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1、届高三英语一轮复习专题二名词练习1(2018天津卷)The possibility (possible) that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists to explore the outer space.解析:句意:在宇宙中的其他行星上可能存在生命,这一直鼓舞着科学家们探索外太空。考查名词。设空处在句中作主语,故填名词。possibility可能,可能性,其后为that引导的同位语从句。2(2018江苏卷)Try to understand whats actually h

2、appening instead of acting on the assumption (assume) youve made.解析:句意:要努力去弄明白实际上正在发生的事,而不要根据自己的假设就采取行动。根据语境和设空处前的定冠词the可知此处要用所给单词的名词形式。assumption假定;假设。3(2017江苏卷)The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily caused by astronomical incidents. But alternative explanations (explain) are hard to fin

3、d.解析:句意:恐龙灭绝未必是由天文事故造成的,但是也很难找到其他的解释。设空处在此处作句子的主语,要用其名词形式。根据谓语动词are可知此处要用名词的复数形式。4(2016天津卷)The dictionary is out of date:_many words have been added to the language since it was published.解析:句意:这本词典过时了,自从它出版以来,这种语言已经添加了许多单词。out of date过时。5(2016江苏卷)Can you tell us your recipe for happiness (happy) an

4、d a long life?Living every day to the full, definitely.解析:句意:你能告诉我们你幸福、长寿的诀窍吗?确切地说,就是充实地度过每一天。介词后需用名词形式,happiness作“幸福”讲为不可数名词,故答案为happiness。6(2016浙江卷)It is important to pay your electricity (electric) bill on time, as late payments may affect your credit.解析:句意:按时交电费很重要,因为晚交电费可能会影响你的信誉。本题考查名词作定语。名词作定

5、语时,常用其单数形式,故答案为electricity。一、名词的数1常见的不可数名词有 advice, news, progress, money, furniture, fun, equipment, weather, luck, homework, housework, information, bread, medicine, clothing, wealth, equipment, word (消息), room (空间), man (人类)等。点拨 word意为“消息”,room意为“空间”,man意为“人类”时通常不带任何修饰词。What fine weather!We have

6、got a lot of information on the Internet.2有些名词通常只用作复数。如:glasses 眼镜,clothes 衣服,goods 货物,trousers 裤子,belongings 所有物,wages 工资,riches 财富,surroundings 环境,ashes 灰尘,compasses 圆规,cattle 家畜,congratulations 祝贺,have words with sb. 同某人吵架,in high spirits 以很高的热情,give ones regards to sb. 向某人问候,in rags 衣衫褴褛,It is g

7、ood manners to do sth. 做某事有礼貌。3有些名词既可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词,但意义不同。work “工作”(不可数名词),“作品,著作”(可数名词);room “空间”(不可数),“房间”(可数);experience “经验”(不可数),“经历”(可数);paper “纸”(不可数),“论文、文件、试卷”(可数)。Working with Tom who has a lot of work experience is a pleasant experience.二、名词的所有格1“s”所有格(1)用于表示时间、距离、价格、重量等的名词后。如:todays ne

8、wspaper, five minutes walk/drive, five pounds weight。(2)用于表示国家、世界、城市等地方的名词后。如:the worlds population, Chinas industry, New Yorks parks。(3)表示各自的所有关系时,各名词末尾均须加“s”,如:Janes and Marys bikes。(4)表示共有的所有关系时,在最后一词末尾加“s”,如:Jane and Marys father。(5)表示“某人家”“某店铺”,所有格后名词常省略,如:the doctors; the barbers。2“of”所有格“of”所

9、有格修饰前面的名词,表示两个名词之间的所属关系,多用于无生命名词。From the top of the hill, you can get a birds view of the city.从山顶上,你可以鸟瞰整个城市。3双重所有格指名词所有格或名词性物主代词同of构成的所有格即“of名词所有格”。a play of Shakespeares 莎士比亚的一个戏剧a friend of my wifes 我妻子的一个朋友三、名词作定语:注意名词作定语和名词所有格的意义区分。名词作定语常用来表示以下意义:1表示中心词的用途、功能、材料stone figures 石像,shoe shops 鞋店,

10、coffee cups 咖啡杯2表示中心词的时间、地点、称呼summer holidays 暑假,school education 学校教育,an evening dress 晚礼服注意:表具体的时间名词作定语,则要用所有格结构来表达。yesterdays news 昨天的消息an hours drive 开车一小时的路程3表示中心词的类别、对象、身份a bike key 自行车的钥匙,an animal trainer 驯兽师,a woman driver 女驾驶员4表示中心词的内容computer studies 电脑学习,weather report 天气预报,film industry

11、 电影工业5表示部分与整体的关系river banks 河岸,animal bones 动物骨头,cigarette ends 烟头注意:名词作定语时,一般用其单数形式,且不随后面的名词的单复数产生变化。two pencilboxes, girl friends, a sevenyearold boy但是,少数的名词作定语却用复数形式,如:sports shoes 运动鞋 clothes shops 服装店a sales girl 女销售员 a greetings card 贺卡man 和 woman 作定语要注意其单复数形式的变化。a man doctormen doctors;a woma

12、n engineerwomen engineers6名词作定语和所有格作定语的区别:所有格表示所属关系。四、名词的单复数1规则变化规则例词(1)一般情况下,在词尾直接加sbookbookscapcapstreetrees(2)以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词,在词尾加esglassglassesboxboxeswatchwatchesbrushbrushes(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,把y改为i,再加esstorystoriescountrycountries(4)以o结尾的名词变为复数时,常在词尾加s,但有些名词要加esNegroNegroesheroheroespotatopota

13、toestomatotomatoesradioradios photophotos(5)以f或fe结尾的名词变为复数时,一般直接加s,但有些以f或fe结尾的名词需把f或fe去掉,加vesselfselveslifelivesthiefthieveswifewivesknifeknivesloafloavesleafleavesshelfshelveswolfwolveshalfhalves(6)合成名词变复数时,通常只将里面所含的主体名词变为复数,如果没有主体名词,则将最后一部分变为复数passerbypassersbysoninlawsonsinlawstorytellerstorytell

14、ersgrownupgrownups(7)“man/womann.”变复数时,作定语的man/woman和中心词都要变复数man teachermen teacherswoman engineerwomen engineers2.不规则变化(1)变内部元音footfeet 脚manmen 男人womanwomen 女人 toothteeth 牙mousemice 老鼠 goosegeese 鹅gentlemangentlemen 绅士(2)单复数同形的名词sheep 绵羊 deer 鹿spacecraft 太空船 aircraft 飞行器Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人Swis

15、s 瑞士人 means 方法crossroads 十字路口 headquarters 总部series 连续 species 种类works 工厂 head 头(量词)(3)外来名词的复数形式analysisanalyses 分析basisbases 基础mediummedia 媒体 bacteriumbacteria 细菌criterioncriteria 标准 phenomenonphenomena 现象点拨 fish表示不同种类的鱼时,其复数形式为fishes,而表示条数时,其复数形式与单数形式相同。people指“人”时是person的一种复数形式,指“民族”时其复数形式为people

16、s。五、抽象名词具体化具有某种特性、状态、情感的抽象名词在表示具体的概念时,可以与不定冠词连用,常考到的有:单词抽象名词意义具体化名词意义success成功成功的人或事pleasure乐趣令人高兴的事attraction吸引有吸引力的人或事物beauty美;美丽美丽的人或事物comfort安慰;慰藉令人感到安慰的人或事物danger危险危险的人或因素delight高兴令人高兴的事failure失败失败的人或事物surprise惊奇令人惊奇的事情shock震惊令人震惊的事情pride骄傲令人骄傲的事情.单句语法填空1A great many roofs (roof) were destroyed

17、 in the hurricane.2There are two knives (knife) on the table.3The medical team consists of two women (woman) doctors and three men (man) doctors.4Tom is in low spirits (spirit) because of his failure in the exam.5You should watch out for your safety (safe) wherever you go.6A lot of equipment (equip)

18、 was brought in last year.7Theres a sad expression (express) on his face.8To my relief (relieve), my son escaped from the big fire.9Good friends should share happiness (happy) and sorrow.10To his disappointment (disappoint), he failed to win the scholarship.11He lost two teeth (tooth) and both of hi

19、s feet (foot) in the accident.12You must ask for your parents permission (permit) before going out for an outing.13His honesty (honest) got recognized.14The loss (lose) caused by the explosion was beyond expectation (expect)15He is a great success (succeed) in marriage (marry).单句改错1The airs we breat

20、he in is getting dirtier and dirtier.airs改为air2After we walked along the bank for forty minute, we reached the Happy Valley.minute改为minutes3It is necessary that one should eat various kind of healthy food such as fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits.kind改为kinds4As I told you last time, I made three new

21、 friend here.friend改为friends5My old classroom was interesting because three side of the classroom were made of glass.side改为sides6Tom was having much troubles getting up in the morning and was always late for work.troubles改为trouble7It felt very strange to travel without any luggages.luggages改为luggage

22、8The understanding between two friends mean both of them have similar ideas and trust each other.mean改为means9Weve called several time about Cleos early morning barking.time改为times10We were touched by such an act of kind on a hot day.kind改为kindness.语篇填空It was late at night. Two _1_(German) were sleep

23、ing in their room when suddenly, one of them, Mrs Green, was woken up and found a thief slipping into their room to try his luck. She had three _2_ (thousand) dollars in her pocket. “What should I do? Many _3_ (thief) usually bring _4_ (knife) with them,” she thought in _5_ (silent). And at the same

24、 time the thief happened to touch a _6_ (sport) suit. It seemed as if he found there was someone in the room, so he went out to the next room where two _7_ (Frenchman) were sleeping. When he was looking for _8_ (money) or some _9_ (jewel) in the next room, Mrs Green woke up her husband quickly and c

25、alled the _10_ (policeman). And then the thief knew what had happened. He was so scared that he took out a knife. Just then the police showed up. Before the thief ran away, the police caught him. For Mrs Green, it was really an unusual experience.1Germans2.thousand3.thieves4.knives5.silence6sports7.

26、Frenchmen8.money9.jewels/jewelry10policemen.短文改错A big storm destroyed two villages in South Africa on last Friday, causing 4 death. Over 200 people became homeless as a result of the storm. A farmer said the storm began early in the morning and last one hour. He said, “I was in the kitchen with my w

27、ife and children while we heard a loud noise. A few minutes late, our house fell down. I managed to climb out, but much to my shocking, one of my boys were missing. I quickly went back inside and found them safe but frightened.” Soldiers came to rescue those burying under the ruins, and the governme

28、nt provided food, clothes, and shelters for homeless.答案A big storm destroyed two villages in South Africa on last Friday, causing 4 . Over 200 people became homeless as a result of the storm. A farmer said the storm began early in the morning and one hour. He said, “I was in the kitchen with my wife

29、 and children we heard a loud noise. A few minutes , our house fell down. I managed to climb out, but much to my , one of my boys missing. I quickly went back inside and found safe but frightened.” Soldiers came to rescue those under the ruins, and the government provided food, clothes, and shelters for homeless.

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