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高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破 book8 unit2 cloning 新人教版.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破 book8 unit2 cloning 新人教版2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 知识排查突破 book8 unit2 cloning 新人教版重点识记词汇1.straightforward adj.简单的;直接的;坦率的2.undertake vt.(undertook,undertaken) 着手;从事;承担3pay off得到好结果;取得成功;偿清 4.breakthrough n突破5cast vt.(cast,cast) 扔;投;掷 6.cast down使沮丧;使失望7obtain vt.获得;赢得 8.attain vt.获得;到达(水平、年龄

2、、状况等)9in favour of赞成;支持 10.merely adv.仅;只;不过11from time to time 不时;偶尔 12.bring back to life使复生;使复活13owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于 14.shortly adv.立刻;不久15procedure n程序;步骤;手续 16.bother vt.打扰 vi.操心 n烦扰17(be) bound to (do)一定或注定(做) 18.forbid vt.(forbade,forbad;forbidden) 禁止;不准19pulsory adj.必须做的;义务的;强迫的;强制的20in go

3、od/poor condition 状况很好(坏);情况很好(坏)21conservative adj.保守的;守旧的 n保守者,因循守旧者22vain adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的in vain白费力气;枉费心机23strike vi & vt.(struck,struck) 打;撞击;罢工n.罢工strike.into ones heart 使刻骨铭心24correction n改正;纠正;修正correct vt.改正adj.正确的;恰当的;端正的25object vi.反对;不赞成objection n不赞成;反对;异议objective adj.客观的;就事论事的26differ

4、vi.不同;相异different adj.不同的difference n不同,差异27exact adj.精确的;准确的exactly adv.恰好地;精确地;正确地28assumption n假定;设想assume vt.假定;设想29regulation n规则;规章;法规regulate vt.调节;管理30popularity n受人喜爱;流行popular adj.流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的31resist vt.抵抗;对抗resistant adj.抵抗的;有抵抗力的resistance n抵抗;对抗32decoration n装饰decorate vt.装饰;装潢33initia

5、l adj.最初的;开始的initially adv.最初;开始;起初34fairly adv.公平地;相当地fair adj.公平的35reasonable adj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的reason n原因;道理36retire vi.退休;离开retirement n退休37accumulate vt.& vi.积累;聚积accumulation n积累;增加38mercial adj.商业的;贸易的merce n商业必背经典句式1.Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had bee seriously ill.接着传来了多莉病重的坏消息

6、。2.Besides that,there is also a fierce debate over the question whether human cloning experiments should be allowed. 除此之外,克隆人的实验是否应该被允许进行的问题引起了激烈的争论。必背经典句式3.Did she die young because she was a clone? 因为她是克隆的,所以才早逝了吗?4Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very plicated.克隆植物是简单的而克

7、隆动物却十分复杂。5Diversity in a group means having animals with their genes arranged in different ways.一个群体中的多样性意味着动物的基因以不同的方式排列。构词记忆doubtful /datfl/ adj.怀疑的;不确定的faithful /feIfl/ adj.忠实的;忠诚的;尽职的;可靠的forgetful /fetfl/ adj.健忘的;不经心的;疏忽的graceful /reIsfl/ adj.优美的;优雅的;雅致的grateful /reItfl/ adj.感激的;感谢的A语境填词1Scienti

8、sts are hoping for a breakthrough(突破)in the search for a cure for cancer.2We have accumulated(积聚)a great amount of evidence against him.3However,the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered(打扰)scientists.4You should follow the normal procedure if you want to undertake(负责)the

9、law case.5If I have improved in any way,I owe(归功于)it all to my teacher.6Details can be obtained(获得)from the Ministry of Education.7His suggestion sounds quite reasonable(合情理的)to most of us.8The film was a mercial (商业的) success.9Initially(最初),I thought I would only stay there for a week,but later I c

10、hanged my mind.10The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct procedure(程序)in applying for a visa.11It is pulsory(强制的)for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.12Aunt Marys a real conservative(保守者)Shes totally opposed to women going out to work.B用所给词的适当形式填空13Although they are twins,they

11、differ from each other in many aspects.One of their major differences is that they have different characters.(differ)14Everyone is forbidden to enter this forbidden ground.(forbid)15Nowadays few people can resist the temptation of money.Whoever is resistant to it is bound to achieve a lot in their l

12、ife.(resist)16Many people raised an objection to the news report,arguing that it is not objective.(object)17It struck him that the workers might go out on strike.(strike)18She lives in an assumption that she will win every time because she always assumes no one is more capable than her.(assume)19In

13、western countries,every family decorates the Christmas trees with materials.On Christmas Eve,the home takes on a wonderful look with all these decorations.(decorate).短语运用A用方框内所给动词短语的适当形式填空pay off,be cast down,object to,,strike.into ones heart,bring back to life,have a great impact on,make a b

14、reakthrough20We appreciate your reasons for objecting to the proposal.21These early settlers owed their survival to hard work and determination to succeed.22Chandra was determined to bee a doctor and her persistence paid off.23He was cast down because he was forbidden to go out with his brothers.24T

15、hanks to the doctors treatment,the dying patient was brought back to life.25The puter has had a great impact on modern life in the past decades.26Scientists have made a breakthrough in puter science.27The scene struck terror into his heart when he saw it.B用方框内所给短语填空28My sister was against my suggest

16、ion while my brother was in favour of it.29His efforts to raise money for his program were in vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.30It is considerate of you to call on your relatives from time to time.31I dont care about the price,so long as the car is in goo

17、d condition.32John passed through a difficult period shortly after his mothers death.经典句式33For a moment nothing happened.Then came voices all shouting together.有一会儿什么也没发生。接下来传来一阵欢呼的声音。34The question whether we should continue to do the experiment has not been answered yet.我们是否该继续实验的问题还没有被解决。35After

18、the long journey,the three of them went back home,hungry and tired.长途旅行之后,他们三个人返回家,又累又饿。36The father likes reading newspaper while the son enjoys surfing on the Internet.父亲喜欢看报而儿子却喜欢上网。37With a lot of problems to solve,the boss stayed up late every night.由于有这么多的问题要解决,老板每晚熬夜很晚。1 differ vi.不同;相异;意见相左(

19、to disagree with sb.)differ from不同于;和不同differ in在方面不同differ with sb.on/about/over sth.在上和某人有分歧/异议make a difference (to.)和有差别;对有影响tell the difference between A and B分清A和Bbe different在方面与不同The story he told the police differed from the one he told his mother.他在警方和母亲那里的说辞不一。The two leaders had

20、 differed on the issue of sanctions.两位领导人在制裁问题上存在意见分歧。夯实基础语法填空(1)Humans differ from other animals in their ability to speak.(2)Foreign auto makers differ in their response to the slowdown.(3)What you have told me may make a difference to my own position.(4)In a natural disaster,minutes and even seco

21、nds of warning can make the difference between life and death.2 forbid v.禁止;不准应试指导后跟非谓语动词的考查forbid doing sth.禁止做某事forbid sb.from doing sth.禁止某人做某事forbid do sth.禁止某人做某事Its forbidden to do sth.做某事是禁止的Theyll forbid you to marry.他们不会准许你结婚。She was shut away and forbidden to read.她被关了起来,并且不允许看书。夯实基础

22、(1)语法填空Its forbidden to marry(marry) someone who is not a member of the same faith.The new law forbids smoking(smoke) in offices.He was forbidden to smoke(smoke) here.(2)We are forbidden to play on the lawn belonging to him.Its forbidden for us to play on the lawn belonging to him.(用it作形式主语改写句子)3 as

23、sumption n.假定;设想;承担;掌握应试指导assuming,suppose,supposing,provided,providing,given (that)等用作连词引导条件状语从句on the assumption that.假定assume v假定(设);认为assume sb./ be.认为某人(事)assuming (that).假设(引导条件状语从句)It is assumed that.人们认为Let us assume it to be true.让我们假定这是真实的。It is generally assumed that stress is cause

24、d by too much work.普遍认为,压力系工作过重所致。夯实基础(1)If there wasnt the hard work of the dustbin,can you imagine what our environment will be like?Assuming (that) there wasnt the hard work of the dustbin,what can you imagine our environment will be like?(用assuming作连词并用can you imagine作插入语改写句子)(2)People assume th

25、at what they do has little effect on the environment.It is assumed that what they do has little effect on the environment.(用it作形式主语改写句子)4 strike vt. & vi.(struck,struck)打;罢工;敲;撞击(hit);侵袭(attack);给(某人以)印象(impress);擦(rub);突然想起;n.罢工;打击应试指导熟词新义的考查be struck with/by为所袭击(感动)It strikes me that.我觉得;我的印象是sth.

26、strike sb.(sb.strike on sth.)某人想到be on strike在罢工,go on strike举行罢工He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tent.他将球直接打进迎宾帐篷里。Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents.医院员工举行罢工,抗议这几起事件。夯实基础(1)他突然想起一个好主意。(一句多译)He struck on a good idea.(strike on)He hit on a good idea.(hit

27、 on)A good idea struck/hit him.(strike/hit sb.)A good idea came into his mind.(mind)A good idea occurred to him.(occur)A good idea came to him.(e to)He thought of a good idea.(think)(2)They were struck by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,so they decided to visit the small old town

28、 again.Struck by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,they decided to visit the small old town again.(用过去分词短语作状语改写句子)5 pay off得到好结果(bring a good result);付清(finish paying the money);(付清工资后)解雇;取得成功(be successful)应试指导作为高级词汇替换succeed,be successful pay for付的钱;为而付出代价pay back偿还;向报复pay up付清;还

29、清pay a visit to访问It would take him the rest of his life to pay off that loan.他得用余生来还清那笔贷款。Pay off your credit cards every month.记得每月还清你的信用卡。夯实基础选择方框内的短语填空(1)Whichever one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.(2)Can you lend me 10?Ill pay you back on Friday.(3)Dad,I dont think Oliver the

30、right sort of person for the job.I see.Ill go right away and pay him off.6 object to反对;不赞成多词一义object to,be against,be opposed to,oppose object to sb./sth.反对;不赞成object to (sb.s) doing.反对(某人)做raise an objection to sth.对提出异议have/make an objection to/against (doing) sth.对(做)表示反对I object to being spoken

31、to like that.我不喜欢别人那样跟我说话。夯实基础(1)语法填空Unless our manager objects to Toms joining(join) the club,we shall accept him as a member.Despite objections(object) by the White House,the Senate voted today to cut off aid.Most students object to being charged(charge) for parking on the campus.(2)我不赞成花那么多的钱买牛奶。(一句多译)

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