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1、最新最新7年级U1U2知识考点以及针对练习冠词1. Lin is good basketball player in the NBA. A. a B. an C. then D. /2.Who is _ man in a black hat? Its Jim Brown We often play _basketball together in our free time. A. an; a B. a; / C. the; a D. the; / 3.-Eddie has e-dog at home -Oh, really? Athe Ba Can D4.Theres “h”, “o”, “u

2、” and “r” in the word “hour”. A. a , an , an , a B. an , an, a , an C. an , an ,an , a D. a , an , a , a 5.There is _ “s” and _ “u” in the word “student”. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, anenjoy和like的用法 1.一 you your new teachers? Yes, I . A. Are; like; am B. Do; like; do C. Does; like; does D. Do;

3、likes; do2. Mike enjoys _. A. to play the football B. playing the football C. to play football D. playing football3. He doesnt like_, but he enjoys . A. sing; dance B. to sing; to dance C. singing; to dance D. to sing; dancing4. Everyone in my family music. A. enjoys listening B. enjoys listening to

4、 C. enjoy listening to D. enjoy listening 5. Cindy enjoys _ (listen) to music after class.6. He likes _ because he is good at _. Arun; run Brun; running Crunning; run Drunning; running来自于的区分1.Are you from Nanjing, Lily and Lucy? Yes, . A. I am B. Im C. we are D. were2. Jack _ from the USA, but he _

5、in Shanghai now. A is; lives B. are; live C. are; lives D. is; living其他的用法1. Where do you like to go?A. other B. others C. else D. other places2. 你周日还做什么其他事情? _ _ _ you do on Sundays?3. - can you see in the picture? -Some birds. A. What else B. What other C. How else D. How other4.你还要什么别的东西? do you

6、want ?许多的用法1. There are interesting books in our school library. A. many B. a lot of C. lots of D. A, B and C2. I have_ friends in Suzhou. A. much B. a lots of C. lots of D. a lot介词1. I often play football my friends school. A. and; after B. with; to C. with; after D. and; at2. His father is talking

7、 the teacher his sons English. A. with, with B. about, about C. with, about D. about, with固定搭配1. I often play football my friends school. A. and; after B. with; to C. with; after D. and; at2. 我希望我的梦想成真。 I _ my dream _ _.3. This book is very _We all like it. A interest B. interested C. interesting D.

8、 interests4.- Is it time _have lunch? - Yes, it is. A to B. in C. for D. at5我希望我美梦成真。 6. 她希望我的梦想成真。 She _ my .7.在他的空余时间里,他经常学习英语。你呢? In time, he often . you?8. 我的弟弟擅长玩电脑游戏。 Mybrotheris .9. Lihua does well in playing football at school.(写同义句)Lihua is playing football at school.10.我希望他的梦想成真。 I hope hi

9、s dream _ _.11.他不擅长网球,放学后他不打网球。 He _ _ _ tennis and he doesnt play tennis after school.音标1. Which word has the different sound? A. box B. stop C. want D. do2. Can you choose the different word?A. we B. well C. she D. Chinese3.The baby is very /kju:t/. We all love her.4.Swimming and Dancing are his /

10、hbiz/ .5.He likes /mju:zik/ very much.6.I want to make /frendz/ with you.7.My father /ndz/ walking in the park.good和well1. I can play football very ,but my brother isnt at it. A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well; good2. Li Hua plays football very .He is a player. A. good , well B. well

11、 , good C. well , well D. good , good动词短语辨析1. Li Ming and his father often football and watch football games on TV. A. look after B. talk about C. come from D. look at2. Millie and Simon are talking _ the news. A. with B. to C. at D. about3. Lets_ that interesting film. A. talk about B. talk to C. t

12、alk with D. talk at4 Can you my little dog , please ? A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look like5.My sister is only one year old.My mother must her at home. A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look like6.What are they _ over there? Todays news about Diaoyu Island(钓鱼岛).A. talking B. talking ab

13、out C. talking to D. talking with7. 我不知道怎样照顾这只电子狗。 I dont know how _ _ _ this e-dog.like和would like和enjoy 和have fun1. I like fishing. I would like with my father this Sunday. A. going; to go B. going; going C. go; to go D. to go; going2. My mother_ at weekends. A. enjoys go shopping B. enjoy going s

14、hopping C. enjoys to go shopping D. enjoys going shopping3. -Tony likes reading books. -But Betty enjoys_for things on the Intemet Ato looking B1ook C1ooking Dto look口语交际1.I like English very much. . A. Nice to meet you B. Thank youC. Thats all right D. Me too2. Tom in the English Club? Yes, but he

15、go there very often. A. Does; doesnt B. Does; isnt C. Is; does D. Is; doesnt3. is fun. I love . A. Reading; reading B. Read; read C. Reads; reading D. Read; reading4. -I like playing football. -_. A. I like too B. Yes, I do too C. Me, too D. thank you5. -Can you help me with my English? -_. A. Thank

16、 you B. Youre welcome C. Thats all D. Yes, of course6.-Happy birthday!XXX - . A.Thank you B Thats right C The same to you D OK7Well visit Shanghai next weekend. _ A. Happy Halloween! B. Ill go. C. Have a good time! D. Dont do that.8.-Its 1000 pmSay to your parents -OK, I will. AGood morning BGood ev

17、ening CGood afternoon DGood night9. -“ .How do you say it in English ?” -“ , I dont know.” A. Sorry, Excuse me B. Excuse me, Sorry C. Pardon, Sorry D. Excuse me, Excuse me10 .-“Whats your name ?” -“ .” A.Im Amy . B.My name is Amy. C.He is Amy D.A & B11.At 7:30a.m.,you meet Mr Wang and say “_, Mr Wan

18、g!” A.Good night B.Good evening C.Good morning D.Good afternoon.12. - ? - Theyre fine, thank you. A. How are you B. Who are you C. What are they D. How are your mother and father重点词汇1.I often go to see my grandparents at _(周末).2. This beautiful _(碗) is for my sister.3. _ (梦想) can make us work hard.4

19、. Tom wants to be a m_ of the Reading Club.5. I like TFBOYS. R_ ? I like them, too.6.-What club are you in, Amy? -Im a m_ of the Dancing Club.7. My cousin _(study) in our school, too.8. Andy loves watching volleyball m_ on TV.9. I like tennis. Do you e_ it?10-Are you f_? -No, Im not. I will do my ho

20、mework at home.11. I often have a_(梦)at night.12Jack enjoys_(画画)13 -How can we go to the Reading Club? -Lets_(步行)there.14 Yao Ming is a good basketball_(运动员)15 What_(另外的)do you want to buy?16These girls are good at playing_(排球)17.Now ,we are in (年级) 7.18.They are in the same class, and they are (同班同

21、学).19.Who (其他) will go to the park with you.20. My (梦想) is to be a good basketball player.21. They like (购物) at weekends.22.I have a lovely cat. I am her (主人).23. The man with _ (眼镜) is Kittys father.24. Do you want to play _ (排球) with us after school?25. _ (人人,每人) in our class likes English.26. Sus

22、an and Kitty are _ (同班同学) in No.1 Middle School.名词单复数1. Wu Xi and Sun Ke are many peoples football _(hero).2. There are some football _ (match) on CCTV-5.3. There are five _ (play) in a basketball team.4.I am not very good at_ (sport).5. Amys _ (hobby) are singing and dancing.6. How many _ (play) ar

23、e there in a basketball team?7._ (draw) is my favourite hobby.频率1.我们一个星期打三次篮球。 We _ basketball _ _ a week.2. 她一个月多次和妈妈一起去购物。 3. 网球是他们最喜欢的运动。Tennis is _ _ _.4. 埃迪一天要走向他的碗好几次。 Eddie _ to his bowl _ _ a day.let的用法1. 我们谈谈2018年的世界杯吧。 _ _ _ the 2018 World Cup.2. Its 8 oclock in the morning. Lets our class

24、. A. begin B. begins C. beginning D. to begin3. Let him _ the classroom for us. A.cleans B. cleaning C. to clean D. clean动词的用法1. He often helps his mother _the housework. A to do B. do C. with D. A, B and C2. Tom wants to _football, and he likes _ football very much. A play; play B. plays; playing C

25、. playing; plays D. play; playing3. You look _ today. A. a happy B. happy C. happiness D. happily4. _Simon and Daniel play computer games together? A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Are5. Lily _ like playing badminton because she is not good at it. A. does B. /. C. doesnt D. dont6. I have lunch at school, but

26、my brother_ lunch at school. A. isnt have B. hasnt have C. dont have D. doesnt have7. -_ he get up at 7:00 a. m. ? -_. He gets up at 8:00 every morning. A. Is ,Yes; he is. B. Is, No; he isnt C. Does, Yes; he does. D. Does, No; he doesnt.8. - _ everyone come from Nanjing? - No. Mr. Wang_ from Beijing

27、. A. Do; does B. Does; does C. Does; is D. Do; do9. -Does Daniel _ after school ? -No, he doesnt. A. walk home B. walk to home C. go to home on foot D. go home on feet10. you good at ? A. Do, dance B. Do, dancing C. Are, dance D. Are, dancing11. The train_ (leave) for Tianjing at seven oclock.12. We_ (visit) our grandparents every week. We go there on Sundays.13. Mr. Chen doesnt like tea. He_ (drink)a cup of coffee every morning.14_ you_(listen) to music in the evening?15这首乐曲让我感觉很棒。 16. The boy glasses likes blue. A wear,wearing B with,wearing C in,wear D with,wear

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