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八上英语M3 考点和语法92.docx

1、八上英语M3 考点和语法9 2八上英语M3 考点和语法(2013.9) a match (n.) 观看比赛2.match(v.)-with- 把-和-相匹配 3.On TV 在电视上4.what s the score 分数是多少?5.a minute ago 一分钟前 6. right 正确的/右边的7.The match on TV 电视上的比赛8.So boring 如此无聊9.No one scored at all 根本没人得分10.More exciting 更激动人心11.Whats the matter with. .怎么了?12.Whats wrong with

2、. .怎么了?13.There is something wrong with. .出毛病了14.There is nothing wrong with. .没毛病15.Look very tired 看起来很累 (look看起来,smell闻起来,taste尝起来,sound听起来,feel感觉起-为感官动词,是半系动词后+ adj.)18.hurt my knee 把我的膝盖弄伤了19.Sit down 坐下20.much easier / much more exciting(much 修饰比较级)21.More relaxing 更放松22.More enjoyable 更快乐的23.

3、(Than,about,of,for)介词+v.-ing24.enjoy doing sth.享受做某事25.Cheaper than. 比.更便宜/ Easier than. 比.更容易26.Miss 女士 / miss 错过,失去,未击中27.Never mind 不要介意28.mind doing sth 介意做某事 ones mind 在-的想法30.Plenty of + n不可数 许多 going to do sth 打算做某事 going to + 地点 打算去某地33.In our school team 在校队 against 对战

4、35.So that 以便36.So . that +从句 如此-以至于-37.too to 太-而不能-38.Warm up 热身 other- 一个- 另一个-(两者) 40.another另一个 (三者或以上)41.beat sb 打败某人42.get v.变得 get dark 变黑 late for +n./v-ing 迟到44.After-school(adj.) 课后的45.Pleased/ happy/ glad 高兴的46.pass v.传递 Pass the ball 传球47.In the final match 在决赛48.What a p

5、ity ! 多遗憾啊!49.few / a few + n可数 little / a little + n不可数few /little表示“几乎没有” a few 有几个a little有一点50.hope to do sth. 希望做某事51.cheer - on 为-喝彩52.feel more confident 感觉更有信心的53.too用于句末,前面一般有逗号。用于肯定句either,前面一般无逗号。用于否定句,疑问句as well用于句末,前面一般无逗号。用于肯定句,疑问句54.英语六种基本句型列式基本句型一:S+V (主+谓)基本句型二:S+V+P (主+系+表)基本句型三:S+

6、V+DO (主+谓+宾)基本句型四:S+V+IO+DO(主+谓+间宾+直宾)基本句型五:S+V+DO+OC (主+谓+宾+宾补)基本句型六:There be初三 50个重点句型句型 汉 语 意 思 例 句1 (not so)as as 和(不)一样Liu Xiang is as famous as Yao Ming. This book is not as/so useful as that one.2as as possible 尽可能地We should speak English as often as possible. 3as soon as 一就Ill send you an E-

7、mail as soon as I get there. 4ask sb( how )to do sth.要求/问某人(怎样)做某事My mother asked me how to use the computer.5be afraid of (doing) sth.害怕(做)某事Children are afraid of staying at home alone.I was afraid of dogs when I was young. 6be afraid that恐怕 Im afraid that well be late.7be busy doing sth.忙于做某事We a

8、re busy going over our lessons now.8be famous for因而著名Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. 9be glad that很高兴Im glad that weve got so many gold models10be late for +n./v-ing 迟到Were you late for the meeting yesterday?11both and 和(两者)都Both teachers and students should work hard.12either or 要么要么Ill

9、 give you either a book or a dictionary. 13get on (well) with 与相处(融洽)Linda gets on well with her classmates.14get ready for 为做好准备Have you got ready for the English exam?15had better (not) do sth.最好(不要)做某事Youd better finish the work before supper.Youd better not be late again for class.16help sb. (to

10、) do / with sth.帮助某人做某事She often helps her mother do housework. Lucy often helps me with my English.17It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人时间It takes me an hour to ride to school every day.18Its bad for 对有害Its bad for children to watch too much TV . 19Its good for 对有好处Its good for our health to

11、do sports.20Its (for sb.) to do sth.做某事(对某人来说)Its necessary for children to learn English well.21Its time for / to do sth.该做某事了Its time for dinner.Its time to have dinner.22Its meters long / wide 它米长宽The bridge is about 50 meters long.This mountain is over 500 metres high.The road is 10 metres wide.

12、23keep doing sth.持续做某事The boy has kept reading English for an hour.24let sb. (not) do sth.让某人(不)做某事Let me help you caryy the heavy box. Lets not be late for school again.25make sb. (not) do sth.使某人(不)做某事My mother makes me play the piano every day.The accident made me not arrive there on time.26neith

13、er nor 和(两者)都不He can neither dance nor sing. 27not until 直到才I wont leave until the rain stops. 28not only but also 不但而且Miss Li is not only friendly but also helpful. 29so that 如此以致He is so lazy that he never cleans his room.30spend (in) doing sth.(某人)做某事花费He spent most of his money in buying books.3

14、1stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事You should stop the boys from fighting. 32tell sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人(不要)做某事Teachers always tells us to work hard.My father told me not to play in the street.33There is sth. wrong with 有毛病Theres something wrong with the watch.34too to 太以致不能The camera is too old to

15、use.35used to do sth(补:be used to do sth)(过去)常常做某事(被用来做某事)He used to play football when he was young. (The football is used to play .)36What / How about +n./v-ing ? 怎么样?I have no time today.What about tomorrow?37Whats wrong (with )?()怎么了?Whats wrong with you ? You look tired.38Why not ? 为什么不呢?Why no

16、t play football with us ?39Would you like to do sth ? 您想吗?Would you like something to drink?40Would / Could / Will you please?请您好吗?Will /Could/Would you please show me your ticket?动词原形过去式过去分词中文AAAcostcut hurtletputreadshutsetcostcuthurtletputreadshutsetcost cut hurt let put read shut set 花费 切割 伤害 让

17、放 读 关 放置ABAcomebecomerun came became ran come become run 来 成为 跑ABBteachcatchseekbuybringthinkhas/havefindloseshootsleepoversleepmeetfleeleadmisleadstickslidelightbuildsendspendspillspitspoilhearpayselltellfeelsmellspellsitburnshinewinstandunderstandsweepmakemeankeepholdfeedfightleavelenddealsay taug

18、ht caught sought bought brought thought had found lost shot slept overslept met fled led misled stuck slidlit/lighted builtsent spent spilt spat spoilt heard paid sold told felt smelt spelt sat burntshone/shined won stood understood swept made meant kept held fed fought left lent dealt saidtaughtcau

19、ghtsoughtboughtbroughtthoughthadfoundlostshotsleptoversleptmetfledledmisledstuckslidlit/lightedbuiltsentspentspiltspatspoiltheardpaidsoldtoldfeltsmeltspeltsatburntshone/shinedwonstoodunderstoodsweptmademeantkeptheldfed fought left lent dealt said 教 抓住 寻找 买 带来 想 有 找到 丢失 射击 睡觉 睡过头 遇见 逃跑 引导 误导 刺,戳 滑动 点

20、燃 建造 发送 花费 溅出,溢出 吐痰 损坏,抢夺 听到 付钱 卖 告诉 感觉 闻 拼写 坐 燃烧 照耀,闪亮 获胜 站立 理解 打扫 制造 意味 保持 抓住 喂养 打架 离开,落下 借出 处理 说ABCgodo/doeslielielay went did layliedlaid gone done lainliedlaid 去 做 平躺 撒谎放置,产卵 ABC(n结尾)am/is/arebreakfly get speak stealwake wear choose forget was/were broke flew gotspokestolewokeworechoseforgot be

21、en broken flown gotspokenstolenwoken/wakenwornchosenforgotten 是 打碎 飞行 得到 说话 偷窃 醒来 穿 选择 忘记 ABC ( A +n) know grow throw rise see shake show drive give take draw knew grew threw rose saw shookshowed drove gave took drew known grown thrown risen seen shakenshown driven given took drawn 知道 成长 投掷 升起 看见 摇动

22、出示,展示 驾驶 给 拿走 画画ABC ( A+ en) fall eat ride forbid beat write fell ate rodeforbad/forbade beat wrote fallen eaten ridden forbidden beaten written 落下 吃 骑,乘 禁止 打击 写A(i)B(a)C(u) swim sink ring drink begin sing swam sank rang drank began sang swum sunk rung drunk begun sung 游泳 下沉 按铃,敲钟 喝 开始 唱歌初三 50个重点句型句

23、型 汉 语 意 思 例 句1和(不)一样2 尽可能地3 一就4要求/问某人(怎样)做某事5害怕(做)某事6恐怕 7忙于做某事8因而著名9很高兴10迟到11和(两者)都12要么要么13与相处(融洽)14为做好准备15最好(不要)做某事16帮助某人做某事17做某事花费某人时间18对有害19对有好处20做某事(对某人来说)21该做某事了22它米长宽23持续做某事24让某人(不)做某事25使某人(不)做某事26和(两者)都不27直到才28不但而且29如此以致30(某人)做某事花费31阻止某人做某事32叫某人(不要)做某事33 有毛病34太以致不能35(过去)常常做某事(被用来做某事)36 怎么样?37

24、()怎么了?38为什么不呢?39您想吗?40请您好吗?动词原形过去式过去分词中文AAAcostcut hurtletputreadshutset ABAcomebecomerun ABBteachcatchseekbuybringthinkhas/havefindloseshootsleepoversleepmeetfleeleadmisleadstickslidelightbuildsendspendspillspitspoilhearpayselltellfeelsmellspellsitburnshinewinstandunderstandsweepmakemeankeepholdfeedfightleavelenddealsay ABCgodo/doeslielielay ABC(n结尾)am/is/arebreakfly get speak stealwake wear choose forget ABC ( A +n) know grow throw rise see shake show drive give take draw ABC ( A+ en) fall eat ride forbid beat write A(i)B(a)C(u) swim sink ring drink begin sing

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