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1、安全生产规章制度评审修订管理制度doc安全生产规章制度评审修订管理制度1安全生产规章制度评审修订管理制度1 目的为保证安全生产规章制度的有效性和实用性,确保生产正常有序进行,特制定本制度。2 范围本制度适用于本公司所有安全生产规章制度、安全操作规程的评审和修订。3 职责3.1公司安全生产领导小组主任负责批准发布审核安全标准化手册和各项安全生产管理制度。3.2 各部门负责人负责审核和批准本部门各岗位的安全操作规程。3.4 综合办负责安全标准化文件的归口管理,以及资料的保管与归档3.5 各部门负责本部门与安全标准化有关文件的收集、整理、使用。4 内容4.1 文件分类及保管4.1.1 本公司安全标准

2、化文件分为四个层次。第一层次:安全标准化手册第二层次:安全生产管理制度第三层次:安全操作规程第四层次:记录、表单4.1.2 第一、第二、第三层次文件的原稿(电子稿)由综合科备案保存,发放到各部门的文件由各部门使用、保管。第四层级的记录由各使用部门编制、使用、保管,但记录使用前应将表样报综合办留存备案。4.2 文件的标识4.2.1 文件编号HL/AQ-A-05编号文件类别(A:标准化手册;B:安全管理制度;C:安全操作规程;D:记录、表单。)公司代号(“华联”汉语拼音第一个字母缩写)4.2.2 文件版本号安全标准化文件的版本号用大写英文字母表示。“A”表示一级文件,“B、C、D”表示“二级文件、

3、三级文件、四级文件”。当发生修改时,在被修改页面的修改状态中注明第几次修改,第一次修改为“A/1”,第二次修改为“A/2”2,依次类推。4.2.3 记录不受版本的限制。4.2.4 体系运行前制定的文件或记录,无以上标识的,经评审持续有效的,可继续使用,但应:(1)在文件和记录清单备注栏中注明。(2)文件换版或记录重新印刷时进行标识。(3)文件的名称应是唯一性的,若易混淆应标识。(4)记录应有名称、日期等唯一性,若易混淆应标识。4.3 文件的编写、批准、发放4.3.1 安全标准化手册和安全生产管理制度由分管负责人组织有关部门和人员编写,分管负责人审核后,报总经理批准发布,由办公室登记、发放。4.

4、3.2 安全操作规程由相关部门编制,部门负责人审核、公司分管负责人批准后发布实施,由综合办负责登记备案。4.3.3综合办办公室应确保安全标准化文件使用的各工作场所都能得到相关文件的适用版本,文件的发放、回收要填写安全文件发放、回收记录。4.4 文件的受控状况4.4.1 综合办负责编制安全生产管理制度汇编,并发放到相关部门。4.4.2 综合办负责编制安全操作规程汇编,并发放到相关岗位。4.5 评审策划4.5.1 例行评审计划例行评审每三年进行一次,由综合办负责填写安全生产规章制度评审计划表,经分管负责人审核,报总经理批准后,下发到各相关部门。评审计划包括以下内容:(1)评审时间(2)参加评审的部

5、门及人员(3)评审内容out city cre ated, and care masses life, focus w ork, in-de pth i nvestigation, more out boutique masterpie ce, makes we of research results m ore to into l ed of de cisi on vi sion, more to in national some has effect of ne wspaper Shang publi she d, for advance w ork, and publi city cha

6、 ngde play due of role. Third, infor mati on submitted to be pragmatic. Quick a nd timely. The a nci ents sai d: for the time system; statement ba ck for the time bei ng, nothi ng. Therefore, the submi ssion of information to do four, that is, find the probl em faster, editorial writing, send and re

7、ad faster appr oval and feedback to implement quickl y. To be tr ue and accurate. True mai nly reflect the full pict ure of events, one i s one, two, t his is the life of the information. Accura cy is primarily qualitative a nd quantitative questi ons, quantitative objective of publicQualitative log

8、ic. T o be relia ble and useful. We submit informa tion to have a ccess to deci sion-maki ng, to gui de a nd pr omote the w ork and solve practi cal pr oblems. Mixed cum.On the negative information and emergency information, rapi d escal ation i n strict a ccorda nce wit h the proce dure s, firm, ne

9、wspape r, newspapers, never late, fail to re port, false cl aim and skimming. Inve stee 2. supervi sion and insi st on, around a nd protecti ng their i nterests to touch the trut h, seek practical re sults. A dhere to pe opl e-oriente d, the most important thing is to reali ze, safeguar d and devel

10、op t he fundamental intere sts of the overwhe lming majority of the people. We carry out inspe ction, so m ust go de ep among the masses, go dee p into t he realities, alway s pay attention to the pe oples liv elihood, to grasp t he publi c se ntiment, and earnestly safeguar d the benefit, addressi

11、ng the masses are most concer ned a bout and reflecting the stronge st issues, efforts to solve the probl em of deci sions impl emented a nd not impleme nted. One i s to stick to principle s. Right of inspe ction is one of the m ost importa nt pow ers of the Office, shoul d not only dare to use, but

12、 also with caution. So-called dared to use, is t o hold a number of important issues, bold supervi sion over supervi sion, track inspe ction, pr oblem s are not solved do not pa ss, the blame does not hold did not miss, dissati sfaction of the masse s di d not miss, the real rig ht of supervisi on a

13、 uthorit y, with t he be nefits. Cal l with ca ution, is supervi sing departments shoul d strengthen the consciousness of a uthori zed stri ctly accordi ng to pr oce dure, preventi ng the supervi sion and excessiv e to preve nt addi ng burde n to grass-root s. To this e nd, t he supervision Departme

14、 nt of the Party Committee of supervision must be under city and County party Comm ittee Secretary-General (Office). Se cond, we shoul d focus on. Is the Gover nor, those related t o the globalEvent, Governor the protracte d difficult, strong Governor during emergency urge nt. Not having spe cial de

15、 partments i n charge of the Ge neral Gov ernor, under t he normal proce dure can do good t hings not Governor, not aut horize d by County leader s, not t he Gov ernor. Thir d is to solvethe problem. The pur pose of supervi sion, to resolve the pr oblem. o a dher e to and further impr ove the4.5.2 临

16、时评审计划在发生以下情况时,应进行临时评审,评审计划内容审批手续如4.5.1规定。(1)当国家安全生产法律、法规、规程、标准废止、修订或新颁布时(2)当公司归属、体制规模发生重大变化时(3)当生产设施新建、扩建、改建时(4)当工艺、技术路线和装置设备发生重大变更时(5)当上级安全监督部门提出重大整改意见时(6)当安全检查、风险评价过程中发现涉及规章制度层面的问题时(7)当分析重大事故和重复事故原因,发现制度性因素时(8)其他相关事项4.6 评审过程4.6.1 公司安全生产管理制度评审由综合办组织相关人员(公司领导、各部门负责人、安全员、员工代表)组成评审小组,对公司安全生产管理制度进行评审,评

17、审组织者做好记录。4.6.2 安全操作规程评审由安全员会同各部门、车间组织相关人员(相关部门、车间负责人、安全员、技术员、岗位操作人员)组成评审小组,对安全操作规程进行评审,评审组织者要做好记录。4.6.3 综合办汇总所有评审意见,经分管负责人审核后,报总经理审批。4.7 评审内容4.7.1 与法律、法规符合性4.7.2 与企业发展总体水平的相适应性4.7.3 与工艺流程和装置变更的相适应性4.7.4 安全生产规章制度之间的相容性和匹配性4.8 修订4.8.1 修订依据:(1)国家的安全生产法律、法规、条例、标准等(2)安全生产规章制度评审结果(3)安全生产规章制度执行过程中,员工提出的合理建

18、议eelings surve y, by l ooki ng up public sentiment s to find probl ems. Pr oblem s will increase its spe cial supervi sion, set up accounts, hol d on to it. We should conscienti ously im plement the leadi ng contracting matters, secured, had an a nsw er to everythi ng, the n settles rate of 100%. Ha

19、ve an im pact on some of the outsta ndi ng issues, supervisi on departments a nd i nformation com ponents toget her, play the supervisory r ole of the news medi a to prom ote problem solving. Investee 3. i nsist on a daily run, around t he pra ctice of truth catching efficie ncy, focus specification

20、. To give full play to the party Office around connecti ng, coor dinati ng internal a nd exter nal features, conta ct, rally at all levels, to motivate every a spe ct, adhere to the truth, stre ngthe ning sta ndar dize d management to a chi eve cohere nt, efficient and ef fective functioning of the

21、daily w ork of the Party Committee. Is pr oce ssing messages should strive to streamline, standardize a nd qualit y. Streamlining is to contr ol the number of messages, compress message s, reducing procedures, impr ove message handling efficie ncy. Specificati ons, is to stri ctly enforce t he ba n

22、issued by the Communi st party aut horities i n document ha ndling regulati ons and provi ncial a nd m uni cipal reg ulations, conscie ntiously strengt hen a nd impr ove communications management to e nsur e that party documents orderl y. High qual ity, is to im prove the quality of message pr ocess

23、ing, it i s ne cessary t o accurately impleme nting the i ntenti on of the Party Committee, cl earance, good communi cations, poli cy program cl ose d, ensuri ng that there i s no err or. Second meeting sche dul ed to e nsure thor oug h, safe and efficient. Any arra ngements for the meetings a nd ev

24、e nts, caref ully arranged, item-by-item interface impleme nted, sure. To vigorously streamli ne meeting s, activitie s, num ber of pressure re duction, scal e to ensur e that leadership emerge d from the General Confere nce a nd e ntertainment service s, focus on big thi ngs, matters. T hird, re ce

25、pti on services should lay stress on huma ne, personal, cultural a nd human. Recepti on a nd w ork dire ctly with people, reception servi ces directly affecting the Office of party Committee The image of the regi on. At the same time strengtheni ng the constr ucti on of li brary, impr ove the re cep

26、ti on conditions, mor e human-ori ented, personal, cult ural work int o the re cepti on, a little more huma n nee ds, a little more huma n care more humane atmosphere, a nd constantly impr ove the servi ce, im prove the quality of service. Meanwhile, to further pay spe cial attenti on to the daily w

27、 ork of the ot her Office System. Confide ntial work responsi bility sy stem for leadi ng ca dres to impl ement se curity as a lea der, to improve t he confide ntiality of classified personnel, especially lea ding cadres, strengtheni ng party and Gover nment focus on vital se ctors of security manag

28、ement, to a dvance priva cy management sta ndar dization, modernizati on of security techniques as a mea ns of admi nistration accordi ng to law a nd se curityout city created, a nd care masses life, focus work, i n-dept h investigation, more out bouti que master pie ce, makes we of rese arch re sul

29、ts mor e to into le d of decisi on vi sion, more to i n nati onal some ha s effect of newspaper Sha ng published, for a dvance work, and publicity cha ngde play due of role. Third, informati on submitted to be pragmati c. Quick a nd timel y. T he ancients said: for the time system; stateme nt back f

30、or t he time bei ng, nothi ng. Therefore, the submi ssion of information to do four, that is, find the problem faster, editorial writi ng, se nd a nd rea d faster appr oval and feedba ck to implement quickl y. To be tr ue and accurate. True mainly reflect the full pi cture of events, one is one, two

31、, thi s is the life of the information. Accura cy is primarily qualitative a nd qua ntitative que stions, quantitative obje ctive of publi cQualitative logi c. To be reliable a nd useful. We submit inform ation to have access t o de cisi on-making, to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica

32、 l problems. Mixed cum. On the negative informati on a nd emerge ncy i nformation, ra pid e scalati on i n strict a ccorda nce with the procedures, firm, newsp ape r, ne wspa pers, never late, fail to re port, false claim a nd skimmi ng. Investe e 2. supervision and insist on, ar ound nd pr otecti ng their i nterests to touch the tr uth, see k practical re sults. Adhere to people-orie nted, the most important thi ng is to re alize, safeguard a nd develop the f undamental intere sts of the overwhelming majority of the

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