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1、你身上的奇妙英文Brain 1. beat ones brain 绞尽脑汁Eg: She beat her brains out during the accounting examination.2. have something on the brain 念念不忘,一心想着Eg: The head coach has victory on the brain.3. rack ones brain 冥思苦想Eg: I racked my brain for hours trying to recall her telephone number.4. have not a brain in o

2、nes head 没有头脑Eg: Its seems he does not have a brain in his head; he seldom does anything right.5. no-brainer 不用费脑子就能用(学会)的Eg: This software is actually a no-brainer. I will should you how to use it. Brow1. bend ones brows / knit ones brow 皱眉头,蹙眉Eg: He bent his brows, confusing and worried by the str

3、ange events.2. raise ones eyebrows 扬起眉毛(表示惊讶、怀疑等)Eg: There were a lot of eyebrows raised at the news of his resignation. Cheek1. dance cheek to cheek 脸贴脸地跳舞Eg: Everyone was looking at them dance to dance.2. cheek brings success 和气生财 Ear1. have a good ear for 对有鉴赏能力Eg: She has a good ear for classica

4、l music.2. smile from ear to ear 眉开眼笑Eg: Everyone was smiling from ear to ear when they heard that the stock price had gone up.3. be all ears 聚精会神地听,洗耳恭听Eg: I am all ears to hear about your new plan.4. music to ones ears 对某人来说是天籁之音,中听Eg: When the manager phoned me to say I got the job, it was music

5、to me ears.5. keep/have ones ear to the ground 密切关注6. play by ear 即兴发挥,走着瞧Eg: I havent prepared for the talk so I might as well play it by ear.Eye1. eye to eye 意见一致Eg: I am eye to eye with him on that point.2. catch ones eye 与某人目光相遇,引起某人的注意Eg: I will try to catch the waiters eye.3. have eye for 对感兴趣

6、Eg: I have eye for the chance to go England for exchange study.4. Throw dust in ones eyes 故意欺骗5. feast ones eyes on 让某人大饱眼福6. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 以牙还牙,以眼还眼7. Field have eyes ,and woods have ears 隔墙有耳8.the apple of ones eye 掌上明珠9. all my eyes 鬼话连篇,胡说八道,瞎扯Eg: Dont believe him. Hi

7、s story is all my eyes.10. eye someone 细看某人,打量某人11. in a pigs eye 废话,胡说12.make goo-goo eyes at someone 对某人抛媚眼13. have a bedroom eyes 有一双性感的眼睛Face1. feed ones face 吃饭Eg: It is twelve now. Let go feed our face.2. have ones face lifted 施行整容手术Eg: You dont know that? She just had her face lifted last wee

8、k.3. Lets face it 面对现实吧4. have two faces 口是心非,两面派5. Throw sth. in ones face 以某事当面责骂6. A good face is a better recommendation. 漂亮的面孔就是最好的介绍信7. poker face “扑克牌脸”,没有表情的脸,(态度)严肃Eg:I never know whether my boss likes me or not-he is a real poker face!Head1. per head 每人2. above ones head 超过理解能力Eg: What you

9、 just said is above my head. Would you explain it for me?3. put heads together 一起商量和计划,集思广益Eg: Lets put our heads together and solve the problem.4. go to ones head 满脑子想的都是Eg: The excitement went to the fans heads because the local team won the match.5. laugh ones head off 开怀大笑,笑掉大牙Eg: I almost laugh

10、ed my head off when I saw this picture.6. burry ones head in the sand 逃避现实Eg: The problem is getting worse. We cant burry our head in the sand, or we will punished by the nature.7. hattrick 帽子戏法,在比赛中独中三元,连续三次的成功8. at the drop of the hat (坏事)立刻(发生)Eg: Dont mention computer games to Tom. He would star

11、t playing at the drop of a hatMouth1. ones mouth (is) full of pap 乳臭未干Eg: Your mouth is full of pap.2. A closed mouth catches no flies 嘴唇紧闭,苍蝇难进(祸从口出)Eg: Be careful with what you said. A closed mouth catches no flies3. to make ones mouth water 让某人流口水Eg: Every time I think about it, it makes my mouth

12、 water.4. foam at the mouth 暴怒,愤怒Eg: John was foaming at the mouth. Ive never seen anyone so angry.5.put ones foot in ones mouth 尴尬的口头错误6. be down in the mouth 垂头丧气Eg: Sandy was down in the mouth because she didnt get the job.7. You eat with that mouth 你的嘴真臭(用于回敬每人对你的侮辱性语言)8. motor mouth 话痨,碎嘴Eg: Da

13、na is such a motor mouth that people avoid talking to her.Neck1. risk ones neck 冒生命危险,拼命Eg:He decided to risk his neck to catch the tiger.2. up to ones neck in 深陷于Eg: I am up to my neck in debt now.3. neck and neck 并驾齐驱,不分上下4. crane ones neck 伸长脖子5. pain in the neck 让人讨厌,让人头痛的人或事Eg: Mark always make

14、s trouble in school. He is such a pain in the neck.6. neck of the woods 那一带地区Eg:What are you doing in this neck of woods?Nose1. blow ones nose 擤鼻涕Eg:She had to blow her nose to clear it when she had a cold.2. follow ones nose 凭感觉Eg:I found the building he lives in by following my nose.3. a vegetable

15、 nose 蒜头鼻子4. pick ones nose 挖鼻孔Eg: Dont pick your nose in front of me.5. on the nose 时间的“整点”6. pay through the nose 为某事付出过高的代价,花大价钱Eg:To get the ticket for the opera, he had to pay through the nose. 7. nose to the grindstone(磨石) 做无休止的无聊工作Eg:He has to put his nose to the grindstone in order to earn h

16、igh salaries. Throat1. clear ones love 清清嗓子Eg: She cleared her throat and went on.2. at the top of ones throat (尽量)放大嗓子,提高嗓门Eg: The square is crowded so that the speaker has to shout at the top of his throat.3. cut ones throat 陷害Eg: I am afraid that he is going to cut your throat this time.4. have a

17、 bone in ones throat 难于启齿Eg: I have a bone in my throat when talking about that.5. feel a lump in ones throat 心里感到很难受Eg: I felt a lump in my throat on hearing her story of fighting with cancer.6. shove down sbs throat 强加于某人Eg: Larry is always trying to shove his opinion down my throat.Tongue1. hold

18、ones tongue 闭嘴,住嘴Eg: Hold your tongue, you idiot!2. on the tip of ones tongue 话到嘴边(却忘了)Eg: I cant remember his name, but it is on the tip of my tongue.3. slip of the tongue 无意中说错话,口误Eg: Dont mind what I said. I just made a slip of the tongue.4. have a worm in ones tongue 爱吵架Eg: The woman has a worm

19、in her tongue; she often quarrels with neighbors.5. with ones tongue in ones cheek 说话不算数Eg: No one believes her; she always speaks with her tongue in her cheek.Tooth1. have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食2. clench ones teeth 咬紧牙关,下定决心Eg: Clench your teeth; the game is over in 10 minutes.3. armed to the teeth 全副武

20、装4. fight tooth and nail 竭尽全力做某事Eg: That man fought tooth and nail during the war to protect the children in the village.5. long in the tooth 上了年纪Ankle1. twist ones ankle 扭伤脚踝2. ankle boot 小短靴3. ankle biter 小朋友,小家伙(尤指会爬但不会走的婴儿)4. Achilles heel 唯一致命的弱点Arm1. with open arm 热烈欢迎Eg: Upon his arrival at t

21、he airport, we welcome him with open arm.2. throw down ones arm 放下武器,投降Eg: The enemy had to throw down their arm since they were trapped in a valley.3. lie on ones arm 枕戈待旦,随时准备打仗4. arm of the sea 海湾5. armpit 卫生死角6. at arms length 保持一定距离Eg: The people in the office kept the newcomer at arms length.7

22、. twist ones arm 硬要某人做某事Eg: Shell let you borrow the material if you twist her arm.Elbow1. at ones elbow 在手边,在附近2. elbow room 活动空间3. out the elbows 衣衫褴褛的4. rub elbows with sb. 和某人接触、交际(指交情不太深的) Eg: I suppose Jack doesnt know me well. We have only rubbed elbows for several times.Finger1. have a green

23、 fingers 擅长园艺Eg: He has green fingers. You can know that by his lush(茂密的) garden.2. at ones fingers tips 了如指掌Eg: It is at my fingers tips. I think I can give you all the information now.3. have sticky fingers 有小偷小摸的陋习Eg: The host fired the maid because she had sticky fingers.4. be all thumbs 笨手笨脚5.

24、turn thumbs down on. 不赞成,反对Eg: The principal turned thumbs on the teaching reform.6. keep your fingers crossed = cross your fingers 祈求成功Foot1. two left heel 笨手笨脚Eg: Be careful when you dance with John-hes got two left heel.2. live under the cats foot 妻管严,惧内Eg: He is a man who lives under the cats fo

25、ot.3. back on ones feet 从击打中恢复过来4. get off on the wrong foot 起步便错,第一印象不佳Eg: Mary got off the wrong foot on the first morning by arriving the office two hours late.5. foot the bill 付账6. have cold feet 打退堂鼓Eg: The speaker got cold feet just before the talk and ran off.Hand1. to work hand in glove 密切合作

26、Eg;The local police are working hand in glove with the FBI to find the bank robbers.2. try ones hand 尝试,试身手Eg: I thought I would try my hand at bowling thought I had never play it before.3. red handed 在现场(被捉住)Eg: He was caught stealing red handed.4. bite the hand that feeds one 恩将仇报Eg: I can tell yo

27、u nothing about him. Otherwise , I will be biting the hand that feeds me.5. come hat in hand 卑躬屈膝地哀求Eg: Retired workers do not come to bosses hat in hand to ask for pay rise.6. hand over fist 大量的,迅速的Knee1. kneedeep in dept 债台高筑Eg: He is now knee-deep in dept because of the fail stock market.2. beat

28、sb. To his knees 打败某人;迫使某人屈服Eg: Well beat the enemy to its knees.3. knee-slapper 让人大笑的笑话Leg1. keep ones leg 立定脚跟,不跌倒Eg: The bus moved so fast and I cant barely keep my legs. 2. get ones ice leg 学会滑冰Eg; My boyfriend taught me to get my ice leg. 3. find ones sea legs 不晕船,习惯于船的颠簸Eg: The new sailors beg

29、an to find their sea legs.4. to pull ones leg 逗别人,开别人的玩笑Eg: Are you for real, or are you just pulling my leg?5. shake a leg 赶紧去Eg: You have batter shake a leg before everything is gone.6. cost sb. an arm and a leg 使某人付出过高代价7. wear the pants (女人)占统治地位Nail1. hit the nail on the head 恰到好处,正中要害2. coffin

30、 nail 特指香烟Toe1. from top to toe 从头到脚Eg: He was wet from top to toe.2. on ones toes 警觉的,随时准备行动3. toe the line 遵守纪律,服从命令Eg: You should toe the line if you dont want to get fired. Wrist1. a slap on the wrist 轻描淡写的惩罚Eg: She has made a really serious mistake in the report, but Mr. Smith only gives her a

31、slap on the wrist.Back1. get off ones back 不再找某人的麻烦Eg: Cant you get him off my back?2. jumping on ones back 使某人生气Eg: You are jumping on my back!3. put ones back into 非常努力地做Eg: If we put our backs into the job well finish it ahead of time.4. have ones back to the wall 情况不妙,难以摆脱Eg: He certainly has his back to the wall of he has lost his job.5. give the shirt off ones back 慷慨解囊Eg: I heard

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