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1、水电英语词汇电英语词汇关键词: 水电英语 Minute - Minute of Progress Meeting 会议纪要 Claim - 索赔、进度付款(Progressive claim) Contigency - 不可预见费 Lump Sum - 总价,与单价项目对应 Client - 业主,有时用Employer很少 Consultant - 一般为设计咨询, Advisor比Consultant 更高一级的咨询 Supervisor - 监理人员 fault - 断层 Bench - 马道,有用berm的 Diversion Tunnel 导流洞 Saddle Dam - 副坝 Pi

2、ping - 管涌 Packer Test -压水试验 Lugeon值是帷幕灌浆的主要参数 倒虹吸 - Siphon Culvert - 涵管 Aqueduct - 渡槽 Chainage - Residual Distance (R.D.)桩号 Grout - 浆液灌浆 Grout mix - 混合浆液 Take of grout - 吃(耗)浆量 Setting - 混凝土凝固,养护-curing Test fill - 碾压试验 Seepage - 渗透 Failure against seepage - 渗透破坏 Failure against sliding - 滑动破坏 Abutm

3、ent - 坝肩 Foundation pit - 基坑 Joint - 节理(地质),接缝(设计) Hose - 软(皮)管 Embankment - 土坝。也可用作堤防(levee,dyke) Main canal - 主渠 Distributary canal - 支渠 Water course - 斗渠 Escape - 紧急排水口 Gate - 闸门 Metalled road - 碎石铺面的道路,不是金属路面 Siphon-倒虹吸 convey运送 contractor承包商 joint venture联营体 emergencyspillway 非常溢洪道 uncontrolled

4、 crest spillway无闸门控制的溢洪道 afterbay dam 尾水池坝 conveyor皮带机 plan 计划,平面图 issuedforapproval 待批准 description 绘制 excavation 开挖 coordinate point 坐标点 weir堰 valley峡谷 stockpiling堆料 berm马道 adit平洞 backfill 回填 intake进水口 high intake slope 进口高边坡 intake deck 进水口平台 yard 码,场地 permanent永久的 chilled water 冷冻水 accumulation

5、ofstress 应力集中 batching plant 拌和楼 compressed-air plant 空压机 pumpedstorage power plant 抽水蓄能电站 workshop车间 sino-中国的 blasting explosive 炸药 blasting cap 起爆雷管 blasting charge 爆破装药 magazine 炸药库 chute 陡槽,泻槽 borrow采料场 corridor走廊 tile 瓦片 brace柱子 rolling machine 碾压机 tube管子 welding rods 电焊棒 bulk散装 diesel 柴油机 dies

6、el tank 油库 laboratory实验室 temporary临时的 laundry洗衣店 camp营地 canteen餐厅 labour劳工 labour bureau劳动局 park停车场 grouting灌浆 gantry crane 门机 trashrack拦污栅 outline 轮廓,大纲 darcys law 达西定律 freeboard - 安全空间,如库水位以上到坝顶。词典上没有。 toe slab - 趾板 overhead travelling crane - 高架移动起重机 bulkhead gate - 舱壁(止水)闸门 trashracks - 拦污栅 guar

7、drail - 护栏 Safety margin or reserve - 安全储备 aggregate reserve - 骨料储量 earthfill, rockfill, concrete, riprap, RCC(碾压混凝土)填料类 water control project - 水利工程,水利枢纽 hydropower, hydroelectric project -水电工程 borrow area - 土料场 quarry - 石料场 embankment - 土坝,有时也为土堤 access,交通 agreement,同意,协议 allocation,分配,配制 approval

8、,同意,批准 arbitration,仲裁 Asia Development Bank,亚洲开发银行 Assistant,助理,助手 Authorize(delegate),授权,委托 Bill of Quantities(BOQ),工程量表 civil works,土建工程 claim,索赔 comment,评论,意见 commercial manager,商务经理 conditions of contract,合同条件 general conditions,通用条件 conditions of particular application,专用条件 special conditions o

9、f contract,特别条件 conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction,土木工程施工合同条件 construction management,施工管理 consultant,顾问 contract agreement,合同协议 contractor,承包商 cooperation, 合作 coordination,协调 cost,费用 cost control,成本控制 counterclaim,反索赔 delay,延误 demobilization,退场 department,部门 designer

10、,设计者 drawing,图纸 shop drawing,车间图 design drawing,设计图 as-built drawing,竣工图 blue drawing,蓝图 transparent drawing,透明图 construction drawing,施工图 electric works,电气工程 employer(client owner),业主 engineer,工程师 engineers representative,工程师代表 engineering project,工程项目 international project,国际工程 overseas project,海外工

11、程 equipment,设备 expatriate,外籍职员 expert,专家 export,出口 federation of civil engineering contractor,土模工程承包商联合会 formal,正式的 hydromechanical works,金结工程 import,进口 in charge of,负责,主管 informal,非正式的 institution of civil engineers(ICE),土木工程师协会 instrument,仪器,器械 insurance,保险 labour,劳务 layout,布置 leading company,牵头公司

12、,责任公司 liability (responsibility,obligation),责任,义务 lump sum,总包 machinery,机械 manpower,人力资源 manufacturer,制造商 material,材料 measure,办法,措施 take effective measures,采取有效措施 measurement,测量,计量 memorandum,备忘录 mobilization,进场 objection,反对 payment,支付 plant,设备 point of view(opinion),观点,意见 prequalification,资格预审 proc

13、urement,采购 profit,利润 progress control,进度控制 project manager,项目经理 quality control,质量控制 request(application),申请,要求 review,审查 risk,风险 river closure,截流 river diversion,导流 safety,安全 signature,签名 site,现场 site engineer,现场工程师 specification,规格,规范 staff,职员 subcontractor,分包商 submission,提交 supervise,监督,监视 suppli

14、er,供货商 the international chamber of commerce,国际商会 unit price,单价 variation(change),变更 word bank,世界银行 一、工程施工类 (一)工程施工、土建类 开挖与支护 明挖(open excavation) bench excavation,台阶开挖 concrete excavation,砼开挖 fault excavation,断层开挖 foundation excavation,基础开挖 local excavation,局部开挖 mass(bulk)excavation,大面积开挖 protective

15、 layer excavation,保护层开挖 rock excavation,岩石开挖 slope excavation,边坡开挖 soft ground excavation,软基开挖 soil excavation,土方开挖 structural excavation,结构开挖 tooth excavation,齿槽开挖 unclassified material excavation,不分类开挖 coefficient of nonuniformity,开挖不均匀系数 cutoff trench截水槽 dewatering(drainage),排水 excavation pit,开挖基

16、坑 intensity of excavation,开挖强度 overexcavation(overbreak),超挖 pump sump,水泵坑 underexcavation(underbreak),欠挖 underbreak treatment,欠挖处理 洞挖及地下开挖(tunnel and underground excavation) a round of excavation,一个开挖循环 adit,支洞 advance,进尺 advanced depth,进尺深度 breaking hole,崩落孔 cushion hole,缓冲孔 drift,掏槽 bottom drift,底

17、部掏槽 center drift,中心掏槽 side drift,边部掏槽 top drift,顶部掏槽 drilling,钻孔 driving(progress)rate,进尺率 easer,掏槽孔 erecting supports for the roof and side wall,对顶拱及边墙进行支护 full face excavation,全断面开挖 heading and bench excavation,导洞与台阶开挖 loading and hauling muck(mucking),装拉碴 loading(charging),装药 perimeter hole,周边孔 p

18、ilot tunnel,导洞 removing dust,除尘 removing ground water,清除地面积水 shooting the explosive(blasting),放炮,爆破 top heading excavation,上导洞开挖 ventilation,通风 钻孔爆破(drilling and blasting) abandoned hole,废孔 average hole depth,平均孔深 average quantity used in unit volume blasted,平均单耗 blasting result,爆破结果 blockness,块度 co

19、ntrolled perimeter blasting,周边控制爆破 data of explosive filled,装药参数 data of holes drilled, 钻孔参数 delayed blasting,延时爆破 exploratory hole,探孔 explosive quantity,药量 explosive quantity in a sound,单响药量 handing misfire,处理哑炮 light charge,少量装药 loosening blasting,松动爆破 pattern,布孔方式 distance between holes,孔距 distan

20、ce between rows,排距 post shearing blasting, 微差爆破 prespliting blasting,预裂参数 quantity of holes,孔数 smooth blasting,光面爆破 岩石支护(rock support) expansion shell rock bolt,胀壳式张拉锚杆 feature rock anchor,随机锚索 feature rock bolt,随机张拉锚杆 feature rock dowel,随机砂浆锚杆 feature rock reinforcement,随机加固 lattice girder,钢珩架,格够大梁

21、 pattern cement grouted rock dowel,系统水泥砂浆锚杆 pattern resin grouted rock dowel,系统树脂浆锚杆 pattern rock dowel,系统砂浆锚杆 pattern rock reinforcement,系统加固 permanent rock support,永久支护 post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor,后张拉水泥浆锚索 rebound material,回弹料 return rock bolt,回头张拉锚杆 return rock reinforcement,

22、回头加固 shotcrete anchorage,喷锚 shotcrete with wire mesh,挂网喷砼 steel fabric shotcrete,钢纤维喷砼 steel rib,钢拱架 temporary rock support,临时支护 tensioned resin grouted rock bolt,树脂张拉锚杆 土石料的填筑及碾压(working sequence) backfill,回填 blend,混合 compact,碾压 controlled sprinkling,控制散水 cut the slope,削坡 dump,卸料 exploit,开采 level,整

23、平 load,装料 moisture condition,分水调节 place and spread,摊铺 remove,清除 replace,重新填筑 retread(do the work again),返工 scarify,翻松,刨毛 screen and wash,筛分和冲洗 takesample,取样 test,测试 transport,运输 treat,处理 trim,休整 缺陷(defects) calcium particles姜石 contaminated material,受污染料 declination of the boundary,料界偏差 dry,干燥 lack o

24、f compaction, 漏压 lump,结块 muddy,泥泞 oversize material,超粒径料 pocket,囊穴 seepage,渗流 separation,分离 shear area,剪力区 lens,透镜体 其他(others) bonding surface,结合面 byproduct,副产品 controlling parameter,控制参数 fill placement record,填筑记录 frog area,蛙夯区 required embankment,必要填方 subzone,分区 混凝土(concrete) air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete)加气混凝土 asphalt concrete,沥青混凝土 blinding concrete,垫层混凝土 cast-in-site(site,place)concrete,现浇混凝土 plastic concrete,塑性混凝土 us concrete,纤维混凝土

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