart s final flight.KUleSFOIIOW all rules CarCtUlly to PrCVent disqualification. Wrile a POenl USing 100 WOrdS Or fewer. YOUr POem Can be any format, any number Oflines. Write by hand Or lyPe On a Single ShCet Of paper. YOU may USe both Ihe front and back Of the paper. On the Same ShCet Of

5、paper, Wnte Or type your name, address, telephone number, and birth date Mail your Cntry to US by OCtObCr 31 this year.1 HOW many PeOPIe Can each grand PriZe Winner lake On the free trip?2.What Will each Of Ihe honorable IllentiOn WilUlelS gel?3.WhiCh Of the following Win result in disqualification?

6、Jenifer Mailer has needed more WillPOWer than the typical COnege Student to pursue her goal Ofeaming a nursing degree That WillPOWer bore fruit When Jennifer graduated from UniVerSity OfWiSCOnSin - Eau Claire and became the first in her large fiimily to earn a bachelor* degree Mallen Of Edgar, Wisco

7、nsin, grew UP On a farm in a family Of 10 Children. Her dad WOrked at a job away from the fann, and her mother ran the iami With the kids. After High SCHOOL Jennifer attended a lOCal ICChniCal college, WOrking to Pay her lUiliOn (学费),because there WaS no CXtra money SCI aside for a COIICgC CdllCatiO

8、n After graduation, She WOrked to help her SiSterS and brothers Pay for their SChOOling.Jennifer now is married and has three Children Of her own. She decided io go back to College to advance her Career and to be able to better SUPPort her family While doing Something She loves: nursing She ChOSe th

9、e UW Eau ClairC PrOgram at Ministry Saint JOSCPIfs HOSPital in MarShfiCId because ShC WaS able to PUrSUC her fbur-ycar degree ClOSe to HOme She COUId drive to ClaSS and be home in the evening to HelP With her kids. Jennifer received great SUPPOrt from her family as She WOrked to Carn her degree: HCr

10、 husband WorkCd two jobs to COVer the bills, and her 68-year-old mother helped take CarC Of the Children at times ThrOUgh it all. ShC remained in good academic Standing and graduated With HOnOrS.Jcnnifbr SaCrifICCd (牺牲)to achieve her goal, giving UP many nights With her kids and missing important ev

11、ents to StUdy. uSOme nights my heart WaS breaking io have to PiCk between my kids and Studying for CXamS Or PaPCrSr ShC SayS - HOWCVCn her Children have learned an important leSSOn Witnessing their mother earn her degree - Jennifer is a first-generation graduate and an inspiration to her family and

12、thats Pretty powerful.4.What did Jennifer do after high SChOOI?A.She helped her dad With his WOrk B.ShC ran the family fajm On HCr own.C She SUPPorted herself through College D. She taught Iler SiSterS and brothers at home 5.Why did Jennifer ChoOSC Ihe PrOgraln at Ministry Saint JOSCPIfS HOSPital in

13、 MarShfield?A. TO take Care Other kids easily B. TO ICarn from IhC best nurses C TO SaVe money for her ParCntS D. TO find a Well-Paid job there 6.What did Jennifer SaCrifiCe to achieve her goal?A. Her health. B. Her time With family.C Her reputation. D. Her ChallCe Of PrOnlOtion.7.What Can We learn

14、from JCniferS StCry?A. TimC is money. B. LOVe breaks down barriers C. Hard WOrk PayS off. D. EdUCatiOn is the key to SUCCeSS CIn the mid-1990s, TOm BiSSCII taught English as a VOlUntCCr in Uzbekistan. HC ICft after SCVCn months, PhySiCally broken and having lOSt his mind. A few years later, Still at

15、tracted to the country, he returned to Uzbekistan to Write an article about the 八1HI %山东卷英语试题第2页(共7页)disappearance Of the Aral Sea.HiS ViSit- HOWCVCn ended UP involving a lOt TnOre than Ihal - HCnCe this book. ChaSiHg the Sea: LOSt AmOng the GhOStSOf EnIPire in Central Asia, WhiCh talks about a road

16、 trip from TaShkenl to KarakalPakStan, Where TnilliOnS Of liVeS have been destroyed by the SIOW drying UP Of the sea. it is the storr Of an AmeriCall travelling to a Strange land, and Of the PCOPIC he meets On his way: Rustam, his translator, a lOVCIy 24-ycar-old WhO PiCkCd UP his ColOr仙 English in California, Oleg and NataSha, h

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