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学年英语人教版必修5作业与测评Unit 4 Section Ⅰ Prereading Warming UpReading Word版.docx

1、学年英语人教版必修5作业与测评Unit 4 Section Prereading Warming Up Reading Word版Unit 4Making the newsSection Prereading (Warming Up & Reading)对应学生用书P37基础题.单词拼写1Mary is the right person who can finish the job before the _ (最后期限)答案:deadline2Industrial development is being _ (集中于) in the west of China.答案:concentrated

2、3Wendy has mastered English grammar and _ (学到) a large vocabulary without the help of a teacher.答案:acquired4Tom is _ (渴望的) to come to the party.答案:eager5The lost boy has been found and we should _ (通知) his parents immediately.答案:inform6For the past five years she had been an _ (编辑) at EnglishWeekly.

3、答案:editor7While still a child, Tom had already shown _ (令人钦佩的) talent.答案:admirable8The novel _ (出版) last month was very popular with teenagers.答案:published9The teacher demanded that the students _ (评定) themselves before the end of the school term.答案:assess10Im really sorry, but I didnt step on your

4、foot _ (故意地)答案:deliberately.单句语法填空1Only a few _ (journalist) were allowed inside.答案:journalists句意:只有少数记者被允许入内。由该空格前的only a few及空格后的were一词可知,应填journalist的复数形式。2One of the important reasons may be that it is these very people who cannot afford to obtain _ (profession) help.答案:professional句意:其中一个重要的原因可

5、能是这些人付不起获得专业帮助的费用。修饰名词help应用形容词。故填professional。3Urban planners in cities like Beijing want to copy other cities that have _ (admire) biking policies.答案:admirable句意:例如北京市的城市规划者想效仿其他有令人羡慕的单车骑行政策的城市。修饰名词policies应用形容词。故填admirable。4The college years are supposed _ (be) a time for important growth in auto

6、nomy.答案:to be句意:大学时期应该是人自主能力成长的重要阶段。be supposed to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“应该做某事”。故填to be。5You can pay by trip, which is about 50 cents to 2 dollars each trip, _ (depend) on how far you go.答案:depending句意:你可以按路程付钱,每一趟50美分到2美元不等,根据你坐的路程远近而定。此句的谓语是can pay,这里应用depend的非谓语动词形式作状语,depend与其逻辑主语之间是主动关系,所以应用现在分词。故填de

7、pending。6Recently, I am busy with my work, so it is not _ (usual) for me to come home at two or three in the morning.答案:unusual句意:最近我忙于我的工作,所以凌晨两三点回家对我来说并不罕见。根据句意和空前的not可知,这里应填unusual。7These machines _ (update) constantly by improving the design of the computers.答案:are updated句意:通过改善电脑的设计,这些机器在不断地更新

8、。此处用一般现在时表示经常发生的动作,并且These machines与update之间是被动关系,故此处应用一般现在时的被动语态。8I know Frank will be _ (delight) to see you.答案:delighted句意:我知道弗兰克见到你会很高兴的。delighted “快乐的;欣喜的”,是形容词,在此处作表语。9I find it very hard _ (deal) with people who are always keeping silence, because they dont voice their opinions.答案:to deal句意:我

9、发现很难与总是保持沉默的人打交道,因为他们不发表他们的意见。“find do”为惯用结构,此处应该用不定式作宾语,it是形式宾语。10Do you know the girl _ (photograph) the old man over there?答案:photographing句意:你认识在那边给老人照相的那个女孩吗?此处应填动词的非谓语形式,作girl的后置定语,且the girl与photograph之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填photographing。.完成句子1Youll find your colleagues very _ .你将发现你的同事们会热情地帮助

10、你。答案:eager to assist you2So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man _ bribe him.于是我们安排这名球员和被认为行贿的人一起接受采访。答案:supposed to3So we wrote an article _.于是我们写了一篇文章,暗示他有罪。答案:suggesting he was guilty4It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if _.这事有些为难,因为如果我们错了,他

11、就可以向我们索要赔偿。答案:we were wrong5He tried to stop us _ it but later we were proved right.他竭力阻止我们发表这篇文章,但后来证实我们是正确的。答案:publishing能力题.阅读理解Print newspapers will soon be part of our history. While the Internet and some other media are rapidly developing in a world where peoples lifestyles are more than busy,

12、 there seems to be less time for newspapers. The newspaper industry, in countries where newspapers dominated as a medium for many years, is now struggling more than ever.Newspaper circulation (发行量) has been declining since over 30 years ago. “I foresee, in one or two generations, a society where you

13、 will access a newspaper only from a handheld screen,” warns William Papatassos, Blue & Gold advisor.The Internet attracts most of the younger people. The problem of newspapers is called “18 to 35yearold people”. This group of people are not willing to replace the regular readers who grew up using t

14、his traditional medium. And they like to surf the Internet to search for information. Some experts predict that by 2043, in America and many other countries, newspapers will no longer exist.Fortunately, print newspapers still exist and offer advantages to readers. “Newspapers encourage more thoughtf

15、ul thinking,” says journalist Kathleen Jasonides. “At this point, there is still room for it. Some people do not like reading shortened articles online.”But some newspapers including the Blue & Gold provide articles of online editions (版本), bearing in mind the increasing use of the Internet. However

16、, the great variety of specialized information offered by many other websites prevents these online editions from developing. In addition, the newspaper industry has kept its best journalists for print; therefore the quality of articles is not the same.The only thing that we know for sure is that pr

17、int newspapers are facing a crisis due to lack of revenues (收入) from traditional advertising and the appearance of the Internet.篇章导读:本文是一篇新闻报道。报纸会从人们的生活中消失而成为历史吗?由于因特网和其他各种新闻媒介的出现以及人们快节奏的生活方式使得报纸的发展前景不容乐观。1The first two paragraphs mainly imply that print newspapers _.Aare facing a greater opportunit

18、yBare always part of peoples lifestylesCare suffering a dreadful challengeDhave been a leading medium答案:C推理判断题。从文章第一、二段的内容可知,由于因特网和一些其他媒体的迅速发展,报纸已经不再是主流媒体,从30年前开始,它的发行量就在不断下降。所以,C项“正在经历可怕的挑战”符合题意。2According to the passage, the people aged 1835 _.Aarent ready to use other media to replace newspapersB

19、regard the Internet as a main source of newsCare the regular readers of print newspapersDare growing up using the traditional medium答案:B细节理解题。由第三段第三句可知,这群从18至35岁的年轻人不愿意取代以前那些由报纸伴随长大的人。由此可知A、C、D三项均是对原文的误解。又由本段的第四句可知,他们喜欢上网来搜索信息,故B项正确。3We can know the following from the passage EXCEPT that _.Aprint ne

20、wspapers have been gradually losing their readers since the 1980sBit is believed by some experts that newspapers will disappear in many countries by 2043Carticles of online editions can increase newspapers revenuesDsome newspapers provide articles of online editions due to the growing use of the Int

21、ernet答案:C细节理解题。C项的表述在文章中并没有提及。由第二段第一句可知,A项正确;由第三段的最后一句可知,B项正确;由第五段的第一句可知,D项正确。4We can most probably read this passage _.Ain a newspaper Bin a textbookCin a novel Din a comic book答案:A推理判断题。从文章内容来看,本文是在介绍报纸不乐观的发展前景和一些专家的评论。这样的文章最可能出现在报纸上。.完形填空I was a paperboywell actually, the first papergirl in Seatt

22、le. When I was 12, I talked my way into a job delivering TheSeattleTimes. I remember the boss looking this _1_ girl over and telling me I had a week to _2_ I could do it. So after school, I would _3_ over to the hut down the street, pick up my bundles, lift them onto the back of my _4_ and ride my r

23、oute. Sunday morning papers were too _5_ for me to carry. I tried, and it took me three hours to _6_ them as I had to keep coming back to reload. So, my mother volunteered to get up at 5:30 am and drive me around. She _7_ herself to my employment. What I learned as a _8_ was to find out where each o

24、f my customers wanted their papers. I didnt just throw them on their _9_. If they wanted them on their porch, or mailbox or inside the gate, that was _10_ they got them. When a customer went out of town, he would tell me and I would make sure that the papers didnt _11_ up to flag thieves. In return,

25、 I got big _12_. Somewhere the paperboys are _13_ by modern services. We put our orders, our vacation holds, our moves into online forms that then tell a service that _14_ a guy in a truck to throw the paper onto the lawn.The people that run and own newspapers have the _15_ to deliver news to us in

26、a large number of forms, and we should be able to get it any way we want. We should be able to _16_ for the form we want it _17_, including how it is distributed. I would _18_ pay to have a papergirl or boy deliver the _19_ on the right day in the right way, and I would tip for that privilege. Lets

27、bring back the paperboy and with it _20_ employment for our children.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者自己当报童的时候送报的经历和现代发布信息的方式的变化等。1A.strong BnervousCstubborn Dthin答案:D结合前面的“When I was 12”和后面的“Sunday morning papers were too _5_ for me to carry.”可知,作者应该是一个瘦弱的(thin)女孩。2A.prove BconfirmCinform Dadmit答案:A此处指老板看到作者是一

28、个瘦弱的女孩,因此给了她一周的时间,让她来证明(prove)她可以从事这个工作。confirm “证实,确认”(尤指需要提供证据);inform “通知”;admit “承认”均不符合语境。 BheadCtake Dturn答案:B结合空格前面的“So after school”和后面的“over to the hut down the street, pick up my bundles”可知,作者放学之后,就直奔(head over to)街边的报亭去取报。 BcartCbike Dtruck答案:C根据后面的“ride my route”可知,此处指作者把报纸

29、放到了自行车后架子上面。5A.heavy BdirtyCtidy Drough答案:A结合前面的“Sunday morning papers were”和后面的“for me to carry”可知,此处表示这些报纸对于十二岁的作者来说太重(heavy)了。 BcopyCpack Ddeliver答案:D此处与第一段中提到的“I talked my way into a job delivering”呼应,指作者去送(deliver)报。7A.enjoyed BdevotedCforced Dengaged答案:B结合空格前面的“So, my mother volunteered

30、 to get up at 5:30 am and drive me around.”可知,作者的母亲每天早上五点半就起床帮助作者,因此这里表示作者的母亲把自己的时间倾注于作者的工作中。devote oneself to sth. “专心致力于某事”。8A.student BdaughterCpapergirl Dreader答案:C根据第一段第一句中的“the first papergirl in Seattle”可知,这里表示作者作为一个送报的女童(papergirl)。9A.lawn BhouseCfloor Droof答案:A根据后面的“If they wanted them on their porch, or mailbox or inside the gate”可知,此处表示把报纸扔到草坪(lawn)上。第14空后的“the lawn”也是提示。10A.why BhowCwhen Dwhere答案:D前面提到的“on their porch, or mailbox or inside the gate”都是地点,因此这些都是他们拿到报纸的地方,此处where引导名词性从句作表语。11A.take BpileCgive Dbreak答案:B根据语境可知,此处指作者确保不把报纸堆积到那里,以免堆积的报纸成为让贼知道家中无人的标志。pile up

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