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新人教版英语七年级上册starter unit 3《what color is it》教案doc.docx

1、新人教版英语七年级上册starter unit 3what color is it教案docStarter Unit 3 What color is it?一、Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 能够用英语询问颜色,并能够做出相应的问答。 2. 能够说出一些日常用品的名称。 3. 能够正确掌握字母SZ的正确读音和书写。 4. 能够熟记元音字母以及字母的发音归类。二、Language points (语言点) 1. 掌握字母:Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 2. 掌握词汇: 名词兼动词:color 名词兼形容词:red, yellow, green, blue, bl

2、ack, white, purple, brown 动词:see, can, say 冠词:the副词:now代词:my 3. 掌握句型:Whats this/that? Its V. What color is it? Its red. 三、Difficulties (教学难点) 1. What color开头的特殊疑问句。疑问词What修饰color,因此两个词要放在一起,不能分开,回答时一定要落实到颜色上。 2. Its red. 和Its a red V中不定冠词的基本用法。 3. 字母的读音归类 四、课时安排 第一课时:完成1a1c 第二课时:完成2a2e 第三课时:完成3a3e第四

3、课时:完成4a4d五、Teaching steps (教学步骤)The First Period (1a1c)Teaching aims (教学目标) 1. 能够用英语询问颜色,并能够做出相应的问答 2. 能够说出一些日常用品的名称。Language points (语言点)1. 掌握词汇: 名词:color 名词兼形容词:red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brown 2. 掌握句型:Whats this/that? Its V. What color is it? Its red.Difficulties (教学难点) 1. Wh

4、at color开头的特殊疑问句。疑问词What修饰color,因此两个词要放在一起,不能分开,回答时一定要落实到颜色上。 2. Its red. 和Its a red V中表语是否使用不定冠词的情况。Teaching steps (教学步骤)1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1)T: Good morning/afternoon! (2)T: How are you? S: Im fine, thanks. How are you? T: Im OK.(3)T: Whats this/that in English? (Show some pictures

5、or a PPT to Ss) S: Its a pen/an orange . T: Spell it, please. S: 【教学设计说明】 复习巩固已学知识,让学生在真实的交际中掌握知识。2. Presentation (呈现新知识) 1) Show a picture of a rainbow to teach different colors. T: This is a rainbow. Its colorful. (Point to the color red) It is red. (Point to the color yellow) Its yellow. (教师用彩虹引出

6、大自然中五颜六色的现象让学生初步接触表颜色的英语词汇,学生仔细听老师的发音。)2) Show some real things to learn the words: red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple, brownT: Look at the flower(边说边指着“花”). It is red. Its a red flower. Read after me, “red”.S: Red, red, red. T: What color is it? (板书并标出音标) S: Its red. (同法引出其它几个表颜色的词)3) S

7、how some colorful letter cards to the Ss and practice like this. T: Whats this? S: Its V. T: What color is it? S: (Help Ss) Its red. (同法教S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z并引出表颜色的词)【教学设计说明】通过学生熟知的大自然现象和生活中的事物引出表颜色的单词,容易引起学生的兴趣和注意。同时,教师引出不定冠词,让学生对其有一个初步的印象。本节课的字母对小学学过英语的学生来说并不陌生,只是规范发音的问题。 3. Work on 1a (完成1a) (1)T:

8、 Please open your books to page S9. What colors can you see on the left? S: Red, yellow, green, blue, black, white, purple and brown. (2)What letters can you see in the picture? S: S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. (3)T: What color is V? S: Its red. T: V is red. Its a red V. Read after me, please. S: V is red

9、. Its a red V. (4)Look at the picture and write the letter for each color. (Answers: V, S, Y, W, Z, U, X, T) 【教学设计说明】在本环节中,除了让学生完成1a的任务外,教师还在口头上教学生说V is red. Its a red V. 加深了学生对是否使用不定冠词的印象并产生疑问,有了想弄清在什么情况下使用a/an,什么情况下不使用a/an的欲望。4. Chant 说唱 (Look at the picture and learn to chant.) V V V, V is red. I

10、ts a red V.S S S, S is yellow. Its a yellow S. Y Y Y, Y is green. Its a green Y. W W W, W is blue. Its a blue W. Z Z Z, Z is black. Its a black Z. U U U, U is white. Its a white U. X X X, X is purple. Its a purple X. T T T, T is brown. Its a brown T. 【教学设计说明】 通过说唱的形式巩固所学的词汇,活跃了课堂氛围,使学生在愉快的说唱中记住词汇。在进

11、行说唱时,可以用多种形式,如教师说V V V,男生说V is red. 女生说Its a red V. 大家共同完成说唱,可以更好地活跃课堂气氛。在练习说唱的过程中,让学生对系表结构中形容词做表语不用不定冠词a/an,而单数可数名词做表语要用不定冠词a/an有了初步的了解。4. Work on 1b (完成1b) T: Close your books and listen to the recording. (1) Play the recording for the first time. Ss only listen. T: Ill play the recording for you.

12、 You must listen to it carefully. (2) Play the recording for the second time. Ss listen and repeat. T: This time, you can read after the recording. (3)T: Now please open your books to page S9. Look at the conversations in the picture. Lets listen and repeat. Explain: 指近处用“this”,指远处用“that”。 【教学设计说明】此

13、步骤的设计是让学生接触到地道的英语,先听后说,练习正确的语音语调,养成学习英语的良好习惯。强调this和that两个指示代词的用法。5. Work on 1c (完成1c) (1)Have Ss practice the conversations in the picture in pairs. T: Look at the conversations in the picture. You can practice them in pairs. (2)Have Ss practice their own conversations in pairs. While they are prac

14、ticing, move around to listen to their pronunciation and intonation. (3)Ask some pairs to present their conversations to the class. 【教学设计说明】 学生两人一组进行对话,从模仿到操练,再编出新的对话,符合学生的认知规律。同时教师可以了解学生的语音语调,了解学生是否能正确地进行对话。6. Chant (说唱) Students look at the words in 1a and chant. Red, red, a red V. Yellow, yellow,

15、 a yellow S. Green, green, a green Y. Blue, blue, a blue W. Black, black, a black Z. White, white, a white U, Purple, purple, a purple X Brown, brown, a brown T. 【教学设计说明】 通过说唱,让学生再一次巩固所学词汇,进一步加深对 不定冠词基本用法的了解。7. Do you know what these expressions mean? (知道它们的意思吗) a black sheep 害群之马 green eyed 眼红 a green hand 新手 a white night 不眠之夜 white coffee 加牛奶的咖啡【教学设计说明】 此环节主要是给学生补充一些带颜色的词汇,增强他们的学习兴趣。8. Homework (课后作业) Oral: 朗读第

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