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1、英语词组额上汗水淋淋 Sweat bathed his brow.双手沾满鲜血 bathe ones hands in blood沐浴着阳光的草坪 the sunlight bathing the lawn河水冲刷着山脚 the lake bathes the foot of the mountain沉浸在节日气氛 bathe in luscious strains中国工程建筑队 Chinese construction battalions战争重创的经济 the war-battered economy嘭嘭敲门 batter away at the door鸡蛋面糊 a flour and

2、egg batter一套炊具 a battery of cooking pots(辩论中)以其人之矛攻其之盾 turn sbs batter against himself一场舌战 a battle of tongues胜利属于正义的人们 The battle is to the just.回忆当年战功 fight ones battle over again成功的重要条件 half the battle板羽球游戏 battledoor and shuttlecock防暴警察 riot policemen(指最后才见分晓的)混战 a battle royal痛痛快快的哭一场 a good ba

3、wl困兽 a beast at bay走投无路 bring sb to bay作困兽斗 stand at bay旅客的集散厅 a concourse bay就这样吧。 so be it逆戟鲸搁浅 a killer whaler beached herself(海员)上岸休假 take the beach各国被压迫人民的指路明灯 the beacon to the oppressed of all countries因疼痛而渗出的汗珠 beads of pain拨弄着念珠喃喃祈祷 say ones beads行车大路两旁小镇星罗棋布。 Small towns bead the major roa

4、dway.严密注视着 has a bead on小官僚作风 beadledom一饮而尽 consume sth at one gulp无柄大口酒杯 beaker奥林匹克运动会的宗旨 the be-all and end-all of the Olympic Games欢迎的笑容 a beam of welcome生气勃勃 beam life显得一团和气 beam good nature以高收入人群作为宣传对象 beam messages to high-income audiences对日本广播的节目 a program beamed at Japan对.满脸堆笑 beam at sb技穷智尽

5、 on ones beam-ends凡人各有其缺点。 Every bean has its black.豆腐干 dried bean curd乳腐 fermented bean curd经不起仔细检查 not bear close examination这一事故的原因有两种原因。 The accident bears two explanations风中传来人声。 A voice was borne upon the wind.和.酷似 bear a remarkable resemblance to sb怀恨在心 bear a grudge against sb提供伪证 bear false

6、 witness奔腾的波涛席卷了一切。 The rushing waves bore all.一忍再忍 bear and forbear全力以赴 bear down upon sth振作起来 bear up过早乐观 sell the bears skin before one has caught the bear紧紧拥抱 bear-hug暗暗觉得好笑 laugh in ones bear无记名债券 a bearer bond嘈杂的场所 bear garden稳重端庄的举止 a sedate and dignified bearing弄清自己的处境 get ones bearing各方面 in

7、 all its bearings丰年 a bearing year阿肯色州的别称 Bear State只有渴时才喝水 drink like a beast在碗里打蛋 beat eggs in a bowl打拍子 beat time门庭若市 the world may beat a path to your door在人群中推推搡搡挤过去 beat ones way through the crowd抢先干什么 beat sb to sth钻制度之空 beat the system执行巡逻任务的警察 a beat cop专门采访白宫的记者 a reporter on the White Hou

8、se beat这篇报道是独家新闻。 The story was a beat.顶风出海 beat out to sea阐明自己的思考 beat out ones thought来回奔走 beat up and down不是本行 off sbs beat合拍子 on the beat-一小袋咖啡粉 a little bindle of ground coffee购买热 a shopping binge饮酒作乐 go on the binge无菌室 a bioclean room维持生命的必需品 the biogenic needs of the organism人名词典 a biographic

9、 dictionary文坛人物 a literary gent雄辩口才 the bionic mouth双边协定 a bipartite/bilateral agreement一式两份 a bipartite contract美苏间的两极关系 the US bipolar relationship with the Soviet Union消息灵通的人 a little bird吃得极少 eat like a bird家丑不可外扬。 Its an ill bird that fouls its own nest.引人入彀的花言巧语 a birdlime of words不吉利的人 bird o

10、f ill omen凤凰 bird of wonder/pheonix朝天椒 bird pepper精力充沛的 full of birr and go小别墅 a bit villa名角演小角色 fill bit roles with famous faces七零八碎 bits and pieces桀傲不驯 take the bit between ones teeth急不可耐地想摆脱 champ at the bit荣华富贵 bitch goddess寒气刺骨 a bite in the air/a bitter chill赋予书很强的感染力 give a book a remarkable

11、bite恶狠狠瞪了我一眼 his eyes bit into me/ look black at me骗子受骗 a case of the bite bit坚定不移的决心 bitter/bitter-end determination死敌 bitter foes战斗到底 fight to the bitter end一场有苦有乐的恋爱 a bittersweet romance露营 make a bivouac不可饶恕的谎 a black lie实行灯火管制 black out绝对化 black and white黑带选手 black belt记有黑名单的册子 black book把.打得鼻肿

12、脸青 give sb a black eye豇豆 black-eyed pea薄冰 black ice不良评语 black mark害群之马 black sheep足球胆 a football bladder拆穿西洋镜 prick a bladder社交界的花花公子 a society blade不过如此 blah-早晨醒来时没劲的感觉 a case of the morning blahs这也不能都怪他 and small blame to him无动于衷的表情 an expression of bland disinterest毫不含糊的否认 a blank denial全权 blank

13、check冲击波 blast wave羊(或小牛)的叫 blat/bleat几次森林大火 several blazes in the woods骤然剧痛 explode into blazing pain大自然的壮观 the blazonry of nature绝望使他的幻想黯然失色。 Despair bled all colour from his fantasies.放掉管中过剩的气体 bleed a pipe line of excess air远处蔚蓝的天海一色 the blend of sky blue into sea blue in the distance胸前划十字 bless

14、 oneself母爱有时是盲目的。 Maternal love is sometimes blind.不省人事 be in a blind stupor利令智昏 be blinded by greed绝处逢生 escape from a blind alley无前途的职业 a blind alley job无名火 a blindfold fury捉迷藏 blindmans buff典型的男子偏见 a typical male blind spot奄奄一息 on the blink漠不关心 blithe unconcern一叠10张戏票 a block of ten tickets for a

15、play被冻结的资金 blocked funds大批量预定 a block booking逛马路 do the block在拍卖中 on the block草拟(大纲) block in天然屏障 a natural blockade他的演讲像颗重磅炸弹。 His speech was a real blockbuster.一部洋洋大观的小说 a blockbuster novel电影巨片 a blockbuster movie picture木板印刷 block printing(培训教师的)教学实习期 block practice血腥钱 blood and guilty money天性 in

16、 sbs blood不寒而傈 make sbs blood run cold血洗 bloodbath累死累活得干 sweat blood纯种马 blood horse兵不血刃的胜利 a bloodless victory经济主流 the economic bloodstream血迹斑斑的战争史 a bloodstrained chronicle of war一树樱花 the bloom of a cherry tree成才较晚 late bloomers成长为 blossom into运动员和音乐家辈出 blossom with athletes and musicians有伤风景 a blo

17、t on the landscape向某人送去一个飞吻 blow sb. a kiss擤鼻子 blow ones nose趾高气扬 be blown with pride冷热无常 blow hot and cold自卫反击 strike a blow in self-defence为和平而奋斗 strike a blow for freedom不费一兵一卒 without (striking) a blow轻柔易飘的窗帘料子 flimsy, blowy curtain material晴天霹雳 a bolt out of the blue无影无踪 into the blue千载难逢 once

18、in the blue moon脱脂牛奶 blue john脱口而出 blurt out/blot out破晓的红霞 the blush of dawn硬面精装的 bound in boards大学入学模拟考试 college mock boards置诸脑后 go by the board登机牌 boarding-card破釜沉舟 burn ones boat东山再起 bob up (like a cork)留短发 wear ones hair in a bob听众全体起立。 The audience rose bodily.人身搜查 bodily search舆论主流 the body of

19、 public opinion一泓平静的湖水 a docile body of water酒劲大 have a heavy body醇烈的葡萄酒 a wine with plenty of body正文 the body text内阁集体辞职。 The Cabinet resigned in a body.苟延残喘 keep body and soul together健美操 body mechanics达到极点 come to a boil清油 boiled oil夜总会 boite小青菜 boc choy自由驰骋的想象力 a bold imagination胆大包天 as bold as

20、brass一匹鲜艳的布 a bolt of the vivid cloth笔笔直直 blot upright江郎才尽 shoot ones (last) bol行驶如飞 go like a bomb旅游业的繁荣 a tourist bonanza债券债务 a bonded debt证券回买 bond washing与生俱来的 bred in the bone临时抱佛脚 bone up on sth骨感美人自有风韵。 the nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh山穷水尽的 on ones bones盆景艺术 bonsai增股 bonus stock一路平安

21、bon voyage创世纪 the Book of Genesis犹如天书 a sealed book昭然若揭 an opened book骨感美人自有风韵。 the nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh山穷水尽的 on ones bones盆景艺术 bonsai增股 bonus stock一路平安 bon voyage创世纪 the Book of Genesis犹如天书 a sealed book昭然若揭 an opened book-照章办事 by the book了如指掌 know like a book以读书为内容的消遣 a bookish pa

22、stime命中注定的未来 the book of fate乡巴佬 a boorish person股票市场的短时景气 a stock market boomlet慈善义卖 a charity bazzar错爱 put the boot on the wrong leg违章建造的房屋 a bootleg house自力更生 by ones (own) bootstrap躲躲闪闪 play (at) bopeep乐天本性 blithesome nature宣传的闪电攻势 a propaganda blitzkrieg一滴滴的蜡 blobs of wax军事集团 a military bloc花边

23、a lace border文明生活和自然状态生活之间的界线 the border between civilizationand life in the raw他硬要我陪着他,差不多要动武了。 His determination to have my companybordered on violence.因可能患上.而呆在家里 stay home with a borderline case of sth新的理论不一定有价值。 The new theory is of borderline value.盯着某人看 bore into ones eyes北风之神 Boreas海上吹来的微风 s

24、ea-born breezes来源于 born of生而富有 born to riches世故的 not born yesterday对.重新感兴趣的 bornagain反射光 borrowed light与某人推心置腹 take sb to ones bosom在家庭的温暖怀抱中 in the bosom of the family隆起的小山 bosomy hills党魁 a party boss谁在指挥这事? Who is bossing the job?栽培的野生郁金香 a botanical tulip植物性药物 botanical drugs他的报告是一堆胡乱拼凑的材料。 His r

25、eport was a patchwork of databotched together.他初次试译就译糟了。 He made a botch of translation at his first attempt.真是没事找麻烦。 What a lot of bother about nothing!为.花费很多心血,不值得 sth takes more bother than its worth-为.焦虑 bother ones head/oneself about/with sth抑制、隐瞒 bottle up旧瓶装新酒 use old bottles for new wine瓶装液化

26、气 bottled gas葫芦 bottle gourd深绿色 bottle green猴面包树 bottle tree往杯底斟上几滴 wet the bottom of the glass看上去没完没了。 There seemed to be no bottom to it.睡裤 pajama bottoms基于 be based/bottomed on心底里 at (the) bottom停止下跌并即回升 bottom out始于卑微 start at the bottom (of the ladder)自立 stand on ones own bottom无根据的论点 a bottoml

27、ess argument花魁 bottom woman闺房 boudoir现成的衣服 bought clothes林荫大道 boulevard公共汽车在车辙累累的路上颠簸着。 The bus bounced along the rutty road.节奏轻快的歌曲 a song with a bouncy beat得意忘形的样子 a bouncy manner一举成名 reach popularity at a bound忙于 be bound up in (with)开往北京的火车 a train bound for Bei某人应尽的义务 sbs bound duty无边无际的海洋 the

28、boundless ocean丰收 a boutenous/bountiful harvest褒贬之间 bouquet and brickbat巧克力夹心饼干 Bourbon biscuit一次外科手术 a bout of surgery三思而后行 Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed.理想屈从于实际。 Ideals bow to practicality.佩服的五体投地 be bowed down in admiration奴颜婢膝 bow and scrape告别演出 bow out with a great performance退出政界

29、bow out of politics船上近船头的座位 a bow seat in the boat腹泻 have loose bowel格格不入 in the wrong box掴某人一个响亮的耳光 give sb a sound box on the ear初出茅庐的男性科学家 a boy scientist儿戏 a boys play罢课 a school boycott俗套的爱情故事 a boy-meets-girl story牙齿上戴着矫正架 have braces on ones teeth张弓 brace a bow格格不入 in the wrong box使某人揪心 gnaw

30、at ones bowel大便 bowel movement未射中目标 on the bow hand点头之交 a bowing acquaintance with sb对某学科略知一二 a bowing acquaintance with some subject滚铁环 bowl hoops做事就得敢于面对困难。 They who play bowls must expect tomeet with rubbers.在记者席上 in a reporters box使经受锻炼 brace oneself for河滨凛冽清新的空气 the bracing air of the riversi高收入阶层 the upper bracket不分胜负 be bracketed in a tie稍带咸味的水 brackish water波士顿的上层人物 Boston Brahmins把事实和虚构混在一起 braid fact with fiction聪明的学生和刻苦的学生 brains and grinds-脑闲歹意生。 An idle brain is the devils shop.念念不忘 have on the brain绞脑汁 beat/rack one

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