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Unit 4 Exploring plants 一等奖教案 选修9.docx

1、Unit 4 Exploring plants 一等奖教案 选修9Unit 4 Exploring Plants. 单元教学目标技能目标skill goals Talk about plants and the history of plant exploration Learn to express emotions of wonders and disgust Learn the Direct Object and the Indirect Object Read about flowers and their animals pollinators Write a description

2、 of a plant. 目标语言功 能 句 式 Expressions for wonder and disgust Wonder Unbelievable! Im surprised / shocked! Thats amazing! Really? It cant be! Disgust It smells terrible! Its smelly! This is disgusting! Yuck! 词 汇1四会词汇pollinate, courtyard, balcony, exotic, distant, Egypt, goods, botanist, scale, conflic

3、t, endeavor, anchor, tight, tightly, seal, container, restriction, fluency, shave, thunderstorm, pirate, appeal, dove, lower, beard, ripe, irrigation, weed, spear, string, spade, postpone, pyramid, monument, rot, nectar, bat, evolve, evolution, attach, moth, wasp, beetle, typical, petal, tube, delic

4、ate, fragrant, daisy, odor, odorless, dull, musty, fruity 2认读词汇pollinator, missionary, dIncarville, Joseph, Nathaniel Ward, Wardian case, Father Farges, chrysanthemum, red date, pitcher, Rafflesia arnoldii, humming-bird3词组 date back to, appeal to, attach to, give out4重点词汇 pollinate, exotic, distant,

5、 botanist, tightly, container, evolve, evolution, attach, typical, delicate, fragrant, odor, odorless结构1. Direct object and indirect object2. ing form or the infinitive as the object重点句子1. Collecting “exotic” plants, as they are called, dates back to the earliest times. P322. An important group of c

6、ollectors were French Catholic missionaries who, by the middle if the 18th century, were beginning to set themselves up in China. P323. Sir Banks was a very famous British plant collector who accompanied James Cook on his first voyage from England to Oceania. P324. The world of plant exploration was

7、 completely changed with Dr Nathaniel Wards invention of a tightly sealed portable glass container. P325. This invention, called the Wardian case, allowed plants to be transported on long journeys.P326. Pollen becomes attached to the animal during its visit to a flower and is then passed on to anoth

8、er plants blossom on its next visit. P387. Through evolution, most flowers have adapted to attract specific types of pollinators. P388. This kind of evolution where two species have become totally dependent on each other is called co-evolution. P78. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析 本单元的话题是“植物和植物采集的历史”,通过单元学习,学生将了解一

9、些植物学的常识、18和19世纪西方植物采集的历史、一些奇异的植物及授粉知识。学生在听、说、读、写等技能训练的基础上,将了解植物对人类的重要意义和植物学家对不同植物种类在全世界的传播所做的贡献,从而培养对植物的兴趣,并能树立爱护植物、保护热带雨林的良好意识。 1.1 Warming up 是本单元的热身活动,列出了几个有关植物的问题,要求学生回答这些问题,然后小组交流,分享对问题中提到的植物的了解,并能说出一些特殊的植物,从而引发学生对植物这一领域的兴趣。 1.2 Pre-reading 是阅读的热身,要求学生结合自己的生活实际回答几个问题,并激发他们了解更多有关植物知识的欲望,例如“植物是如何

10、从一个地方漂流越洋到另一个地方?”等。另外,还要求学生根据文章标题和插图预测文章的内容,为后面的阅读做了充分的铺垫。 1.3 Reading是一篇有关十八、十九世纪植物学研究和探索的文章。该文章介绍了植物收集历史的起源,并介绍了西方历史上几位著名的植物学家以及他们对植物学研究所做的贡献。 1.4 Comprehending 设计了四个活动,检验学生对课文内容理解:1要求学生分析各段落大意,并用自己的语言写出每段的主题;2列出了一些日期,要求学生运用找读技巧找出每个日期所发生的历史事件;3要求学生分组讨论一些问题,检验他们对文章一些细节的理解;4是一个小组活动,要求学生四人一组进行角色扮演,其中

11、一个是船长,其他三个是植物学家,三个植物学家将分别向船长介绍他们各自选择的植物的种种好处,说服船长把他的植物带回本国去。该活动是对文章内容的一个拓展,训练学生应用知识的能力和口语表达能力。 1.5 Learning about Language包括两部分:Discovering useful words and expressions 要求学生运用课文中的单词或短语填空,帮助学生在语境中学习、运用所学词汇;Revising useful structures 是语法学习,帮助学生掌握直接宾语和间接宾语的用法以及动名词或不定式做宾语。 1.6 Using Language包括三部分:Listen

12、ing and discussing 是关于三个特殊植物的听力和讨论活动,要求学生先根据三个植物的照片分别描述这三种植物,并能把名字和各个植物联系起来。然后听录音完成表格,了解三种植物的名字及其由来、味道、形状、大小、生长地、叶子形状、食物来源, 是否常见以及授粉情况等。通过听录音材料,学生也将学会如何以及从哪些方面来描绘一种植物。另外,学生还将通过录音材料学到描述惊异和恶心两种不同反应的词汇和表达法,并能分组会话,用这些词汇表达对一些不寻常事物的反应。Writing 是一个写作训练,要求学生根据一个图示,用所学的词汇和方法写一段对大王花的描述文字。Reading and discussing

13、 提供了一篇阅读文章,主题是花和它们的虫媒,介绍了不同特点的花会有不同的虫媒。要求学生在读懂课文的基础上,讨论图片中的哪些花需要哪些虫媒来授粉,并能给出理由,即是对阅读理解的检验,也是对所学知识和语言的综合应用。 1.7 SUMMING UP 是对本单元所学知识和技能的总结,主要包括以下几个方面:学生了解到的植物、最感兴趣的事物、有用的单词和短语以及识别不同类型的宾语。 1.8 LEARNING TIP建议学生通过搜集不同类型的文章来了解不同类型的文章体裁,并以本单元的文章为例,介绍了如何写一篇类似“18、19世纪的植物探险”的文章。 2. 教材重组 2.1 将Warming up、Pre-r

14、eading、Reading以及Comprehending整合在一起,设计为一节“精读课”。 2.2 将Learning about Language以及Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS和USING STRUCTURES整合起来,上一节“语言学习课”。 2.3 将Using Language中的Listening and discussing和Writing整合起来,上一节“综合技能课(一)”。 2.4 将Using Language中的Reading and discussing以及Workbook中的READING TASK整合在一起,上一节“泛读

15、课”。 2.5 将Workbook中的LSTENING和TALKING整合成一节“听说课”。 2.6 将Workbook中的LISTENING TASK、WRITING TASK、SPEAKING TASK以及PROJECT整合在一起,上一节“综合技能课(二)”。 3. 课型设计与课时分配(共6课时) 1st Period Intensive reading 2nd Period Language study 3rd Period Integrating skills() 4th Period Extensive reading 5th Period Listening and speakin

16、g 6th Period Integrating skills(). 分课时教案The First Period Intensive readingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 explore, exploration, courtyard, balcony, distant, goods, conflict, anchor, tightly, container, restriction, fluency, shaving, thunderstorm, appeal to, date back tob. 重点句子1.

17、Collecting “exotic” plants, as they are called, dates back to the earliest times. 2 An important group of collectors were French Catholic missionaries who, by the middle of the 18th century, were beginning to set themselves up in China. 3 Sir Joseph Banks was a very famous British plant collector. W

18、ho accompanied James Cook on his first voyage from England to Oceania. 4 The world of plant exploration was completely changed with Dr Nathaniel Wards invention of a tightly sealed portable glass container. 5 This invention, called the Wardian case, allowed plants to be transported on long journeys.

19、2. Ability goals 能力目标Learn about the history of plants exploration in the 18th and 19th century. Learn the meanings or usages of the target words, expressions and sentences.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to sort out the historical events according to time sequence.Teaching

20、 important and difficult points 教学重难点Help the students have a clear idea of the whole passage by summarizing the topic of each paragraph.Teaching methods 教学方法Scanning, skimming, question-and-answer and group work.Teaching aids 教具准备Projector, slide and tape recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

21、Step Lead-inT: As we always say, animals are humans good friends. While besides animals, humans also have other good friends plants. Dont you think so? Can you believe a world without plants? No trees, no flowers, no grass . You may have found that more and more people realize the importance of plan

22、ts to us humans and our environment, and many measures have been taken to protect plants. But what on earth do plants benefit us? Or what are the important things plants provide? Make a list according to your understanding. Teacher can guide the students to answer the question from the following asp

23、ects: Aesthetics (美学), Medicine, Food, Industrial products, Recreation, Air quality, Water quality, Climate, Fish and wildlife Habitat (栖息地), Ecosystem and so on. This brainstorming activity will help the students get an overall knowledge of plants and their importance.Encourage the students to say

24、something about each aspect.Step Warming Up Get students talk about what they know about plants and talk about the questions in Warming up.T: We cant live without plants, right? We eat their fruits, use wood to build houses, grow beautiful flowers in our houses and most importantly, plants produce o

25、xygen. But what do you know about plants? Now turn to Page 31. Read the questions in Warming up activity. Give students several minutes to discuss these questions. Then let them report what they know about the plants mentioned. Suggested answers to these questions:1. Fern, algae(藻类植物), moss .2. Orch

26、ids, bromeliads, vine, ferns .3. Pitcher plant (猪笼草), sundew, bladderwort, Venus flytrap .4. Apple tree, sunflower, tulips, orchid, alfalfa (紫花苜蓿) etc.5. Vine (藤本植物), Chinese dodder (菟丝子) .6. Plants are adapted to live in specific environment. For example, moss lives in moist and dark environment. R

27、ose, peony, jasmine, Chinese plum, chrysanthemum grow well in sunshine. If you put them in damp and cold environment, they will not blossom or even die.7. Yes. 8. Non-seed plants: 藻类(Algae),地衣(Lichens),真菌(Fungi),苔纲(Hepaticae),藓纲(Musci),蕨类(Pteridophyte),植物门(Pteridophyta)Step Reading comprehendingLet

28、students answer the questions in Pre-reading to get prepared for the text. T: We know that many families grow plants at their homes. Generally we call them pot plants because these plants are grown in pots. Where do most people put these pots? . Yes, on the balcony where there is enough sunshine. As

29、 you know, only a few families have courtyard garden in China. Help students understand the meanings of courtyard and balcony by showing them some pictures or give some explanations. courtyard: an open space that is completely or partly surrounded by buildings.balcony: a structure that you can stand

30、 on, that is attached to the outside wall of a building, above ground level.T: Has your house got a balcony? Do you have some pot plants on your balcony? What are they?S: Yes, my house has got a big balcony. My mother grows kaffir lily (君子兰), azalea (杜鹃), cactus (仙人掌), Chlorophytum comosum (吊兰). S:

31、My mother grows peony(牡丹), asparagus fern (文竹) and sago cycas(铁树).T: Where do these plants come from? Are they Chinese plants or do they come from other countrties? Have you thought about that?Ask students the questions one by one to arouse their interest in the origin of plants. T: Now turn to Page

32、 32. Scan the title of the passage and pictures. Can you tell what the passage is about?S: I think it tells us about some botanists in history. S: I think it tells about the travel of some plants in the 18th and 19th centuries. Or in another word, how some plants travel from one country to another. T: Yes. Here “exploration” means the act of travelling through a place in order to

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