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1、石工专业英语A氨基三乙酸(NTA) | aminotriacetic acid 胺基 | amino 铵基 | ammonium 安全地层 | safe formation 安全试破 | safe destruction 安全钻井 | safe drilling 坳陷 | down warping region 螯合 | chelation 凹陷 | sag 凹陷地层 | subsidence formation 奥陶系 | Ordovician system API模拟法 | API recommened methodB多靶点 | multiple target point 白沥青 | wh

2、ite asphalt 白油 | mineral oil 白云母 | white mica 半透膜 | semipermeable membrane 包被絮凝剂 | flocculant 包被 | envelop 包被抑制性 | encapsulating ability 饱和度 | saturation饱和度剖面图 | profile map of degree of saturation 饱和盐水 | saturated salt water 背斜 | anticlinal 钡 | barium 苯环 | benzene ring 苯酚 | phenyl hydroxide本质区别 | e

3、ssential difference 泵压过高 | overhigh pumping pressure 比表面积 | specific surface area 比吸水量 | specific absorption 比重瓶法 | density bottle method 避免 | avoid 蓖麻油 | ricinus oil 边界摩擦 | boundary friction 扁藻(浮游植物) | algae 变化趋势 | variation trend 标准化 | standardization 标准粘度测量 | standard visicosity measure表面粗糙度 | ro

4、ughness of the surface 表面电位 | surface electric potential 表面活性剂 | surfactant ,surface active agent 表面能 | interface energy 表面粘度 | surface viscosity 表面抛光 | sample surfaceAibbs表面弹性 | Aibbs surface elasticity 表面张力 | surface tension 表明 | verify /reveal 表皮系数(S) | skin coefficient 憋钻 | bit bouncing 宾汉方程 | b

5、ingham equation丙三醇 | glycerine 丙烯情 | acrylonitrile 丙烯酸 | acrylic acid 丙烯酸盐 | acrylate 丙烯酰胺 | acrylamide 薄而韧的泥饼 | thin,plastic and compacted mud-cake | 薄片 | flake 薄弱地层 | weak formation 泊松比 | poissons ratio剥离 | peel off 补救 | remediation 不分散泥浆 | nondispersed mud 不干扰地质录井 | play no role in geological log

6、ging 不均质储层 | heterogeneous reservoir 不均匀 | uneven 不可逆 | irreversible 不同程度 | inordinately 部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) | partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide C参数优选 | parametric optimization 残酸 | reacted acid 残余饱和度 | residual staturation残渣 | gel residue , solid residue测量 | measure 侧链 | side chain 侧钻水平井 | sidetrack

7、horizontal well层间 | interlayer 层间距 | the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance层理 | bedding 层流 | layer flow A氨基三乙酸(NTA) | aminotriacetic acid 胺基 | amino 铵基 | ammonium 安全地层 | safe formation 安全试破 | safe destruction 安全钻井 | safe drilling 坳陷 | down warping region 螯合 | chelation 凹陷 | sag 凹

8、陷地层 | subsidence formation 奥陶系 | Ordovician system API模拟法 | API recommened methodB多靶点 | multiple target point 白沥青 | white asphalt 白油 | mineral oil 白云母 | white mica 半透膜 | semipermeable membrane 包被絮凝剂 | flocculant 包被 | envelop 包被抑制性 | encapsulating ability 饱和度 | saturation饱和度剖面图 | profile map of degre

9、e of saturation 饱和盐水 | saturated salt water 背斜 | anticlinal 钡 | barium 苯环 | benzene ring 苯酚 | phenyl hydroxide本质区别 | essential difference 泵压过高 | overhigh pumping pressure 比表面积 | specific surface area 比吸水量 | specific absorption 比重瓶法 | density bottle method 避免 | avoid 蓖麻油 | ricinus oil 边界摩擦 | boundary

10、 friction 扁藻(浮游植物) | algae 变化趋势 | variation trend 标准化 | standardization 标准粘度测量 | standard visicosity measure 表面粗糙度 | roughness of the surface 表面电位 | surface electric potential 表面活性剂 | surfactant ,surface active agent 表面能 | interface energy 表面粘度 | surface viscosity 表面抛光 | sample surfaceAibbs表面弹性 | Ai

11、bbs surface elasticity 表面张力 | surface tension 表明 | verify /reveal 表皮系数(S) | skin coefficient 憋钻 | bit bouncing 宾汉方程 | bingham equation丙三醇 | glycerine 丙烯情 | acrylonitrile 丙烯酸 | acrylic acid 丙烯酸盐 | acrylate 丙烯酰胺 | acrylamide 薄而韧的泥饼 | thin,plastic and compacted mud-cake | 薄片 | flake 薄弱地层 | weak formati

12、on 泊松比 | poissons ratio剥离 | peel off 补救 | remediation 不分散泥浆 | nondispersed mud 不干扰地质录井 | play no role in geological logging 不均质储层 | heterogeneous reservoir 不均匀 | uneven 不可逆 | irreversible 不同程度 | inordinately 部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) | partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide C参数优选 | parametric optimization 残酸 | r

13、eacted acid 残余饱和度 | residual staturation残渣 | gel residue , solid residue测量 | measure 侧链 | side chain 侧钻水平井 | sidetrack horizontal well层间 | interlayer 层间距 | the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance层理 | bedding 层流 | layer flow 差减法 | minusing 尝试 | trial 柴油 | diesel oil 长连缔合物 | long ch

14、ain associated matter 操作方法 | operation method 超伸井 | high deep well超深预探井 | ultradeep prospecting well 超声波 | ultrasonography 超高密度泥浆 | extremely high density mud 超细碳酸钙 | super-fine calcium carbonate 产层 | production/pay zone 产层亏空 | reservoir voidage 产量 | production ,output 沉淀 | precipitation沉降 | subside 沉降速度 | settling rate沉砂 | sand setting 衬套 | sleeve程序 | program 成对水平井 | paired parallel horizontal wells成分 | ingredient 成胶剂 | gelatinizing agent 成膜树脂 | film-forming resin 成岩性差 | poor diagenetic grade 承压 | bearing pressure 承压

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