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1、安溪县初中毕业班质量检查2009年安溪县初中毕业班质量检查英 语 试 卷(试卷满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟) 毕业学校 姓名 考生号 本试卷分为第I卷和第II卷两大部分。试卷内容:听力部分(20%)和笔试部分(80%),全卷满分为了150分,考试时间为120分钟。答第I卷时,选出每小题答案后,再用2b铅笔把答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。如有改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答第II卷时,考生必须将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。第卷第一部分 听力考查(30分) 第一节 听句子:根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。(5分)1. A. A book. B. Tokyo. C. Hosp

2、ital.2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I am.3. A. 30 dollars. B. 30 cm. C. 30 m.4. A. Its cloudy. B. Its sunny. C. Its Sunday.5. A. Sunday. B. Fall. C. Basketball.第二节 听对话:(A) 从A、B、C三幅图画中选出符合对话内容的图画。(6分) 10.11. (B) 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案。(14分)听第一段对话,回答第l2、13小题:12. This dialogue happened _.A

3、. at home B. at school C. in the open air13. Jack liked to eat _.A. a chicken sandwich B. a tomato sandwich C. a potato sandwich听第二段对话,回答第l4、15小题:14. _ made Mr. Hu angry this morning.A. Fred and Tim B. Jack and Fred C. Tim and Jack 15. They _ in class.A. read other books B. made a lot of noise C. sa

4、ng songs听第三段对话,回答第16、17小题:16. The children will _ during the holiday.A. go to another city B. go abroad C. stay home 17. The boy is going to _.A. travel B. study English C. do sports听第四段对话,回答第18、19小题:18. The woman will first go to _ after work.A. Anns office B. the shop C. the restaurant19. They are

5、 going to the restaurant _ tonight.A. to get some presents B. to meet Ann C. to celebrate Marys birthday听第五段对话,回答第20、21小题:20. The last score of the football match was _. A. 32 B. 53 C. 6221. _ won the match. A. Our school team B. No. 52 Middle School team C. Neither听第六段对话,回答第22、23小题:22. _ will have

6、a birthday party.A. Bill B. Kate C. Lucy23. Bill _. A. has just learned to dance B. is good at dance C. cant dance at all听第七段对话,回答第24、25小题:24. This conversation probably take place _.Ain a park Bin a cinema Cin a museum25. The girl runs _.Aonce a week Bfive times a month Cabout twenty times a month(

7、C)听下面一段对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择正确的答案。(5分)26. Millie has _ at home?A. a cat B. a robot C. a dog27. _ cleans the room at home.A. Millies mother B. Millies father C. Millie28. Millie want a robot to do the housework _.A. because she is too tired to do the houseworkB. because she wants her mother to have more

8、restC. because theres so much housework at her home29. Millie _ English.A. does well in B. isnt good at learning C. is just so so in30. Her teachers ask her _.A. to buy a robot to help with her English B. to help her mother with the houseworkC. to hand in her homework tomorrow morning第二部分 选择填空(20分)(

9、A) 单项填空 从A、B、C、三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)31. Do you know that boy? _ one in blue? Thats Sams brother.A. A B. An C. The 32. What do you think of the players? I dont think they can play as _as we do.A. good B. well C. better 33. Have you eaten hamburgers and potato chips? No, _. Its bad for our health.

10、 A. often B. usually C. never34. This new mobile phone is _ taking photos and watching movies. A. used to B. used as C. used for 35. Can Mr. Read speak Chinese ? Yes. He speaks Chinese very well because he _ China for many years. A. has been in B. has been to C. has gone to 36. Mum, English is too h

11、ard for me. Honey, work hard, _ youll find it easy. A. but B. or C. and 37. Could you tell me _ the Beauty Garden? The day after tomorrow, I think. A. when you will visit B. when will you visit C. when would you visit38. Will you go swimming with me tomorrow? If I _free, I will. A. will be B. was C.

12、 am39. The apples on the old tree are smaller than those on the young tree. Yes, but they are _. A. bigger B. more delicious C. many40. Does the child need any help? No, he is old enough to _ himself. A. take care B. wear C. dress (B) 完形填空 从A、B、C三个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分)In China, some radio station

13、s use hotlines. Its used for encouraging the 41 to take part in the talk shows. Thats a good 42 . Yet, the fact is some people do nothing 43 break the whole program. Some people know little about the topic under 44 . Sometimes they do not even know what the host is talking about. So the host has to

14、tell the callers what the show is about. Usually the callers will 45 a few questions which express his hope or show his ignorance (无知的). Then the host has to answer and explain how silly this is! It 46 a lot of time.It seems that some people phone the hotlines in fun. They just would like to let the

15、 listeners 47 them. They dont care what the topic is and 48 they themselves are interested in the topic or not.Its 49 for radio stations to improve the hotline programs. If a caller doesnt know what is 50 , the operator (接线员) should not let the caller take part in it.41. A. callers B. listeners C. h

16、ost42. A. idea B. lesson C. station 43. A. and B. so C. but 44. A. meeting B. discussion C. quarrel 45. A. write B. read C. ask 46. A. saves B. wastes C. brings 47. A. look at B. understand C. hear 48. A. whether B. where C. when 49. A. interesting B. impossible C. necessary 50.A. going on B. taking

17、 place C. caring for 第三部分 口语应用(15分)(A) 情景反应:搭配左右两栏的句子,组成意思通顺的对话。(5分)I II51. Your dress is very beautiful. A. Well done. Congratulations.52. We won the volleyball match. B. Its across from the station.53. Could you tell me the way to the hotel? C. Thank you for saying so.54. When did you moved to thi

18、s city? D. So was he.55. I was moved by what the astronauts did. E. About two years ago.(B) 补全对话:根据对话内容,从对话后的方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(10分)A: What are you going to do after leaving school?B: I am thinking about becoming a movie star. 56 A: So you often go to see films, dont you?B: Yes, of course. John Chan

19、is my favorite star, and I hope to learn some Chinese Kungfu.A: 57 B: 58 A: I would like to be an astronaut. I wish to fly to the moon one day.B: 59 You should study hard and master all necessary basic skills.A: You are right.B: 60 A: Thanks a lot.A. That sounds great.B. It isnt easy to be an astron

20、aut.C. I am sure your dream will come true.D. I love movies very much.E. What do you want to be when you grow up?第四部分 阅读理解 (45分)AIt was very difficult to find jobs in the northeast of England, and when Jim lost his job, he found it impossible to get a new one. He had spent all his money, so he decid

21、ed to go down to the south of the country, where he heard that things were better, and that it was easier to find a job. The best way to go there was by train, so he wanted to the railway station and got into a train which was going to London. He was the only person in his compartment (火车内小间) when a

22、nother man came in, carrying a gun and said to him, “Your money or your life!”“I havent got a penny,” Jim answered. “Then why are you shaking so much?” the man with the gun asked. “Because I thought you were the ticket-collector and I havent even got a ticket,” answered Jim.根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂(A),

23、错的涂(B)。(10分)61. London is to the south of England. 62. It was not easier to get jobs in the south than in the northeast. 63. Jim didnt buy any ticket. 64. There were quite a few people in Jims room. 65. The man carrying a gun was the conductor of the train. B、 C、D 三篇,根据短文内容,从每小题A、B、C中选出一个最佳答案。(30分)B

24、Bayfield shopping Coupons购物券6 Hours Free (免费的) parkingIf you spend $100 or more in our stores, you will receive six hours of free parking. Take this coupon to the service desk on level 4 to stamp!Free soft drinkBuy any meal for at least $6 at Mikes Caf, and receive a free soft drink. We serve the be

25、st hamburgers and snacks in the Mall. Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service. You wont be disappointed!Buy one, get one freeBuy one shirt or tie at Daniels Menswear, and get another shirt or tie of the same value free.Half-price movie ticketsBuy any full-price movie ticket on

26、Tuesdays or Wednesdays, and you can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price. The latest movies are all here.10% OffShow this coupon at the Book Store to get a 10% discount (折扣) on any books you buy. We have lots of books to choose from, including childrens books, novels, travel guides a

27、nd hobbies. Youre sure to find something that you will enjoy.66. If you spend 100 dollars or more, you can _. A. get a CD free B. get 6 hours of free parking C. get some stamps free67. Buy one tie at Daniels Menswear, you may get another _ free. A. cheaper tie B. more expensive tie C. tie of the sam

28、e price68. You can get a 10% discount on any books if you _ at the Book Store. A. buy some gifts B. buy some tickets C. show this coupon69. If you want to have free soft drink, you can go to _. A. Mikes Caf B. The Book Store C. Daniels Menswear70. If John pays 10 dollars for a full-price movie ticke

29、t on Tuesdays, he can buy a second ticket for only _. A. 5 dollars B. 10 dollars C. 15 dollarsCSome people remember the things by writing notes to themselves. Then they leave the notes in obvious (明显的) places, such as on the table or on the floor in the middle of the living room. I dont think I like

30、 to write notes to myself. Most of the time I lose them or forget to look at them until its too late. I prefer to use an alarm clock to tell me what I should do. I have ten alarm clocks in my house. They could tell me about things. For example, if I have to make a telephone call at a certain time, Ill set an alarm clock to go off a few minutes early and put the clock by the telephone. Or if I want to watch a certain television programme, Ill set an alarm clock at

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