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蒋静仪 B1 U1.docx

1、蒋静仪 B1 U1幻灯片1 Reading to Develop Your Idea 阅读教程 主编:蒋静仪 PPT制作与执教:黄 艳 Book 1 Unit 1 In-reading 1幻灯片2 Content Course Introduction 4. Requirements 1 . Extensive reading 2. The purpose of extensive reading 3. The objectives ( purpose ) of the extensive reading course 幻灯片3 Content II. About Unit 1 III. Th

2、e goals of the text 1. Study the new words 、phrases and patterns of the text; (P3-4) 2. How to paraphrase; 3. 语义理解(semantic comprehension)的閱讀技巧 : 4. Grasping the words and phrases about parents and children; (word webbing 光盘) 5.The style of the text 6. The topic sentence in each paragraph; 7. The ma

3、in idea of the article; 8.The structure(outline提纲) of the text; IV. Grammar: Absolute construction (独立结构) V. 巩固练习 (p4-21)幻灯片4 Content Course Introduction 1 . Extensive reading 2. The purpose of extensive reading 3. The objectives ( purpose ) of the extensive reading course 4. Requirements幻灯片5 I. Cou

4、rse Introduction 1 . Extensive reading - Extensive reading (or free reading, book flood), is an aim to language learning, including foreign language learning, by means of a large amount of reading . 泛读-就是大量地阅读。 Why? Because Bacon says: Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an

5、 exact man. 阅读使人渊博,会谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。- 培根 幻灯片6 幻灯片7 幻灯片8幻灯片9 新的大学英语四、六级考试大纲对于阅读理解的要求是: PartIII阅读理解 第一节:大纲要求及评分标准 阅读理解部分包括仔细阅读(ReadinginDepth)和快速阅读(SkimmingandScanning),测试学生通过阅读获取书面信息的能力;所占分值比例为35%,其中仔细阅读部分25%,快速阅读部分l0%。考试时间40分钟。 仔细阅读部分要求考生阅读三篇短文。两篇为多项选择题型的短文理解测试,每篇长度为300350词。一篇为选词填空(BankedCloze)或简答题(Sho

6、rtAnswerQuestions)。 选词填空篇章长度为200250词,简答题篇章长度为300350词。仔细阅读部分测试考生在不同层面上的阅读理解能力,包括理解主旨大意和重要细节、综合分析、推测判断以及根据上下文推测词义等。多项选择题型的短文后有若干个问题,考生根据对文章的理解,从每题的四个选项中选择最佳答案。选词填空测试考生对篇章语境中的词汇理解和运用能力。要求考生阅读一篇删去若干词汇的短文,然后从所给的选项中选择正确的词汇填空,使短文复原。 快速阅读部分采用l2篇较长篇幅的文章或多篇短文,总长度约为1000词。要求考生运用略读和查读的技能从篇章中获取信息。略渎考核学生通过快速阅读获取文章

7、主旨大意或中心思想的能力,阅读速度约每分钟100词。查读考核学生利用各种提示,如数字、大写单词、段首或句首词等,快速查找特定信息的能力。快速阅读理解部分采用的题型有是非判断、句子填空、完成句子等。 幻灯片10 第二节:题型分析与应试技巧 一、快速阅读理解 试题介绍 快速阅读理解题是大学英语四级考试改革后新增加的考试题型。该考试题型是一篇1000个单词左右的文章,题目含有7个判断正误题(包括NOTGIVEN)和3个句子填空题(即补充3个未完成的句子,答案基本都是原文中出现的原词),考试时间为15分钟。文章一般是一篇篇幅较长而难度略低的材料,如各类论文、小说、报刊杂志、日用工具书、广告广播、新闻报

8、道、节目表、时刻表、备忘录、说明书、电话本、索引等。快速阅读能力的提高固然有赖于考生在大量阅读中逐步的积累。但是,在平时的训练的时候,应该注意通过对逻辑关系、标点符号乃至一些特征语言信息点,乃至略读及寻读等方法的积极运用,实现文章主旨的快速把握,并对随后的题目做出有效的判断和填写。 幻灯片11 二、篇章词汇 试题介绍 篇章词汇题是大学英语四级考试改革后新增加的考试题型,其目的是测试学生综合运用语言的能力,考查学生对文章的理解能力、使用词汇和语法结构的能力。篇章词汇题一般是从一篇难度适中、200字左右的文章中,去掉10个单词,让考生在所提供的15个词中挑选合适的词填空,使文章能够流畅、得体。篇章

9、词汇题要求考生既要看懂文章的大意,又要认识并了解所列单词的词性和基本搭配。选词填空的考查类似于完形填空,出题形式具有以下特点: 考查学生综合语言能力 篇章词汇题首先考查学生对文章主题、作者的观点以及文章结构和组织等理解水平,这要求考生具备词汇、语法、阅读等基础,并具有较强的语言综合运用能力。 幻灯片12 考查词汇运用能力 词汇考查主要从以下几个方面着手: (1)词义辨析 大学英语教学要求学生具有识别生词和辨析词义的能力, 要求学生能够辨析意思相近的词、用法相近的词以及拼写相近的词。所以这部分考试往往会以同义词、近义词、反义词或形近易混词的形式出现。 (2)固定搭配 固定搭配以动词、形容词、副词

10、、介词构成居多,在篇章词汇题中,主要以副词和介词为考点。这要求考生在平时的英语学习中,掌握主要的固定搭配和习惯用法,重视结构词和语法的掌握。 (3)句子之间的逻辑关系 篇章词汇题的一个主要方面是考察学生对某一段落或者某几个句子之间的逻辑关系的理解和把握, 尤其是对句与句之间的逻辑关系的理解。这要求考生熟记表示列举、原因、结果、让步、转折、对照、补充、时间顺序、目的、条件等不同逻辑关系的连接词。 (4)词汇的复现 词汇的复现是指一个词以原词、指代词、同义词、反义词、概括词等重现在整篇文章的前后。所以,有时一个空格出现的要求所填的单词往往是该空格之前或之后出现的词。这就要求考生通读全文,在理解全文

11、和句子前后含义的基础上,找准复现词汇,正确填空。 幻灯片13 幻灯片14 Content II. About Unit 1 III. The goals of the text 1. Study the new words 、phrases and patterns of the text; (P3-4) 2. How to paraphrase; 3. 语义理解(semantic comprehension)的閱讀技巧 : 4. Grasping the words and phrases about the parents and children; (word webbing 光盘) 5

12、.The style of the text 6. The topic sentence in each paragraph; 7. The main idea of the article; 8.The structure(outline提纲) of the text; IV. Grammar: Absolute construction (独立结构) V. 巩固练习 (p4-21)幻灯片15 II. About Unit 1 Parents and Children幻灯片16 幻灯片17幻灯片18幻灯片19 Unit 1 Family Day, 2002幻灯片20 Goal III. 1.

13、 Study the new words 、phrases and patterns of the text. P3-4 幻灯片24 G III. 3. Study the new words 、phrases and patterns of the text.(P3-4) 幻灯片52 Title: Family Day, 2002 Main idea: The proclamation emphasizes the important role a family plays on a child. It reminds parents that what the family can do

14、to contribute to the building of a healthy society. Families provide children everything they need to become successful members of society. Outline: I.( Para. 1 ) The important role a family plays on a child. II.(Para.2-5 ) How should parents do to become the most prominent and active figures in chi

15、ldrens life are very important. a. (Para.2) Recent events have reminded Americans of the blessings of family and friends, and of the importance of faith. b. (Para.3) Americans must also act to fight crime and drugs, and provide a safe and healthy environment for our children. c. ( Para.4 ) The nurtu

16、ring and development of our families require investment focus, and commitment. d. (Para. 5 ) By spending quality time with family members and encouraging in other nurturing activities to strengthen the relationships between parents and children and help fighting against substance abuse. III.( Para.

17、6 ) George W. Bush signed his name to claim that what he said was true. 幻灯片53 IV. Grammar: Absolute construction “独立结构” 所谓“独立结构”实质就是带有自己主语的非限定分句和无动词分句。在结构上与主句不发生关系,因此叫“独立结构”。 e.g. 时间 :The meeting being over ,all of us went home. 原因:There being no taxis, we had to walk home. 伴随:Lying on the grass, hi

18、s hands crossed under his head. e.g. By spending more family time together, parents can better engage with 参与their children and encourage them to make the right choices. (B1 U1 ir1 para.3) By taking time to develop positive and open relationships with their children, parents help fight the war on dr

19、ugs and encourage positive choices. (B1 U1 ir1 para.4) Beaming, I said, “Yes.” (U1,IR2,p7 Para.7) 幻灯片54 补充说明: We redoubled our efforts, each man working like two. 条件:The condition being favorable, he may succeed. 原因: e.g. (U1 IR2 P6 Para.4) The theory , of course, being that since that is a high-ticket (高贵的东西)item and she is “such a big girl” , it would be much better for her to pick it out(挑选出).幻灯片55 V. 巩固练习: 1.话题讨论题(P5)In reading 1 group discussion Q1 2. 课后作业:Do Ex. IN Reading2、3& 4 Post reading (共四篇) 3. Remember the new words 、phrases and patterns of the text.(P3-15) 幻灯片56 See you !

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