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1、七级下册新目标英语第二课习题七年级人教版新目标下Unit 2 Wheres the post office?学习指导这一单元,我们主要学习了一些如何问路,如何指路,以及一些地点位置关系的知识。 学完这一单元,你应该掌握以下几方面的东东。 (单词就不说了,背过他们是最基本的。)一,词组(1)几个方位关系词(组)。1,next to (在.旁边)2,in front of (在.前边)3,between (介于.之间)4,behind (在.后面)5,across from (在.正对面)(2)课文中出现的重要词组。 1,turn left 向左转 2,talk a walk 散步 3,a bus

2、y street 一条繁华的街道 4,play the guitar 弹吉他 5,take a taxi 打的 6,go through 穿过 7,go down 一直走 8,on your right 在你的右边 9,watch a video 看VCD 二。几个重要的句型。1,wheres the pose office? 邮局在哪里?2, Is there a bank near here/in the neighborhood? 附近有银行么?3,Theres a bank on Center street. 中心大街上有家银行。4,Its down bridge Street on

3、the right. 沿着大桥街走,就在右边。5,The pay phone is across from the library. 公用电话在图书馆的对面。6,Just go straight and turn left. 直着走,右拐就是。7,Go down Center Street . 沿着中心大街走。.8,This is the beginning of the garden tour. 这就是花园旅行的开始。9,Bridge Street is a good place to have fun .大桥街是个娱乐的好地方。10. I know you are arriving nex

4、t Sunday. 我知道你下星期天就要到了。11,Let me tell you the way to my house. 让我告诉你来我家的路。12,Take a taxi from the airport. 从机场坐出租车。13,I hope you have a good trip. 我希望你旅途愉快。 (如果你还有精力,不妨把以下几个句型也记住。)1,Do you know the way to the airport? 你知道去机场的路怎么走么?2,How can I go to the post office? 我怎样去邮局?3Walk until the end. 走到头。4T

5、urn right at the first traffic lights. 在第一个红绿灯处向右拐。5You can see it in front of you. 你会看到它就在你的前面。6You cant miss it. 你不会错过的。 特别提示 在.大街上,路上,用介词on,街道前不加定贯词the.On Center Street. On Yuhua Road.人教版新目标Unit 1 Wheres the post office?单元测试题.词汇1.I live on a very (繁华的)street.2.My friend usually sits on a (长凳)near

6、 his house,reading books.3.When I am on a trip.Id like to live in a (旅馆).4.Whats in your (邻近地区)?5.John likes to live in a small house (带有)an interesting garden.用适当的介词填空1.There is a video arcade the busy street.2.You can phone me 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.tomorrow(明天) morning. 3.They will arrive London

7、 next Monday.4.Can you tell me how to get the new park?5.Walk the Seventh Avenue.The hotel is your left.6.I put some lowers next my window.7.Is there a supermarket your neighborhood?8.Excuse me.Is there a post office here?.根据汉语提示翻译下列句子1.沿着这条街往前走,然后向右拐。Go this street,then .2.这儿附近有图书馆吗?there a here?3.

8、让我来告诉你如何到达飞机场。Let me you how to the airport.4.看这张照片,站在我右边的是我父亲。Look this photo.The man is my father.5.我喜欢坐在公园的长凳上看书。I enjoy a bench the park.阅读理解Peter and Charly will go to the movie theatre.But Peter doesnt know the way.Charly writes the way on a piece of paper.Walk straight the Sun Avenue until yo

9、u see a video arcade.Turn left and you are on the Centre Street.You will go past a library.Then turn right.Go straight and you will see a park in front of you.Go through the park and turn left.After you pass the seventh shop,you will see a supermarket.The movie theatre is next to the supermarket.You

10、 cant miss(错过) it. 1.你能准确地说出图中标号的位置吗?A B C D E 2.回答下列问题(1)Where do Peter and Charly want to go?(2)Is the movie theatre near Peters home?(3)Where is the library?(4)Where is the movie theatre?.书面表达请你给远方的笔友写一封信,介绍一下你的邻近环境。Dear Lisa,I want to talk to you about my neighborhood. Yours,Li Yang 附参考答案:.1.bus

11、y 2.bench 3.hotel 4.neighborhood 5.with.1.on/in 2.between 5.along/down on 8.near.1.along,turn right 2.Is,library,near 3.tell,get to,on my right 5.reading on, arcade B.library C.park D.supermarket theatre2.(1)They want to see a movie. or:They want to go to

12、 the movie theatre.(2)No,it isnt. (3)Its on the Centre Street.(4)Its next to the supermarket.略Go for it!新目标7年级下册Unit 2 Wheres the post office?检测试题考试范围: UNIT1-UNIT2 考试时间:120分钟、听力(20分)略II 单项选择(20分)1. _ does your cousin live?The United States.A. When B. Where C. Why2. _ your pen pal from Australia?A. D

13、oes B. Are C. Is3. _ are you from? England. And I speak_. A. What; English B. Where; English C. Where; England4. Mr Smith is in Japan now, and he knows _ Japanese.A. no B. a lot C. a little5. Whats your favorite _?Chinese.A. country B. subject C. vegetable6. Do you have _ brothers and sisters? A. th

14、e B. some C. any7. There arent _ American_ English teachers in our school.A. some; and B. any; and C. some; or8. Please write _ me and tell me _ yourself.A. with; for B. to; about C. to; to9. Li Dong can write an E-mail _ English.A. at B. to C. in10. She wants _ in Singapore.A. to a pen pal B. a pen

15、 pal C. pen pal11. Is there a big supermarket near _?Yes, there is. Its_ Fifth Avenue. A. neighborhood; between B. Where; through C. here; on12. Do you live on Bridge Street or Center Street?I live_ the video store, _ them.A. near; across from B. next to; between C. down; between13. .I know you are_

16、 Beijing next week.A. arriving B. arrive at C. arriving in14. At the_ of the garden tour, you walk_ Green Street.A. begin; across B. beginning; across C. beginning; pass15. When you see a small hotel, _.A. turn left B. turn a left C. turn the left 16. It is a big house _ an interesting garden.A. and

17、 B. have C. with17. Can you tell me the way _ the bank?A. to B. in C. at18. Is Julies house _ a busy street? A. across B. through C. on 19. You can go to bed now(现在) _ youre tired. A. if B. then C. so 20. _ , may I ask you a question? Sure. What is it? A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you .完形填空。(10

18、分)I have two new friends, Jack and Jeff. They are 21 They are 22 , New Zealand. Jack is 14 years old 23 Jeff is 12 . They speak English and French. 24 they are in China. There are 25 people in their family: their parents, their sister and 26 . Their 27 is a teacher. She teaches English. Their father

19、 28 in an English club. Their sister is very young(幼小的). She 29 go to school. They say(说) China is a very nice country.: They like China and 30 people.21. A. brother B. friends C. brothers22. A. from B. live C. at23. A. and B. so C. or24. A. Next B. Then C. Now25. A. three B. four C. five26. A. they

20、 B. them C. their27. A. mother B. sister C. father28. A. works B. work C. be29. A. / B. doesnt C. can30 .A. China B. Chinas C. Chinese.阅读理解。(20分) A阅读下面这封信,然后为后面的问题选择正确答案正确的用A表示错误的用B表示。Linda and Mary are good friends. Linda is thirteen. She comes from America. Mary is twelve. She is from England. The

21、y are in the Xinhua Middle School now. Linda is in Class 2, and Mary is in Class 3. They can speak English and a little Chinese.Lindas father teaches in a middle school Her mother is a bus driver (司机). Marys mother doesnt work Her father makes cars. Lindas mother likes cooking (烹饪). She likes eating

22、 rice. But Lindas father doesnt. Marys mother doesnt like cooking. But she likes making clothes, She can make nice skirts. Marys father .likes mending(修理) things.31. Mary is American and Linda is English. ( )32. Linda and Mary arent Chinese but they can speak a little Chinese. ( ) 33. Lindas and Mar

23、ys mothers dont go to work ( )34. Lindas mother doesnt like cooking, but her father does. ( )35. Marys mother can make nice skirts. ( )B阅读下面两段文字,为后面各题选择正确答案。(10分)Man: The post office, the post office.let me see. Ah, yes. You can go down. Oh, no. Go straight on and then you come to a hotel. Let me se

24、e. Now, thats the second turning(转弯) on your right. Turn right at the hotel and you are in Bright Street. I think its Bright Street. Go down Bright Street for five minutes (分钟) and then take the second Oh, not. The second, the first, . thats right, the first turning on your left. The post office is

25、straight ahead(在前面), right in front of you.Woman: So that s second right and first left. Thank you very much. Its very kind of you.Man: Thats all right.36. The woman doesnt know how to get to_.A. Bright Street B. the hotel C. the post office37. On her way the woman meets _. A. a girl B. a man C. a b

26、oy38. The man knows the way _. A. to the hotel B. A and C. to the post office39. The post office is near_.A. the woman B. the hotel C. Bright Street40. If the man and the woman are at the post office is at_.第二卷 写的部分(30分)、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. People from different(不同的)_( country ) are all friends .2.

27、I like _( go ) to the movies with my parents .3. They are _( China ) teachers .4. I hope the _( begin ) of our tour is happy.5. The girls enjoy _( see ) comedies .、将下面的句子译成英语,每空一词。(5分)6. 我有两位加拿大的笔友。 I have two pen _ _ Canada. 7. 棒球是我们最喜爱的运动。Baseball is_ _ sport.8. 这是我的新笔友汤姆。他住在法国巴黎。 This is my new p

28、en pal. He _ in _.9. 让我来告诉你如何到达飞机场。Let me tell you how to_ _ the airport.10. 沿着这条街道走,然后向右拐。Go _ this street, and then _ right .按要求完成下面的句子。(5分)11. She has two brothers and a sister. (变为一般疑问句) _ she_ two brothers and a sister?12. We can speak French.(对划线部分提问) _ _ do you speak?13. Mary lives in Sydney.

29、 (对划线部分提问) _ _ Mary live? 14. Where does he come from? (写出同义句)Where _ he _?15. I like playing the piano. I like going to the music club. (合并为一个句子) I like _ the piano and _ to the music club.从方框中选择恰当的句子补全下列对话(两项多余).(5分) (Z=Zhang Jun, P=Peter)Z: Hello! Im Zhang Jun. Whats your name, please?P: My name is Peter King.Z: 31_P: Yes, I am.Z: 32_P: No, I am from Canada.Z: Do you speak English?P: Yes, I do. I speak French, too.33_.Z: I am Chinese and I speak Chinese. 34 _ Can

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