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1、状语从句九大类的状语从句复合句是大学英语学习当中的重点之一,本文着重讲解了复合句当中状语从句的用法。一、状语从句的含义状语从句是在句子当中起状语作用的从句,由从属连词引出。表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、让步、条件、方式、对照和比较。状语从句按照其功用可分为九大类。学习状语从句应注意从属连词的使用。状语从句状语从句是在句子当中起状语作用的从句,由从属连词引出。表示时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、让步、条件、方式、对照和比较。一、时间状语从句1.常用来引出时间状语从句的连词有when, as, while, 表示“ 当时候”。when, as, while 用法有一些细微的区别。when是最常用

2、到的一个连词表示从句动作与主句动作同时发生或先于主句 如:When he was in Beijing, he stayed with us.( 两个动作同时发生)When he came home, he found his house was broken into.( 从句动作在先)When you come back next Spring, well hold a big party for you.( 从句动作在先)2. as 引导的从句动作持续时间较短与结束性动词如: come, go, start, begin, leave, reach, return, join 连用。As

3、 they were about to leave, the bell rang.All the tickets are sold, as I reached the movie theatre.3. while引导的从句动作持续时间较长。While I was having my dinner, one of my old friends called on me.While he was staying in Beijing, he paid a visit to the Summer Palace.When的特殊用法:When= and at this time, 常译为“正在这时”,w

4、hen 引入的从句一般放在主句之后,主句用进行时,主从句的动作几乎同时发生。如:I was watching TV when a visitor came.我正在看电视的时候有一位客人来了。She was opening the door when she found a bunch of flowers on the floor.她正要开门的时候发现地板上有一束花。4. as soon as; no sooner.than; scarcely when( before); hardly.when(before)也可用来引出时间状语从句,意思是“ 一.就”,表示主句和从句动作先后发生,间隔很短

5、。as soon as 引导的从句可放在主句之前或之后。As soon as I saw her, her face turned red.Ill write to you as soon as I get there.Ill let you know as soon as it is settled. no sooner, scarcely/ hardly可放在句首或句中,主句常用过去完成时;由than, when/before 引出的从句用一般过去时。He had no sooner seen me than he left the room.(主句用过去完成时,than引出的从句用一般过

6、去时。)He had scarcely/ hardly seen me when/ before he left the room.他一看见我就离开了房间。no sooner, scarcely(仅仅,几乎不)/ hardly放在句首时,主句用倒装,把助动词had提前,从句不变。No sooner had he seen me than he left the room.Scarcely/ Hardly had he seen me when/ before he left the room.5. The moment 一.就,相当于as soon as,The moment 引出的从句一般放

7、在主句之前。如:The moment he saw the girl, he fell in love with her.The moment he arrived there, he sent a telegram home.6. till和until引导时间状语从句通用。但在句首只能用until。 用于否定句时,表示“直到时,才”;“在以前,不”例如:He didnt came back home till/ until midnight.他直到半夜才回家。We had no idea of what had happened till/ until he told us.知道他告诉我们,

8、我们才知道发生了什么。Until he told us we had no idea of what had happened.Not until一起放在句首时,主句要倒装,把系动词,助动词,情态动词提前。Not until he told us did we have any idea of what had happened.Not until midnight did he come back.Not until help had arrived could we overcome the difficulties.直到援助到来之后,我们才克服了困难。not until 还用于强调句当中

9、,如:It was not until Mary told us her plan that we began to help her.It was not until midnight that he came back. Exercise 1:1. 当我到达售票处时所有的票已经售出。2. 我正在河里游泳突然听到有人喊救命。3. 我驱车时看见他们挥手告别。4. 趁孩子们在玩,我们去购物吧。二、地点状语从句: 引导地点状语从句的有where,wherever等连词。例如: He stopped his car where there were a lot of buildings. 他在有很多

10、大楼的地方停下了车。Students should go wherever our country needs us to go.学生应该到任何国家需要我们去的地方去。 Dew(露水) is formed where the glass is thick.三、原因状语从句:引导原因状语从句的连词通常有because(因为),as(由于),Since(由于),now that(既然;由于)等。例如: because 引导的原因状语从句通常在主句之前。as 引出的从句可放在主句之前或之后。because 的语气比as强。He didnt come because he was ill.All of

11、 us like the little girl because she is so lovely.As we hadnt made enough preparation, we failed in the experiment.Youd better take your coat with you as its windy today.since, now that 指既成事实的原因,通常翻译成“ 既然”,“ 由于”。since通常放在句首。Since all of us come here, lets have a discussion.Now that its sunny today,

12、we can go outside.I am to accept your advice now that its reasonable.四、目的状语从句目的状语从句一般由so that , that(为了;以便)和in order that (为了;以便)引出,用lest, for fear that,引导 表示“以防/以免”。从句中一般用虚拟语气,动词形式 为“(should)+ 动词原形”。in case表示“以防/以免 ” 通常可不用虚拟语气。We started earlier so that we could get there before noon.He worked very

13、 hard so that he could afford his son to go to college.他工作非常努力以便供得起他的儿子上大学。He took his umbrella with him lest it should rain.He kept silent for fear that his boss should be angry.In case I forget, please remind me of my promise.五、结果状语从句结果状语从句一般由sothat(如此以致于),suchthat(如此以致于),such that和so that等引导。soth

14、at与suchthat的区别在于:so紧接形容词或副词,such连接接名词或名词词组。例如: She is so beautiful a girl that everybody is attracted by her.She is such a beautiful girl that everybody is attracted by her.The man was so tired that he had to sit down to have a rest.He speaks loudly so that students at the back row can hear him clea

15、rly.Blackie was such a clever dog that he even played tricks on his master.六、让步状语从句: 1. 让步状语从句常用although/though(虽然)引导, although 比though 更正式。Although he was ill, he went to school.Although the road was muddy(泥泞的), the driver managed to pass it safely.He was unhappy though he was very wealthy.2. 还可用ev

16、en though/even if(尽管),as(尽管)来引导,注意:as表示让步时一般用于部分倒装结构, though也有此用法。Even though he was 65 years old, Chichester made up his mind to sail round the world.He knows a lot even though he is quite young.Careful as he was, he made a mistake.Young as she was, she knows a lot. Strange as/ though it may seem,

17、nobody notices it.Much as he likes her, he is strict with her.注意:as表示让步时一般用于部分倒装结构, 通常把被强调的词提前。Careful as he was, he made a mistake. (强调表语,把表语提前)尽管他很仔细,他还是犯了一个错误。Young as she was, she knows a lot. (强调表语,把表语提前)尽管她很年轻,她知道很多。Much as he likes her, he is strict with her.(程度副词提前,表强调)尽管他很喜欢她,他还是对她要求严格。3. 还

18、可用whatever/whenever/however/whoever(无论什么/何时/如何/谁)等引导 相当于no matter what/when/how/who(无论什么/何时/如何/谁)。Whatever (= No matter what) we talk about, he just wouldnt listen.无论我们谈论什么,他都不愿听。Whenever (= No matter when) he meets us, he will talks about his dog.However hard (= No matter how hard) it is, you shoul

19、d carry on.Whoever (= No matter who) you may be, you have no right to break into others house.Whichever (= No matter which) side wins, I shall be happy.Wherever (= No matter where) you go, I will find you.七、方式状语从句: 方式状态语从句常由as if/as though(好像,如同)等。as if/ as though 引导的从句通常用虚拟语气,虚拟语气的构成为:表示对现在的虚拟:用过去时

20、或系动词were;表示对过去的虚拟:用过去完成时 She acted as if/though nothing had happened. She always talks to him as if she were his sister. He treats me as if I were his brother.在现代英语当中,as if/ as though 与sound, look, taste, feel, smell 等词连用,可以不用虚拟。He looks as if he is ill.It sounds as if its going to rain.It feels as

21、if its made of cotton.It smells as if its fresh.八、比较状语从句: 比较状语从句常用和.一样),not as/soas(和不一样),morethan(比更),the more the more(越越), the more.the less等引导。例如:Jim is as tall as Jane. This room is twice as big as that room.He is not as wise as his father.Linda did more work than anyone else. He has mor

22、e friends than his sister(has).His speech was more boring than I had expected.The sooner you start, the earlier youll get thereThe better tools you have, the easier the job will be.The more scientists find out, the more questions they are unable to answer.科学家们发现的越多,他们不能回答的问题也就越多。The more you get in

23、touch with him, the less you like him.九、条件状语从句常用来引出条件状语从句的连接词有:if(如果,假如), so/as long as(只要), unless(除非,如果不), suppose(假设), supposing(假设), in case(万一), so far as(根据), on condition( that)(如果,在.条件下), provided( that) (如果,在.条件下)1 if引出的条件状语从句是最常见的一种条件状语从句,注意在if的非真实条件状语从句中虚拟语气的运用,可参照虚拟语气部分。在真实条件状语从句不用虚拟语气。

24、If it rains tomorrow, Ill bring my umbrella with me.If the director cant come here tomorrow, the meeting will be put off.2. unless相当于if not, unless引导的从句通常是肯定句,如:Dont eat the fruit, unless it is ripe.(= if it is not ripe.)不要吃这个水果,如果它不熟的话。Youll miss the first bus, unless you start earlier.(= if you do

25、nt start earlier.)如果你不早一点动身的话,你将赶不上第一班车。3由其他连接词引导的条件状语从句:As long as we dont lose heart, well find a way to overcome our present difficulties.只要我们不失去信心,我们就能找到克服眼前困难的方法。Suppose( Supposing) he doesnt help us this time, what shall we do next?假设他这次不帮我们,那我们下一步该怎么做?Be sure to let us know in case you have a

26、ny difficulty.万一你由什么困难,一定要让我们知道。So far as I know, he is an honest man.据我所知,他是一个诚实的人。Well let you use the bathroom on condition that( provided that) you keep it clean and tidy.如果你能保持浴室干净整洁,我们就可以让你用。状语从句练习:1. _ they were having dinner, they talked about the city. a. as b. while c. where d. though2. I

27、was washing my clothes,_ someone knocked at my door.a. as b. when c. while d. then3. Dont eat that fruit_ it is ripe.a. in case b. unless c. if d. so that4. I was crossing the street,_ I caught sight of the old gentleman.a. when b. as c. then d. while5. It was not until two years later_ this lost sh

28、ip was found.a. that b. which c where d. what6. Try your best, _ youll lose.a. and b. or c. for d. because7. We had hardly left the house_ it fell down.a. where b. since c. after d . when8. Ill go to play football, _ I finish my homework.a. as soon as b. till c. until d. then9. Be sure to write to m

29、e,_ you get there.a. then b. once c. before d. as soon as10. Hell begin his journey again, as soon as he _ his car. a. fixed b. will fix c. has fixed d. are finishing11. No sooner had he seen me_ he left me.a. then b. when c. before d. than12. I had scarcely seen her_ face turned red.a. then b. befo

30、re c. that d. while13. I warned her youd be late_ she wouldnt start worrying.a. for b. since c. because d. so that14. He jumped out of the car, _ we could stop him.a. when b. before c. until d. as15. No sooner had he closed his eyes_ he fell asleep.a. then b. as c. than d. when16. The more I heard a

31、bout it, _.a. I like him less b. the less I like himc. better I like him d. I like him better17. Scarcely had the noise died away_ someone start to laugh again.a. before b. after c. than d. as 18. The boss is never satisfied, _ hard I work.a. however b. no matter what c. whatever d. no matter when19. We are determined to carry on, _ difficulties well meet.a. no matter what b. no matter howc. no matter when d. no matter where2

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