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Module 1学习质量检测题.docx

1、Module 1学习质量检测题Module 1学习质量检测题.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1The boy_the whole room in search of some coins to buy an ice cream.Awent over Bwent throughCran through Dran over解析:句意:孩子翻遍整个房间找一些硬币来买一支冰激凌。go over意为“复习”;go through“经历;翻找;翻阅”;run through“飞快地翻阅;穿过”;run ove

2、r“碾过;溢出”,根据句意选B。答案:B2I thought he was a warmhearted and trust worthy person_I met him.Afirst time Bfor the first timeCthe first time Dby the first time解析:句意:我第一次遇到他时,就认为他心地善良,值得信赖。the first time与for the first time的区别在于前者可作连词,连接两个句子;for the first time为介词短语,只能作一个句子的状语。答案:C3We have to get everything re

3、ady at once,with our guests_to come in ten minutes.Aexpected BexpectingCsent Dsending解析:句意:预计客人10分钟之内赶到,因而我们要赶紧把所有东西准备好。在with复合结构中,expect的逻辑主语是our guests,两者之间为被动关系(our guests are expected to come in 10 minutes)。答案:A4Is Mr.Stephen in,please?He_me.Yes,sir,in the meeting room.Ais expecting Bhas been ex

4、pectedCis expected Dexpects解析:由语境可看出,说话人的意思是“斯蒂芬先生正在等我”。答案:A5Public_of the problem will make the government take it seriously.Aawareness BsolutionCexistence Devidence解析:句意:公众意识会让政府认真对待此事的。awareness意为“意识”;solution“解决办法”;existence“存在”;evidence“证据”,由句意选A。答案:A6I think this trip was well worth_we had pai

5、d.Athat BwhatCwhich Dhow解析:句意:我想这次旅行很值我们所付出的。what名词that,引导名词性从句,在本题中作worth的宾语。答案:B7Like some of my classmates,I cannot live up to my teachers expectations;_I let him down.Ain other words Bin particularCwhats more Dmore or less解析:句意:像我的许多同学一样,我没达到老师的期望;换句话说,我让他失望了。本题考查句子之间的逻辑意思,只有A项意思才能使上下句意思通顺。答案:A8

6、_,some people think there is something in them.AHis ideas may sound crazyBAs his ideas may sound crazyCCrazy may sound his ideaDWhile his ideas may sound crazy解析:句意:尽管他的想法可能听起来很疯狂,但有些人认为他想的有些道理。while用于句首时,可表示转折,相当于although的用法。答案:D9The young man loves Helen so deeply that he would like to do_he can t

7、o satisfy her.Ano matter how BhoweverCwhatever Dno matter what解析:句意:这个年轻人爱海伦如此之深,以至于他愿意做任何能够做到的事情来令她满意。whatever引导名词性从句,在本句中相当于anything that。答案:C10Is Daniel the person_you want to make friends,Jack?Awith who Bwith whomCwho Dwith that解析:将先行词the person代人到从句中,可看出完整的从句应为:you want to make friends with the

8、 person,即从句缺少了with whom。答案:B11This story may shock some listeners,_I offer my apologies in advance.Afrom whom Bfor whomCto whom Dtowards whom解析:将定语从句的先行词listeners代入从句中,可看出完整的从句为:I offer my apologes in advance to these listeners,即从句缺少了to whom。答案:C12Today,well discuss a number of cases_beginners of En

9、glish fail to use the language properly.Awhich BasCwhere Dwhy解析:先行词cases在从句中作状语,应使用where来引导。答案:C13He wont want to eat it unless hes really hungry,in_case hell eat almost anything.Awhose BwhichCwhat Dwhen解析:句意:他不想吃饭,除非他真饿了,在那种情况下他几乎什么都会吃。词组in which case可视作一个关系词,作从句的状语。答案:B14His ability has never been

10、 in doubtthe question is_or not he is prepared to work hard.Athat BifCwhere Dwhether解析:句意:他的能力从没人质疑问题是他是否准备努力工作。表语从句不能使用if引导。答案:D15Not only_of the existing problem with the machine,but he also suggested ways to solve it.Adid he aware Bwas he awareChe awared Dhe was aware解析:not only用于句子的句首位置时,构成部分倒装结

11、构,此时应将助动词放在主语之前;aware是形容词,应与be连用,而不是与do连用。答案:B.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。John always calls me Pop.“I love you,Pop,”he said.“I love you too,John,”I replied.John is 4,and Im his grandpa.Ive forgotten_16_the name“Pop”came from.He has called me t

12、his since he was able to talk.It was original to him.“Were_17_,arent we,Pop?”he often says.He always_18_to wear his boots when I do.“Were twins,”he tells me,_19_sometimes it takes much imagination on my part to see the similarity.John stayed overnight with me recently.It was a_20_time for both of us

13、 because it was the first time he had slept at my house for a night since I had been living_21_.Johns grandmother“Neeny”he called herhad died only a few weeks before_22_after she had a_23_fight with cancer.It was only half a month since she was diagnosed with cancer.On this night,we read stories and

14、 played games as usual.But this night we also_24_Neeny and the things we three had done together.I could see that he was trying to_25_me.“Ill sleep next to you so you wont be lonely,”he said_26_.The hustle and bustle(忙碌)of Christmas had denied us some of the necessary discussions that needed to_27_a

15、t a time like this.John was feeling the hurt of his_28_,and his grandmother had always loved him.John did keep me from being lonely that night,and what I saw when I_29_the next morning_30_me in a way I shall never forget.Around my_31_on the floor beside the bed were Johns little ones,as close to min

16、e as they could be_32_.“Were friends,you know,”John had said as we_33_together before falling asleep.People_34_people,especially when the_35_are fragile,and the people are grandfather and grandson.本文通过一对爷孙之间的故事说明:人在脆弱的时候,都需要他人的关爱。16A.where BwhenChow Dwhy解析:由后面的“John刚会说话就这样叫”可知:“我”忘了这个名字是哪里来的。答案:A17A

17、.enemies BstarsCfriends Dbabies解析:倒数第二段中的Were friends是提示。答案:C18A.continues BrefusesCremembers Dwants解析:根据Were twins判断,John在穿衣上总是模仿“我”,当“我”穿靴子时,他也想穿。答案:D19A.though BbecauseCif Dunless解析:John认为他和“我”是双胞胎,尽管“我”有时很难看出这种相似性来。答案:A20A.relaxing BpleasantCspecial Dtraditional解析:由下文的because it was the first ti

18、me.可知,这对我俩来说是“特殊的(special)”。答案:C21A.happily BaloneCquietly Dsadly解析:John的奶奶去世了,“我”一个人独自生活。答案:B22A.Easter BMothers DayCNew Years Day DChristmas解析:根据后文中的The hustle and bustle of Christmas可得到提示。答案:D23A.real BgoodCbrief Dlong解析:由It was only half a month可知John的奶奶与疾病抗争的时间很短。答案:C24A.worried about Btalked a

19、boutCcalmed down Dset down解析:根据the things we three had done together判断,John还和“我”谈论起他奶奶。 答案:B25A.comfort BpersuadeCpraise Dunderstand解析:根据Ill sleep next to you so you wont be lonely可以判断,John在试图安慰“我”。答案:A26A.quickly BconfidentlyCseriously Dproudly解析:John试图安慰“我”,所以他应该是“认真地(seriously)”对“我”说。答案:C27A.brea

20、k out Bturn outCturn up Dtake place解析:在这种时刻“进行(take place)”的谈话。答案:D28A.hunger BmemoryCfailure Dloss解析:失去奶奶给John也带来了悲伤。答案:D29A.started off Bcooled offCwoke up Dstood up解析:由后面讲到的“我”看到了并排放着的两双鞋可知这里是说“我”“醒来(woke up)”后。答案:C30A.reminded BchangedCwarned Dtouched解析:根据语境可知“我”被所看到的情景感动了。答案:D31A.gloves BshoesC

21、trousers Dclothes解析:由on the floor可知这里指鞋子。答案:B32A.placed BthrownCmade Dused解析:John把两双鞋子放在一起,暗示两人的深厚感情。答案:A33A.acted BlayClived Dpulled解析:John和“我”躺下入睡前,告诉“我”我们是朋友。答案:B34A.appreciate BneedChate Dblame解析:people need people的意思是“人们之间彼此需要”。答案:B35A.moments BbodiesCdreams Deconomies解析:在脆弱的“时刻(moments)”,人与人之间

22、相互“需要(need)”。答案:A.阅读理解(共15题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAs a teacher,I have often heard other faculty(教员)say things like“Well,if the kids werent parked in front of the television nonstop,they wouldnt be so aggressive.”If we look at this statement carefully,we see that

23、the television doesnt turn itself on,and then switch itself to a program with excessive(过分的)language and violence.Usually,its the child himself/herself that chooses this kind of programming,but can we say its the childs fault?Not really.The child does not yet have the experience to make wise choices

24、.Who,then,is to blame?The role of a parent means you look after your child and help them make wise choices.These days,that means keeping a close eye on what your child watches on TV and on the Internet.Yes,this is a lot of work,but since when was parenting supposed to be easy?The problem is,many par

25、ents just arent home enough to keep track,as the kids just let themselves into the house after school and do whatever they want.Let me make this clear:not all kids are so easily influenced by whats on TV,and some will choose not to watch violent television programs,but kids who are a bit inclined(倾向

26、)towards aggression will act out what they see.When teachers report violent behavior to parents,it is the parents responsibility to put the child into a situation where they cannot watch certain programs on TV.This may mean blocking channels,or putting the child into a supervised(监管)atmosphere after

27、 school.They could sign the child up for an afterschool sport or activity group,or encourage them to be a volunteer to help others.Instead,parents often shrug their shoulders.No,TV is not the cause of violence and bad language in kids.Inevitably(不可避免地)the child will see violence,but that should be i

28、n a controlled atmosphere where the parent can explain and talk to them about it,not when they are sitting home alone after school channel surfing.由于长期观看暴力电视节日,很多孩子变得具有攻击性。这是电视之过吗?36According to Para.1,most teachers believe that_.ATV is to blame for kids aggressionBparents should be responsible for

29、kids violent behaviorCchildren should learn to control their own behaviorDparents should put remote controls out of kids reach解析:推理判断题。根据第一段首句内容可知很多老师认为孩子们长时间看电视,才导致出现暴力行为,而本文的作者却不同意此看法。答案:A37According to the passage,children are spending a lot of time watching TV mainly because_.Athey are lazyBthe parents are carelessCthey can learn a lot from TV programsDother activities are not so interesting as watching TV解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的末句The problem is,many parents just arent home enough to keep track.可知,很多父母比较粗心,没有对孩子进行有效地监管。答案:B38To prev

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