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1、动名词作宾语或介词宾语动名词作宾语或介词宾语1。在很多动词后都可跟动名词作宾语:Have you finished cleaning the windows?窗子擦好了吗?Would you mind shutting the door?劳驾把门关上行吗?I enjoyed working there.我在那里工作很高兴.Our house needs painting。我们的房子需要油漆。能跟这种宾语的动词很多,常见的有:stop, suggest, remember, begin, like, start, mind, continue, cant help等。2。有些动词可以跟动名词作宾

2、语也可用不定式作宾语,意思上没有太大差别,如:Do you like playing chess?你喜欢下棋吗?to play They began talking about something else。他们开始谈别的事。to talk 有时两者在意思上有差别:I remember seeing you somewhere.记得在哪里见到过你。Remember to post the letter.记得把信发掉。3。动名词作介词宾语的时候也很多,特别是在某些成语后,如:Are you interested in going with us?你有兴趣和我们一块儿去吗?He is fond o

3、f playing tennis.他很喜欢打网球。Im thinking of going to Hangchow.我在考虑到杭州去一趟。Thank you for coming。谢谢你来。4。动名词还可和某些介词一道用作状语等:After playing chess, we watched TV。下过棋之后我们看电视.Give me a phone call before leaving home.离家前给我打个电话。Im all for going by bus。我完全赞成坐公共汽车去。Exercises:1。 在下面句子中作宾语的动名词(短语)下划线:1) He enjoys teach

4、ing.2) She kept talking.3) She disliked my working late.4) Forgive my ringing up so early.5) I remember telling her about you。6) She liked reading short stories.7) Then we stopped talking.8) Would you mind telling her about it?9) He admitted taking the money.10) They began talking about their school

5、 days.2. 在下面用作介词宾语的动名词下划线:1) I dont feel like eating anything now。2) Ive got used to working at night。3) Im proud of having a friend like you.4) She was keen on coming to Chine。5) I never dreamed of meeting you in China。6) My sister is fond of reading picture books.3. 在下面句子中的介词短语下划线:1) We cant live

6、without eating。2) They were surprised at your doing that.3) Since returning from Xian, I was awfully busy.4) She left without saying good-bye to us。5) What have you been doing besides writing the book?6) He was praised for working so hard.不定式作主语和宾语http:/ 2007年09月11日 19:10 北文图书不定式作主语和宾语1。不定式(短语)常可用作主

7、语:To see is to believe.眼见为实。To act like that is foolish。这样做是愚蠢的.2。在很多情况下我们都把不定式往后移,前面用先行词it作形式上的主语,这样句子结构会显得更平稳。这时谓语可以是:1)be形容词:Its difficult to learn English well.学好英语不容易。2)be形容词for引起的短语:Its hard for me to answer.我很难回答.3)be形容词of引起的短语:Its kind of you to think so much of us。难得你为我们这样着想.4)be名词:Its our

8、duty to do that。这样做是我们的职责。5)其他形式的谓语:How long does it take to get there?到那里需要多少时间?3.不定式(短语)作宾语的时候极多,例如:She is learning to swim。她在学游泳。He promised to help us.他答应帮助我们。4.有些动词后可跟一个带有连接副(代)词的不定式作宾语:I dont know how to answer.我不知道该怎样回答。She will tell you what to do.她会告诉你该怎么做。5.有时还可用it作形式上的宾语,把不定式放到后面去:I dont

9、think it necessary to do that.我想这样做不必要.He felt it his duty to point that out。他感到有责任指出这一点。Exercises:1. 在下面句子的主语下划线:1) To smoke so many cigarettes is bad for your health。2) Its difficult to answer the question.3) Its nice to be with you。4) Its impossible to get there in two hours。5) Its our duty to he

10、lp them.6) How long does it take to get there?7) It made her angry to hear that。8) It isnt right not to help them.9) It is an honour to be invited to visit the country.10) Its easy to answer that question.2. 在下面句子的宾语下划线:1) She agreed to go there with us.2) They decided to go there by train.3) He pro

11、mised to help us.4) Do you wish to go there with us?5) They will show you how to do the work.6) I did not know how to translate the sentence.7) Helen found it hard to get on with them.8) Do you think it easy to learn English?9) They considered it better not to go。10) She felt it her duty to take car

12、e of the children。不定式作定语和状语。cn 2007年09月11日 19:10 北文图书不定式作定语和状语1.不定式(短语)作定语时很多,特别是在某些句型中:Do you have anything more to say?你还有什么话要说吗?I want to get something to read。我要找些资料看。There is nothing to be worried about。没有什么事值得发愁。We need someone to take care of the children。我们需要人看孩子。2。有些名词后常可用不定式作定语:Its time to

13、 go to bed.是睡觉的时候了。You have no right to do that.你没有权利这样做。Thats the best way to do the work。这是做这工作最好的办法。Id like to have a chance to see him again。我希望有机会再见到他。3.不定式有时可用作状语,表示目的、结果、原因等:I went to town to buy some books。我进城去买书.Ive come to learn from you。我是来向你们学习的.What have I said to make you so angry?我说了什

14、么话使你这样生气?She lived to be ninety.她活到了九十岁。Im glad to see you。看到你我很高兴。We are proud to be students of China。作为中国的学生我们感到自豪.4。还可用来表示某方面:She is always ready to help others.她总是乐于帮助别人。We were eager to go home。我们亟于想回家。Be careful not to catch cold。当心别感冒。The book is easy to understand.这书容易懂。She was too young to understand that。她太年轻不懂这一点。Exercises:1. 在作定语的不定式(短语)下划线:1) I have a lot of things to do today。2) There are two letters to be typed。3) Lets go and get something to drink。4) Theres no need to worry at all。5) We have a ri

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