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本文(广东省广州市七年级英语上册牛津甚至版Unit2系统复习无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广东省广州市七年级英语上册牛津甚至版Unit2系统复习无答案广东省广州市七年级英语上U2【Part 1 知识点睛】1、重点单词及短语Unit2中文英文中文英文每日的;日常的 adj.乐队 n.文章 n.练习 n.从不 adv.在一起 adv.乒乓球 n.集市;市场 n.骑;驾驶 v.吉他 n.通常地 adv.年级 n.因此;所以 conj.初级中学不常;很少 adv.步行地理 n.参加休息 n.过得愉快钟;铃 n.去睡觉(使)发出钟声) v.起床结束;终止 v.二、重点语法1.一般现在时的含义1)表示经常性,习惯性的动作。如:I get up at 6:00 am. everyda|y. My

2、 father always comes home by car. 2) 表示现在的状态或者情况。如:I am a girl. She is beautiful . 3) 表示客观事实,普遍真理。|如:The earth goes around the sun.2.一般现在时的标志词:表示频度的副词: alw|ays、usually、often、sometime|s、seldom、never时间状语:every day、every mor|ning、every afternoon、e|very evening3.一般现在时的句式: 含有be动词的一般现|在时肯定句:主语+be(am,is,ar

3、e)+其它|。否定句:主语+ be + not +其它。一般疑|问句:Be +主语+其它?特殊疑问句:疑|问词+be+主语+其他? 含有实义动词的一般现在时当主语|为第一,二人称及复数时,助动词为do肯定句:主|语+动词原形(+其它)。否定句:主语+ d|ont+动词原形(+其它)。一般疑问句:Do +主语|+动词原形(+其它)?特殊疑问句:疑问词+do +主|语(+其他)? 当主语为第三人称单数时 ,且动词为实义动词时助动词为doe|s肯定句:主语+动词三单式(+其它)。|否定句:主语+ doesnt+动词原形(+其它)。一般疑问|句:Does +主语+动词原形(+其它)。特殊疑问句:疑问词

4、+does|+主语+动词原形(+其他)?4.一般现在时的动词变化规则:规则动词原形第三人称单数形式一般在词尾加-s,(|清辅音后读s,在浊辅音后读z;在t后读t|s,在d后读dz。)playleaveswimplaysleavesswims以字母s,x,ch|,sh,o结尾的词加-es,读iz,如果动词原形词尾已有|e,则只加-s。passfixteachwishdopassesfixesteacheswishesdoes|以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先变y为i, 再加-es,读z。(元|y结尾直接加s)studycarryflystudiescarriesflies1. On Sundays h

5、e often _ at 7:00.A. get |up B. gets up C|. gotten up D. got up2._|_Zhen Hui _ her hair e|very day?A. Do; wash | B. Do; washes C. Does; wash D. Is|; wash3.Mr.Yang_E|nglishthisterm.A.|teachesour B.te|achesus C.teachsus | D.teachsour4.How_|_Mr.Brown_toAmer|ica?,go,go| C.does,go D.does,goes5.|

6、_youusuallylateforschool?|No,_.A.DoIam| B.Doesnot C.A|reImnot D.Are|Iarent6._she_hom|eatsixeveryday?A.Is|,leave B.Does,leave C.Is|,leaves D.Does,left7.They_onafarm.A|.working B.iswork C.w|ork D.isworked8.Shedoesn|t_herhomeworkinth|eafternoon.A.doing|do C.does【Part 2 课堂练习】一、单项选择1.My cat Ki|

7、tty _ my family. A. lives w|ith B. lives C. |lives on D. lives in2.-Where _|_ you _? - Guangzhou.|A. are; come from B. do; come from |C. do; from D. are; come3.Sa|rah is my _ sister. |I am 15 years old and she is 12 y|ears old.A. younger |B. old C. elder D. you|ng4.My hobby is_ comput|er games.A. pl

8、ay B. playing C. |to play D. to playing5.An|na is from _, so sh|e can speak _.A. German; German| B. Germany; Germany C. Germa|n; Germany D. Germany|; German6.I like my n|ew school because my |new teachers are very _.A. friend|lily B. friends C. |friend D. friendly7. On |Sundays I often _ at 7:00.A.

9、get up B. ge|ts up C. gotten up D. got up8. I live far a|way from school, so I go to school _|_.A. on bus B. in bus C. by a |bus D. by bus9. Sam |enjoys _about different pla|ces in the world.A. |learns B. lear|ning C. learn |D. to learn10._ pre|sent did you receive? A computer and an MP3. A. Which B

10、. Whe|re C. What D. How many二、语法填空I have a good friend 1 name is Peter. We study in Beijing |Sunshine Secondary School|. We are in the same (同一个) clas|s. He sits in front of 2 . Hi|s favourite lesson is MusicHe 3 |many CDs. He likes 4 music very much. He likes playing football, too. Af|ter school we

11、 often play football in the 5 . He is very |helpful. We often help each 6 . Peter is not a Chin|ese. He is from 7 . He |comes to Beijing 8 his family. His fath|er is a doctor and his mother is a nurse. They work from Mo|nday 9 Friday. At weekends, his mother likes sho|pping and his father li|kes fis

12、hing. Sometimes |they go to the park. They all like Chin|ese foodThey 10 very happ|y. 1AHe BHis CShe DHer |2AI Bmy Cmine Dme 3Ahave |Bhas Cthere is Dthere are 4Alis|ten Blisten to Clistening | Dlistening to 5Acla|ssroom Blibrary Cplayground |Dbookshop 6Aone Both|er Cothers Dsome 7AEng|land BChinese

13、|CEnglish DAmerican 8|Afrom Bon Cwith Dfor 9Ain Bto | Cwith Dof 10A|be Bam C|is Dare三、完型填空ABella|ishiding.Sheisbehindt|hesofawithherpetdog.Bell|aishidingfromherMo|m,_1_shedoesnotwanttogotothedoctor.“Bella?”|callsBellasmominasweet|voice.“_2_areyou?”Bel|lasmomlooksinthe|closet.Shelooksinthekitchen.She|

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