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1、钻井专业英语题库高级油田生产事业部钻井专业 高级英语题库一、专业词汇英译汉(125题)1 Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督2 OIM 海上设施经理3 Senior Toolpusher 高级队长4 Junior Toolpusher 值班队长5 Driller 司钻6 Assistant Driller(简AD)副司钻7 Derrick Man 井架工8 Floor Man (或roughneck)钻工9 Barge Master(或captain)船长10 First Mate(或Barge Engineer) 大副11 Chief Engineer 轮机长12 Fl

2、ag Man(或Head of Roustabout) 甲板班长13 Crane Operator 吊车工14 Roustabout 甲板工15 Mechanic 机械师16 Electrician 电气师17 Motorman 轮机员18 Welder 焊工19 Warehouse Man (或Material Man) 材料员20 Medic 医生21 Safety Supervisor 安全监督22 Interpreter(或translator)翻译23 Chief Steward 管事24 Cook 厨师25 Steward 厨工26 Laundry Man 洗衣工27 Compan

3、y Man (或Operators Representative) 公司代表28 Geologist 地质师29 Mud Logging Engineer(或Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师30 Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师31 Cementer 固井工32 Cement Engineer 固井工程师33 Testing Engineer 试油工程师34 Wireline Logging Engineer 电测工程师35 Drawworks 钻井绞车36 Top Drive System(简TDS) 顶驱37 Crown Block 天车38 Traveling Block 游车

4、39 Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手40 Cat Head 液压猫头41 Fishing Tool 打捞工具42 Power Tong 动力大钳43 Air Winch (或Air Tugger) 气动绞车44 Crown Block Saver 防碰天车装置45 Mud Pump 泥浆泵46 Shale Shaker 振动筛47 Desilter 除泥器48 Desander 除沙器49 Degasser 除气器50 Centrifuge 离心机51 Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器52 Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统53 Centrifugal

5、 Pump 离心泵54 Rotary Hose 水龙带55 Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐56 Pipe Ram Preventer 管子闸板防喷器57 Annular Preventer 万能防喷器58 BOP Stack 防喷器组59 Gate Valves 闸阀60 Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇61 Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇62 Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板63 Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板64 Diverter 转喷器65 Vent 通风口、通

6、气口66 Air Supply Fan 供气扇67 Mooring System 锚泊系统68 Communication Equipment 通讯设备69 Jacking System 升降系统70 Skidding System 井架滑移系统71 Windlass 锚机72 Anchor 锚73 Buoy 浮标74 Emergency Generator 应急发电机75 Water Maker (或desalinization unit) 造淡机76 Boiler 锅炉77 Air-conditioning System 空调系统78 Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给

7、系统79 Transformer 变压器80 MCC 马达控制中心81 VFD 变频器82 Fire Control System 消防控制系统83 Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器84 Fire-Fighting Equipment 消防设备85 Lifeboat 救生艇86 (Inflatable) Life Raft (气胀式)救生筏87 Breathing Apparatus(或breather) 呼吸器88 Life Jacket (或life vest) 救生衣89 Life Buoy 救生圈90 Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房91 Standb

8、y Boat 值班船92 Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班93 Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区94 BHA: Bottom Hole Assembly下部钻具组合95 TVD: True Vertical Depth (定向井的)垂直深度96 SCR: Silicon Controlled Rectifier 可控硅97 WOW: Wait on Weather 等候天气98 WOC :Wait on Cement 候凝99 WOB: Weight On Bit 钻压100 RPM: Revolution Per Minute 转速/分钟101 SWL: Sa

9、fe Working Load 安全工作负荷102 API :American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会103 IADC: International Association of Drilling Contractors 国际钻井承包商协会104 drilling under pressure/under balance pressure drilling欠平衡钻井105 drilling over pressure 过平衡钻井106 near-balance pressure drilling 近平衡钻井107 DST-drilling stem test 中途

10、测试108 ECD-equivalent circulating density 等效/当量循环密度109 gas-cut mud/气侵泥浆110 fault 断层111 filter cake 滤饼112 filter loss 滤失量113 flow check 溢流检测114 formation breakdown pressure 地层破裂压力 115 formation competency test 地层承压能力测试116 formation fracture gradient地层破裂压力梯度117 hydrostatic pressure静液压力118 ICP(initial c

11、irculating pressure) 初始循环压力119 FCP (final circulating pressure) 终了循环压力120 permeability 渗透性 121 pit gain 泥浆池增量122 rate of penetration (ROP)机械钻速 m/hr123 snub 不压井起下钻124 stripping in/out 强行起/下钻125 swab 抽汲二 专业词汇汉译英(100题)1. 异常压力 abnormal pressure 2. 储能器瓶 accumulator bottle 3. 酸化压裂 acid fracture(AF) 4. 可调节

12、流阀 adjustable choke 5. 环空压力(套压) annular pressure/casing pressure 6. 立压 drillpipe pressure 7. 环空上返速度 annular velocity 8. 倒扣/卸扣 back off 9. 回压 back-pressure10. 防喷器控制系统 blowout preventer control unit(Closing unit)11. 上返时间 bottoms-up time 12. 迟到时间 lag time 13. 套管破裂压力 casing burst pressure14. 单向阀 check v

13、alve 15. 节流阀 choke 16. 关井压力 closed-in pressure (shut-in pressure)17. 司钻法 drillers method18. 等待加重法/工程师法 wait-and-weight method 19. 钻具内防喷器 inside blowout preventer 20. 井涌 kick /overflow21. 压井管线 kill line 22. 堵漏剂 lost circulation additives 23. 泥浆压力梯度 mud gradient 24. 返出物 returns 25. 浅层气 shallow gas 26.

14、 井塌 cave in 27. 循环池 Active tank 28. 沉砂池 Settling pit 29. 空气包 Air chamber 30. 套管割刀 Casing cutter 31. 刮管器 Casing scraper 32. 井口甲板 Cellar deck 33. 灌注泵 Charging pump 34. 回压凡尔 Check valve35. 离合器 Clutch 36. 冷却水泵 Cooling-water pump 37. 变换接头 Crossover joint(x/o) 38. 滚筒 Drum 39. 指梁 Finger board 40. 打捞震击器 Fis

15、hing jars 41. 铣鞋 Milling shoe 42. 近钻头扶正器 Near-bit stabilizer 43. 非磁钻铤 Non-magnetic drilling collar 44. 鹅颈管 Goose neck pipe 45. 内外加厚 Internal external upset 46. 内平钻杆接头 Internal flush joint 47. 打捞杯 Junk sub 48. 方钻杆保护接头 Kelly protective sub 49. 键槽破坏器 Key seat reamer 50. 弯管 Knee pipe 51. 锁紧螺栓 Lock bolt

16、52. 开口扳手 Open-ended spanner 53. 梅花扳手 Ring spanner 54. 钳子 Pincers 55. 铆钉 Rivet 56. 套筒扳手 Socket 57. 虎钳 vice(vise)缸套 Liner 58. 活塞 Piston 59. 活塞皮碗 Piston cup 60. 活塞杆 Piston rod 61. 旋塞阀 Plug valve 62. 气动工具 Pneumatic tool 63. 滑轮 Pulley 64. 反循环打捞篮 Reverse circulation junk basket 65. 钢圈 Ring gasket 66. 立根盒

17、Setback 67. 螺旋钻铤 Spiral drill collar 68. 盘根盒 Stuffing box 69. 井架大门 v-door 70. 冲管 wash pipe 71. 耐磨补芯 wear bushing 72. 造斜器,斜向器 whip stock 73. 钻杆排放区 Pipe Rack Area 74. 坡道 Ramp 75. 餐厅 Mess(也称Dining) Room 76. 娱乐室 Recreation Room 77. 工衣房 Change Room 78. 厨房 Kitchen 79. 套管扶正台 Casing Stabbing Board80. 通管器 Ra

18、bbit 81. 尾管 Liner82. 导管 Conductor83. 扩眼钻头 Reamer84. 打捞筒 Overshot85. 打捞篮 Junk Basket86. 打捞矛 Spear87. 打捞公锥 Fishing Tap 88. 下部钻具组合 Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA)89. 重晶石 Barite 90. 般土 Bentonite 91. 润滑油 Lubricant (Lube/Lube Oil) 92. 黄油 Grease 93. 添加剂 Additive 94. 烧碱 Caustic Soda 95. 稀释剂 Thinner 96. 氧气 Oxygen

19、 97. 氮气 Nitrogen 98. 乙炔 Acetylene 99. 万用表 Multimeter 100. 焊机 Welding Machine 三 专业英语阅读理解(25题)1. Power SystemThe main function of a rotary rig is to drill a hole, or as it is known in the industry, to make hole. Making hole with a rotary rig requires not only qualified personnel, but a lot of equipmen

20、t as well. In order to learn about the components that it takes to make hole, it is convenient to divide them into four main systems: power, hoisting, rotating, and circulating. Various components comprise the last three systems, but all require power to make them work.Practically every rig uses int

21、ernal-combustion engines as its prime power source, or its prime mover. A rigs engines are similar to the one in a car except that rig engines are bigger, more powerful, and do not use gasoline as a fuel. Also, rigs require more than one engine to furnish the needed power. Most rig engines today ate

22、 diesels, although some are still around that burn natural or liquefied gas as a fuel. Gas engines use spark plugs to ignite the fuel-air mixture in their combustion chambers to produce power.On the other hand, diesel engines do not have spark plugs. Instead, the fuel-air mixture is ignited by the h

23、eat that is generated by compression inside the engine. Any time a gas is compressed, its temperature rises; compress it enough (as in a diesel engine), and, if its flammable, it gets hot enough to ignite. Therefore, diesel engines are sometimes called compression-ignition engines, while gas and gas

24、oline are called spark-ignition engines. Diesel engines have almost totally supplanted gas engines because diesel engines are generally less expensive to operate.A rig, depending on its size and how deep a hole it must drill, may have from two to four engines. Naturally, the bigger the rig, the deep

25、er it can drill and the more power it will need. Thus, the big rigs have three or four engines, all of them together developing up to 3000 or more horsepower. Of course, once all the horsepower is develop, it must be sent, or transmitted, to the components to be put to work. Two common methods are u

26、sed to transfer the power electrical and mechanical.1. Compared with a rigs engines the one in a car is bigger and more powerful.(F)2. A rig needs two or more engines for the required power. (T)3. Diesel engines are different from gas engines in that diesel engines use spark plugs to ignite the fuel

27、-air mixture in their combustion chambers to produce power. (F)4. Gas engines are less expensive to operate than diesel engines. (F)5. Three or four engines in a big rig will produce up to 30 000 or more horsepower. (F)2. The Drawworks and the Cat-headsThe drawworks is a big, heavy piece of machiner

28、y. It consists of a revolving drum around which the wire rope called the drilling line is spooled or wrapped. It also has a cat shaft on which the cat-heads are mounted. Further, it has several other shafts, clutches, and chain-and-gear drives for speed and direction changes. It also contains a main

29、 brake, which has the ability to stop and prevent the drum from turning. When heavy loads are being raised or lowered, the main brake is assisted by an auxiliary hydraulic or electric brake to help absorb the momentum created by a heavy load.Typically, four cat-heads are mounted on the cat shaft of

30、the drawworks. A cat-head looks somewhat like a cats head when viewed end on. Two different types of cat-heads are mounted on each end of the cat shaft, which extends out from both sides of the drawworks. On the very ends of the cat shaft are the friction cat-heads and right next to them are the aut

31、omatic or mechanical cat-heads.A friction cat-head is a relatively small, spool-shaped device. Using a large fiber rope (called the catline) wrapped several times around the spool of the friction cat-head, a crew member can use the cat-head to hoist pieces of equipment that have to be moved around on the rig floor. Many rigs are now equipped with small air-powered hoists that are used in place of the friction cat-heads. Air hoists are items of equipment separate from the drawworks and are muc

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