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2、如问候、告别、致谢、致歉等);4、能在教师的帮助下讲述简单的小故事。读1、能认读所学词语;2、能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词;3、能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令;4、能看懂贺卡等所表达的简单信息;5、能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯;6、能正确朗读所学故事或短文。写1、能模仿范例写句子;2、能写出简单的问候语;3、能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的标题或描述;4、能基本正确地使用大小写字母和标点符号。单元第一单元123课单 词umbrella rubber boots raincoatrainy snowy sunny windy cloudy fine warm ho

3、t cool coldtake your umbrella /put on your rubber boots and raincoat dont go swimming dont stand under the tree fly a kite throw snowballs go swimming习题写出下列各类单词:雨具:天气状况:动词短语:分析本题考查的目的是检测学生对于单词和词组的掌握情况短 语句 型1、Hows the weather ?同义句whats the weather like ?2、Its Sunday today . 3、We have no classes.4、Sha

4、ll we go boating in Xingqing Park ?5.The snow fell on the mountain.6.Are you watching sports ? 7、Im watching the weather report .8、whats the weather like in Xian today?回答:Its sunny ,and its hot,too. 9、Little Johnny wants to play . 1、Put on your rubber boots and raincoat.13、Dont stand under the tree.

5、14、A cat is catching a rat.10、I havent got an umbrella.回答:Dont worry .You may use mine.11、Take your umbrella.习题连词成句:1、time its get up to the hows today 3.have classes no we 4.Xingqing Park boating in we shall按要求改写句子Its sunny today.提问2.Its Sunday today .提问3.Shall we go swimming ?否定回答三介词填空:1

6、.The snow fell ( )the mountain .2.One flake tricked ( )his ear .3.The sun is ( )the sky.4.The dog is ( )the tree.分析四会句的很重要的一点便是要会连词成句,这是对于基本技能的考察。1、2两个句子看起来来很像,但是仔细观之,便会发现异同,因而我在此故意将两句至于一处,目的在于使学生正确分辨。这几个句子是三会句,但是现在考试对于这样的句子考得越来越多,所以多练点总是胜过不练得好。语 法sun 形容词sunny rain 形容词rainy 现在分词raining cloud形容词cloud

7、y snow形容词snowy 现在分词snowing friend 形容词friendly love形容词lovely wind形容词windy boat现在分词boating swim现在分词swimming sport复数sports go现在分词going do 现在分词doing watch 现在分词watching havent 全写 haven not my名词性物主代词mine lets 全写let us should否定式shouldnt dont全写do not习题按要求写词语:get up 反义词( )how is 缩写( )sunny名词( )class复数( )go反义

8、词( )boat现在分词( )Sunday同类词( )snow形容词( )wind形容词( )cloudy名词( )rainy名词( )分析所考察的内容只是众多语法点的一些代表,目的在于使学生更多了解题型单元第二单元456课单 词go climbing/ go boating / go swimming/ go skating/go roller-skating /pick apples / eat fruits snow/look out of the window/make a snowman /blow/skate/clean the snow/flykites/throw snowba

9、lls/四季:spring/summer/autumn/winter十二个月:January February March April ?May June July August September October November December 习题单词分类:make winter September spring eat May summer August skate autumn pick 季节:月份:动词: 分析本题的设计是对学生基础知识的考察,目的在于让学生明白单词的词性。短 语句 型1、What is it ?2、Look out of the window !Its snow

10、ing .3、Shall we go out to play ?4、We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.5、Shall we go out to clean the snow ?6、Shall we go to join her? 7、Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of a year. 提问:What are you doing ?8、How can you draw them?9、They look really nice !9、It looks very nice !同义句Its ve

11、ry nice .10、Is October in winter ?回答:No,October is in autumn.11、He is boating .He often goes boating in spring.12、Ted is sleeping on the red bed .13、Which season do you like best ?同义句What season do you like best ? 14、August ,September and October are in autumn .15、Do you like spring ?肯定回答:Yes,I do.否

12、定回答:No,I dont.习题按要求改写句子:Im drawing the pictures of the four seasons of a year. 提问:Shall we go out to clean the snow ?肯定回答:I can go skating .对划线部分提问It looks very nice !同义句:He is boating.改写为一般现在时:Ted is sleeping on the red bed .翻译:August ,September and October are in autumn .改为一般疑问句:二连词成句:1、which you

13、best season do like ?2、not November is spring in doing what the the picture girl in ?4.the in I draw flowers spring .1.I like summer best.对划线部分提问:变为一般疑问句:2.I can go skating.对划线部分提问:变为一般疑问句:3.The weather is cool in autumn .对划线部分提问:变为一般疑问句:分析主要考查的是学生对于基本知识和基本技能掌握,以及对四会句的灵活应用。本题考查的是学生语言综合运用能力。语 法m

14、ake现在分词making skate现在分词skating draw现在分词drawing picture现在分词pictures season复数seasons month复数months they宾格them pick现在分词picking go单三式goesgood比较级better最高级best fruit复数fruits Alice所有格Alices look单三式looks习题写出下列单词的正确形式:do 单三式( )like单三式( )season复数( )best原级( )skate现在分词( )fruit复数()eat现在分词( )like否定式( )分析这些语法点使学生经

15、常会遇到也是反复强调还会出错的地方,因而我把他们先列举出来然后再就题考查,目的是想引起孩子们的充分重视。单元第三单元789课单 词四季: spring summer autumn /fall winter十二个月:January February March April May June July August September October November December first=1st (May 1st)second=2nd (April 2nd)third=3rd (November 3rd) September 20th 9月20日 a birthday present 一

16、件生日礼物习题写出下列日期的英文表达法3月12 日_ 8月14 日_ 1月5 日_7月20 日_ 12月21 日_ 9月9 日_写出下列节日所在的日期:元旦 妇女节 植树节 愚人节 教师节 劳动节 儿童节 建军节建党节 国庆节 圣诞节分析本题实际上不但考察了学生的月份名词而且考差了序数词的用法实现基数词和序数词的转换短 语学生必须先将每个节日所在的具体日期说出来然后才能转化为英语节日句 型1、My birthday is in July . 提问:when is your birthday ?2、Tomorrow is Alices birthday .3、I think she will l

17、ike this Chinese knot for her birthday .4、My birthday is coming .变为一般疑问句:Is your birthday coming ?5、Im going to have a party .变为以will 引导的或是同义句I will have a party. 6、Im drawing a picture for Li Shan 提问What are you doing ?7、How many seasons are there in a year ?There are four seasons in a year .8、How

18、many months are there in a year ?There are twelve months in a year ./Twelve.9、How many months are there in a season?There are three months in a season ./Three。10、Let me have a try. 11.Whats the date today? 今天的日期是什么?9.When were you born? 你什么时候出生的?12. I was born on+月份+日期+年份(具体到某一天介词用on)13.want to+动词原形

19、 想要做某事习题一用适当的代词替换划线的单词()1. Marys birthday is tomorrow.A. His B. I C. Their D. Her()2. Toms coat is black.A. You B. Her C. His D. He()3. Linda s and Lilys birthdays are in October.A. Their B. My C. Them D. Theirs()4. My sisters favorite season is summer.A. Your B. My C. I D. Her二.对划线部分提问:1.My birthda

20、y is in July.2.His birthday is in May.3.Toms birthday is in September.4.My mothers birthday is in August.三.连词成句:my is it birthday grandpaswas my birthday yesterday mothersSeptember 20th on born I was were you May Day on bornis what date today the where go did you 四.句型转换:I was born on November 14th.提

21、问;Its May 1st .提问:I went to the zoo yesterday.提问:变为一般疑问句:分析此题是对物主代词的考察,学生们必须区分所给人物的性别才能正确选择,此外还要知道单数和复数的区别。询问他人的生日的句型:Whenis your birthday ?此处要注意将物主代词转换为his/Toms/your mothers 连词成句实际是对课文中的四会词句的考察 此处应使用:when were you born ?询问日期:whats the date today ?询问他人过去某时间去了哪里:Where did you go yesterday ?语 法will同义词

22、be going to hot 反义词 coldcome现在分词coming 过去式came have现在分词having 单三式 has 过去式 had 否定式havent autumn同义词fall real副词reallyam/is 过去式was are 过去式were语音部分:选择发音不同的一项1( )help red she 2( ) yellow skate mine 3( ) bed me get 4( ) we she best 5( ) bed leg we 6( )bee see red 7( )get the best 8( )cat bad may 9( )flag r

23、ainy map 10( )cat rat make11( ) umbrella can hat 12( )he use be习题写出下列单词的正确形式:was 原形( ) are 过去式( )saw原形( )go现在分词( )过去式( )反义词( )do过去式( )否定式( )现在分词 ( )my uncle 的所有格( )one的序数词( )2nd基数词( )3序数词( )whats全写( )21序数词( )22nd基数( )分析学生必须熟练掌握这个单元的语法点,才能完成这些题,因而必须让学生反复记忆。单元第四单元10、11、12课单 词Channel 5 五频道(注意大写).of cou

24、rse 当然May Day 五一国际劳动节.go ahead 开始;进行.turn to 转到.TV play 电视剧a football match 一场足球比赛turn on 打开turn off 关掉join the football club 参加足球俱乐部be good at 擅长于(at后面接动词的ing形式)run fast 跑得快jump high 跳得高write down 写下来telephone number 电话号码in the form 在表格上kick a goal 射门save a shot 扑出射门jump long 跳得远play the guitar 弹吉他

25、be interested in 对感兴趣play the violin 拉小提琴play the piano 弹钢琴sing songs 唱歌have a try 试一试play the drum 打鼓习题下面的短语你都会写吗? 1、弹钢琴 2、拉小提琴 3、打鼓 4、弹吉他Can you read and change?a druma pianoa violina guitara flute分析短 语越是复习到最后学生越容易厌学,为了激励大多数学生的学习自信心,我在此处设计了该题,此题是基础性的题孩子们应该都能顺利完成,可以增加他们学习的兴趣和自信。句 型1.What can you do

26、? I can 2.What can she do? She can 3.What can he do? He can 4.May I turn on the TV,please ?5.Theres a TV play tonight.6.Id like to watch the TV play .7.Im interested in music .8.Do you like music ?9.I can play the violin .10 .What can you play ?11. Would you please sing us a song ?12.let me have a t

27、ry .13.Would you please do it for me ?习题1、I can ( ) the flute.A. play B. plays C. playing D.played2.He can play()football.A. an B. the C./ D.a3.We can play ( ) drums.A. an B. / C. the D. a4.Tom can play the ( )and play( ).A. ping-pong ;football B. football; violin C. violin; football D. violin; drum

28、分析本题的设计是对冠词the的用法的考察。语 法1. be good at 句型表示擅长于做某事be随着主语的变化而变化,其次be good at 后面必须接动词的现在分词即ing形式 interested in 对感兴趣后面接名词后动词原形习题单项选择:1.Jack is ( )in football.A.interest B.interesting C.interested2.His brother isnt good at( )songs.Asing B sang Csinging分析所给选项分别是原形、过去式和现在分词学生充分考虑句型特点方可进行选择单元第五单元13、14课单

29、词.winter holiday 寒假.summer holiday暑假by train 乘火车.by plane 乘飞机railway station 火车站bus stop 公交车站by ship 乘船.in the east /west/ south /north of China 在中国的东/西/南/北面a beautiful big city 一个既漂亮又大的城市place of interest 名胜(注意复数在place后加s)习题根据你所学过的单词写出以下几类单词:交通工具:交通方式:交通设施:方位名词:分析短 语本题是对于单词的分类,是基础知识的考察和检测主要的问题是可能会出现由于审题不清导致的交通工具和交通方式混淆的问题句 型 going to+动词原形 一般将来时2.How are you going there?你怎么去那?3.Have a good time! 玩得愉快!4.Where are you from? 你从哪里来?5.Im from 我来自6.Im going to Hainan for my holiday .7.I will visit Xian .习题按要求改写句子:1Its really a beautiful pla

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