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届高考英语冲刺集训Day 127选5阅读4.docx

1、届高考英语冲刺集训Day 12 7选5阅读4Day 12 7选5阅读(4)Passage 1文体:说明文 词数:377 限时:8分钟Family ValuesTo understand a nation, you should first get to know its minimum unitfamily. 1 In the US, upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to “leave the nest” and begin an independent life. 2 Par

2、ents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married. Young adults meet their future spouses(配偶) through other friends, at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions. Although children choose their own spouses, they still

3、 hope their parents will approve of their choices. Parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves in many families. A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another job. 3 A son may deliberately decide not to g

4、o into his fathers business because of a fear that he will lose his independence in his fathers workplace. This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the Ameri

5、can family. 4 It is not like we Chinese. Parents are rulers and masters. We Chinese love our parents with fear and total respect. In America, children always have their own opinions and even can talk about some sensitive problems with their parents, like family financial situation, the relationship

6、between mother and father, and even sex. 5 Therefore, it is contrary that, on one hand, Americans admire independence and equality that they dont want to make sacrifice to make up a family, but on the other hand, Americans think highly of family in their value system. A.In the American family, child

7、ren and parents are equal. B.It can reflect the traditional values and customs of a nation. C.When it comes to big problems, children do not have to always follow their parents ways. D.After children leave home, they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family. E.Although

8、 Americans pay much attention to independence and equality, they dont believe in making sacrifice. F.Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to declare their independence. G.Many of them are expected to leave what could be lifes most important decisionmarriag

9、e almost entirely up to luck. Passage 2文体:说明文 词数:252 限时:7分钟How to Sleep BetterIf youre having trouble getting good sleep through the night (turning, waking up more than once, for example), this text will tell you what you can do to ensure a peaceful nights sleep. 1.Get on schedule. Changing your sle

10、eping time by more than an hour can severely disturb your sleep quality. 1 For example, if you normally wake up at 6 a.m. on weekdays to get to work, you might go to bed around 10 p.m., because thats when you start to feel sleepy, and its also a good time to ensure 8 hours of sleep. If, on the weeke

11、nd, you sleep until 9 a.m., you probably wont be able to fall asleep that night until 1 a.m. 2. 2 Wait at least three hours after dinner before going to sleep. Digestion slows down while asleep, and a full stomach may interrupt sleep. Similarly, you should avoid going to bed with an empty stomach, a

12、s a completely empty stomach may equally disturb your sleeping patterns. 3. 3 Exposure to light during the time when youre supposed to be sleeping can disrupt your bodys internal clock. Turn your light off, or use a very dim night light 4 They include windows, LED clocks, computer lights and cable b

13、oxes. 4.Change your sleeping position. You may think that its impossible to control what position you sleep in since you arent fully aware of what you are doing, but it is possible and it can make a considerable difference. 5 A.Try to avoid all sources of light. B.Keep the room as dark as possible.

14、C.Make note of unusual circumstances. D.Be mindful of what you eat or drink before bed. E.Sleep is considered to be adequate only when there is no daytime sleepiness.F.In other words, sudden change of sleeping time will affect your “biological clock”. G.So if you wake up in the middle of the night,

15、make an effort to have a comfortable position.Passage 3文体:说明文 词数:233 限时:7分钟Although different universities in the US have different admissions policies, most determine admission based on several standards, including a students high school course of study, high school Grade Point Average(GPA), partic

16、ipation in activities, SAT or ACT exam scores, a written essay, and possibly a personal interview. The university admissions office considers whether a student has taken courses in high school that, have prepared him or her for more difficult coursework. A students high school GPA is also considered. 1 Each letter grade is assigned a number of points: A=4 points, B=3, C=2, D=1 and F=0 point.

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