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C++ Primer英文版第5版.docx

1、C+ Primer英文版第5版C+ Primer英文版(第5版)C+ Primer英文版(第5版)基本信息作者: (美)李普曼(Lippman,S.B.) (美)拉乔伊(Lajoie,J.) (美)默Moo,B.E.) 出版社:电子工业出版社ISBN:9787121200380上架时间:2013-4-23出版日期:2013 年5月开本:16开页码:964版次:5-1所属分类:计算机 软件与程序设计 C+ C+内容简介 计算机书籍这本久负盛名的C+经典教程,时隔八年之久,终迎来史无前例的重大升级。除令全球无数程序员从中受益,甚至为之迷醉的C+大师Stanley B. Lippman的丰富实践经验

2、,C+标准委员会原负责人Jose Lajoie对C+标准的深入理解,以及C+先驱Barbara E. Moo在C+教学方面的真知灼见外,更是基于全新的C+11标准进行了全面而彻底的内容更新。非常难能可贵的是,C+ Primer英文版(第5版)所有示例均全部采用C+11标准改写,这在经典升级版中极其罕见充分体现了C+语言的重大进展极其全面实践。书中丰富的教学辅助内容、醒目的知识点提示,以及精心组织的编程示范,让这本书在C+领域的权威地位更加不可动摇。无论是初学者入门,或是中、高级程序员提升,本书均为不容置疑的首选。目录c+ primer英文版(第5版) preface chapter 1 get

3、ting started 1 1.1 writing a simple c+program 2 1.1.1 compiling and executing our program 3 1.2 afirstlookat input/output 5 1.3 awordaboutcomments 9 1.4 flowofcontrol 11 1.4.1 the whilestatement 11 1.4.2 the forstatement 13 1.4.3 readinganunknownnumberof inputs 14 1.4.4 the ifstatement 17 1.5 introd

4、ucingclasses 19 1.5.1 the sales_itemclass 20 1.5.2 afirstlookatmemberfunctions 23 1.6 thebookstoreprogram. 24 chaptersummary 26 definedterms 26 part i the basics 29 chapter 2 variables and basic types 31 2.1 primitivebuilt-intypes 32 2.1.1 arithmetictypes 32 2.1.2 typeconversions 35 2.1.3 literals 3

5、8 2.2 variables 41 2.2.1 variabledefinitions 41 2.2.2 variabledeclarations anddefinitions 44 2.2.3 identifiers 46 2.2.4 scopeof aname 48 2.3 compoundtypes 50 2.3.1 references 50 2.3.2 pointers 52 2.3.3 understandingcompoundtypedeclarations 57 2.4 constqualifier 59 2.4.1 references to const 61 2.4.2

6、pointers and const 62 2.4.3 top-level const 63 2.4.4 constexprandconstantexpressions 65 2.5 dealingwithtypes 67 2.5.1 typealiases 67 2.5.2 the autotypespecifier 68 2.5.3 the decltypetypespecifier 70 2.6 definingourowndatastructures 72 2.6.1 defining the sales_datatype 72 2.6.2 using the sales_datacl

7、ass 74 2.6.3 writing our own header files 76 chaptersummary 78 definedterms 78 chapter 3 strings, vectors, and arrays 81 3.1 namespace usingdeclarations 82 3.2 library stringtype 84 3.2.1 defining and initializing strings 84 3.2.2 operations on strings 85 3.2.3 dealing with the characters in a strin

8、g 90 3.3 library vectortype 96 3.3.1 defining and initializing vectors 97 3.3.2 adding elements to a vector 100 3.3.3 other vectoroperations 102 3.4 introducingiterators 106 3.4.1 usingiterators 106 3.4.2 iteratorarithmetic 111 3.5 arrays 113 3.5.1 definingandinitializingbuilt-inarrays 113 3.5.2 acc

9、essingtheelementsof anarray 116 3.5.3 pointers andarrays 117 3.5.4 c-stylecharacterstrings 122 3.5.5 interfacingtooldercode 124 3.6 multidimensionalarrays 125 chaptersummary 131 definedterms 131 chapter 4 expressions 133 4.1 fundamentals 134 4.1.1 basicconcepts 134 4.1.2 precedenceandassociativity 1

10、36 4.1.3 orderofevaluation 137 4.2 arithmeticoperators 139 4.3 logical andrelationaloperators 141 4.4 assignmentoperators 144 4.5 increment anddecrementoperators 147 4.6 thememberaccessoperators 150 4.7 theconditionaloperator 151 4.8 thebitwiseoperators 152 4.9 the sizeofoperator 156 4.10 commaopera

11、tor 157 4.11 typeconversions 159 4.11.1 thearithmeticconversions 159 4.11.2 other implicitconversions 161 4.11.3 explicitconversions 162 4.12 operatorprecedencetable 166 chaptersummary 168 definedterms 168 chapter 5 statements 171 5.1 simple statements 172 5.2 statementscope 174 5.3 conditional stat

12、ements 174 5.3.1 the ifstatement 175 5.3.2 the switchstatement 178 5.4 iterativestatements 183 5.4.1 the whilestatement 183 5.4.2 traditional forstatement 185 5.4.3 range forstatement 187 5.4.4 the do whilestatement 189 5.5 jumpstatements 190 5.5.1 the breakstatement 190 5.5.2 the continuestatement

13、191 5.5.3 the gotostatement 192 5.6 tryblocks andexceptionhandling 193 5.6.1 a throwexpression 193 5.6.2 the tryblock 194 5.6.3 standardexceptions 197 chaptersummary 199 definedterms 199 chapter 6 functions 201 6.1 functionbasics 202 6.1.1 localobjects 204 6.1.2 functiondeclarations 206 6.1.3 separa

14、tecompilation 207 6.2 argumentpassing 208 6.2.1 passingargumentsbyvalue 209 6.2.2 passingargumentsbyreference 210 6.2.3 constparametersandarguments 212 6.2.4 arrayparameters 214 6.2.5 main:handlingcommand-lineoptions 218 6.2.6 functionswithvaryingparameters 220 6.3 return types and the returnstateme

15、nt 222 6.3.1 functionswithnoreturnvalue 223 6.3.2 functionsthatreturnavalue 223 6.3.3 returningapointer toanarray 228 6.4 overloadedfunctions 230 6.4.1 overloadingandscope 234 6.5 features forspecializeduses 236 6.5.1 defaultarguments 236 6.5.2 inline and constexprfunctions 238 6.5.3 aids for debugging 240 6.6 functionmatching 242 6.6.1 argumenttypeconversions 245 6.7 pointers tofunctions 247 chaptersummary 251 definedterms 251 chapter 7 classes

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