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1、现代大学英语听力2听力原文及题目答案unit3现代大学英语听力2听力原文及题目答案现代大学英语听力2听力原文及题目答案现代大学英语听力2听力原文及题目答案Unit 3Unit 3Task 1【答案】A. 1) Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year in lower productivity, unnecessary employee sick leave, and higher medical costs.2) The most stressful professions are th

2、ose that involve danger and extreme pressure and those that carry a lot of responsibility without much control.3) The best way to deal with stress is through relaxation, but sometimes the only answer is to fight back or walk away.B.1) Three-quarters 2) psychologists, doctors 3) nervousness, anger, f

3、requent illness, forgetfulness, mental problems【原文】Stress on the job costs American companies as much as $150 billion a year in lower productivity, unnecessary employee sick leave, and higher medical costs. Three-quarters of the office workers today say they suffer from stress at work. Recently, psy

4、chologists and doctors have begun to study the problem more closely. They have discovered that the most stressful professions are those that involve danger, extreme pressure and those that carry a lot of responsibility without much control.The sign of stress range from nervousness, anger, and freque

5、nt illness to forgetfulness or even mental problems. The best way to deal with stress is through relaxation, but sometimes the only answer is to fight back or walk away.Task 2【答案】A.1) give in so easily to hijackers demandsa) threaten to blow up a plane, commit some other outageb) hold out against th

6、is kind of blackmail, always have terrorists, Start executing terrorists automaticallyc) be prepared to face the consequences of evil2) a) Its the lesser of two evils. Terrorists have proven often enough that they really mean business.b) Innocent lives, threatening the innocent will achieve its ends

7、.B. She implies that if the first speaker was one of the victims of terrorism, she would want the government to give in to the demands so that she wouldnt die.【原文】Margaret: Governments give in so easily to hijackers demands. A hijacker only has to threaten to blow up a plane or commit some other out

8、rage, and a government gives in to his demands.Valerie: Naturally. Its the lesser of the two evils. What government would risk innocent lives just to see if terrorists will really do what they threaten to do Terrorists have proven often enough that they really mean business.Margaret: Yes, but if a g

9、overnment doesnt hold out against this kind of blackmail, we will always have terrorists. Governments are afraid to punish these people. They almost always let them go free. Start executing terrorists automatically wherever they land, and terrorism will stop.Valerie: And what about the innocent live

10、s that will be lost in the process Terrorism is based on the simple idea that threatening the innocent will achieve its ends.Margaret: You cant get rid of evil without being prepared to face the consequences of evil.Valerie: So long as youre not one of the victims!Task 3【答案】A. 1) thirty-five, natura

11、l light, a small window, hot, airless, very noisy 2) Mexico 3) ought to, shouldntB.1) It is located in a narrow street with five-and six-storey buildings eight kilometers from downtown Los Angeles.2) This factory makes shirts and jeans3) Shes already been working for ten hours, but wont stop for ano

12、ther two hours.4) She cant complain about those things because she is an illegal immigrant.【原文】Eight kilometers from downtown Los Angeles there is a narrow street with five- and six-storey buildings. Inside one of these buildings there is a small factory making shirts and jeans. The women working in

13、 the factory sit close together, each with a small table, each with their own sewing machine. The women say nothing, and work hard. In one of the rooms there are thirty-five women. There is only a little natural light, and this comes from a small window in the roof. The room is hot, airless, and ver

14、y noisy. On the left-hand side of the room there is a young girl sitting next to the wall. Every now and again she closes her eyes, and her fingers stop working. Shes already been in her chair for ten hours, but shell be here until the bell rings and that wont be for another two hours. Her name is M

15、aria, and she comes from Mexico. She wont complain about her work. She wont say that the working hours ought to be changed; she wont say that the working conditions shouldnt be permitted.Task 4【答案】A.Every year the British government publishes statistics about social trends. Their findings show defin

16、ite patterns in the British way of life.1) marked differencesa) one hour more every day, three hours more every weekb) 1 percent, cleaning and ironing, keep household accounts, do repairs or improvementsc) 30 percent2) leisure activities, watching television, 20 hours a week, going for walks, Swimmi

17、ng, British womenB. Unlike the other couples, Carla has always kept her won accounts and Adrian has always done his own housework. Neither of them like watching television very much and they both like swimming.【原文】When Adrian Hutton and Carla Leone get married they will move into a new house that th

18、ey have bought. But what sort of life will they have What can they expect in modern Britain Every year the British government publishes statistics about social trends. Their findings show definite patterns in the British way of life. In most marriages there are some marked differences between husban

19、ds and wives. Working wives, for example, sleep (on average) one hour more a day than working husbands. Housewives, on the other hand, sleep only about three hours more every week than their working husbands. And what about housework The government survey showed that only 1% of men do the household

20、chores like cleaning and ironing. But they do usually keep household accounts and it is always men who do repairs or improvements in the house. 30% of all marriages end in divorce. The government survey also looked at leisure activities. They found that the two most popular leisure activities in Bri

21、tain are watching television (the average family spends 20 hours a week in front of the TV set) and going for walks. Swimming is an especially popular activity among British women.Carla and Adrians life, though, will probably be different from the average marriage. In the first place Carla has alway

22、s kept her own accounts and Adrian has always done his own housework. Neither of them like watching television very much and they both like swimming.Task 5【答案】A. Topic: How a city in Japan solve the problem of garbage disposal.Supporting details: 160 million, every year, 10 percent, 10 percent, the

23、rest, public cooperation1) garbage that can be easily burned, kitchen and garden trash2) electrical appliances, plastic tools, plastic toys3) are poisonous, cause pollution, batteries4) bottles and glass containers that can be recycled5) metal containers that can be recycled6) furniture and bicycled

24、on different days, on request, fertilizer, to produce electricity, recycled, cleaned, repaired, resold cheaply, give awayB.1) The garbage will be taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or hospital. Inside the center, special equipment is used to sort and process the garbage.2)

25、 Official from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of these ideas and techniques to solve their own garbage disposal problems.【原文】Disposing of the garbage we produce every day is a major problem in cities around the world. In the United States, over 160 million ton

26、s of garbage are produce every year. Ten percent is recycled, ten percent is burned, and the rest is put in landfills. But finding land for new landfills is becoming more difficult.A city that has solved this problem in an unusual way is Machida, in Tokyo, Japan. They have developed a totally new ap

27、proach to garbage disposal. The key to the operation is public cooperation. Families must divide their garbage into six categories:1. garbage that can be easily burned (that is, combustible garbage) such as kitchen and garden trash;2. noncombustible garbage, such as small electrical appliances, plas

28、tic tools, and plastic toys;3. products that are poisonous or that cause pollution, such as batteries and fluorescent lights;4. bottles and glass containers that can be recycled;5. metal containers that can be recycled;6. large items, such as furniture and bicycles.The items in categories1 to 5 are

29、collected on different days. Large items are only collected upon request. Then the garbage is taken to a center that looks like a clean new office building or hospital. Inside the center, special equipment is used to sort and process the garbage. Almost everything can be reused: garden or kitchen tr

30、ash becomes fertilizer; combustible garbage is burned to produce electrical; metal containers and bottles are recycled; and old furniture, clothing, and other useful items are cleaned, repaired, and resold cheaply or given away. The work provides employment for handicapped person and gives them a ch

31、ance to learn new skills.Nowadays, officials from cities around the world visit Machida to see whether they can use some of these ideas and techniques to solve their own garbage disposal problems.Task 6【答案】1) They were talking about Mrs. Carter.2) She was a tall, handsome woman who used to come into

32、 the shop at least twice a week.3) She lived alone in a large house on an old farm-about three miles from the shop.4) He was absolutely certain, otherwise he would never call the police. His evidence was this: First, he saw her do it; second, he found the things in her bag; third, she had done it before.5) Because two young people saw her. The shopkeeper believed that if they didnt punish her, young people would think that stealing didnt matter.6) The j

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