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1、口语集锦1.Please try to understand my point of view。请理解我的观点。2. Wait, can I take that back?等一下,我能收回我说的话吗?3. This is important to me. Please listen。这对我很重要。请仔细听。4. I overreacted。我反应过激了。5. I see youre in a tough position。我知道你的处境艰难。6. I can see my part in this。这个问题,我有错。7. I hadnt thought of it that way befor

2、e。我以前没有这样想过。8. I could be wrong。我可能是错的。9. Lets agree to disagree on that。让我们接受我们的不同观点。10.This isnt just your problem; its our problem。这不只是你的问题。这是我们的问题。#俚语#1. get the hang of进入状态,摸到窍门 I think if I practice serving a couple of times, Ill get the hang of it. 我想如果我多练习几次发球,我就会魔到窍门了。 2. out to lunch神经病,神志

3、不清 Richard stands on his head in the shower. Hes really out to lunch. 理查德在浴室倒立。他真是有病。 3. rap sheet犯罪记录,前科 This isnt his first offense. He has a rap sheet a mile long. 这不是他第一次犯罪,他前科累累。 4. red tape官样文章,繁琐的程序 I need this information as soon as possible. See if you can cut through the red tape. 我要尽快拿到这份

4、文件。看能不能缩短申请的程序。 5. a fair shot相当大的希望 You have a fair shot at the scholarship. 你很有希望能拿到奖学金。#俚语#1. off-the-wall古怪的,离奇的 He said some really off the-wall things. Where does he come up with them? 他说了一些非常离奇的事。他从那里听来的? 2. on the right track走对路了 If you learn ten new sentences every day, you are on the right

5、 track to speaking fluent English. 如果你每天坚持学是个句子,就有希望流利的说英语了。 3. on a roll顺利;手气、运气好 Dont stop me now. Im on a roll. 现在别叫我停,我手气正好。 4. funky蛮特别的 We listened to some funky music. 我们听了一些蛮特别的音乐。 5. phony假的 That cupboard does not open, its a phony. Its there for decoration. 那个柜子打不开,是假的。那是装饰用的。 #记单词#1.ethic

6、s伦理学;2.morality道德;3.justice正义;4.virtue 美德;5.values价值观;6.character品质;7. integrity正直;8.responsibility责任;9.conscience 良心;10.egoism利己主义;11.altruism利他主义;12.utilitarianism功利主义;13.preaching说教;14.misdemeanor 品行不端;#口语集锦#1. Were facing an intractable problem. 这个问题似乎无法解决。2. Restaurants jacked up their prices.

7、饭馆全部涨价。3. He cast a few furtive glances. 他偷看了几眼。4. Shes a talebearer. 这个女人好搬弄是非。5. I dropped in on Gorge on my way. 路上我顺便拜访了一下乔治。6. The taste is no better than chewed tallow. 味同嚼蜡。7. Im not gonna do it without some financial inducements.没点实惠我可不干。8. Come straight home and dont loiter. 赶快回家。不要瞎逛。9. Yo

8、u cant wink at what he did. 你不能对他的行为视而不见哪。10. You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear. 朽木不可雕也。#俚语#1. potluck聚餐(各家带一道菜的聚餐方式) Were having a potluck Friday night, so bring a dish to pass. 星期五晚上我们要聚餐,带一道菜来参加吧! 2. play games捣鬼 Dont play games with me, Jane. Im on to your tricks and manipulations. 简,

9、别跟我捣鬼。我对你的诡计呵手段一清二楚。 3. raw deal卑鄙的行为 What a raw deal! I deserve the promotion more than he does. 卑鄙!我比他更应该升职。 4. stay out of不介入 Im going to stay out of their argument. 我不打算介入他们的争执。 5. walk out on丢开不管 You cant walk out on me. I really need your help. 你不能丢下我不管。我真的需要你的帮助。 #记单词#1.modest 谦虚的,羞怯的;2.objec

10、tive 客观的;3.precise 严格的,精确的;4.punctual 守时的;5.realistic 实事求是的;6.responsible 负责的;7.sensible 明白事理的;8.steady 踏实的;9.systematic 有系统的;10.purposeful 有决心的;11.sweet-tempered 性情温和的;#口语集锦#1Hes kicked upstairs. 他被明升暗降。2. Hes a recidivist. 他屡教不改。3. Dont worry. The dress is color-fast. 放心。这衣服不掉色。4. She sleeps like

11、a log. 她睡觉睡的好极了。5. Your idea is quixotic. 你太异想天开了。6. The prices remain static. 价格保持稳定。7. The charm can ward off evil spirits. 这件饰品能避邪。8. Im so scatty. 我太健忘了。9. Sorry Im late. Roadwork. 对不起我来晚了。修路。10. Miniskirt used to be very much in the mode. 迷你裙以前很流行。#俚语#1. fall for上当 We played a trick on him and

12、he fell for it. 我们捉弄他,他上当了。 2. fiddle around玩弄 Dont fiddle around with the television set. Youll end up breaking it. 不要玩电视机。你会弄坏的。 3. half-baked肤浅的,半吊子 How do you come up with all these half-baked ideas? You should think them out more carefully. 你怎么会想出这些肤浅的主意的?你应该仔细的考虑考虑。 4. goof up犯错,出岔子 Dont goof

13、up. This project is too important. 别出岔子。这个计划太重要了。 5. play dirty用诈术 The only way that Dan knows how to win is to play dirty. Im going to vote for Brian instead. 丹只会用诈术来赢。我要投布莱恩一票。 #记单词#1.snowfall 降雪;2.snowflakes 雪花;3.powder snow粉末雪;4.granular snow粒状雪;5.snowdrifts被风刮在一起的雪堆;6.meltwater冰雪融化成的水;7.melt 融化

14、;8.freeze结冰;9.avalanche雪崩;10.snow storm雪暴#口语集锦#1 Hes obnoxious to everyone. 他对谁都很粗鲁。2. Wishful thinking is not a crime. 意淫无罪。3. Only the nouveau riche flaunt. 暴发户才到处炫耀。4. He seems to be devoid of compassion. 他好像毫无同情心。5. They must drive themselves out of the gutter. 他们必须摆脱贫穷。6. Im sending you to eter

15、nity. 我送你上西天。7. We have to adopt salami tactics. 我们得稳扎稳打,步步为营。8. Do you need a recess? 要不要休息一下? 9. The interviews were just charade. 面试不过是个幌子。10. The poll was rigged. 投票结果有假。 #俚语#1. cheap shot下流手段 The candidates ended up taking cheap shots at each other during the debate. 辩论中,候选人最后都用下流手段攻击对方。 2. on

16、cloud line飘飘然(原以为在九重天上) Daphne was on cloud nine for days after Chip asked her to the prom. 棋谱邀请戴夫妮参加学校班级舞会,她兴奋了好几天。 3. cough it up(不情愿地)付钱 Cough it up. I know you have the twenty dollars. 付钱吧。我知道你有这二十美金的。 4. corny陈词滥调,毫无新意 Freds jokes are always so corny. 弗雷德的笑话总是如此毫无新意。 5. on the dot准时 He arrives

17、on the dot. I was sure hed be late. 他准时到了。我本以为他会迟到的。 #记单词#1.adorable!-可爱极了;2.amazing!-太神了;3.anytime!-随时吩咐;4.almost!-差不多了;5.awful!-好可怕啊;6.about when?-大约何时;7.all set-一切妥当;8.allow me!-让我来;9.bullshit!-胡说;10.crazy!-疯了#口语集锦#1. Youre killing me with that damn tenderness of yours. 你那该死的温柔!2. Post-operative

18、complications may occur. 术后可能有并发症。3. What are hours for meals? 什么时候开饭?4. The cake has gone stale. 蛋糕发霉了。5. Dont let your nervousness come through. 别让人看出你紧张。6. Try to strike a happy medium. 尽量折衷使大家都满意。7. I was completely mesmerized. 我被深深地迷住了。8. You certainly made short work of it. 你挺利索啊。9. This is ou

19、r corporate responsibility. 这是我们共同的责任。10. I was on the verge of tears. 我差点掉眼泪。#俚语#1. all wet错误的 Im afraid your idea is all wet. 我想你的想法是完全不对的。 2. back off缓和,软化,减轻 The city council had to back off from its criticism of the utility department. 市议会必须建勤对公用事业部门的批评。 3. as as all get out 极了 Mother is as mad

20、 as all get out. 母亲气疯了。 4. bent out of shape气坏了,大发雷霆 Mother is really bent out of shape because we came home so late last night.因为我们昨天回去那么晚,所以母亲大发雷霆。 5. bar one只此一家,别无分号 This is the best ice cream anywhere in the state of Texas, bar one. 这是德克萨斯州最好的冰淇淋,别无分号。#记单词#1. Certainly! 当然!2. Messy! 乱七八糟!3. Non

21、sense! 胡说!4. Probably! 很可能!5. Wow! 哇!6. Stingy! 小气鬼!7. Hurrah! 万岁!8. Remember? 记得吗?9. Someday! 改天吧!10. Lousy! 差劲!11. Bravo!好极了! 12. Gorgeous! 美极了!13. Unbelievable! 难以相信! #口语集锦#1 He looked at me lasciviously. 他色迷迷地打量我。2. Keep your ear to the ground. 警觉一点。3. A mole leaked the secret. 有内奸走漏了风声。4. Lay b

22、ack and enjoy your autumn years. 你可以安享晚年了。5. Are you gonna mooch off your family all the time? 你准备当一辈子啃老族?6. Inthe heat of the moment I slapped her. 我一气之下给了她一巴掌。.7. Hes getting wooly-minded. 他脑子有点乱了。8. See over for the answer. 答案在下一页。9. Their marriage was dissolved. 他们的婚姻解体了。10. Its a living death.

23、生不如死。1.act up 胡闹,出毛病The children started to act up as soon as the teacher left the room.老师一离开教室,孩子们就闹起来了。 lib 即兴而作,随口编The comedian ad libbed most of his routine. 那个喜剧演员大多是即兴表演。3.blah-blah-blah 说个不停All she does is go blah-blah-blah all night.她整夜说个不停。4.hit it off 投缘,一见如故They hit it off instantly a

24、nd have been good friends ever since.他们一见面就很投缘,从此成了好朋友。5.zit 青春痘Why is it that every time I have a hot date, I break out with a big zit on my face?为什么每次我有重要约会时,脸上都会冒出一个很大的青春痘呢? 1Thats an insult to my intelligence. 简直侮辱我的智慧。2. He looked lethargic. 他好像无精打采的。3. I dont hold out much hope. 我不抱多大希望。4. You

25、 got to be wary. 你得提防着点。5. No frills, please. 不要添枝加叶。6. Youre spoiled for choice. 你挑花眼了。7. No one can spike my guns. 谁能阻挡我。8. Its your fond hope. 你是一厢情愿。9. You have to grease their palms. 你得把他们打点好。10. Shes a wolf in sheeps clothing. 她是只披着羊皮的狼。1.put someone on the spot 让某人为难Dont put me on the spot li

26、ke this. You know I cant give you confidential information.别这样让我为难,你知道我不能给你机密资料的。2.racket 非法行业,挂羊头卖狗肉The police are determined to break up the racket.警方决定打击这个非法行业。3.have it good 享受得很She really has it good. Everybody caters to her every need.她真是享受得很,大家都依着他。4.dont knock it 不要太挑剔Don;t knock it! You won

27、t be able to find another job that pays sowell.别挑剔了!你未必可以找到另外一个待遇这么好的工作!5.pig out 狼吞虎咽We pigged out on potato chips and cookies until our bellies ached.我们大吃薯条和曲奇,吃到肚子撑到痛为止。1 You really shone out! 你真是惊艳哪。2. Hes living in squalor. 他住的地方太脏了。3. This place is a bear garden. 这儿太吵了。4. Pulled out all the st

28、ops, ah? 招数全使出来了,啊?5. My stomach flutters when I see her. 一见到她我就紧张。6. My reputation is in tatters. 我的名声臭了。7. We set off with glee. 我们兴致勃勃地出发了。8. Youre in the public eye. 你是公众人物。9. He has a huge, bulbous nose. 他有个大蒜头鼻子。10. Its just an empty threat. 只是虚张声势。1.He slipped into his old habits.他老毛病又犯了。2.He

29、s such a slug.他太蘑菇了。3.Im happy with my lot.我很满足。4.Things got a bit overheated.气氛有点紧张。5.I was in a brown study.我刚才走神了。6.The film will chill you to the marrow.这部片子能把你吓死。7.She is stepping out on me.她对我不忠。8.It makes me queasy.我想吐。9.Shes generous to a fault.她大方的离谱。10.Were over the hump now.最困难的时刻过去了。 Pri

30、ce is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.物价直线上升,这样子下去,我们锅里可没什么东西煮饭。None of you keyhole. 不准偷看。Come on, be reasonable. 嗨,你怎么不讲道理。Dont get me wrong. 别误会我。You dont seem to be quite yourself today. 你今天看起来不大对劲。Do you have any money on you? 你身上带钱了吗?My girlfriend and I broke up. 我和我的女朋友吹了。It was something that happens once in the blue moon. 这是千载难逢的事。It is a deal! 一言为定!You can say that again! 你说的太对了!pop the question. 求婚pull ones leg 开某人的玩笑polish the apple 拍马屁A:He is so good at buttering his boss up.B:I

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