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1、英同步词汇高二下新世纪7讲义带练习及答案可打印Book 4Unit 7 Oliver Wants MoreNew CenturyI. Vocabulary1. classicn. 文学名著,经典作品e.g. In terms of language learning, I suggest reading the latest novels before getting down to classics, because some of the words are not widely used nowadays, which makes it difficult to understand.

2、就语言学习而言,我建议读名著前先读最近出版的小说,因为名著里的一些语言现在使用的少,读起来很难理解。adj. 古典的e.g. Contrary to most modern style of furnishing, our grandmother prefers a classic one: she adopts wallpaper instead of paint, wing chairs instead of armchairs, and warm yellow lamps instead of bright white lights. 和现代装修风格不同,我的祖母更喜欢古典式样:她用墙纸

3、代替油漆,用靠背椅代替扶手椅,用暖黄色台灯代替白色电灯。【拓展】classicaladj. 古典的,经典的e.g. Listening to classical music, to some extent, seems to be an exceptional taste, the peace it brings being a rarity in the fast-paced society. 从某种程度上说,听古典音乐是种与众不同的品味,其带来的安静在快节奏的社会中显得格外难得。2. boardn. 董事会e.g. Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple and serv

4、es on its Board of Directors. Before being named CEO in August 2011, Tim was Apples Chief Operating Officer and was responsible for all of the companys worldwide sales and operations. 蒂姆库克是苹果公司的首席执行官和董事会一员。2011年8月被任命为首席执行官之前,他是苹果公司的首席运营官,负责公司的全球销售和运营工作。v. 登上(巴士、飞机等交通工具)e.g. The police finally ran do

5、wn the criminals as they were about to board the ship.警察终于在那些罪犯正准备上船时把他们抓获了。【辨析】committeen. 委员会e.g. The World Heritage Committee meets once a year to discuss the management of existing World Heritage Sites. 世界遗产委员会每年会面探讨现存世界遗产保护地的管理问题。3. assistv. 帮助,支援assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事e.g. It is believed

6、that donating money is the best way to assist people in earthquake areas with their life while this is only part of the truth. Psychotherapy and education are more important, as the future generation have to learn to go on living. 普遍认为捐钱是帮助地震灾区人民生活的最佳办法,但事实并非完全如此。心理治疗和教育更重要,因为灾后人民要学会继续生活。【拓展】assista

7、ncen. 帮助,援助e.g. Employment assistance programme can help those who are equipped with skills to find a job, but it wont work for those who are waiting for free milk and bread. 就业援助计划能帮助那些有着一定技能的人找到工作,但是对于那些坐等免费午餐的人来说,并不奏效。【辨析】(1) aidv. 帮助,协助n. 帮助,辅助设备e.g. Most universities offer financial aid for hou

8、sing plans or meal plans to undergraduate students, so that students have flexibility as to how much they pay for room and board. 大多数高校都向本科生提供住房餐饮方面的经济补助,这样学生在食宿上能灵活调整开支。(2) rescuev. 营救,援救n. 营救,救援come to ones rescue 救援e.g. After hearing a constant meow in the backyard on a rainy day, Andy quickly ca

9、me to the cats rescue. Now the rescued kitty has become a happy member of Andys family. 某个下雨天,后院不时传来喵喵声,安迪听到后赶紧救起了小猫。这只被救起的小猫成为了安迪一家欢乐的一员。4. whisperv. 低声说,低语whisper sth. to sb. 对某人低声说e.g. We couldnt hear what the father whispered to his daughter. What we saw was that his daughter struggled to stand

10、up and returned to the venue. 我们听不到父亲对女儿说了什么。但我们看到女儿努力站了起来并重回赛场。n. 低语in a whisper 低声地e.g. Helen had a sore throat, so she had to communicate with her son in a whisper. Interestingly enough, her son whispered to her as well. 海伦嗓子疼,只得低声和儿子交流。有意思的是,她的儿子也低声和她说话。5. faintadj. 暗淡的,无力的e.g. After a shower, a

11、 faint band of rainbow appeared in the sky. 阵雨之后,一弯淡淡的彩虹出现在了天边。v. 昏厥e.g. I felt ready to faint when I saw blood. 看见血,我就要晕过去。【辨析】(1) dimadj. 昏暗的,微弱的;模糊的e.g. The light is dim. Bring more candles here. 光线太暗了。再拿些蜡烛过来。e.g. I can recall being here a long time before, as if it took place in a dim dream.我记得

12、很久以前来过这里,朦朦胧胧,好似梦中。(2) vagueadj. 模糊的,含糊的e.g. Such a vague term “feedback” is that most of us dont know what to write on the paper after attending a lecture. “反馈”这个词太含糊了,我们大多数人都不知道在听了讲座之后怎么填写这份反馈。6. seizev. 抓住,捉住;把握e.g. A tiger spots a prey, waits for a chance, and runs to seize it. 老虎瞅准了猎物,等待机会,抓住了它

13、。e.g. A keen founder seizes opportunity, act with confidence, and tolerate risks.敏锐的创业者把握机会,自信采取行动,承受风险。【辨析】(1) grabv. 抓住e.g. I grabbed my camera and managed to take a few shots before the rainbow disappeared. 我抓起相机,在彩虹消失之前拍到了几张照片。(2) graspv. 抓紧;理解,领会,明白e.g. Its easier to grasp the meaning of a voca

14、bulary if we study the classified vocabularies with pictures.将词汇分门别类,看图识字,更容易掌握词义。7. alarmn. 惊慌,恐慌;警报器e.g. Martin said the boss was going to make a visit to our office, but it proved to be a false alarm.马丁说老板要来造访我们办公室,结果是虚惊一场。e.g. The recent fires in Shanghai knock the alarm bell for fire safety.上海近

15、期发生的火灾为消防安全敲响了警钟。in alarm 惊恐地,害怕地e.g. After a heavy boom in the midnight, I sat up in alarm and quickly got dressed and rushed out.半夜一阵巨响,我惊慌地坐了起来,快速穿衣,冲了出去。v. 使.惊恐,使.害怕e.g. We could not see what had alarmed him.我们不明白是什么让他忧虑不安。【拓展】alarmedadj. 担心的,害怕的e.g. There is nothing to be alarmed about. You are

16、 just a little exhausted from overwork.没什么好担心的,你就是有点因为加班疲劳过度。8. assignv. 布置(作业);分配e.g. It would be hard to understand the third lecture, Utilitarianism, by Michael Sandel if we didnt read the Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremy Bentham(1780) assigned by the professor.如果不看迈克尔桑德尔教授布置的由杰里米边沁

17、编著的道德与立法原理的话,那么是听不懂教授关于功利主义的第三场讲座的。assign sth. to sb. 把.分配给.e.g. The company may assign different tasks and duties to employees, even if they are all graduates with no relevant experience. 即使是没有相关工作的大学毕业生,公司也可能分配给他们不同的任务和职责。【拓展】assignmentn. 作业;工作,任务e.g. Moderate amount of assignment helps us review

18、what we have learnt in the daytime, while excessive amount exhausts our mind. 适量的作业帮助我们复习白天所学,过量的作业使我们的大脑感到疲惫。e.g. The journalist was sent to Syria for report assignment, where he saw sufferings of the local people. 这位记者被派往叙利亚执行新闻工作,在那儿他目睹了当地人民的苦难。9. leveln. 水平,程度,等级e.g. My weight has now returned t

19、o the normal level and for the next few weeks, I can eat and drink as much as most people do. 我的体重回到的正常水平,在接下来的几周内,我能和大家一样正常饮食了。e.g. I notice that every time my stress level is high, there are two moons in my dream, giant and bright, as if I would be swallowed by them. 我注意到,每当我压力程度偏高的时候,梦境里就会出现两个月亮,

20、又大又亮,好像要把我吞噬。e.g. Japanese experts believe that the radiation level of Fukushima nuclear power plant is so low that residents neednt bother to move to other places. 日本专家认为,福岛核电站的辐射等级很低,居民不需要搬到其他地方去。v. 使.平坦,整平e.g. Further tremors can level more buildings can the earthquake itself.余震可能比地震本身摧毁更多的建筑物。10

21、. uncoverv. 发现,揭露e.g. 100 days after the Sinking of MV Sewol, a Korean documentary was released, trying to uncover the truth behind the disaster. 世越号沉船后的100天,发行了一部韩国纪录片以揭露灾难背后的真相。【辨析】(1) disclosev. 揭露,透露e.g. The police didnt disclose the details of the case and refused to comment on the suspect. 警方没

22、有透露案件的细节,并拒绝对嫌犯做出评论。(2) revealv. 揭示,透露e.g. The photos of cafes and bookstores he uploaded in his social media reveal that he is man enjoying a slow pace of life. 他在社交媒体上传的咖啡店和书店的照片,显示出他是一位享受慢生活的男士。11. enlighten en-light-env. 启发,启迪e.g. The paintings of Van Goghs sunflowers enlighten us about the appr

23、eciation of the impression of nature. 梵高的向日葵画作启发着我们去欣赏自然。【拓展】enlightenmentn. 启迪,启发;(18世纪欧洲的)启蒙运动e.g. I will never know when enlightenment will strike, so I carry a pen and a notebook with me in case she visits me.不知灵感何时会来,所以我随身携带纸笔,静候灵感女神降临。【辨析】inspirev. 激励,鼓舞;启发e.g. The best part of my job is that

24、it inspires me to work out better approaches in dealing with knowledge instead of doing repetitive work. 我的工作最棒的地方,就是它激励着我去找出更好的方法来传授知识,而不是重复工作。e.g. The Indian movie Dangal is inspired by a true story, telling about an amateur wrestler who trains his daughters to become Indias first world-class fema

25、le wrestlers. 电影摔跤吧爸爸是在真实事件的启发下创作的,讲述了一位业余摔跤手训练自己女儿成为印度第一位世界级别的女摔跤手的故事。12. put an end to 使.结束e.g. The best way to put an end to an argument is communication rather than violence. 结束争论的最好方式不是暴力,而是沟通。【辨析】come to an end 结束e.g. The summit of S. Korean and DPRK leaders means that the tensions on the peni

26、nsular will soon come to an end. 朝韩领导人的会晤意味着朝鲜半岛的紧张局势不久就将结束。13. account for (在数量、比例方面)占;解释e.g. Customers going to IKEA just for dining account for 30%, which may help explain why sales in the food department of IKEA grows to US $1,800,000,000 year in 2016.去宜家仅为就餐的顾客占了30%,这估计就能解释为什么2016年宜家食品部门的销售额能达到

27、18亿美元了。e.g. The suspect had no alibi to account for where he had been to on that day. 嫌犯没有不在场证明来解释他当天去了哪里。14. make up 组成,构成e.g. Nucleus and cytoplasm make up a cell.细胞核和细胞质组成了细胞。【辨析】(1) consist of 由.组成e.g. The United Nations consist of 193 member states and 2 observer states. 联合国由193个成员国和2个观察员国组成。(2

28、) constitutev. 构成,组成e.g. Volunteers constitute 50% of the charitys work force.该慈善机构50%的工作人员是志愿者。II. Translation1. 随着年龄增长,我开始能理解文学著作中冗长又复杂的句子所要表达的含义了。 (which)_2. 如果你乘错了地铁,请从下一个车站下车,并乘上对面的地铁。 (board)_3. 从事兼职工作大大帮助我解决了大学期间的生活费用。 (expense)_4. 该实验室的仪器能探测到微弱的无线电波。 (detect)_5. 如果我是你,我当时肯定抓住机会去我们公司的海外分部学习深造。 (If)_6. 飞机突然的颠簸引起了全体乘客的恐慌,有些人开始低声议论。 (turbulence, whom)_7. 搬入新房子后,最大的房间用作了书房,里面放了全家的书,最小的房间分配给了我和姐姐。 (where)_8. 已经采取措施

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