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1、动词不定式小结北 京 四 中 编稿:向红丽 责编:姜小敏动词不定式小结 一、动词不定式的基本形式 肯定式:to动词原形 否定式:not to动词原形 (to是不定式符号、标志,无意义,可以不翻译。) 二、动词不定式的特征 动词不定式是一种非谓语动词形式,它没有人称和数的变化,但有时态和语态的变化,在句子中不能作谓语,但可以作除谓语之外的其它任何句子成分(主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语);动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,同时还保持动词的某些特点,即可以有自己的宾语和状语。动词不定式和它的宾语和状语构成不定式短语。 三、动词不定式的用法 1. 不定式作宾语 能跟不定式作宾语的动词

2、(及物动词)很多,构成 vt.(及物动词)to do sth. 结构。常见的有:want, like, wish, hate, hope, prefer, try, ask, start, begin, decide, learn, choose, agree, expect , remember, forget等。 eg. He wanted to borrow my CD players. 他想借我的CD播放机。 His brother is learning to drive. 他弟弟正在学驾驶。 I hope to speak English well. 我希望讲好英语。 动词不定式作

3、宾语其后又有补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把不定式后置。 eg. I find it difficult to learn physics. 我发现学习物理很难。 2. 不定式作宾语补足语 动词不定式位于及物动词的宾语后,补充说明宾语,作补足语。构成 do sth. 结构。常用带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词结构有want do, ask do, tell do, order do, get do, wish do, allow do, invite do, tea

4、ch do, encourage do, beg do等。 eg.The teacher told us to read the text. 老师要我们读课文。 Who taught you to play the music? 谁教你演奏音乐的? He asked me not to tell you the news. 他要我不把这消息告诉你。 His parents didnt allow him to play. 他父母不允许他玩。 常用省去to的动词不定式作补足语的动词有:“一感(feel)、二听(hear, listen to)、三让(make,

5、 let, have)、四看(look at, see, watch, notice)”。eg. Please listen to me sing this song again. 请听我再唱一遍这首歌。 I felt someone open my door. 我感到有人打开了门。 The boss made the girl work ten hours a day. 老板让那姑娘每天工作10小时。 You must watch me carefully do everything. 你必须仔细观察我们所做的一切。 动词help之后的不定式即或省to也可不省 He often

6、helps(to)clean the room. 他常常帮忙打扫房间。 Mr. Zhang always helps us(to)learn English. 张老师经常帮我学习英语。 跟省to的结构还有:Why not? Why dont you? Will you please? had better, would rather than, shall, will, would 及其他情态动词。 注意:感官动词后既可跟省to的不定式作宾补,也可跟现在分词作宾补,其区别是:跟现在分词强调动作的情景(正在进行),跟不定式强调动作的全过程(表示动作已完成)。另外要注意含有不带to的不定式作宾语补

7、足语的句子变成被动句。eg. I often heard her sing when I walked past her home. 当我经过她家时经常听见她唱歌。 I heard her singing just now. 我刚才听见她在唱歌。 When I looked out of the window, I saw the boys playing basketball. 我向窗外望时,看见那些男孩在打篮球。 On my way home, I saw the accident happen. 我在回家的路上目睹了这场事故。 3. 不定式作状语 动词不定式位于不及物动词之后作状语,可作

8、目的、结果、原因状语。 eg. She came here to borrow an English book. (目的)她来这里想借一本英语书。 Lets stop to have a rest. (目的)我们停下来休息一下。 She is too young to go to school. (结果)她年龄太小还不能上学。 He runs fast enough to catch a horse. (结果)他跑得够快能追上一匹马。 Im sorry to make you wait here so long. (原因)很抱歉,让你在这儿久等了。 We are surprised to se

9、e such beautiful animals. (原因)看到这么漂亮的动物我们很吃惊。 4. 不定式作主语 eg. To see is to believe. 眼见为实。 To know something about English is one thing; to know English is quite another. 了解一些英语是一回事,懂英语是另一回事。 To learn English well is important. 学好英语很重要。 口语中,常用it作形式主语,而把真正的主语(动词不定式)后置。如上面第三个句子可以改写成: Its important to lea

10、rn English well. 学好英语很重要。 5. 不定式作定语 动词不定式作定语时,要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后,作后置定语。 eg. I want to get something to read during that holiday. 假期中我想找些东西看。 We have a lot of work to do. 我们有很多工作要做。 She is the first person to think of the idea. 她是第一个想到这个主意的人。 Theres nothing for us to worry about. 我们没有什么好担心的。注意:记住下列常用句型:

11、 (1)It takes sb.some time to do sth. eg. It took me two hours to write the letter. 写这封信花了我两小时。 (2)It isadj.(for/of sb.)to do sth.如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,则在不定式前加一个for引起的短语,即不定式的逻辑主语。 eg.It is difficult for him to finish the work on time. 对他来说,按时完成这项工作真是太难了。 在以某些表示人的品质、特征等的形容词(如kind, good, nice, wrong, clev

12、er, right等)作表语时,不定式之前常加一个形容词引起的短语,说明不定式指的是谁的情况。 eg. Its kind of you to help me. 他帮我真太好了。 Its not polite of him to speak to old people like that. 对老人那样说话,他很不礼貌。 (3)主语find/thinkit形容词to do sth. eg. We find it important to learn English. 我们认为学习英语很重要。 (4)too形容词/副词to do sth. eg. The man is too old to walk

13、. 这个人年纪太大,走不动了。 6.“疑问词不定式”结构 疑问词who, what, which, where, when, how加to do可构成不定式短语,在句中可用作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语等。 eg. When to start has not been decided. 何时动身还没决定。 I dont know what to do. 我不知道做什么。 He can tell you where to get the book. 他会告诉你在哪儿能得到这本书。 The question is who(m) to ask. 问题是该问谁。 7. 当动词不定式省略时,常保留动词不

14、定式符号to,表示省略了一个不定式。 eg. Will you take a walk? Ill be glad to. 你想散散步吗?我乐意。 Do you want to give a report? I prefer not to. 你想做报告吗?我不愿。 8.宾语从句的简化 (1)当主句的谓语动词是hope, decide, wish, agree等时,其后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句主语一致时,可以简化成动词不定式结构。eg.Wei Hua hopes that she will be back soon. Wei Hua hopes to be back soon. 魏华希望尽快

15、回家。 (2)当 know, learn, remember, forget 等动词后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句主语一致时,可以简化成“疑问词不定式”结构。 eg.I dont know what I should say. I dont know what to say. 我不知道该说些什么。 (3)当 tell, learn, show, teach 等动词后接宾语从句,并且从句主语与主句的间接宾语一致时,可以简化成“疑问词不定式”结构。 eg. Could you tell me how I can get there?(句子中的me和I指的是同一个人)Could you tell

16、me how to get there? 你能告诉我怎样去那儿吗? 典型例题:1.Dont _ too much TV. Its bad for your eyes. A. watchB. watchedC. watchingD. to watch 答案:A 解析:本句是祈使句,祈使句中的动词应用原形。故选A。 2. Alice asked me_ another bag for her. A. get B. got C. to get D. getting 答案:C 解析:考查常见动词的基本用法。ask sb. to do sth.,故选C。3.This photo often makes

17、me_ of my teachers in the primary school. A. think B. to think C. thinks D. thinking 答案:A 解析:考查常见动词的基本用法。make sb. do sth.,使某人做某事。故选A。句意为:这张照片常常使我想起我的小学老师。 4.The menu has so many good things! I cant decide_. A. what to eat B. how to eat C. where to eatD. when to eat 答案:A 解析:考查“疑问词动词不定式”结构。句意“菜单上有那么多的

18、好东西,我都没法决定吃什么了。”前句的提示很重要。根据句意,选A。 5. So hot in the classroom.Would you mind_ the windows? OK. Ill do it right now. A. not closing B. not opening C. closing D. opening 答案:D 解析:考查常见动词的基本用法。mindv.-ing 是常见结构,因为教室太热,应该是把窗户打开,故选D。句意为“教室太热了。请您打开窗户,好吗?”“好的。我马上就开。” 6. What should I do, doctor? _ healthy, you

19、 should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept 答案:C 解析:考查动词不定式的基本用法。从句意分析,“要保持健康,你就必须多做运动。”动词不定式作目的状语,表示目的。选C。 7. My dad bought me a new MP4, but I don t know_. Let s read the instructions. A. what to use B. which one to use C. how to use it D. when to use it 答案:C 解析:考查“疑问词

20、动词不定式”的结构,关键是看清句意,掌握疑问副词的意思既可。从Let s read the instructions.(我们看看说明书吧)的提示推测,上句中的“我”是不知道如何使用MP4,选C。 8. Linda, I am very thirsty. Let s go to the nearest supermarket_ some drinks, OK? A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying 答案:C 解析:考查动词不定式。本句中的动词不定式作目的状语。“我们去最近的超市买些饮料好吗?”选C。 9. Why not_ the music club? Im

21、 sorry. I cant sing or dance. A. to join B. join C. joining D. to join in 答案:B 解析:Why not不带to的动词不定式?(为什么不?)是个常见结构,表示提出建议。选B。句意为“你为什么不加入音乐俱乐部?”“抱歉,我不会唱歌又不会跳舞。”join是加入某组织,join in参加某活动。 10. There goes the bell. Its time for class. Lets stop_. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. not talk 答案:C 解析:考查常见动词的基本用

22、法。stop 后既可接v.-ing 形式,又可接动词不定式,但意义不同:stop doing sth. 表示停止做某事;stop to do sth. 表示停下来做某事。从上下文意思看,选C。句意为“铃响了。”“到上课时间了。我们停止交谈吧。” 语法专练: . 不定式的形式练习。判断下列各句的正误,如有错误,予以改正。 1. His homework today is to read and copy the text. () 2. I watched my mother put some butter between two pieces of bread. () 3. The teache

23、r asked him don be late again. () 4. We were shown to use the computer. ()5. Do you often help your grandpa to take care of those flowers? () 6. One is never too old to learn. () 7. You had better not to go there alone. () 8. Her job is take care of the garden. () . 用不定式完成下列各句。 1. If we plant enough

24、 tress, it is possible(阻止风刮走土).2. How long does it take you _(从北京乘飞机到上海).3. I really dont know_(如何告诉老人这坏消息).4. Would you like_(学他的样子)? I prefer_(不要).5. Have you got enough time_(打完这封信)? 6. _(实话告诉你), there isnt anything wrong with your son. 7. I have got no idea_(该选哪一个).8. The teacher made the boy_(对

25、全班道歉).9. He came to my office_(给我捎个口信).10. We are not allowed_(不吃早饭就上学). . 单项选择 1. The headmaster told us_ at the Science Museum on time. A. arrive B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving 2. Mum, Im hungry. What about going to McDonalds _ fried chicken? A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. and eat 3. We have w

26、orked for a long time, so lets_ a rest. Sounds good! A. stopped to have B. stopped having C. stop having D. stop to have 4. When you leave,don forget _ off the light. A. to turn B. turning C. turn D. turned 5. Is it always easier_ friends than to keep them? A. making B. make C. to make D. made 6. Mo

27、m, Im going out with my classmates tonight. OK. But youd better _ back too late. A. Don t come B. not to come C. not comingD. not come 7. What did the man say over there? He told us_ any further. There is danger ahead. A. Dont go B. not go C. not to go D. to go 8. Its bad for your eyes_ computer gam

28、es too much. A. plays B. to play C. play D. playing 9. It often takes me half an hour_ home. A. walking B. to walk C. walked D. walks 10. Dont forget _ her clean water every day. A. to give B. giving C. given D. give 11. The funny story made us_. A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed 12. Our teachers told us_ hard. A. to work B. working C. worked D. work 13. I dont know_. A. when start B. when to start C. how to start D. how start 14. Remember _ late for class again. A. no to B. not to be C. to be not D. be not to 15. The policeman asked the boys_ there.A. dont st

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