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1、译林英语7Bunit1知识点讲解及练习 知行书院学生个性化教案 本 学生: 科目: 日期: 知行书院 学生辅导教案学生姓名余文博学 校金陵中学授课教师何远会年 级七年级上课时间8-10授课日期2-7教学目标Unit1知识点讲解教学重点句型和语法的讲解知识连接family,house和home的区别教学方法讲解法、练习法、谈话法 本次教学主要内容1、词汇复习(vocabulary) (一)重点词汇默写(key word memory) (二)重点词组的学习 dream home(s) 理想之家 capital of .的首都3. live next to the restaurant 住在饭店隔

2、壁 4. chat with sb 与某人聊天 the balcony 在阳台上 wooden house=a house made of wood 一间木屋 a ladder爬梯子 with sb 与某人居住在一起 into my house=enter my house 进入我的房子 the seventh of June 在6月7日 beautiful and quiet 既漂亮又安静 sth with sb 与某人分享某物 friendly/kind/nice to sb 对某人友好14. It rains a lot 常下雨15dining rooms 餐厅 rooms 起居室,客厅

3、 dinner= cook meals做饭 the centre of 在的中心 in the busy street 在繁华的街道上 of 数以百万的 first 得第一 to / reach / arrive in/at sp. 到达某地 a day off 休一天假 good idea 好主意 sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人(不)做某事26. worry about /be worried about (doing) 担心(做某事)t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事 good/great/ nice 听起来不错 own bedroom 我自己的卧室 diff

4、erent from与不同(be the same as 与什么相同) metres long 五十米长 the same time 同时 least 至少 the ground floor在一楼 a shower / bath 淋浴、洗澡 best place to grow flowers 种花的最好地方二、句型的学习1、Home around the world.世界各地的家。Around 用作介词意为“在周围”“在各处”“到处”“大约”。 例:The student stand around the teacher and listen carefully.Around 也可以用作副词

5、,意为“在周围”“在附近”“各处”“整整一圈”“回转”2、My family and Ioften sit there and enjoy a cup of tea.我的家人和我经常坐在那里品茶。 Family 致家人时动词用复数,指家庭时动词用单数。例:My family are very well. 我全家人都很健康。 His family is going to move. 他家要搬走了。除此之外,family还可以用作“家庭的,家族的”。 例:His family name is Smith.思考:family,house和home的区别3、I live in a town 15 mi

6、les from London. 表示“距离”常用 a place is miles from,和“A地miles/kilometers(away)from B”句子结构。4、I share a bedroom with my sister.Share 用作及物动词,意为“合用“分享”“共有”“分担”“同受”常与介词withamong或between连用。例:mother is sharing the cakes among the boys.Share 也用作名词,意为“(分得的,应分担的)一份,份额”。 Let me take a share in the expenses.5、I lov

7、e to sit there and look out at the beach and sea.Look out at 在本句话中有“向外看”“眺望外面”。是由look out 与look at 两个短语合并而成,其中呕吐为副词,at是介词。另外,look out 还可以表示“查出,找出,注意,小心”思考:look 组成的词组还有很多,请列举几个。小试牛刀1、 The kind guides _ the Olympics visitors _a Beijing Siheyuan.A take, away B take, around C look, around D take, of2、My

8、 _is near the bus station, would yoy like to have dinner with me?A family B house C home3、His family _a large one. The whole family _watching TV. A is, is B are, are C is, are D are, is4、-Would you like _your joy _ your friends? - Of course. Id love to. A sharing, with B to share, with C sharing, to

9、 D to share, to5、Taiwan is a part of China. We _the same history and culture. A explain B express C connect D share6、_the window! Whats happening there! A Look off B Look over C Look out of D Look for7、-Would you mind _my little sister while I am away. -Of course not. A looking for B looking at C lo

10、oking after D looking forward to三、练习单项选择。( ) you like to have a cup of tea? -_.A. Yes, I would B. No, I wouidn C. Yes, please D. Yes, Id like( ) family _having lunch now. And my family _a happy one.A. are ;is B. is;are C. are;are D. is;is( ) was watching TV _I was doing my homework.A .while D .so( )

11、 old is your daughter? had a special party for her _birthday last week.A. Ninth; ninth ;nine C .Ninth; nine D. Nine;ninth( ) _letter in the word developis v.A. second B. third C fitfth D. fourth( )6. There are about _ students in our school. A. four thousand B. four thousands of thousand of of( ) li

12、ve with my mother in _wooden is near the sea.A .a ;An B the; The C. the, A ;The( ) them comes from the country.A .Both ( ) read 10206 like this:_A. one thousand, two hundred and six B. one thousand two hundreds and sixC. ten thousand, two hundred and six thousands,two hundreds and six( )10. He sits

13、between _ .A. you and she B. you and her C. she and you D. her and you根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1. Id like (live) in a house with nine rooms.2. Simon with his parents lives on the (nine) floor.3. There are twelve (shower) in this bathroom.4. Is your classroom in the tall (build) over there?5. Our new flat has t

14、wo (balcony).6. The stories are (real) interesting. I like them very much.7. Ill ask her (clean) the classroom after school.8. Thank you for (bring) me the book.9. David is always the first (come) to school in his class.10. June is the (six) month of the year.翻译重点句子。1.我和我妹妹合用一个卧室。I _ a bedroom_my si

15、ster.2.他的房子在我们的房子对面。His house _ _ _ours.3.你的主意听起来不错。Your idea _ _.4.那张书桌在床的前面。That desk is _ _ _the bed.5.你家的房子确实与上海的公寓不一样。Your house is really _ _the flats in Shanghai.6.他的花园很小,但看起来很漂亮。His is very small, but it very beautiful.8.阳台是种植物最好的地方。A balcony is the best place _ _plants.写作。以“My dream home”为题

16、,根据以下提示要点写一篇60字左右的文章。要点:1.我和我的父母住在一个小城镇。2.我们的公寓在三楼;有两个卧室、一个客厅、一个厨房和和一个卫生间;我的卧室有一扇大的窗户;在我们的楼附近有一个公园,所以我从卧室的窗户可以看到公园里的鲜花和树木。1. 我们家离我的学校不远。我每天步行上学。 学生评教 特别满意 满意 一般 差 学生签字: 教师评 学学生本次课堂配合程度 :很好 较好 一般 差 学生上次作业完成情况 :很好 较好 一般 差教学反馈:审核 授课教师签字:教务主任签字: 李主任家长复查签字:家长建议反馈十年树木 百年树人 知行书院秉承“知行合一,捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去”的教育服务理

17、念,关注每一位学生综合学习能力的均衡发展,根据每位学生的具体特点,通过知行书院的教研团队,进行专业分析与辅导,让每位学生认知学习目标、激发学习兴趣并付诸实际行动,实现素质和成绩的突破。我们的教师团队献身于教育事业,秉承着我们的教育理念去做让家长放心的教育,让孩子贴心的教育,去造福一方百姓子女。知行书院是孩子们自主学习的乐园尊敬的家长朋友们:孩子的学习、成长离不开您和我们的共同努力,每当孩子们带着一颗强烈的求知欲望来到我们这里学习时,我们的老师都会用她那十足的热心、爱心去浇灌他,让他可以在这里学得更多,懂得更多,成长的更多;但同时我们也希望您可以协助我们,一同去教育孩子,每当孩子拿着这份精心为他设计的教案回家时,时常的督促他用用心再去回味一下这份教案的精华,“温故而知新”是一个永恒不变的学习哲理!为了孩子美好的明天,让我们携起手来,一同去教育他! 谢谢!知行书院

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