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1、php中emailclassdebug = FALSE; $this-smtp_port = $smtp_port; $this-relay_host = $relay_host; $this-time_out = 30; /is used in fsockopen() # $this-auth = $auth;/auth $this-user = $user; $this-pass = $pass; # $this-host_name = localhost; /is used in HELO command $this-log_file = ; $this-sock = FALSE; /*

2、 Main Function */ function sendmail($to, $from, $subject = , $body = , $mailtype, $cc = , $bcc = , $additional_headers = ) $mail_from = $this-get_address($this-strip_comment($from); $body = ereg_replace(|(rn)(.), 1.3, $body); $header = MIME-Version:1.0rn; if($mailtype=HTML) $header .= Content-Type:t

3、ext/htmlrn; $header .= To: .$to.rn; if ($cc != ) $header .= Cc: .$cc.rn; $header .= From: $fromrn; $header .= Subject: .$subject.rn; $header .= $additional_headers; $header .= Date: .date(r).rn; $header .= X-Mailer:By Redhat (PHP/.phpversion().)rn; list($msec, $sec) = explode( , microtime(); $header

4、 .= Message-ID: rn; $TO = explode(, $this-strip_comment($to); if ($cc != ) $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(, $this-strip_comment($cc); if ($bcc != ) $TO = array_merge($TO, explode(, $this-strip_comment($bcc); $sent = TRUE; foreach ($TO as $rcpt_to) $rcpt_to = $this-get_address($rcpt_to); if (!$this-s

5、mtp_sockopen($rcpt_to) $this-log_write(Error: Cannot send email to .$rcpt_to.n); $sent = FALSE; continue; if ($this-smtp_send($this-host_name, $mail_from, $rcpt_to, $header, $body) $this-log_write(E-mail has been sent to n); else $this-log_write(Error: Cannot send email to n); $sent = FALSE; fclose(

6、$this-sock); $this-log_write(Disconnected from remote hostn); return $sent; /* Private Functions */ function smtp_send($helo, $from, $to, $header, $body = ) if (!$this-smtp_putcmd(HELO, $helo) return $this-smtp_error(sending HELO command); #auth if($this-auth) if (!$this-smtp_putcmd(AUTH LOGIN, base

7、64_encode($this-user) return $this-smtp_error(sending HELO command); if (!$this-smtp_putcmd(, base64_encode($this-pass) return $this-smtp_error(sending HELO command); # if (!$this-smtp_putcmd(MAIL, FROM:) return $this-smtp_error(sending MAIL FROM command); if (!$this-smtp_putcmd(RCPT, TO:) return $t

8、his-smtp_error(sending RCPT TO command); if (!$this-smtp_putcmd(DATA) return $this-smtp_error(sending DATA command); if (!$this-smtp_message($header, $body) return $this-smtp_error(sending message); if (!$this-smtp_eom() return $this-smtp_error(sending . EOM); if (!$this-smtp_putcmd(QUIT) return $th

9、is-smtp_error(sending QUIT command); return TRUE; function smtp_sockopen($address) if ($this-relay_host = ) return $this-smtp_sockopen_mx($address); else return $this-smtp_sockopen_relay(); function smtp_sockopen_relay() $this-log_write(Trying to .$this-relay_host.:.$this-smtp_port.n); $this-sock =

10、fsockopen($this-relay_host, $this-smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this-time_out); if (!($this-sock & $this-smtp_ok() $this-log_write(Error: Cannot connenct to relay host .$this-relay_host.n); $this-log_write(Error: .$errstr. (.$errno.)n); return FALSE; $this-log_write(Connected to relay host .$this-rel

11、ay_host.n); return TRUE; function smtp_sockopen_mx($address) $domain = ereg_replace(.+(+)$, 1, $address); if (!getmxrr($domain, $MXHOSTS) $this-log_write(Error: Cannot resolve MX .$domain.n); return FALSE; foreach ($MXHOSTS as $host) $this-log_write(Trying to .$host.:.$this-smtp_port.n); $this-sock

12、= fsockopen($host, $this-smtp_port, $errno, $errstr, $this-time_out); if (!($this-sock & $this-smtp_ok() $this-log_write(Warning: Cannot connect to mx host .$host.n); $this-log_write(Error: .$errstr. (.$errno.)n); continue; $this-log_write(Connected to mx host .$host.n); return TRUE; $this-log_write

13、(Error: Cannot connect to any mx hosts (.implode(, , $MXHOSTS).)n); return FALSE; function smtp_message($header, $body) fputs($this-sock, $header.rn.$body); $this-smtp_debug( .str_replace(rn, n. , $header.n .$body.n ); return TRUE; function smtp_eom() fputs($this-sock, rn.rn); $this-smtp_debug(. EOM

14、n); return $this-smtp_ok(); function smtp_ok() $response = str_replace(rn, , fgets($this-sock, 512); $this-smtp_debug($response.n); if (!ereg(23, $response) fputs($this-sock, QUITrn); fgets($this-sock, 512); $this-log_write(Error: Remote host returned .$response.n); return FALSE; return TRUE; functi

15、on smtp_putcmd($cmd, $arg = ) if ($arg != ) if($cmd=) $cmd = $arg; else $cmd = $cmd. .$arg; fputs($this-sock, $cmd.rn); $this-smtp_debug( .$cmd.n); return $this-smtp_ok(); function smtp_error($string) $this-log_write(Error: Error occurred while .$string.n); return FALSE; function log_write($message)

16、 $this-smtp_debug($message); if ($this-log_file = ) return TRUE; $message = date(M d H:i:s ).get_current_user().getmypid().: .$message; if (!file_exists($this-log_file) | !($fp = fopen($this-log_file, a) $this-smtp_debug(Warning: Cannot open log file .$this-log_file.n); return FALSE; flock($fp, LOCK

17、_EX); fputs($fp, $message); fclose($fp); return TRUE; function strip_comment($address) $comment = ()*); while (ereg($comment, $address) $address = ereg_replace($comment, , $address); return $address; function get_address($address) $address = ereg_replace( trn)+, , $address); $address = ereg_replace(

18、.*.*$, 1, $address); return $address; function smtp_debug($message) if ($this-debug) echo $message; ?=demo= 程序代码?phprequire (class.php);$smtpserver = ;/SMTP服务器$smtpserverport =25;/SMTP服务器端口$smtpusermail = xxx;/SMTP服务器的用户邮箱$smtpemailto = drckness;/发送给谁$smtpuser = xxxxxxxx;/SMTP服务器的用户帐号$smtppass = xxx

19、x;/SMTP服务器的用户密码$mailsubject = Test SubjectFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;/邮件主题$mailbody = This is a test mail;/邮件内容$mailtype = HTML;/邮件格式(HTML/TXT),TXT为文本邮件$smtp = new smtp($smtpserver,$smtpserverport,true,$smtpuser,$smtppass);$smtp-debug = TRUE;/是否显示发送的调试信息$smtp-sendmail($smtpemailto, $smtpusermail, $mailsubject, $mailbody, $mailtype);?

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