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1、最新江苏十三市中考任务型阅读汇编2017江苏中考任务型汇编(2017南京中考)Many countries all over the world have National Parks. There are about 7, 000 National Parks around the world. Most of them protect natural settings as well as the plants and animals that live there, but a few are in towns and cities. Are there National Parks i

2、n England?There are nine National Parks in England. The first three were the Peak District, the Lake District and Dartmoor, which were all named as National Parks in 1951. Others followed afterwards, such as the North York Moors in 1952, the New Forest in 2005 and the South Downs in 2010.Are Nationa

3、l Parks in England the same as those in other countries? Many National Parks around the world cover huge areas of land where nobody lives, but in England most of the countryside within them is useful for farming and other activities. As a result, National Parks in England include places where people

4、 live and work, as well as wild and beautiful areas where there is little sign or human life. Why do visitors go to the National Parks? There are plenty of activities to do in all of the National Parks in England. Visitors can walk or cycle, following marked route, and many of the parks organize act

5、ivities for families. Are there any problems in the National Parks? There are about 110 million visitors to the parks every year, bringing many benefits to the areas but creating problems too. Many popular towns and villages can be swamped (充斥) by visitors. This results in overcrowded car parks and

6、roads choked (堵塞) with traffic. Life can be difficult for people who live there, as more and more gift shops and cafes are opened instead of those everyday shops; in popular areas, house prices can become too high for local people making it hard for them to stay in the area. Another major problem is

7、 litter. In the parks it is a particular (特别的) danger to animals. Broken glass can also cause fires by focusing the rays of the sun. When these start in wild places, they are much harder to control and can damage (毁坏) large areas very quickly. How can people help?All National Parks in England promot

8、e (倡导) the Countryside Code, which tells people how to take care of their environment. If these rules are followed, the National Parks will be protected and continue to give pleasure to many people for a long time.National Parks in England 56 Most National Parks around the world are to protect natur

9、e.Development Nine parks were named as National Parks in England in different 57 . 58 Many National Parks around the world are huge in area but 59 any people. Most of the countryside in National Parks in England is used for farming and other activities.Reasons Visitors can walk or cycle, following m

10、arked routes, and families are 60 with organized activities.Problems Too many visitors can cause heavy 61 . The disappearance of everyday shops makes 62 difficult. Local people can hardly 63 to buy houses in popular areas. Litter is 64 to animals. Fires caused by broken glass can damage large areas

11、very quickly.Way out People should 65 the rules of the Countryside Code.【分析】文章主要介绍了英国的国家公园. 从不同角度分别介绍了英国国家公园的特色,包括所处地理位置、公园内的活动、每年接待游客情况以及由此带来的利弊关系等. 最后倡导大家要遵守规则,保护自然环境. 【解答】56. Purpose 单词填空,根据表格内容Most National Parks around the world are to protect nature世界上大多数国家公园都要保护自然,结合语境,可知这是大家共同的目的,故答案为purpose

12、. 57. periods 单词填空,根据第二段语境,英国有9个国家公园,建立的时期分别是1951、1952、2005、2010年,由此可知这是在不同时期建立的,结合后题干Nine parks were named as National Parks in England in different九个公园是在不同时期被命名为国家公园的,故此处填名词时期,不同时期表示可数名词复数,故答案为periods. 58. Differences 单词填空,根据表格内容的解释世界其他地区的公园很大但没有人,而英国国家公园被用作农耕地或其他活动,由此可知这是在说明英国和其他国家公园的不同点,故前面的提纲是d

13、ifference不同点,此处表示很多不同点,是复数形式,故答案为 Differences. 59. without 单词填空,根据文中句子Many National Parks around the world cover huge areas of land where nobody lives,世界各地的很多国家公园面积很大,没有人烟,结合题干,可知是介词without,without any people没有人烟,故答案为without. 60. provided 单词填空,根据many of the parks organize activities for families很多公园

14、为家庭组织一些活动,也就是说家庭被提供一些有组织的活动,结合题干be provided with被提供表达被动,故答案为provided. 61. traffic 单词填空,根据文中句子This results in overcrowded car parks and roads choked (堵塞) with traffic. 结果是,过度拥挤的车引起交通堵塞,结合题干中heavy,可知是修饰traffic,heavy traffic拥挤的交通,故答案为traffic. 62. life 单词填空,根据文中句子Life can be difficult for people who liv

15、e there,as more and more gift shops and cafes are opened instead of those everyday shops因为越来越多的礼品 店和咖啡馆代替了日常百货店,造成人们生活变得困难,由此可知强调生活困难,故答案为life. 63. afford 单词填空,根据 in popular areas,house prices can become too high for local people making it hard for them to stay in the area. 在这些受欢迎的地区,房子价格变得很高,这让很难生活

16、在这个区域,也就是说当地人承受不起高价房,故此处为动词afford,承担得起,can hardly+动词原形,故答案为afford. 64. dangerous 单词填空,根据Another major problem is litter. In the parks it is a particular (特别的) danger to animals. 另一个主要问题就是垃圾,在公园里对动物是一种特别的危险,可知垃圾对动物来说是危险的,此处是形容词危险的,故答案为dangerous. 65. follow/obey单词填空,根据最后一段语境,倡导人们遵守规则,保护环境,结合题干可知是动词遵守,should+动词原形,故答案为follow/obey. (2017南通中考)It is important to have good

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