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1、广州版小学四年级英语词汇清华大学英语教授50年研究成果,英语学习必备官方网站: 英语 English小学四年级 上册词汇表 vocabularyModule 1 Unit 1clothes kluz 衣服,衣物shop p 商店assistant sistnt助理,助手shop assistant 售货员,店员morning m:ni 早上can kn, kn 能,会help help 帮助Id like =I would like 我想要buy bai 买blouse blauz 女式衬衣how much 多少(钱)ninety 九十yuan 元Ill take it. 我要(买)了。pai

2、r p双,对a pair of 一双,一对jeans di:nz斜纹布工装,牛仔裤shoe 鞋子trousers trauzz裤子(长裤)shirt :t衬衣shorts :ts 短裤fourteen f:ti:n十四twenty twenti 二十nineteen nainti:n 十九thirty ti:n三十 eighteen eiti:n 十八forty f:ti四十seventeen seventi:n 十七fifty fifti五十sixteen sikzti:n十六sixty sikzti六十seventy seventi七十eighty eiti八十ninety nainti九

3、十hundred hndrd 百dress dres 连衣裙sweater swet 毛线衣,卫生衫T-shirt ti:t 文化衫,T恤jacket dkit 夹克skirt sk:t 裙子(半身裙)coat kut 大衣sock sk袜子sport sp:t 运动sport shoe 运动鞋Unit 2afternoon :ftnu:n 下午sir s: 先生for f:, f 为,为了bye bai 再见madam mdm 夫人,女士pound paund 英镑whose hu:z 谁的Module 2Unit 4mean mi:n 意思是cap kp(没有檐的但常有舌的)帽子hat h

4、t(周围又檐的)帽子wear w 穿,戴be (is/are) wearing 正穿(戴)着friend frend 朋友blonde blnd 金色(头发的)thin in 瘦的,薄的heavy hevi 重的young j 年轻的Unit 5today tdei 今天talk t:k 谈话about baut 关于talk about 谈及hero hiru(男)英雄heroine heruin(女)英雄kind kaind 友善的,和蔼的hard-working 尽心尽力的,努力工作的patient peint 忍耐的,容忍的,耐心的handsome hnsm 英俊的movie mu:v

5、i 电影star st: 星星,明星movie star 电影明星honest nist 诚实的 funny fni 有趣的parent prnt 父(母)亲,双亲both bu 两者都great reit 伟大的,太好了cook kuk 厨师(名词),烹调(动词)feed fi:d 喂养well wel 好true tru: 真实的friendly frendli 友好的round raund 圆的ugly li 丑陋的weak wi:k 瘦弱的Module 3Unit 7want wnt 想,要be bi:, bi 是when hwen 当,什么时候grow ru 生长,成长up p 向上

6、grow up 长大nurse n:s 护士,保育员doctor dkt 医生job db 职业,工作teacher ti:t 老师postman pustmn 邮递员postmen pustmen 邮递员(pl. 复数)driver draiv 司机,驾驶员bank bk 银行manager mnid 经理factory fktri 工厂worker w:k 工人soldier suld 士兵farmer f:m 农民fireman faimn 消防队员firemen faimen消防队员(pl. 复数)policeman pli:smn警察policemen pli:smen警察(pl.

7、复数)Unit 8cleaner kli:n 清洁员athlete li:t 运动员waiter weit(男)服务员,(男)侍应waitress weitris(女)服务员,(女)侍应lawyer l:j 律师clerk kl:k职员bank clerk 银行职员Module 4Unit 10neighbour neib 邻居move mu:v 迁移,移动moving in 正迁进has (have) got 有because bikz 因为why hwai 为什么apartment p:tmnt 公寓after :ft 之后after school 放学后see 看见,明白See you.

8、 再见ambulance mbjulns救护车ambulance man 救护车驾驶员or :, 或,或者child taild 孩子children tildrn 孩子(pl. 复数)only unli 唯一的,仅仅,只有the only child 独生子女I see. 我明白了。dentist dentist 牙医check tek 检查catch kt 抓住criminal kriminl 罪犯,犯人drive draiv 驾驶,开(车)learn l:n 学习put out 消灭,扑灭fire fai 火sick sik 生病的sick people 病人Unit 11hey hei

9、 嘿,喂top tp 顶部at the top of 在的顶部cant 不能,不会down daun 向下get down 下来think ik 想home hum 家at home 在家dangerous deindrs危险的could kud, kd 能ask :sk 问him him 他(宾格)clean up 打扫,扫除everything evrii 每一件东西,每一件事情deliver diliv 递送letter let 信,字母serve s:v 服务,提供food fu:d 食物drinks drikz 饮料Module 5Unit 13time taim 时间have hv

10、 吃,上(课)breakfast brekfst 早餐about baut 大约oclock klk 点钟,时lunch lnt 午餐dinner din 正餐usually ju:uli 通常地,时常地Me too. 我也是。fromto 从到break breik 中间休息的时间music mju:zik 音乐maths ms 数学P.E. 体育art :t 美术,艺术when hwen 什么时候Unit 14get up 起床clock klk 钟Its time to 是的时候了。go u 去go to school 上学too tu: 太late leit 迟bread bred 面

11、包milk milk 牛奶egg e 鸡蛋must mst, mst 必须goodbye udbai 再见back bk 返回go back 回来go to bed 去睡觉Module 6Unit 16day dei 天,日Monday 星期一often fn 经常play plei 玩,打(球)football futb:l 足球sometimes smtaimz 有时chess tes 棋card k:d 卡,扑克牌basketball b:skitb:l 篮球badminton bdmintn羽毛球swim swim 游泳game eim 游戏tennis tenis 网球table t

12、ennis teibl 乒乓球skip skip 跳,跳绳run rn 跑步Sunday sndi 期天,星期日Thursday :zdi 星期四Tuesday tju:zdi 星期二Saturday stdi 星期六Friday fraidi 星新区六年级英语卷班级 姓名 得分 一、辨音。( )31、A .cow B. yellow C. how D .now( )32、A .think B .thank C .these D .three( )33、A .there B .their C .here D .where( )34、A .room B .broom C .classroom D

13、 .school( )35、A .bread B .tea C .meet D .we ( )36、A .cooked B .asked C .danced D .watered( )37、A .drink B .English C .then D .uncle( )38、A .her B. sister C. worker D. tiger( )39、A .watch B. child C. Christmas D. lunch( )40、A .can B. bag C .many D .cat二、选择填空( )41、She can _ English. But she _ an Engli

14、sh girl.A .speaks , not B .speak , isnt C .speaking ,dont D. speak ,doesnt( )42、_sweater is it ? Its my brothers.A .Whos B. What C. Whose D. Where( )43、I like _.I d like _around China.A .travel, to go B. travelling ,go C. traveling ,to go D. travel , going ( )44、What an _game it is!A . excite B. exc

15、iting C .excited D. excits( )45、There _a ruler and some pencils in the pencil box. Its_.A. are , his B. is , his C. are , hers D. is , her( )46._ kick the ball to him. A. Cant B. Dont C.Isnt D. Arent( )47. Which is the third of the week? A.Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D.Thursday( )48. I meet our _

16、 in the street.A. the teacher B. a teacher C. teacher D. one teacher( )49. What _ in the bag? There _ some apples.A. is, is B. is , are C. are , are D .are , is ( )50. You look nice today. A. No ,it isnt good. B. Thank you C. Is it good? D. Not at all.( )51. Heres a photo of _family for you. May I h

17、ave one of _.A .yours ,my B. my ,yours C. your ,my D. yours , mine( )52. Its time for _ home. Lets _.A. us to go ,go B .we to go ,to go C .I to go , go D. me to go , to go ( )53. I usually _my homework at seven oclock. A .did B. do C. does D. doing( )54. Whats the score?A. It s two . B.Its two all.

18、C. Theyre two all . D.Its all two.( )55. They are from _.They speak _.A. America, America B. American , China C. the UK , EnglandD. America , English ( )56. Put your hands _ your head and turn _left and right. A. on, / B. up, / C.on , to D. / , to( )57.It was here just now . Where _ it now? B.

19、were C.was D . are( )58.What _ people usually do _May Day?A. did, in B. did, on C,do, at D. does, of( )59. This morning I_ a walkman under the bed. A. see B. saw C.seen D.seeing( )60. This is my little sister. Please look _ her. B. like C.after D. for 三、完型填空。 Look at this photo. Its 61 old phot

20、o .There are 62 people in it. The tall man is 63 Liu. Hes a 64 at our school. We are his student. He is 65 a tree. In the photo you can also 66 seven boys and six girls. The girl in a yellow hat is 67 . She can sing English songs well. 68 she is not from England. You can find some 69 and dogs in the

21、 photo. The birds are in the tree and the dogs are under the tree.Near them , there 70 some cats ,too.( )61. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )62. A.7 B. 14 C. 15 D 16( )63.A.Mr B. Mrs C.Miss D. Ms( )64.A. teacher B. doctor C. nurse D policeman( )65.A. in B.on C. beside D. over( )66. A. look B. see C. meet D

22、. know( )67.A. Bill B. Dick C. Rose D. Sam( )68. A. and B. or C. but D. too( )69. A. birds B. dogs C. sheep D. animals( )70. A. are B. is C. am D. be四、改错。选择句中错误的一项( )71. We had an art festival in the sixth of October last year.A B C D( )72. Childrens Day is our favourite holiday. A B C D( )73. I ask

23、ed he to give the book to Sam. A B C D( )74. Open my presents to me, please. A B C D( )75. I like take photos.A B C D( )76.I can making cakes very well. A B C D( )77.Help my answer the questions. A B C D五、阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确写“A”,错误写“” Linda and Ann are classmates. They are American girls. Linda is tall.

24、She has black hair, brown eyes and dark skin(皮肤). Ann is not tall. She has blonde(金色的)hair, blue eyes and fair (白皙的)skin. They both speak English.Linda is twelve years old. She likes dancing. She dances well. Ann is thirteen. She doesnt dancing. She likes singing. She can sing many Chinese songs.The

25、y go to school together in the morning, and go home together after school.Lindas birthday is in January. Anns birthday is in September.( )78. Linda and Ann are twins,( )79.They speak English.( )80.Linda is short. Ann is tall.( )81. Ann has fair skin( )82. Linda is thirteen years old.( )83. Linda lik

26、es singing( )84.Anns birthday is in September.( )85. Linda has black hair, blue eyes and dark skin (B) Sam and Sally are brother and sister. Now they are in Nanjing . They go to the same school. Their school is not far from their home. Theres a hill behind the school. Sam is thirteen. He is in Mr Wh

27、ites class. He is a good student. Mr White likes him very much . Sam can speak Chinese very well, but Mr White cant. Sally is eleven. She is in Mrs Whites class. Mrs White is an English teacher. Sally can speak French well, but she cannot speak Chinese.( )86. How old is Sally? A.Eleven B. Thirteen C

28、.Twelve D.Ten( )87.Who can speak Chinese ? A.Mr White B. Mrs White C. Sally D. Sam ( )88.Where is Sam and Sallys home?A. In the school. B.Behind the hill.C. Near the school. D.Between the hill and the school.( )89.Who is Sallys English teacher?A.Mrs White B. Mr White C. Sam D.We dont know .( )90. Which sentence is not true

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