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1、英语fourth /bel/ n. 钟;铃;门铃 例句:Jack hears the door bell ring. 杰克听见门铃响了。 /r/ v. ring的过去式 例句:Just then, the telephone rang. 正在这时,电话铃响了。 /tuld/ v. tell的过去式 例句:She told me a secret yesterday. 她昨天告诉了我一个秘密。 /kluz/ v. 关闭 例句:Would you please close the door 你可以把门关上吗 /sailns/ n. 寂静;沉默 例句:Jane first broke the sil

2、ence. 简首先打破沉默。 place /teik pleis/ v. 发生 例句:How did the accident take place 事故是怎么发生的 /ri:snt/ adj. 最近的;近来的 例句:Is that a recent photo of you 那是一张你最近的照片吗 Trade Center /w:ld treid sent/ n. 世界贸易中心 例句:Lets meet at Starbucks at the World Trade Centre. 我们在世界贸易中心的星巴克见面吧。 /distri/ v. 破坏;毁坏 例句:The forest is de

3、stroyed by fire. 森林被大火所毁。 /terrist/ n. 恐怖分子 例句:She was thought to be a terrorist. 她被认为是个恐怖分子。 /mi:ni/ n. 意思;含义 例句:What is the meaning of life 生命的意义是什么 as /s s/ adv. 像(一样) 例句:Her skin is as smooth as silk. 她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。 /bikeim/ v. become的过去式 例句:They soon became good friends. 他们很快成了好朋友。 /flait/ n. 航班;

4、班机 例句:Ill book you a direct flight to London. 我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。 /:/ n. 地球 例句:The moon goes round the earth. 月亮绕着地球转。39. take 动词take是英语中的常用词之一,它的用法有很多,现将其常见用法小结: 表示拿走、带走. . Could you take the box to the classroom 你把这个盒子拿到教室去,好吗 表示带给. . Take her another cup of coffee. 再给她一杯咖啡。 (3)表示吃、喝、服用. . Take the med

5、icine three times a day. 每天服药三次。 (4)表示乘车(船). . You can take a bus. 你可以乘坐第16路公共汽车。 (5)表示花费(时间/金钱). . How long does it take by train 坐火车要多长时间背景知识:在日常生活中,学习一些急救知识,对一个人来说很重要。假如一个人发生车祸,在医生到来之前,需要对他进行医疗护理,做急救时,应注意以下三点:首先,如果他停止了呼吸,掰开他的嘴巴看看喉咙口有无食物;其次,假如他不能呼吸,就采取人工呼吸的方法,尽快使他开始呼吸;再次,如果他伤得很重,应立即止血,然后送往医院。如果他失血

6、过多,达三分之一,那么他有可能会死。 许多意外事件也有可能在家里发生。因此,家长们应掌握一些急救常识,以便应付一些发生在孩子身上的事件。假如孩子被动物咬伤,先用自来水冲洗伤口,然后送去看医生。如果孩子被烫伤,先用自来水冲洗、降温,然后用一块干净的干布盖住伤口。假如烫伤很严重,应去看医生。如果割伤了手指,应先将伤口处理干净,然后用一块纸包扎伤口。人人都应学习急救知识,这样才能救其他人的性命。 British Red Cross volunteer Philip Roberts showed how important basic first aid skills can be by saving

7、 a road crash victims life. Philip was driving down the M6 motorway early one morning when he came across a serious road accident. A truck had crashed into a car, driving it off the motorway and into a roadside bank. As the first person on the scene, Philip made sure it was safe to approach the vehi

8、cle and found an unconscious woman inside, slumped(陷入)forward and with her airway blocked. As another driver approached, he shouted for them to call the emergency services. Then Philip acted fast. He recalls: Climbing into the car, I immediately lifted the womans head and opened her airway, so she w

9、ould be able to breathe. I then kept my hands on her head to keep her neck steady, as the crash could have caused spinal(脊柱的)injury. When the emergency services arrived, they asked me to stay inside the car and maintain(维持)the womans airway while they cut off the roof of the car. By the time the wom

10、an was freed from the vehicle, half an hour later, she was starting to regain consciousness(意识)。 Philip said, The simple first aid techniques I used can be learned in five minutes, yet they probably saved the drivers life. Surely thats a worthwhile way to spend five minutes! It shows that you dont n

11、ecessarily need a big first aid kit full of medical equipment, your hands are the best first aid tools you have. Thousands of people are killed on UK roads every year and over half of road accident deaths occur before the emergency services arrive. It can take less than four minutes for a blocked ai

12、rway to cause death, while it takes around eight minutes for emergency services to arrive. would be the best title for this passage A. The Importance of First Aid Skills B. Philip Roberts, a British Red Cross Volunteer C. Simple Skills Save Crash Victim D. Its a Worthwhile Way to Spend Five Minutes

13、do we learn about the accident A. Philip was driving a motorbike when he saw the accident. B. The car crashed into a truck and then blocked the way. C. Philip was the only person on the scene of the accident. D. The womans car was driven into a bank by the truck. underlined word he in the third para

14、graph stands for _. A. the truck driver B. another driver C. Philip D. the womans husband did Philip help save the womans life 5.A first aid kit most probably means _. 答案: 1. C 解析:本文主要讲的就是急救方面的技巧,所以选C 2. D 解析A truck had crashed into a car, driving it off the motorway and into a roadside bank.一句指出答案,

15、选C 3. C 解析As another driver approached, he shouted for them to call the emergency services. Then Philip acted fast.说明he指Philip 4. By helping her to breathe. 解析:第四段写出了帮助这位女士的方法 5. a box with first aid tools inside 解析:名词解析2012高考英语高频词汇精选第129期 1. attend tend v. 专心;仔细;考虑照顾、关照某人(某事物);照看(某人);照料;看护;照例去(某处);

16、出席;伴随(某人某事物);陪伴 Why werent you attending when I explained before 我以前解释的时候, 你怎么不注意听呢 Attend to your work and stop talking. 专心工作, 不要说话。 A nurse attends to his needs. 有个护士照顾他。 Are you being attended to (. said by an assistant to a customer in a shop) 有人接待您吗(如店员问顾客) Could you attend to this matter immed

17、iately 你能不能立刻处理这件事 Dr Smith attended her in hospital. 史密斯医生在医院中给她治病。 attend school, church, etc 上学上教堂等 They had a quiet wedding only a few friends attended (it)。 他们的婚礼静悄悄的只有几个朋友参加。 The meeting was well attended, ie Many people were there. 有很多人出席会议。 The Queen was attended by her ladies-in-waiting. 女王

18、由宫廷女侍陪伴。 May good fortune attend you! 祝你红运当头! 2. earn :n v. 赚;挣;(贷款或投资)获得(利钱);(因自己的成就行为等)得到(应得的事物);博得;使得 He earns 10000 a year. 他一年赚10000英镑。 She earned her living by singing in a nightclub. 她靠在夜总会唱歌谋生。 earned/unearned income 劳动收入非劳动收入 Money earns more in a high interest account. 钱放在高利息的帐户里获利多。 Youve

19、 certainly earned your retirement. 你已理当退休了。 a well-earned rest 应得的休息 His honesty earned him great respect. 他因诚实而博得人们的尊敬。 His bad manners earned him a sharp rebuke. 他因为没有礼貌而受到责备。 rispekt n. U 尊敬;敬重;钦敬;尊敬之表示;尊重之情;维护;承认;尊重C 方面;着眼点 v. (因某事物)尊敬或敬重某人某事物;重视考虑或尊重(某人某事物);不干预或不损害某事物; 承认某事物;自重; 自尊 a mark, toke

20、n, etc of respect 尊敬的标志、表示等 have a deep, sincere, etc respect for sb. 深深地、由衷地敬重某人 I have the greatest respect for you/hold you in the greatest respect. 我非常尊敬您。 The new officer soon won/earned the respect of his men. 那新来的军官很快博得了士兵的钦敬。 Children should show respect for their teachers. 学生要尊敬老师。 Out of r

21、espect, he took off his hat. 他脱帽以示敬意。 have some, little, no, etc respect for sb.s feelings 相当、不太、毫不尊重某人的感情 With (all due) respect, sir, I disagree. 先生,恕我直言,我不能同意。 very little respect for human rights 极不尊重人权。 in this one respect 在这一点上 in some/all/many/several/few respects 在某些各个/许多/几个/极少方面 In what res

22、pect do you think the film is biased 你认为影片在哪一方面失之偏颇with special reference to sth. 关於某事物;就某方面而言 The book is admirable in respect of style. 这本书风格极佳。 price rises in respect of gas and water costs 煤气费和水费涨价 This is true with respect to English but not to French. 这一点在英语属实而在法语则不同。 With respect to your enqu

23、iry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet. 关于你的询问, 兹附上有关说明资料。 I respect you for your honesty. 由于你为人正直, 我对你十分敬重。 respect sb.s wishes, opinions, feelings, etc 尊重某人的意愿、意见、感情等 respect the environment, eg by protecting it 重视环境问题(如保护环境) People wont respect my (desire for) privacy. 大家都不顾及我(希望享有的)个人自由。 respect

24、sb.s rights, privileges, etc 承认某人的权利、特权等 respect a treaty, contract, etc 遵守条约、合同等 respect diplomatic immunity (eg of foreign embassy staff to British law) as valid 承认外交豁免权有效。 If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you 自己不自重, 又怎能受到别人尊重呢 4. grade reid n.(官阶、质量)等级, 品级, 阶段, 程

25、度;(考试或作业的)分数, 评分等级;(学生受测试的)技巧水平(尤指音乐方面);年级; (按年级划分的)小学生 She got excellent grades in her exams. 她考试成绩优异。 The milk is sold in grades. 牛奶分等级出售。 He merits a grade of B on his composition.他的作文分数应该得B. The music exam has eight grades; I have passed Grade 1, the easiest. 音乐考试分为八级, 我已通过了最容易的第一级。 Are you in h

26、igh school or are you still in the grades 你上中学了, 还是仍在上小学 5. literature litrt n. U 文学; 文学作品;文学着作或研究;(某国或某时期的)文学作品;某学科的着作或文献;小册子; 传单 a degree in American literature 美国文学学位 French literature 法国文学 18th century (English) literature 18世纪(英国)文学 Ive read all the available literature on poultry-farming. 我把现有

27、的家禽饲养方面的资料全都读过了。 There is now an extensive literature on the use of computers in the home. 现在有许多关于家庭计算机的使用资料 Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Spain. 请寄些有关在西班牙野营度假的宣传材料。1. The temperature is controlled with computers, no matter how the weather is outside. no matter引导让步状语从

28、句,常与what, who, when, where, how, whose, whether等连用,构成no matter what+主语结构,置于主句之前或之后,意为无论/不管. 例No matter where you work, you can always find time to study. 无论你在哪儿工作,总能找到时间学习。 They should enjoy equal rights, no matter whether they are boys or girls. 无论男孩还是女孩,都应享受平等的权利。 effects do you think the changes

29、in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature 你认为饮食习惯上的变化会对农业和自然产生什么影响 这是一个复杂的特殊疑问句。从语法角度看,do you think是插入语,不是句子主干,句子主干为What effects the changes in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature 插入语把原来的特殊疑问句一分为二,故特殊疑问句用陈述语序,不管疑问句在句中作什么成分。 例What can you guess made us so worried 你能猜出当时什么原因使得我们

30、如此担心 Where did they suggest we should go during the summer holidays 他们建议我们放暑假到哪儿去 What do you think will win the game 你认为谁将会获胜 联想用于以上句型的动词还有believe, consider, suppose, imagine, guess, say, suggest等; 还有能接宾语从句的形容词afraid, sure, glad, certain, surprised, pleased等。 例What was he afraid would cause his fai

31、lure 他担心什么原因会使他失败 Who are you sure will get the first place in the exam 你确信谁会在考试中得第一名 4. Some of the land in China is too wet to grow crops.中国有些土地太湿不能种庄稼。 英语中,too+adj./ adv.+to do sth结构表示否定意义,太而不能. 例You are too young to understand such things. 你太年轻不懂这些事情。 联想以下情况tooto表示肯定意义: 当too前或to前有否定词构成双重否定时。 English is not too difficult to learn. 英语并不太难学。 He is too wise not to see that. 他很聪明,不会不懂这一点。 当too后是glad, pleased, happy, delighted, satisfied, ready, willing, kind, apt, good, true, easy, near, car

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