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1、自学考试英语翻译词语翻译一、考试题型暨测试重点分析I. 词语翻译(英译汉;汉译英)II. 单句改译(英语句子改译;汉语句子改译)III. 单句翻译(英译汉;汉译英)IV. 语篇翻译(英译汉;汉译英)二、冲刺班内容I. 词语翻译(课本内容总结)II. 单句改译(考点及技巧解析)III. 单句翻译(技巧分析及重点总结)IV. 语篇翻译(翻译方法讲解)第一部分 词语翻译(课本内容总结)第一课:英语时政要闻汉译词语英译汉:nuclear proliferation核扩散economic recovery经济复苏freedom of speech and assembly言论和集会自由national

2、security adviser国家安全事务助理第二课:汉语时政要闻英译词语汉译英:政府网the website of the central government 新华网the web site of Xinhua News Agency 十二五the 12th Five-Year Plan国计民生national development and peoples livelihood任期tenure of office恪尽职守to perform ones duty honestly 稳定物价price stabilization货币流动性the monetary flow 通胀预期infl

3、ation expectations调控措施readjustment measures 囤积居奇cornering the market哄抬物价jack up prices保障性住房economy houses 棚户区shantytown投机性住房需求speculative housing demands捂盘惜售property hoarding 圈地不用keeping purchased land unused医疗改革health care reform第三课:英语时事评论汉译词语英译汉:economic reach经济影响力achieve eminence脱颖而出a zero-sum ga

4、me得失相抵的较量exceptionalism例外论Sino-American relationship中美关系第四课:汉语时事评论英译词语汉译英:贫富差距gap between the rich and the poor基尼系数Gini coefficient平均主义egalitarianism限高upper limit关税customs duty 增值税value added tax 营业税business tax 资源税resource tax地下经济illegal underground economy偷漏税tax evasion 弱势群体the disadvantaged group

5、 基础阶层people at the bottom level兜底guaranteed income system社会保障事业social security undertakings 转移支付social transfer payments 垄断经营monopolized operation垄断利润monopoly profits 垄断行业monopoly trades特许经营franchise暴利colossal profits邮电通讯post and telecommunications公共事业部门public institutions第五课:英语经贸资料汉译词语英译汉:equality

6、of opportunity 机会均等social class background 社会背景inherited privilege 继承的特权business section 商务专栏foreign aid 对外援助federal budget 联邦预算Federal Reserve Bank 联邦储备银行the entertainment industry 娱乐业show business 演艺业第六课:汉语经贸资料英译词语汉译英:货币疲软 teetering currency rates 购买力 purchasing power 大中型国有企业 large and medium-size

7、d state enterprises外贸体制改革 the reform of Chinas foreign trade regime以质取胜 fine quality or else no export售前售后服务 good service before and after sales附加值 the added value名特优新产品 premium and novel products“拳头”产品 “hard-punch” items 市场多元化 geographical diversification不能在一棵树上吊死 It is no good to “put all our eggs

8、 in one basket”大显身手 make a good killing站稳脚根 weather over the bad times优惠政策 preferential policies 基础设施 infrastructure外资 foreign investment劳工问题 labor problem金融危机 financial crisis消费市场 consumer market市场坚挺 steady market第七课:英语科技资料汉译词语英译汉:Silicon Valley 硅谷genetic alteration 转基因crude oil 原油science fiction 科

9、幻小说renewable petroleum 可再生汽油hydrogen fuel 氢燃料carbon negative 负碳的the raw materials 原材料industrial yeast 工业酵母nonpathogenic strains 非病原菌株E. coli 大肠杆菌custom-designing 定制设计fatty acid 脂肪酸byproduct 副产品第八课:汉语科技资料英译词语汉译英:聚丙烯 polypropylene聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇醋 polyethylene glycol terephthalate中国科学院 the Chinese Academy of

10、 Science抽纱 to draw yarn化学分解 chemical decomposition水解 hydrolysis醇解 alcoholysis单体 monomer低相对分子质量物质 substances with relatively low- molecular mass 高分子合成的原料 high-molecular synthetic materials化纤车间 a chemical fiber workshop 涤纶短纤维 short polyester fibers洗涤剂瓶 detergent bottles环保运动服 environment-friendly sport

11、swear环保晴雨两用衣 environment-friendly all-weather clothes化学物质 chemical substance 对苯二甲酸 terephthalic acid乙二醇 ethylene glycol再生树脂 regenerated resin环保事业environment-friendly undertaking 第九课:英语自然探秘资料汉译词语英译汉:global warming 全球气候变暖nuclear facilities 核设施flash floods 山洪sea-ice cover 海冰覆盖面积greenhouse gases 温室气体fos

12、sil-fuel emissions 化石燃料的排放solar variation 太阳的变化air mass 气团satellite measurements 卫星测量carbon-dioxide effect 二氧化碳效应第十课:汉语自然探秘资料英译词语汉译英:低空大气层 the lower atmosphere 水汽凝结物 condensed matters of the vapor 水平能见度 horizontal distance of visibility 轻雾 light fog 大雾 thick fog浓雾 heavy (or dense)fog辐射雾 radiation fo

13、g平流雾 advective fog蒸汽雾 steam fog上坡雾 up-slope fog锋面雾 frontal surface fog病害 plant disease抽穗 to ear up赤霉病 wheat scab气管炎 tracheitis咽喉炎 pharyngolaryngitis结膜炎 conjunctivitis千姿百态 appear in various shapes and postures云雾缭绕 be enveloped in mists and clouds第11课:英语文化习俗资料汉译词语英译汉:Passport to the Pub: The Tourists

14、Guide to Pub Etiquette 酒吧护照:旅游者酒吧仪俗指南第12课:汉语文化习俗资料英译词语汉译英:中国社会调查事务所 Chinas Social Survey Office“洋节” Western festivals 中国传统节日 traditional Chinese festivals 西学东渐 Western learning being introduced into China农耕社会 agrarian society 情人节 Saint Valentines Day复活节 Easter Sunday万圣节 All Saints Day 感恩节 Thanksgivi

15、ng Day坚船利炮 armored ships with big guns民族认同感 the sense of national identity 儒学经典 Confucian teachings 封建残余 feudalist vestiges端午 the Dragon Boat Festival中秋 Mid-Autumn Day法定假日 legal holidays全国节日及纪念日放假办法“Solution to the Holiday Problem of Festivals and Anniversaries”联合国教科文组织 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)

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