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1、楚门的世界英文影评楚门的世界英文影评篇一:楚门的世界英文影评My thought about TrumanAll the people can know about Truman, such as his life. For 10,909 days, it has been on the air, using more than 5000 cameras to show every moment in every day of the life of him. But unfortunately, it is he that didnt know. Around the world, ever

2、yday there were millions of people watching his life which had already been set. I thought it may be terribly sorrowful of him to accept such a truth. Thus he got mad, and nothing can hold back his heart for freedom.We know his name is Truman, which stands for truth. But his life is full of falsehoo

3、d.No one told him that until he finally got it.The director said, the life in the island is the truth. Truman used his action to prove it a lie, a total lie. Freedom is the thing that exceeds everything in the world, nothing can be in place of it. Of course, if he chose to live in the island, he can

4、 be original pop star, he can get many things comfortably. Yet as a bird, we choose to fly in the sky. As a man, we also need to our own sky. The movie might tell us this moral. Although Truman was born to be a man losing freedom, he was still a man. His option is himself, not making fun of others.T

5、he ending of movie, audiences were touched by his perseverance, and then switch the TV channel. Its so ironical about their behaviors. However, the society is just this look. So what we should do is to pursue our own bliss. If Truman gave up himself, the god will also abandon him. We are what we do,

6、 and we need our freedom and perseverance.篇二:楚门的世界英文观后感I am moved deeply after I have watched the Truman show. It makes me reflect on something I have never thought before.Truman was a leading role in his own world unconsciously. He lived in that peaceful world ,happy and carefree. But it was not so

7、 watery as it looks like. His life was controlled by director.Life to him was true but under arrangement.All Truman did would be completely shown on TV.People knew everything he did,such as how he was born, went to school, got a job,got married and so on. Everyone around him were all performers. Tru

8、mans life is absolutely a vast lie. Gradually,however,he began to feel strange and caught something unusual.He tried to find out the truth.The director set many difficulties,Finally,nevertheless,he overcomed them and went into the true world.Although we clearly know that it wont happen in our true l

9、ife,this film is also educational.Its a black ironic comedy,it criticizes that we depend on media too much in our times.This discovery I found shocks me.We may introspect our values.As audience,most of people enjoyed the program,but no one would like to be the character as Truman.Will I treat it as

10、entertainment knowing that it is cruel?To be honest,the answer is dubious.We wont know how thing is going on till we meet it.Destiny is so precious that no one want it be controlled.The story is imaginary,but the courage of Truman wont disappear in my mind.篇三:楚门的世界英文观后感楚门的世界英文观后感楚门的世界英文观后感(一)Unusual

11、ly intelligent Jim Carrey movie - a provocative and prescient media satire. Puts Big Brother and the current spate of docu-soaps firmly into perspective Truman Burbank (Carrey) is a happily married insurance salesman living a normal life in a small American town so perfect that he has never felt the

12、 need or desire to leave it. He has a loving wife (Linney), and a loyal best buddy (Emmerich)。Life is good until one morning a stage light drops from the skies and shatters on the ground perilously close to him. It is the trigger that sets him questioning everything around him. What is behind the fa

13、cades of the buildings he has never entered? Why do people seem to be travelling around him in a perfectlysynchronized loop? What is going on outside his home-town? Truman is, it turns out, the unwitting star of a top-rated 24-hour-a-day TV docu-soap. Under the careful critical scrutiny to which it

14、has been subjected, the plot turns out not to be watertight.This is to miss the point of what is a hilarious and breathtakingly conceived satire which also allows Carrey to edge away from broad comedy. The Truman Show is also oddly moving and has, as you would expect from a Weir film, a pronounced m

15、etaphysical slant with Ed Harris playing the shows archly namedproducer/creator Christof. Verdict One of the cinematic highlights of the 1990s, The Truman Show is up there with Weirs very best work.楚门的世界英文观后感(二)Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us. He has many desires, and very easy t

16、o meet. Therefore, he sometimes ecstatic, sometimes Rusangkaobi, most of the time the loss depressed, overwhelmed. At this time, there has been a director of genius useless, and he constantly create new stimuli, so that he becomes ups and downs in the long drama, appetizing. Truman happy he would gi

17、ve him time to create some trouble, when in its depressed, then seize the opportunity to open it alive. He made such romantic novels as blonde suddenly appeared in the sight of Truman, his erotic valve open, letting her sudden departure, so the mind fall into a bottomless abyss; he had never met bef

18、ore to Truman late father suddenly appeared, to recognize exaggerated comic scenes make it in your eyes, but also make the TV viewing audience tears; he brought Trumans close friends in their emotional bad time to care for him, enlighten He, so that it felt the Oasis in the Desert and rebirth of con

19、fidence, although the friend is an actor, and is carrying a large segment of lines Who admire the film brilliant and arrogant genius director, he leads people to think of God, also saw the weak, tired, helpless and confusion Truman was the hypocrisy of the play again, or for life and the future with

20、 optimism when the waves in my heart to sorrow and grief, I could not bear to face - can not bear to face a real us!Life is like a play, movie is like life, so lamented philosopher, but the actors on the stage of life - we, is not always an act of consciousness has it? Or deception and the arrangeme

21、nt of God, selflessly doing meaningless things? Happy, do notEnough to make us love this world; setbacks, not enough to make us abandon this world. God is like the genius as a director, holds a very good degree, he knew that when a blow to us, when we gave a warm fire burned, he allows us to maintai

22、n hope in pain, in hope endure pain, the pain making the story as waves, but also making the ratings, the hope is to train and gave us the appearance fees, so we are not so half-way stop play.The end of the movie, Truman is awake, and he told the camera, really the God strike played out. Panic talen

23、ted director, he will lose the audience, he strove to retain Truman, the director told him to leave the control of the world is very dangerous, but Truman was out of that door, walks over to the dark unknown world, he said that the world waiting for him no matter what, he did not care. Buddhism, the

24、 epiphany one said, and that a complete self-sufficiency of human nature is dead in the dust covering it, it lost. Truman is the insight it seems, he should get back the lost self, the self-contained complete and carefree nature.Diamond Sutra language: Where all the phases are all false, if seen in

25、the phase of non-relative, then see the Tathagata. Costume sooner or later to fade, set to be removed sooner or later, when the act is performed in a lively manner, but Do not forget to watch a movie than ever addiction, feel free to let another I - the I, off the stage, in the audience, sipping tea

26、, take a look at the stage of I and them, a few drum Under the palm, a few drops of tears flow, understand this, that will insight a. In fact, we not taken the door across what is the relationship? Because our hearts have been cross-out.继续组织两周一次的专题学习沙龙和互动式评课沙龙,结合教研活动的主题组织好教师学习、交流。听展示课的教师对听课内容进行精心、系统

27、的评点,写成评课稿,在两周一次的互动式教学研讨沙龙中进行交流、探讨。与往年不同的是,在保证互动评课活动开展同时,不影响正常教学,本学期安排8次集体评课活动,其他评课通过qq群来交流、研讨。指导思想 以新一轮课程改革为抓手,更新教育理念,积极推进教学改革。努力实现教学创新,改革教学和学习方式,提高课堂教学效益,促进学校的内涵性发展。同时,以新课程理念为指导,在全面实施新课程过程中,加大教研、教改力度,深化教学方法和学习方式的研究。正确处理改革与发展、创新与质量的关系,积极探索符合新课程理念的生物教学自如化教学方法和自主化学习方式。本学期,我组将进一步确立以人为本的教育教学理论,把课程改革作为教学


29、学生在历史知识、历史学科能力和思想品德、情感、态度、价值观各方面得到全面培养锻炼和发展,为高三年级的文科历史教学打下良好的基础,为高校输送有学习潜能和发展前途的合格高中毕业生打下良好基础。 全班共40人,其中男生15人,女生25人。学生的数学基础较一般,多数学生能掌握所学内容,少部分学生由于反映要慢一些,学习方法死板,没有人进行辅导,加之缺乏学习的主动性,不能掌握学习的内容。能跟上课的学生,课上活泼,发言积极,上课专心听讲,完成作业认真,学习比较积极主动,课后也很自觉,当然与家长的监督分不开。部分学生解答问题的能力较强,不管遇到什么题,只要读了两次,就能找到方法,有的方法还相当的简捷。有的学生


31、身项目去了解一些武术名人并能对他们进行简单的评价;加强研究性的学习,去讨论与研究技能的实用性,加强同学之间的讨论交流的环节。: 总体目标:建立“健康第一”的理念,培养学生的健康意识和体魄,在必修田径教学的基础上进一步激发学生学习“初级长拳”、“剑”的兴趣,培养学生的终身体育意识,以学生身心健康发展为中心,重视学生主体地位的同时关注学生的个体差异与不同需求,确保每一个学生都受益,以及多样性和选择性的教学理念,结合学校的实际情况,设计本教学工作计划,以满足学生选项学生的需求,加深学生的运动体验和理解,保证学生在高一年田径必修基础上再加上“长拳”来引导男女生学习体育模块的积极性,再结合高二年的 “剑

32、”选项课的学习中修满2学分。加强学习“长拳”以及“剑”的基本套路,提升学习的的兴趣,提升学生本身的素质,特别是武德的培养。 运动参与:a养成良好的练武的锻炼习惯。b根据科学锻炼的原则,制定并实施个人锻炼计划。c学会评价体育锻炼效果的主要方法。 运动技能:a认识武术运动项目的价值,并关注国内外重大体赛事。b有目的的提高技术战术水平,并进一步加强技、战术的运用能力。c学习并掌握社会条件下活动的技能与方法,并掌握运动创伤时和紧急情况下的简易处理方法。 身体健康:a能通过多种途径发展肌肉力量和耐力。b了解一些疾病等有关知识,并理解身体健康在学习、生活中和重要意义。c形成良好的生活方式与健康行为。 心理健康:a自觉通过体育活动改变心理状态,并努力获得成功感。b在武术练习活动中表现出调节情绪的意愿与行为。c在具有实用技能练习中体验到战胜困难带来喜悦。 社会适应:a在学习活动中表现出良好的体育道德与合作创新精神。b具有通过各种途径获取体育与健康方面知识和方法的能力。 采用教师示范与讲解,学生讨论,练习,教师评价,再进行个别指导,后进行学生练习,最后进行展示与学生的综合评价相结合的方式方法,培养学生的良好的学习习惯、学习方法更好地完成教学任务,达到教学目标;实行培优扶中辅差,采用学习小组的建立,加强学习小组的相互

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