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1、中北大学英语老师发的一周一练标准答案中北大学英语老师发的一周一练标准答案(1)Key to Model Test (1)Band OnePartI.Understanding SentencesSection A1.It would be better if the weather had beena little cooler during the holiday.2.Tom and Jack appear to be honest.3.I wish I could get the book I wanted.4.Tom is an absent-minded man, but Jack i

2、sjust the opposite to him.5.He asked Tina to hurry up in case theymight be late for the concert.6.I heard Martin got full marks in theEnglish exam.7.The teacher asks the students to explainthe text sentence by sentence.8.He suggests Jack take fewer courses thisterm since the courses they will take a

3、re very difficult.9.John was more sorry than angry when heheard the bad news.10.The assignment was much more difficult thanI had expected.Key: BABBBBBABASection B1. They will have a cup of coffeebefore they move on to the next question after a long-time discussion.2. He wont giveup learning English

4、though it is difficult to learn well.3. He thinksGone With The Windis a very excellentmovie and is well worth seeing.4. All the students in theuniversity can get access to the online library resources.5. As teachers, we should bepatient with all the students especially when they are not doing well i

5、n theirstudies.6. When I was in college, allthe students were not required to take the courses they didnt like.7. Not only I but also all myclassmates enjoy learning English through an online course.8. When he readthe novel, he came across many new words.9. Unlike cars,bicycles can stop anywhere the

6、y want.10. This is an important meetingand all the employees are required to participate in it.Key: AABACBCABCPart II. Understanding ConversationsKey:Section A:DBCAA CBASectionB:ADACADCSection A1. M: How many students passed the final English exam in your class?W: Thirty.But still as many as 40 perc

7、ent of the class failed.Quite disappointing,isnt it?Q: Whatdoes the woman think of the exam?解析D.观点态度题.从女士所说的“Quite disappointing”来看,考试结果出乎意料,令人失望,与选项D中的“fell short of her expectations”意义相同,所以答案为D.注意选项A与D内容相反2. W: Lots of young men enjoy extreme sports, do you?M: Believe it ornot,that is the last thi

8、ng Id ever want to do.Q: What does the manmean?解析B.观点态度题.女士问男士是否喜欢极限运动吗?男士回答说极限运动是“the last thing Id ever want to do”.这里暗含否定,即:极限运动是他最不愿意做的事情,即他不喜欢极限运动。注意last一词暗含否定的用法。(对话是靠词汇表达的,因此理解了词汇也就掌握了解题根本。这里所说的词汇不局限单词,还包括惯用语、俚语、习语等。关键的时候。一个词、一个习语就决定了成败)3. W: When I go on a diet, I eat only fruit, and that ta

9、kes off weightquickly.M: Iprefer to eat whatever I want,and then swim regularly to lose weightQ: How does the man control his weight?解析C.行为活动题.男士说他通过游泳减肥,关键词为swim regularly,指运动的一种方式,选项C为体育锻炼,所以C是正确答案.其余三个选项都是对话中女士所采取的减肥措施.4. M: When are we supposedto hand in our term paper, Mary?W:Theyare due by the

10、 end of the week. Weve only two days left. Well just haveto hurry.Q: What does the woman mean?。解析 A谈论话题题.女士所说的关键词due也就是意味着是deadline,既然只有两天的时间,说明The deadline is approaching soon .如果没有听清due一词,由女士的have to hurry也可推出答案.5. W: How about the show last week, Jack?M.I wish Ihadnt gone to see itQ: what doesthe

11、 man mean?解析 A.推理判断题。男士回答用得是虚拟语气,而虚拟语气往往表示与事实不相符的情况, 即: 说话人后悔去看展出了。 由此可见,上周的展出不怎么样,选项A正确。(英语中的句式结构:条件句、强调句、比较结构虚拟语气等都可以提供解题线索)。6.M:I cannot believe my phone billthis month. It seems too high.W: Yeah, that happened to me a lot lastyear,but this year I have just cut down on my long-distance calls.Q: W

12、hat does the womanimply?解析C.观点态度题.女士说:“this year Ihave just cut down my long-distance calls.”可以推断出long-distance calls take a lot ofmoney. “cut down” here means reduce。7. M: Thesubway sure is crowded this morning.W:Yeah. Its a pain butif we all drove everyday wewouldnt beable to breathe in thiscity.Q

13、:What does the woman imply?解析 B.推理判断题。男士说“if we all drove everyday wewouldnt be able to breathe in this city”用得是虚拟语气表示如人们都开车,我们将无法呼吸,可以推断出汽车污染空气。选项B是答案。8.W: Have you saved enough to buy that new laser printer for yourcomputer yet?M: You knowmoney seems to be burning a hole in mypocketlately. Maybe n

14、ext month.Q: What does the man mean?解析A.谈论话题题.从男士的回答:money seems to be burning a holein my pocket lately可知他近来花钱很多,没有足够的钱买,所以答案为A。Section BConversation1W: Ben,have you chosen an elective course yet for this term?M:No. Why?W:Youve got to take rock-climbing.Rock-climbing is a good chance to challenge y

15、our body and yourwill.We just had the first class and it looks likeits going to be great.M:You think I should takerock-climbing? Youve got to be kidding. Besides,how can they teach rock climbingwhen its completely flat around here?W: Thatsnot important. You cant just start climbing without any training. You have toget in shape, l

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