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1、级计算机基础实验VB期末考试代码1、Private Sub Command1_Click()a = Label1.Captionb = aLabel1.Caption = Text1.TextText1.Text = bEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Command1.Caption = 修改Label1.Caption = 标签框Text1.Text = 文本框 End Sub2 、Private Sub Command1_Click()a = Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text) x = -b / a Text3.Text =

2、xEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Text1.Text = Text2.Text = Text3.Text = End Sub3、Private Sub Form_Load()a = 此项操作正确吗?b = MsgBox(a, 36, 考试)If b = vbYes ThenMsgBox 结果正确, , 考试EndElsec = MsgBox(重新操作, 48, 考试)If c = vbOK Then b = MsgBox(a, 36, 考试)End IfEnd Sub4 、 Private Sub Command1_Click()Command1.Cap

3、tion = Text1.TextLabel1.Caption = Text1.TextEnd Sub5、Private Sub Command1_Click()Text4.Text = Val(Text1.Text) * Val(Text2.Text) * Val(Text3.Text)End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()Text1.Text = Text2.Text = Text3.Text = Text4.Text = End Sub6、Private Sub Command1_Click()a = UCase(Text1.Text) 大写Text1.T

4、ext = aEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()b = LCase(Text1.Text) 小写Text1.Text = bEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()EndEnd Sub7、Private Sub Form_Click()Dim i As Integer, sum As Integersum = 0For i = 100 To 200If (i Mod 2) = 1) And (i Mod 3) 0) ThenPrint isum = sum + iEnd IfNext iPrint sumEnd Sub8、Pri

5、vate Sub Form_Click()Dim s As LongDim n As Integers = 1n = 1While s = 400000n = n + 1s = s * nWendPrint n - 1End Sub9、 窗口1 Private Sub Form_click()Form1.Visible = FalseForm2.ShowEnd Sub窗口2Private Sub Command1_Click()EndEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_click()Form1.Visible = TrueEnd Sub10Private Sub Form_clic

6、k()Dim i As Integer, j As IntegerMe.AutoRedraw = TruePrint Tab(20); 九九乘法表PrintPrint ;For i = 1 To 9Print Tab(i * 5); i;NextPrintFor i = 1 To 9Print i;For j = 1 To iPrint Tab(j * 5); i * j;Next jPrintNext iEnd Sub难度:中(11-20)11.Private Sub Command1_Click()If Option1.Value Then Text1.FontName = 宋体If Op

7、tion2.Value Then Text1.FontName = 黑体If Option3.Value Then Text1.FontSize = 8If Option4.Value Then Text1.FontSize = 14End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd Sub12、Option ExplicitPrivate Sub Command1_Click()If List1.Selected(0) ThenText1.Text = A地End IfIf List1.Selected(1) ThenText1.Text = B地End If

8、If List1.Selected(2) ThenText1.Text = C地End IfIf List1.Selected(3) ThenText1.Text = D地End IfIf List1.Selected(4) ThenText1.Text = E地End IfIf List1.Selected(5) ThenText1.Text = F地End IfIf List1.Selected(6) ThenText1.Text = G地End IfIf List1.Selected(7) ThenText1.Text = H地End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_

9、Load()List1.AddItem 张一List1.AddItem 张二List1.AddItem 张三List1.AddItem 张四List1.AddItem 张五List1.AddItem 张六List1.AddItem 张七List1.AddItem 张八End SubPrivate Sub List1_DblClick()If List1.Selected(0) ThenText1.Text = A地End IfIf List1.Selected(1) ThenText1.Text = B地End IfIf List1.Selected(2) ThenText1.Text = C

10、地End IfIf List1.Selected(3) ThenText1.Text = D地End IfIf List1.Selected(4) ThenText1.Text = E地End IfIf List1.Selected(5) ThenText1.Text = F地End IfIf List1.Selected(6) ThenText1.Text = G地End IfIf List1.Selected(7) ThenText1.Text = H地End IfEnd Sub13、Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim i%If Text2.Text pass

11、Theni = MsgBox(密码错误, 5 + 16, 输入密码)If i = 2 ThenEndElseText2.Text = End IfElseMsgBox 输入正确, , 输入密码End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Text1.Text = Text2.Text = Text1.MaxLength = 6Text2.MaxLength = 4Text2.PasswordChar = *End SubPrivate Sub Text1_LostFocus()If Not I

12、sNumeric(Text1.Text) ThenMsgBox 账号必须为数字, 64, 提示Text1.Text = End IfEnd Sub14、Label1 显示颜色HScroll1 ,HScroll2,HScroll3 3个滚动条Label2, Label3, Label4 显示滚动条的值Private Sub Form_Load() HScroll1(0).Min = 0: HScroll1(1).Min = 0: HScroll1(2).Min = 0 HScroll1(0).Max = 255: HScroll1(1).Max = 255: HScroll1(2).Max =

13、255 Label2(0).Caption = CStr(HScroll1(0).Value) Label2(1).Caption = CStr(HScroll1(1).Value) Label2(2).Caption = CStr(HScroll1(2).Value) Label1.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1(0).Value, HScroll1(1).Value, HScroll1(2).Value)End SubPrivate Sub HScroll1_Change(Index As Integer) If Index = 0 Then Label2(0).Capt

14、ion = CStr(HScroll1(0).Value) Label1.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1(0).Value, HScroll1(1).Value, HScroll1(2).Value) End If If Index = 1 Then Label2(1).Caption = CStr(HScroll1(1).Value) Label1.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1(0).Value, HScroll1(1).Value, HScroll1(2).Value) End If If Index = 2 Then Label2(2).Captio

15、n = CStr(HScroll1(2).Value) Label1.BackColor = RGB(HScroll1(0).Value, HScroll1(1).Value, HScroll1(2).Value) End If End Sub15、平均成绩计算输入N个学生的成绩,求其平均分并找出低于平均成绩学生的学号、成绩。16、Private Sub command1_Click()Dim a, b, c As SingleDim t, s As Singlea = Val(Text1.Text)b = Val(Text2.Text)c = Val(Text3.Text)If (a + b

16、) c And (b + c) a And (c + a) b Thent = (a + b + c) / 2s = Math.Sqr(t * (t - a) * (t - b) * (t - c)Text4.Text = Str(s)ElseMsgBox 不能构成三角形, 64, 提示Text1.Text = : Text2.Text = : Text3.Text = End IfEnd SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()EndEnd Sub17、设计一个简单的四则运算器。18、Private Sub Command1_Click()Command1.Visibl

17、e = FalseCommand2.Visible = TrueTimer1.Enabled = FalseTimer2.Enabled = TrueDim s As DateDim bs As Strings = NowSelect Case Hour(s)Case Is 8bs = 凌晨Case Is 12bs = 上午Case Is 14bs = 中午Case Is = a) Then Mid(t, i, 1) = Chr(Asc(Mid(t, i, 1) - Asc(a) + Asc(A)F = FalseElseIf Mid(t, i, 1) = ? Or Mid(t, i, 1)

18、= . Or Mid(t, i, 1) = ! ThenF = TrueEnd IfNext iText2.Text = tEnd Sub22、Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim arr(26) As Integers = Text1.Textn = Len(s)For i = 1 To nx = UCase(Mid(s, i, 1)If x = A And x = Z Then arr(Asc(x) - 64) = arr(Asc(x) - 64) + 1Next iFor i = 1 To 26Text2.Text = Text2.Text & Chr$(i +

19、 64) & = & arr(i) & Next iEnd Sub两个文本框 multiline 值设置为true 实验课本本 10823、Private Sub Picture1_Click()Dim stu_score(10) As IntegerDim stu_no(10) As IntegerRandomizePicture1.Print 学号 成绩Picture2.Print 学号 成绩For i = 1 To 10stu_no(i) = istu_score(i) = Int(Rnd * (100 - 30 + 1) + 30)Picture1.Print stu_no(i); ;

20、 stu_score(i)Next iPrintFor i = 1 To 10For j = 1 To 10 - iIf stu_score(j) stu_score(j + 1) Thent1 = stu_score(j)stu_score(j) = stu_score(j + 1)stu_score(j + 1) = t1t2 = stu_no(j)stu_no(j) = stu_no(j + 1)stu_no(j + 1) = t2End IfNext jNext iFor i = 1 To 10Picture2.Print stu_no(i); ; stu_score(i)Next i

21、End Sub24、Dim i%, j%, sum%Private Sub Command1_Click() For i = 3 To 1000 sum = 0 For j = 1 To i / 2 If i Mod j = 0 Then sum = sum + j End If Next If sum = i Then Print i; 因子是:; For j = 1 To i / 2 If i Mod j = 0 Then Print j; End If Next Print End If NextEnd Sub25、实验课本104(3)Private Sub Command1_Click

22、()List1.AddItem Text1Text1 = End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click()List1.RemoveItem List1.ListIndexEnd SubPrivate Sub Command3_Click()Text1 = List1.TextText1.SetFocusCommand1.Enabled = FalseCommand2.Enabled = FalseCommand3.Enabled = FalseCommand3.Enabled = TrueEnd SubPrivate Sub Command4_Click()List1.L

23、ist(List1.ListIndex) = Text1Command4.Enabled = FalseCommand1.Enabled = TrueCommand2.Enabled = TrueCommand3.Enabled = TrueText1 = End SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()List1.AddItem 计算机文化基础List1.AddItem VB6.0程序设计教程List1.AddItem 操作系统List1.AddItem 多媒体技术List1.AddItem 网络技术基础End Sub26、Private Sub Command1_Click()

24、n = Text1.Textr = Trim(n)If r = StrReverse(r) ThenMsgBox 是回文数, , 判断ElseMsgBox 不是回文数, , 判断End IfEnd Sub27、Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim a As Single, sum As SingleDim i As Integersum = 0If Text1.Text = Then MsgBox 请输入n值 Exit SubElse If IsNumeric(Trim(Text1.Text) Then If Val(Text1.Text) = 0 Then MsgB

25、ox 请输入正整数 Exit Sub Else For i = 1 To Val(Text1.Text) a = 1 / i sum = sum + a Next i End If Else MsgBox 请输入正整数 Exit Sub End IfEnd IfPrint Val(Text1.Text) & 项的和为: & Format(sum, #.#)End Sub28、Private Sub Command1_Click()Dim sw As Single, range As SingleIf Text1.Text = Then MsgBox no input Exit SubElse If IsNumeric(Trim(Text1.Text) Then If Val(Text1.Text) = 0 Then MsgBox lower than zero Exit Sub Else If Val(Text1.Text) = 166 And Val(Text1.Text) = 175 Then sw = Val(Text1.Text) - 105 ElseIf Val(Tex

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