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1、山东省高考英语真题及答案2014 年山东省高考英语试卷第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 55 分)第一节单项选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)1(1.5 分)Writing out all the invitations by hand was more timeconsuming thanwe_( )Awill expect Bare expectingCexpect Dhad expected2(1.5 分)I dont really like the author,_ I have to admit his books are veryexciting( )Aa

2、lthough Bunless Cuntil Donce3(1.5 分)This apple pie is too swee,t dont you think so?_I think its just right,actually( )ANot really BI hope s oCSounds good DNo wonder4(1.5 分)Susan made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life forherself( )Athat Bthis Cit Dher5(1.5 分)They made up their mind that

3、 they_ a new house once Larrychanged jobs( )Abought Bwould buy Chave bought Dhad bought6(1.5 分)There is a note pinned to the door_ when the shop will openagain( )Asaying Bsays Csaid Dhaving said7(1.5 分)It is difficult for us to imagine_ life was like for slaves in the ancientworld( )Awhere Bwhat Cwh

4、ich Dwhy8(1.5 分)Is Anne coming tomorrow?_If she were to come,she would have called me( )第 1 页(共 38 页)AGo ahead BCertainlyCThats right DI dont think so9(1.5 分)Its standard practice for a company like this one_ a securityofficer( )Aemployed Bbeing employedCto employ Demploys10(1.5 分)A company _profits

5、 from home markets are declining may seekopportunities abroad( )Awhich Bwhose Cwho Dwhy第二节完型填空(共两篇;第一篇短文 10 小题,每小题 10 分;第二篇短文 20小题,每小题 1.5 分;满分 40 分)11(10 分)There was a pet store and the owner had a parrot One day a (11)walked in and the parrot said to the man ,Hey you!The man said,What! ?Theparrot

6、said,Your(12) is really uglyThe man got very(13) and wentto the store owner and said ,Your bird just (14) my wifeIt said she wasuglyThe owner stormed over,(15) the bird,took it into theblack room ,shookit a bit,(16) out a few feathers,and said,Dont ever,ever say anything to(17) my customers againYou

7、 got that!With that(18) he took the bird and put it back into its cageThe old bird shookout its (19) and relaxed in its cageA couple of weeks (20) and inwalked this guy and his wife againThe parrot said,Hey you!The guy said,What! ?The parrot answered,You know that11Agroup Bteam Ccouple Dcrowd12Awife

8、 Bsister Cmother Ddaughter13Acurious Bnervous Cguilty Dangry14Agreeted Bpuzzled Coffended Dscared第 2 页(共 38 页)15Ahugged Bseized Ctrained Drescued16Asent Bhanded Cpulled Ddug17Atouch Bamuse Ccheat Dembarrass18Awarning Bcomment Csuggestion Drequest19Aeyes Bfeathers Cfur Dskin20Alasted Barrived Cappear

9、ed Dpassed12(30 分)Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843,and moved toMontreal,Canada at the age five with her familyWhile(21) her ill elder sisterthroughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had(a an)(22) in medicineAt18she married and (23) a familySeveral years later,Charlotte said shewan

10、ted to be a (24) Her husband supported her decision(25) ,Canadian medical schools did not(26) women students at thetimeTherefore,Charlotte went to the United States to study (27) at theWomens Medical College in PhiladelphiaIt took her five years to (28) hermedical degreeUpon graduation,Charlotte (29

11、) to Montreal and set upa private (30) Three years later,she moved to Winnipeg,Manitoba,andthere she was once again a(31) doctorMany of her patients were from thenearby timber and railway campsCharlotte(32) herself operating ondamaged limbs and setting(33) bones,in addition to delivering all the bab

12、iesin the areaBut Charlotte had been practicing without a licenseShe had(34) a doctorslicense in both Montreal and Winnipeg,but was (35) The Manitoba Collegeof Physiciansand Surgeons,an allmale board,wanted her to (36) herstudies at a Canadian medical college!Charlotte refused to(37) her patientsto

13、spend time studying what she already knewSo in 1887,she appeared to theManitoba Legislature to(38) a license to her but they,too,refusedCharlotte(39) to practice without a license until 1912She died four years later at theage of 73In 1993,77years after he(r 40) ,a medical license was issued to Charl

14、otte Thisdecision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honorthis courageous and第 3 页(共 38 页)pioneering woman21Araising Bteaching Cnursing Dmissing22Ahabit Binterest Copinion Dvoice23Ainvented Bselected Coffered Dstarted24Adoctor Bmusician Clawyer Dphysicist25ABesides BUnfortunately COtherwise DEventually26Ahire Bentertain Ctrust Daccept27Ahistory Bphysics Cmedicine Dlaw28Aimprove Bsave Cdesign Dearn29Areturned Bescaped Cspread Dwandered30Aschool Bmuseum Cclinic Dlab31Abusy Bwealthy Cgreedy Dlucky32Ahelped Bfound Ctroubled Dimagined33Aharmful Btired Cbroken Dweak34Aput away Btaken over Ctu

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