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英语Unit 4《Sharing 》单元同步测试.docx

1、英语Unit 4Sharing 单元同步测试Unit 4 Sharing单元测试题 姓名 班级 得分 自我评价 第一部分 听力略(共两节,满分30分)第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. Could I have a word with you, mum? Oh, dear, if you _.A. can B. may C. must D. should 22. Can I look at the menu before I make an order? Of cou

2、rse. _, madam.A. Take your time B. Dont mention it C. Never mind D. Help yourself23. The criminal, as well as some _ people, was arrested by the police yesterday.A. relevant B. skilled C. released D. lucky 24. Do you remember the chicken farm _ we visited three months ago?A. where B. when C. that D.

3、 what 25. I _ my university professor in the supermarket near my house, which was out of my expectation. A. came out B. came across C. came about D. came along26. The plan has to be _ to meet the real situation.A. adjusted B. adapted C. produced D. refounded 27. Students are encouraged to _ the desi

4、gn petition for robots at the university. A. take part B. operate C. join to D. participate in 28. The man I _ yesterday in the street is my manager.A. paid a visit B. had a talk C. met D. dropped 29. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, Chinese astronauts _ walk in space.A. anxious to

5、do B. eager for C. are dying to D. are longing to 30. Why didnt she ask for help at that time? You know, at such a midnight, there was no one _.A. she could turn to B. for whom to turn C. who to turn to D. for her to turn31. In _ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for the

6、ir children.A. historic B. remote C. traditional D. further 32. A live program on TV is calling on people to _ money or some other things to the people who have suffered from the flood in Henan Province. A. donate B. lend C. put D. pay 33. I was about to go to bed _ one of my old classmates made a c

7、all to me.A. when B. as C. while D. that 34. With the guide _ the way, we finally got to the village which we were looking for.A. led B. leading C. to lead D. had led35. The reason _ at the meeting for being late was not reasonable. A. why he gave B. what he gave C. he gave D. on which he gave 第二节 完

8、形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)The bell rang at four oclock. All the children in Donnas class 36 into the corridor and joined the masses rushing out of school because it was Friday and the 37 was here!Tonight was a football practice night and tomorrow there was a big match the semi-final of the Inter-school

9、38 . Donna got changed and went out onto the football pitch. A crowd of boys were hanging around the field, 39 for Mr Jones, the sports teacher, to arrive. Just then, a tall, heavy man in sports kit 40 across the field. He came over to the football pitch and 41 to everyone.“Mr Jones is sick,” he sai

10、d. “Im Mr Stanley. From now on, Im 42 the team.”Everybody looked unhappy. They knew Mr Jones was a good teacher and he was always 43 . They had never seen Mr Stanley before. “Right,” said Mr Stanley. “ 44 and well see what you can do!”The team made a line ready to 45 their shots at goal. Donna stood

11、 behind Stevie and waited for her turn. Then she heard Mr Stanley shouting and 46 his arms. His face was bright red and he sounded really 47 .“Oh, you!” he shouted at Donna.“Clear off! We dont want any girls 48 around here getting in the way!”Donna stared at Mr Stanley.Stevie said, “But, Sir Donna i

12、s 49 . Shes brilliant!”“NO GIRLS ON MY TEAM!” shouted Mr Stanley even louder.“But thats not fair!”“NO BUTS!” His face seemed about to 50 .Donna stood at the side of the field 51 watched her team during training. It started to rain and everyone got cold. By half past six it was raining so hard that t

13、hey had to stop. “Bye, see you tomorrow at the 52 !” they shouted as they left. Donna walked slowly home in the rain. She felt sad and 53 . It just wasnt fair. She always played for the team. Mr Jones didnt 54 . She had played in all the matches so far 55 could she survive without football? It was h

14、er life.36. A. rushed through B. flowed away C. poured out D. ran over37. A. weekday B. holiday C. weekend D. rest38. A. petition B. performance C. presentation D. show39. A. playing B. practicing C. preparing D. waiting40. A. speeded up B. came up C. appeared D. walked41. A. yelled B. called C. scr

15、eamed D. cried42. A. in the charge of B. on own responsibility C. in charge of D. on the duty43. A. fair B. even C. same D. flat44. A. Row in B. Mark with C. Sort out D. Line up45. A. cause B. practise C. prepare D. arrange46. A. waving B. lifting C. raising D. lowering47. A. calm B. noisy C. angry

16、D. stormy48. A. hanging B. bringing C. getting D. ing49. A. in the line B. to the row C. at the place D. on the team50. A. violate B. break C. explode D. rush51. A. and B. or C. when D. as52. A. match B. school C. station D. game53. A. inconvenient B. troublesome C. unfavorable D. miserable54. A. li

17、ke B. obey C. mind D. observe55. A. How B. What C. Why D. Where第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ADear Anne, I like your column very much. I met a girl four years ago at a gym. She was the one who originally approached me and we became good friends. Then one day, she made me really angry, so angry that I

18、just left and we never saw each other again.Looking back, I really regret ending things that way. It was a cowardly act on my part, but I had a terrible temper at that time and let the smallest thing get to me. Recently, Ive started thinking about her again and I looked up her e-mail address. I thou

19、ght about writing to say “Hi” and apologize for what I did but Im not sure. She could still be angry with me, or maybe she has forgotten me. I feel very lonely and I want to see her again. What should I do?TomDear Tom, She may still be angry with you, and she may have forgotten the friendship betwee

20、n you, but that doesnt mean she doesnt deserve an apology. Tom, how many of us have wished for the day that someone who treated us badly saw the light and finally owned up? But we rarely get that kind of expected result. So sure, e-mail her and say “Hi”.Tell her you have been thinking about her and

21、just want to apologize for getting angry and being a coward by walking out on her. But you should remember if she thinks youre apologizing just because you are lonely, she might dismiss your sincerity. Therefore, dont mention that. If she wants to see you again, shell make sure that happens.Even if

22、she doesnt want to be your friend, I can assure you, shell appreciate the gesture. And it might make you think twice next time you get angry. Anne56. In the letter, Anne is probably _. A. Toms friend B. Toms teacher C. a woman reporter D. a columnist 57. What is troubling Tom?A. He cant get in touch

23、 with his former friend. B. He regrets letting his former friend leave him. C. He doesnt know whether to apologize to his former friend.D. He is uncertain whether his former friend can forgive him. 58. The underlined phrase “owned up” in the third paragraph probably means “ ”. A. returned ones wealt

24、h B. admitted ones mistake C. recovered ones courage D. controlled ones feeling 59. Which of the following is what Anne advises Tom to do? A. Tell her that he expects to see her again. B. Express his sincere apology to her. C. Tell her that he is very lonely. D. Beg her to give him another chance.60

25、. Anne wants to tell Tom that _. A. an apology is better late than neverB. he should think twice before he gets angryC. its no use crying over spilt milkD. he should answer for his wrong doingsBPeople often say, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” and “Behind every successful man there

26、 is a woman.” Both these sayings mean the same thing. Men rule the world, but their wives rule them.Most American women like making their husbands and sons successful, but some of them want more for themselves. They want good jobs, and when they work they want to be paid. They also want to be as suc

27、cessful as men.The American womens liberation movement was started by women who didnt want to stand behind successful men. They wanted to stand beside men and have the same chances for success. They didnt want to be told that certain jobs or offices were closed to them. They refused to work side by

28、side with men who did the same work for a higher pay.A liberated woman must be proud of being a woman and have confidence in herself. If somebody says to her, “You have e a long way, baby.” She will smile and answer, “Not nearly as far as Im going to go, baby.” This movement is quite new, and many A

29、merican women dont agree with it. But it has already made some important changes in womens lives and in mens lives, too.61. From the first paragraph, we can learn that _.A. American women usually take care of their children by themselvesB. women in the United States are powerfulC. women play a very

30、important role in mens livesD. if there is no woman, there is no man62. From the passage we know that most American women today are _. A. fighting for their rights to work side by side with menB. working hard at home to help their husbands and sons be successfulC. working side by side with men in al

31、l kinds of jobsD. very confident about their future63. The liberated women want to do all the following EXCEPT _.A. stay at home to help their husbands be successful B. have the same chances for success as menC. get the same pay when doing the same work as menD. seek for office and do some important jobs as men64. By saying “Not nearly as far as Im going to go”, a liberated woman is stating that _. A. she has nearly got to her destinationB. there is a litt

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