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1、英语练口语 Jason: Alright lady drop that spatula or youre scrambled.Maggie: Go ahead, make my day. Well, I guess I showed you.Jason: Show me moreMaggie: Oh Jason, the kids.Jason: I can kiss the kids later. You know I read an article that said that two career couplesshould really make a special effort to

2、always remain.frisky.Maggie: At breakfast?Jason: At all meals.Mike: Whats the matter? You guys arent getting enough?Jason: Michael, a lot of kids would get smacked for a remark like thatMike: Come on dad, you cant hit me youre a liberal humanist.Jason: Could be an accident.Carol: Could be a dream co

3、me true.Mike: Mom, cant we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the Volvo?Carol: Mike, you give new meaning to the word vacuous.Mike: Oh yeah? What was the old meaning?Carol: I rest my case.Jason: Ben! Ben! Whats so funny Ben?Ben: That Phyllis George, shes screwed up again.Maggie: Hey, whats that your

4、e reading about?Carol: Well it says here that as the universe expands, all matter is degenerating into a stateof total disorganization.Maggie: Thank god I thought it was just me.Mike: So what are you guys doing tonight? The House of Sweat, yeah great! Hey look can Italk to you guys later, yeah, bye.

5、Maggie: Mike, what is The House of Sweat?Carol: Its that new under twenty dance club on Geravo Turnpike.Mike: Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea mom. Its a safe, wholesome place for teens tocongregate.Maggie: And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get.Jason: Oh come on Maggie!Mike: Ye

6、ah, come on Maggie! Yes well time to go wait for that school bus; you know if I hurryI can still get a seat in the non-smoking section.Maggie: Good day! Bye sweetheart. Bye Ben, love you!Jason: Catch you later Ben! I still have some paper work to do before my nine o clock getshere, and if you start

7、feeling frisky and you have eight of ten seconds before work, you knowwhere to find me.Maggie: Ben, what are you doing here youll miss the bus. Whats the matter honey?Ben: Dad didnt know how to do my elbow.Maggie: Oh? Let me see. Oh dad did a great job on these cuts.Superman bandaids- theworks. Oh I

8、 get it, he didnt kiss it better.and say I love you little pumpkin head.Ben: It was all so clinical. Mom, how come you had to go back to work?Maggie: I didnt have to Ben, I wanted to. Come here. Ben, imagine you had to spend fifteenyears in this house, without ever going out to play. Youd go crazy w

9、ouldnt you? Well believeit or not, a lot of grown-ups feel the same way about work.Ben: Thats sick mom.Maggie: Ben, I know this has been a big change for all of us, and I worry about not beinghere for you because.well.youre the youngest. And I worry about not being here for Carolbecause shes a girl,

10、 and she needs her mother. And I worry about not being here for Mike, tokeep him from accidentally blowing something up. And believe me I worry about leaving yourfather here to cope with all you monsters.Ben: You shouldnt worry so much mom, youll make yourself crazy.Maggie: I love you.patient: Its a

11、lways the same dream Doc. I on a subway, and this woman sits across fromme.beautiful woman! And I look at her, she looks at me. I lick my lips, she licks her lips. Thisgoes on, and finally she leans across and she whispers to me: you have huge knees. Doesthat mean anything Doc?Mike: I should be good

12、 for about five bucks a piece.Jason: Good visit Waller, and hey dont worry too much about this thing, ok? See you nextweek. Bye bye!Mike: Can I talk with you for a second dad?Jason: Sure.Mike: In your office. Kids!Jason: So, you wanted to talk about something.Mike: Yeah, erm, mostly I just wanted to

13、 mention how smoothly things have been running,since the wife went back to work, and you moved your practice back into the house.Jason: Well thank you.Mike: Dad, weve been friends now for a long time.right?Jason: Off and on, yesMike: I know, I love that. See dad, you know that dance hall place I men

14、tioned thismorning.Jason: The House of Sweat.Mike: Yeah, yeah. Jerry and I were talking and we decided.Jason: Jerry?Mike: Yeah, Jerry Delish. Hes an older friend of mine, an excellent driver, with two years ofdrivers A.Jason: Two years of drivers A?Mike: Yeah, you see in his first class he ran over

15、a dog.but he drove beautifully after that,and were talking one tiny, wreckless little dog here dad.Jason: tough break.Mike: So anyway I was thinking that maybe we could go down there tonight, and Jerry woulddrive so you wouldnt have to.Jason: what would your mother say?Mike: Mom? I guess she would s

16、ay.whats the phrase Im looking for here dad?Jason: NO!Mike: Yeah thats it. I guess that means I cant go, right?Jason: Well, it just means I dont like you coming in, and trying to get away with something.Thats not the relationship I wanna have with you.Mike: Im sorry dad.Jason: Alright now look. Now

17、that Im in charge at home, we can try things my way.Mike: Alright!Jason: You dont even know what my way is?Mike: Sure I do dad, its a Sinatra song.Jason: Youre workin a fine line here Mike. Ok look, heres the deal. Ill give you a little morefreedom, youve got to promise me alot more responsibility.M

18、ike: Hey, no problem dad. I swear, I am ready for total responsibilityJason: Mike, Im not ready for total responsibility.Mike: Youre right, sorry.Jason: Ok? You go out and have a good time. Just remember what we talked about.Mike: Absolutely dad, thanks, I promise. Wait, what about mom, what if shes

19、 mad?Jason: Mike, your moms not an ogre.Ill talk to her shell understandMaggie: You let him do what?Jason: Maggie, hes fifteen years old now.Maggie: So what! Hes fifteen! Its completely arbitrary to just pick an age like that, and saythat is when a kid is mature.Jason: You know that by the time Moza

20、rt was fifteen, hed written seven symphonies.Maggie: Thats because Mozarts father didnt let him go to The House of Sweat. Who did hego with?Jason: I dont know. Some kid.Jerry Dolish, Dellish.Maggie: Jerry dog killer Dellish.Jason: Maggie, he hit one dog.Maggie: Yeah, but he hit it four timesJason: O

21、k, well, err, Mike isnt Jerry, and a kid needs some freedom in order to learnresponsibility.Maggie: Ah Jason I know you believe in this unlimited human potential.stuff. And thatsgreat for your patients, but when.maggie and Jason: .it comes to your own children.Maggie: .I believe in original.Jason: .

22、sin.Maggie: Sin. Oh I dont know, maybe I shouldnt have gone back to work.Jason: Now come on Maggie, dont say that. Now you took fifteen years off, to raise a family,and you deserve to go back to work now. You just have to have a little more faith in me andthe kids.Maggie: Oh, maybe youre right.Jason

23、: Course Im right. We shouldnt be worrying, we should be.celebrating. Which is whyIve taken the liberty of placing a little chilled Champagne in a bucket beside the bed.slippedsome satin sheets on the old bouncer.Maggie: satin sheets, you?Jason: yeah, well the gut in the store showed me some before

24、and after pictures of a couplewho tried them and.they looked very.satisfied.Maggie: And what about Ben, and Carol?Jason: Well I slipped some sleeping pills into their Gatorine. Theyll be asleep for about threeweeks.Maggie: Jason!Jason: Well I didnt really, but they are fffrrrr, and we can frrefderrt

25、t! Hello. Yeah this isJason Seaver. No you must be looking for someone else because.take your clothes,no, our Mike is only fifteen, so he wouldnt be driving a car.I see.Maggie: What did he say?Jason: He said, thats why your Mike is in our jail.prisoner: What are you in for kid?Mike: I killed

26、a man, just to watch him die. You?prisoner: Unpaid parking tickets.Mike: Oh no its my mom!Jason: Come on Maggie, we dont even know the facts yet. I mean its not so unusual for ateenage boy to have a minor run-in with the police. Some of these guys can be real machoheadbangers.policeman: Hiya! You fo

27、lks care for some hot cocoa? I just made a fresh pot.Jason: look, were the Seavers. Youve locked up our son. An officer claimed he was driving acar.policeman: Ah yes sir, him up in the House of Sweat parking lot. He wasdriving in circles for approximately twelve minutes.Jason: Ok, so a

28、fifteen year old boy drives his friends car around the lot a few times.policeman: Oh did I mention, he side swerved a police car on the way out?Jason: he what?policeman: He tore that bumber off like he was peeling an orange. A three hundred and fiftydollar orange.Mike: Hiya You look good to

29、night. You look young!prisoner: Come on son.Mike: Mom, dad, this is Jerry. I guess its kind of hard to see the basis of our friendship, huh?Jason: I dunno, he has a free charm.Mike: you should see him when hes sober.Maggie: Mike! You will be grounded for two months.Mike: Two months!?! D

30、ad cant you talk to her?Jason: Oh I did Mike. Originally it was one month.Mike: That means you added a month.Ben: Nothing gets by you does it.Mike: Dad you said youd talk to her.Jason: Damn it Mike! You said youd act responsibly, now I dont wanna hear another wordout of you is that clear?ben and Car

31、ol: Wow.Maggie: Oh yeah, our romantic evening. Anyone whos not used to satin sheets could easilyhave an accident.Jason: Maggie, dont patronize me! Ok?! And where the hell are my pyjamas?Maggie: Gee Im sorry Im really not sure.Jason: Well you wouldnt think it would be so damned tough to keep tabs on a pair ofpyjamas around here!Maggie: Jason, I dont understand why youre so upset. I mean its not like this is the firsttime hes screwed up.Jason: Whos s

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