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1、高考重点词汇高考重点词汇点拨重点一:end up1.He joined the firm as an office boy, but he gained rapid promotion and _ a director.A.ended up B.ended up in C.ended up with D.ended up as2.The party _ in the music of Going Home.A.was ended up B.ended up with C.ended over D.ended up解析:1.D end up as “作为而结束”2.D end (up) 结束,句

2、意“晚会在回家的歌声中结束”。知识拓展:end up/ end up in / end up with / end up asend up的意思是“经过某些过程或回合之后,最后在干什么、 到达哪里、得到什么结果等等”。 用法分为两类:一类是后面跟v-ing或形容词, 表示“最后在干什么”。 At first they hated each other, but they ended up getting married.If he carries on driving like that, hell end up dead.如果他继续这样开车,总有一天他会把命丢掉。第二种用法是end up后面

3、跟名词, 意思是“最后到达什么状态,情况, 地方等”。 需要注意的是跟名词时后面要接一个介词,用什么介词要根据后面的名词而定。 Most of the trash that Americans generate ends up in landfills. 美国人产生的垃圾最后都送到垃圾填埋场。 The romance ends up in the fifth place. 这部爱情故事片最后获得第五名。 So if you dont have a pretty structured return policy, you will end up with a lot of problems. 如

4、果你没有一个相当规范的退货规定,你最后会弄出许多问题。 We ended up at a service station. 我们七转八转最后到了一家汽车修理站。 He had tried lots of jobs before he ended up as a school teacher near his home.巩固练习:用end up in/ as/ adj/ doing多种形式翻译下面句子:如果你再继续这样开车,你最终会送命的。_._._._.答案:If you carry on driving like that, you will end up dead/ as a dead m

5、an/ losing your life/ in death.重点二:pick up/ on/ out1)- Why were you so angry yesterday afternoon?- When I went to school to _ little Joe, he was being _ by some older students.A.pick on: picked on B.pick up; picked up C.pick on; pick up D.pick up; picked on2) It was so dark in the cinema that I coul

6、d hardly _ my friend.A.turn out B.found out out D.pick out解析:1)D pick up 带有“用车接某人”之意;pick on 是“捉弄(某人)”的意思。2)D pick out: 挑出,认出;turn out: 生产,结果是;find out: 查明,弄清;call out: 大声喊叫; 召集知识拓展:pick up/ pick out / pick onpick up: to start again; to continue 重新开始;继续pick out: to choose sb/sth carefully fro

7、m a group of people or things; to recognize sb/sth from among other people or things. 精心挑选;认出来pick on: to treat sb unfairly 故意刁难挑剔 巩固练习:1)Have you _ the movie you want to see?2)The class _ the story where they had left it.3)See if you can _ me _ in this photo.4)She was _ by the other girls because o

8、f her size.答案: 1)picked out 2) picked up 3) pick out 4) picked on 词义拓展:根据例句体会pick up的不同含义。1.Mr. Black picked up his hat and went out. _2.Grandma Li fell down onto the ground and I ran to pick her up at once._3.It is necessary to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programs. _4.Mr. Brown stopped hi

9、s car in front of the shop to pick up the empty boxes. _5.I dont know wher my children have picked up those rude words. _6.This old man is beginning to pick up now. _7.The wild horses picked up speed, so the hunters couldnt catch up with them._8.Business has been very poor but they expect it to pick

10、 up again before Christamas._答案:拾起,捡起;将某人扶起;接收信号;(车、船)在途中搭人、带货;(偶然, 无意地)学会(语言, 技术等);恢复健康;增加速度; (生意)逐渐好转考题链接:1)The train stopped _ passengers waiting at the pick up B.picking up C. to find out D.finding out2)Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.(2005安徽)A.pic

11、ked up B.took up C.made up D.turned up3)She _ Japanese when she was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely. (2006福建)A. picked out B. made out C. made up D. picked up4)Although there wer so many people in the square, I could _ my friend .(06青岛测试)A. pick up B. pick out C. make up D. set out5)- How are

12、you getting on with your business, Tom?(07海南模拟4月)- Im glad to say it is _.A. picking up B. making up C. taking up D. turning up6)With the pressure _ , she was off work for weeks because she couldnt stand it any more.(07南京调研3月)A. picking up B. making up C. building up D.putting up答案:1)A stop to do 停下

13、来去做另一件事;stop doing 停止正在做的事2)B 3)A 4)B 5)A 6)C build up: to develop or increase扩大,集结; 积累重点三:influence/ effect1)Though Van Gogh formed his own painting style, we can still see the _ of some famous French artists on his works.A.effect B. application C.relation D.influence2) The farmer felt the _ of the

14、 drought for years. (2006广州综合)A. effort B. efficient C. effect D. effective答案:1)D influence影响,感化 2) C effect 指影响,结果,表示其原因必然会产生的规律性的结果。考点点拨:考题重点考查effect/ influence二者的区别(1) influence (on sb/sth) 影响,感化力, 一种影响人和事或导致事件发生的力量,尤指不带直接和明显有意因素的客观力What exactly is the influence of television on modern life?电视对现代

15、生活究竟有什么影响?effect (on sb/sth) 和原因的关系是立刻性的,即马上可以看到的The drug has had an immediate effect on the patient. 此药对病人立刻产生了效果。(2) 固定搭配under the influence of 受的影响,由于的作用have an effect on sb/ sth 对 有影响have/exercise influence on 给 施加影响力have influence over sb/ sth 支配力,控制力,权力Her parents no longer have any influence

16、over her. 她的父母对他不再有真正的约束力了。(3) 作为可数名词,指“有影响力的人或物”Those friends are a bad influence on her.那些朋友对她有负面的影响。作动词 influence sb /sthMy teacher influenced my decision to study science. 我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用。即境活用:1)Its clear that her painting _(已经受影响) by Picasso.2)His parents _(对他的性格有好的影响).3)The moon _ (影响) the

17、tides.4)His first music teacher was _ (对他影响非常大的人)in his life.答案:1) has been influenced by 2) have a good influence on his character 3) influences/ has influence on 4) a great influence重点四:cover1)His plane could _ eight hundred kilometres an hour.A.flew B. run C. cover D. drive2)China is a large coun

18、try, which _ 9,600,000 square kilometers.A.cover B. covering C.covered D.covers答案:C C cover: 覆盖,延伸词义拓展:根据语境猜测词义。1.They covered 12 miles yesterday._2.How many pages have you covered?_3.The city covered ten square miles._4.The professors talk covered the subject._5.The moutain was covered with snow al

19、l the year round._6.The best reporters were sent to cover the 27th Olympic Games._7. She had enough funds to cover her check. _答案:行过(多少)路程;读过多少页书;占地多少;包括,涉及;覆盖;报道; 足以支付即境活用:1)I can hardly imagine that she _ such a long distance within a day with her lame legs.A.walked B.covered C.passed D.dragged2)-

20、 Will $200 _ the cost of the damage?(广州模拟2月)- Im afraid not. I need at least $100 more.A.include B.contain C.cover D.afford3) His lecture was very informative, _ every field of teaching.A.including B. covering C.concerning D.connecting4)The performance _ nearly three hours, but few people left the t

21、heatre early.(08宁夏)A. covered B. reached C. played D. lasted答案:B C B D last: 持续重点五:bury 1)Hearing the bad news, the boy _ his head in his hands and began to cry.A.placed B.lain C.hid D.buried2)While she tried to _ her disappointment at losing the game, it was obvious that she had hoped to win.A.thro

22、w away B.hide C.find D.concealing答案解析:1)D 2) C place vt. 放置; lay vt. .放置, 铺设; hide v. (=to put or keep out of sight)隐藏, 隐瞒 e.g Clouds hid the stars. 云层遮住了星星。conceal 较正式,多指有目的地隐藏。E.g She concealed the note in her dress. 她把字条藏在衣服里。bury v. 埋葬, 埋藏, 专心致志于, 埋头于(in)e.g She buried her face in the pillow. 她把

23、脸埋在枕头里。I buried myself in my studies.= I was buried in my studies. 我专心致力于我的研究。常用搭配:be buried in thought/ ones work/ books 沉思、埋头工作、埋头读书重点六 strikestrike vt & n. (stuck; struck/ stricken) (雷电、暴风雨等)袭击;打;打中;擦然(火柴);(某种想法)忽然出现;给人深刻印象;罢工(钟)敲响结合语境,给下列句子中划线词选择恰当的释义:1.I left immediately the clock struck twelve

24、. _2.An idea suddenly struck me._3.He was struck by her beauty. _4.I struck a match and held it to his cigarette. _5.On Friday 16th october, 1987, a hurrican struck the southeast of England. _6.A stone struck me on the head. _7.They are striking for higher pay. (= They are on strike for higher pay.)

25、 _答案:知识拓展:比较 struck/ stricken 这两个词都是动词strike的过去分词一般指“打击”,在现代英语中,它们的使用场合有所不同。1. struck用于一般打击、撞击、刺激,如:They were struck by lightning他们遭雷打了。I was struck with a wonderful idea我忽然间想起了一个很好的主意。She was struck with pity for the old man她对那老人动了怜悯之心。Their eyes were struck by the awesome beauty of the landscape令人

26、叹为观止的美丽风景把他们慑住了。2. stricken指受打击,受煎熬,只用于负面场合,较struck富感情色彩,又多用于正式场合。试比较:The poor are struck most by the ever-increasing housing costs穷人受不断上涨的楼房费用打击最大。The people in the village are stricken with poverty村民受尽穷困的折磨。以上stricken的用法也常以复合形容词形式出现,放在名词之前,如:povertystricken、faminestricken、droughtstricken、panicstri

27、cken、fever-stricken等等。重点七 occur1)It suddenly _ to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.A. happened B. occurred C. broke out D. took place2)I _ along the street looking for a place to park when the accident _.(2006 安徽)A.went; was ocurring B.went; ocurred C.was

28、going; ocurred D.was going; had ocurred答案 B C occur vi 发生; to 浮现,被想起 例如:Earthquakes occur frequently in this area.It occurred to me to visit my teacher.知识拓展:happen, take place, break out, come about表示发生之意时均是不及物动词,其主要区别是: happen为常用词语, 指“一切客观事物或情况的偶然或未能预见地发生”, 如:The accident happened yesterday. 事故发生在昨

29、天。occur属正式用语, 指“按计划使某事或效果发生”, 通常所指的时间和事件都比较确定, 在以具体事物、事件作主语时, 可与happen 互换, 如:These events occurred in 1909. 这些事件发生于1909年。take place 指“发生事先计划或预想到的事物”, 如:The meeting took place at 8:00 as planned. 按计划会议在八点举行了。break out vi 多指战争、灾难等的突然爆发,如:It was almost midnight that a fire broke out in the neighbourhood. 昨天快半夜了这儿附近发生了火灾。World War II broke out in 1939. 第二次世界大战是1939年爆发的。come about vi 表示发生时,常与how 连用,如:How did it come about? 那件事是怎么发生的?表示“浮现,被想起”的短语还有:come to, strikeSuddenly the words of the song came to me. 我猛然想起了这首歌的歌词。巩固练习1)It suddenly _

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