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1、高考英语高中英语语法之虚拟语气虚拟语气第一节基本知识与基本概念【语气和语气的分类】语气也是动词的一种形式变化。这和汉语中的语气是不一样的,它表示说话者对所指的动词或状态所持的态度,而且,在谓语动词上有所体现,而汉语没有体现。英语中的语气可分为三种:陈述语气、祈使语气和虚拟语气。1)陈述语气表示讲话人认为他所说的话是一个事实。例如:There are two sides to every question每个问题都有两个方面。We can finish the work in time. 我们可以按时完成工作。2)祈使语气表示讲话人对对方的请求或命令。例如:Dont be late for cl

2、ass上课不要迟到。Mary, dont stay under the tree. 玛莉,别呆在树底下。3)虚拟语气是一种特殊的谓语动词形式,如:I were,He be,She return等,表示说的话不是事实,或者是不可能发生的情况,或用来表示一种假设、愿望、建议、请求、命令、猜测、可能、空想等。例如:If I were a bird, I would fly freely in the air. 如果我是一只小鸟的话,我就会在天空中自由的飞翔。His teacher suggested that he (should) apply to Harvard University. 他老师建

3、议他申请哈佛大学。The commander-in-chief ordered that she return to the headquarter at one. 总指挥命令她立刻回总部。【考试说明的变化】由于本章知识有难度,所以在年以前的考试大纲或考试说明中,必考的语法项目表内都没有虚拟语气这一块儿。所以,以前的老师和学生都不太重视虚拟语气的讲解和学习。但是,由于虚拟语气在英语中的大量应用,导致许多学生在篇章理解方面因为知识上的欠缺而遇到不少困难。可能是由于这个原因,年的山东省高考英语考试说明中,明确将虚拟语气这一章列入了考查范围。笔者认为,这个变化非常值得我们重视,并在未来的几年内不会再

4、有变动。所以,我们必须补上这一课。【虚拟语气的分类】根据不同的标准或从不同的视角,虚拟语气可以被分为多个种类。但是,为了方便同学们的学习,笔者在这里从两个视角把虚拟语气分开。视角一、根据虚拟语气使用的目的分1、虚拟派虚拟派指的是句子所述的情况与事实明显不相符的虚拟语气。例如:He talks about the USA as if he had been there. 他谈论起美国来就和去过似的。(其实说话人知道他并没有去过美国)If only Kevin were here. 要是凯文在这里就好了。(可惜凯文不在这里)If you had come to my house yesterday

5、, you would have seen the president. 要是你昨天到我家来了的话,你就看到总统了。(可惜你没有来)2、语气派与虚拟派不同的是,语气派的句子所述的情况与事实没有明显不相符。或者根本不涉及所述情况的真假与否,更多的是表达某种语气,如建议、请求、命令、坚持、决定、要求等。例如:He advised that we should take more vegetables on our trip. 他建议我们在旅途中多带些蔬菜。 The teacher insisted that the young should respect the old. 老师坚持年轻人应该尊敬

6、老人。The government recommended that all young men should join the army and serve the country. 政府建议所有男青年参军报国。视角二、根据虚拟语气的表现方式分1、结构型结构型虚拟语气的表现形式主要通过改变句子谓语的结构来实现。例如:My suggestion is that everyone should stay in the hotel before help comes. 我的建议是在援助到来之前,我们都应该呆在宾馆里。(这个虚拟语气的表现方式就是通过should+动词原形)来实现的。2、时态型时态型

7、虚拟语气主要通过改变句子谓语的时态来实现。例如:I wish I were a billionaire. 我真希望自己是个亿万富翁。Id rather you did the work by yourself. 我希望你能独立完成工作。以上两个例子中的虚拟语气就是通过改变句子谓语的时态来实现的。第二节具体考点解析【考点一、虚拟语气在条件句中的使用】1)条件句的从句和主句的谓语动词形式表及几点说明条件句的从句和主句的谓语动词形式表如果假设的情况与事实相反,或是根本不可能发生或是发生的可能性很小,这就是非真实条件句,即虚拟条件句。虚拟条件句的谓语动词的形式是不同于真实条件句的谓语动词形式的。虚拟条

8、件句有三种情况。虚拟条件句主句例句与现在事实相反的假设If+主语+动词的过去式 (be动词用were)主语+should, would, could, might+动词原形If I had enough money, I would buy the house.与过去事实相反的假设If + 主语+ had +过去分词主语+should, would, could, might+ have+过去分词If you had listened to me yesterday, you would have finished the work.与将来事实相反的假设If+主语+动词的过去式If +主语+w

9、ere to +动词原形If + 主语+should+动词原形主语+should, would, could, might+动词原形If it were to rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would be put off.特殊结构的条件句:“If it were not for”或“If it had not been for”, 前者与现在事实相反,后者与过去事实相反。相当于but for或without。例如:If it werent for your help,he could never go to college要不是你的帮助,他绝不可能上大学

10、。If it hadnt been for the captains efforts, the ship could have sunken. 要不是船长的努力,船当时可能就沉没了。虚拟条件句的谓语动词形式表的灵活应用 用进行时替换相应的一般时: 如用过去进行时代替一般过去时,表示与现在事实相反。例如:If you were learning to swim, I would take you to watch the match. 要是你在学游泳的话,我就会带你去看这场比赛。If we were getting along well with Jack, we should invite h

11、im to join us. 要是我们和Jack关系好些的话,我们就会邀请他加入我们中来了。B用完成进行时替换相应的完成时: 如用过去完成进行时替换过去完成时,仍表示与过去事实相反。例如:If it had been raining yesterday,I would not have come here如果昨天还在下雨的话,我就不会到这里来。If you had been listening more attentively, you would not have missed so much information. 假如你当时能好好地听讲的话,就不会落下那么多东西了。 混合型的条件句按照

12、条件句的谓语动词形式表,其主句和从句的谓语动词是相互呼应的,有着固定的搭配关系。但有时主句和从句的谓语动词并不相互呼应,这种条件句叫混合条件句。较多见的混合型条件句是从句用过去完成时(指过去行为),而主句用一般时(指目前状态)。例如:He would pass the test if he had taken my advice如果他当时听了我的劝告,他现在就能通过考试了。 If we had driven in turns yesterday, you would feel better now. 如果我们昨天轮流开车的话,你现在会感觉好些了。2)虚拟条件句的省略情况 省略if的虚拟条件句:

13、如果虚拟条件句的谓语部分有were,had和should时,可省略if,把were,had和should放到从句主语前面去。例如:Had you not helped me,I should have failed. 要是没有你的帮助,我就失败了。Had it not been for the timely rain, we would have lost everything. 要不是这场及时雨的话,我们就颗粒无收了。Were it to rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the game. 如果明天下雨的话,我们就不得不推迟比赛。Should

14、they refuse our request, we could show them this picture. 如果他们拒绝我们的请求的话,我们可以给他们展示这张照片。如果没有were,had和should则不能省略if,当然也不能倒装。 条件从句的省略He could not fly(if he tried)(即使他试的话)他无论如何不能飞。 条件主句的省略If only I had more money!要是我有更多的钱就好了!If only I were a bird! 要是我是一只小鸟就好了! suppose 或 supposing =what ifSupposing it wer

15、e so?(=Supposing it were so,what would happen?)要是这样的话,会怎么样呢?suppose后也可用陈述语气。3)含蓄的虚拟语气 另外,虚拟语气还有其他一些表现方式,没有明显的虚假条件句出现,取而代之的是能表达类似意思的结构或短语。这种情况被称为含蓄的虚拟语气。例如: 用介词without(或with no),but for等表示“如果没有”。But for air and water,nothing could live要是没有空气和水,也就不能有生命。Human beings could perish without the other forms

16、 of lives. 假如没有了其他的生命形态,人类也会灭绝。 用动词不定式、比较级、连词but等手段来表示虚拟条件,还可以根据内容的需要来应用虚拟语气。She would have come here,but she was too busy with her homework她本来早就要到这里来,但是她当时太忙于写作业了。You could have passed the test, but you knew too little. 你本来可以通过考试的,但是你懂得太少了。【考点二、虚拟语气在宾语从句中的应用】 1)宾语从句在表示提议、要求、命令、意志等动词后,可用“should do”或

17、“do型”(be原形动词)虚拟语气。这类动词有:suggest,request,demand,urge,propose,prefer,advise,insist,require,order,command,maintain,ask,object 等。例如:The doctor suggested that he not go there医生建议他不要去那里。The villagers demanded that their fields should be returned. 村民们要求返还他们的土地。The doctor insisted that the old teacher shoul

18、d live in hospital. 大夫坚持说这位老教师应该住院。 The officer ordered that all the soldiers shouldnt fire before he gave the order. 军官命令所有士兵在接到命令以前不许开枪。注意:有时候,suggest可以不作“建议”讲,而作“表明、解释”等,则后面的从句就不用虚拟语气。例如:The big smiles suggested that he had passed the test. 他脸上的笑容表明他通过了考试。My wife suggested that I caught a cold. 我

19、妻子说我感冒了。同理,insist所“坚持”的内容也有所不同,有时候,坚持的是某种道理,用虚拟语气。而有时候,坚持的是一个事实,不用虚拟语气。例如:The old man insisted that he was strong enough and that he should be sent to the front. 老头坚持自己的身体没有问题应该被派往前线。Mary insisted that that man was her brother. Mary坚持说那男的是她哥哥。学习这种句型时,要注意宾语从句的虚拟语气是固定形式,并不随主句谓语动词时态的变化而变化。“do型”与“should

20、 do型”有时可以互换使用,但前者比后者用得更普遍特别在美国英语中。2)宾语从句用在动词wish之后 过去式用来表示现在的愿望;“could(would,might)+动词原形”用来表示将来的愿望,虽实现的可能性不大,但仍有实现的可能。I wish it were true我但愿这是真的。I wish I could live on the moon one day. 我希望有一天我能住在月亮上。“had +过去分词”或“could(would,might)+have+过去分词”都是用来表示无能为力的过去愿望。I wish you had called yesterday我希望你昨天来过电话。

21、I wish you had done the work yourself. 我真希望你是单独作的这工作。I wish we had treated the children better. 我真希望我们当时对孩子们好一些。注意wish与hope的区别。wish后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,而hope后的宾语从句要用陈述语气。但如果不定式做宾语时,则意思上无区别。I hope to see you(I wish to see you)我希望看见你。3)宾语从句在动词would,wouldhad rather,wouldhad sooner,wouldhad as soon等后面,表示与事实相反的虚

22、拟语气要用“did”型,表示现在和将来的含义,用“had done型”表示过去的含义。例如: Id rather we didnt know each other. 我宁愿我们不认识。 Id rather I hadnt given her the money yesterday. 我真希望我昨天没给她钱。【考点三、虚拟语气在主语从句中的应用】 1)“It +is +形容词+that引导的主语从句”句型,与用动词原形或“should +动词原形”虚拟语气。用于本句型的形容词有:necessary,important,surprising, shocking, natural, essentia

23、l,reserved,urgent,impossible 等;还有与表示提议、要求、命令等动词有关的形容词,如desirable(desire),urgent(urge),advisable(advise),preferable(prefer)等。It is necessary that he listen to the radio frequently他很有必要常听收音机。It is surprising that he should marry again soon after his ex-wife died. 很令人惊讶,他前妻刚去世,他就结婚了。It is impossible th

24、at they should feel uncomfortable to live with us. 他们跟我们住在一起不舒服,这不可能。2)用于“it + is +过去分词+that引导的主语从句”句型,可用“(should)+动词原形”虚拟语气。用于本句型中的过去分词就是表示提议、要求、命令等动词的过去分词,如suggested,required,requested,demanded,urged,proposed,ordered,desired,advised等。It has been suggested that the meeting(should)be put off有人建议推迟会议

25、。It is required that you should wear proper suits to take part in the party. 参加这个晚会要着装适当,这是规定。It is desired that the prices of houses should be stopped from increasing. 大家都渴望房子的价格能停止增长。It is proposed that we should pay a visit to the Confucius Temple. 有人推荐我们去参观一下孔庙。【考点四、虚拟语气在“It is time that ”句型中的应用

26、】 在“ It +is +(high或about)time +(that)主语从句”句型中,可用“did型”虚拟语气,表示“做某事的时间早完了或早该做了”。 例如:Its time you went to bed.你该睡觉了。It is about time that I went and picked up my little son from school. 到了我去接儿子放学的时间了。It is high time that you got down to writing your papers. 到了你好好写论文的时候了。It is time that that we talked a

27、bout our business. 我们该谈谈生意了。【考点五、虚拟语气在表语从句和同位语从句中的应用】在proposal,suggestion,order,requirement,desire,decision,advice,plan,necessity等表示提议、要求、命令等名词的后面的表语从句和同位语从句中,可用“动词原形”或“should + 动词原形”虚拟语气。例如:His suggestion is that the meeting be put off他的建议是推迟开会。My teachers advise was that I choose the less famous u

28、niversity but the more suitable major. 我老师的建议是我选择那所不太知名的大学但更适合我的专业。Their final decision was that they move out of the building. 他们的最后决定是搬出这座大楼。【考点六、虚拟语气在让步状语从句中的应用】以be开头的让步状语从句Be the problem easy or difficult,this method works不管问题容易还是难,这种方法都起作用。Be the robbers men or women, they have to be punished.

29、不管抢劫犯是男是女,都应受到惩罚。第三节巩固练习一、【基础巩固】1. If I _ ten years younger, I _ very happy. A. were, would be B. am, shall be C. were, shall be D. am, would be 2. -You can ask your brother for help. -He is not at home. If he _, I _ . A. is, would B. were, would C. is, will D. were, will 3. If you _ the doctors adv

30、ice, you would have already recovered. A. follow B. followed C. would follow D. had followed 4. If he had not missed the train, he _ there by then. A. might get B. might have got C. got D. had got 5. What would you have done last night, if you _ to write your homework. A. hadnt B. havent had C. didnt have D. hadnt had 6. -Did you catch the plane? -No, if I had hurried, I _ . A. would B. would have C. could D. did 7. Why didnt you tell him the truth? If I _ you, I would have. A. were B. had been C. am D. would be 8. -How do you like the party? -Wonderful. If you ha

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