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1、初三英语总复习资料完成句子专练内含题目+答案初三英语总复习资料-完成句子专练(附答案)初一1. 孩子们在操场上玩得很开心。The children _ on the playground.2. 我的父母一年到头都工作。My parents work_.3. 在他二十三岁时,他就大学毕业了。_, he finished his university.4. 对不起,我爸爸现在不在家。Sorry, my father isnt _now .5. 此时,天正在下着大雨。_, it is raining heavily.6. 夜深了,他们还在工作中。Its too late, they are stil

2、l _.7. 请回到你的座位上去。_ to your seat , please.!8. 我在小时候就很擅长游泳。I _ swimming when I was young.9. 你愿意和我们去骑自行车吗?Would you like _ with us?10. 前面有一些树。There are _ trees in front of my house.11.在将来,没人做重活。_, nobody will do heavy work.12. 同学们正在为期末考试做准备.The students _ the final exam.13. 春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。Spring is co

3、ming, it_.14. 从车站到机场坐出租车只要分钟。A taxi _ station _ airport only takes 8 minutes.15. 不要走开,我有好消息要告诉你。Dont _, I have a good news for you.16. 在我家客厅里有一个摄相机。There is a camera in my _.17. 她向四周看了看,没有发现任何人。She _ and saw nobody.18. 熊宝宝看着它的椅子,大声叫了起来“看,我的椅子都成碎片了!”The baby bare _its chair and cried “ look! My chair

4、 _!”19. 房子里没人,因此她就进去了。There was _ in the house, so she entered the house.20. 今年夏天,你要去哪里度假?Where are you going _ this summer ?21.晚上,不要单独外出,很危险的。Dont _ by your own in the evening ,it is very dangerous.21. 春节,我们用剪纸装饰门、窗。At Spring Festival, we use _ to decorate our doors and windows.22. 从前,有一个女孩名叫女娃。_ ,

5、 there was a girl named Nuwa.23. 家民们正在山上摘茶叶。The farmers _ tea leaves on the hill.24. 上个月,我们在顺峰山野炊。We _ last month in Shunfengshan Park.25. 孩子禁止玩火。Children must not _ fire. 26. 他穿上在衣就出去了。He _ his coat and went out.27. 工人们在车站等公共汽车。The workers _ buses at _ .28. 看!校长正在带领外国朋友们参观我们的学校。Look! Our principal

6、_ foreign friends _ our school.29. 看!她正在为我们看照!Look! He _ for us!30. 这个探险家穿过森林发现有一个古庙。The adventurer _ the forest and found there was an old temple.31. 春节来临前,我们买东西,搞卫生。Before the Spring Festival ,we _ and do some cleaning.32. 这个周末我要去买东西。I _ at this weekend.33. 人们在新年前搞卫生是为了扫走坏运气。People do some cleanin

7、g because they want to _ the bad luck.34. 我期待着去草原骑马。I am looking forward to _ in the grassland.35. 下个月,我们要去三亚旅游。We are going to_ in ShanYa next month.36. 非常感谢你的帮助。_ for your help !37. 你要去哪儿?我要去观光。Where are you going ? I am_初二上册Module 11. 每次你都应该把错误记在你的笔记本上。You should _your mistakes in your notebooks

8、every time.2. 在我们班一些人经常互相写电子信息。Someone often write email messages _.3. 在寒假期间他玩得很开心。He _during winter holiday.4. 他一直都很努力。He works hard _.5. 为什么你不沿着这条小路走。_along the path.6. 尽量不要逐字翻译。_translate every word.7. 我打算下课之后给你提一些建议。Im going _after class.8. 在你开始之前,深呼吸并微笑。Before you begin, _and smile. 9. 昨天我和英语老师

9、用英语对话了。I _my English teacher in English yesterday.10. 一些学生正在寻求提高他们英语的建议。Some students_about improving their English.Module 21. 这架飞机8 点钟起飞。 The plane _ at eight.2. 他的新歌在全中国都很流行。His new song is popular _.3. 我总是想周游世界。I have always wanted_.4. 你曾经参加过竞赛吗? Have you ever _?5. 汤姆已经邀请我去参观英国了。 Tom _me _English

10、. 6. 这场音乐会的票已经卖光了。 The tickets of the concerts _.7. 我的学校管弦乐队正在法国举行音乐会。 My school orchestra _in France.8. 李先生已经参观了中国20 多座城市。Mr .Li has visited _20 cities in China.Module 31. 我刚在学校读完了一本很棒的书。I _just _a great book at school.2. 我偶尔也玩电脑游戏。I play computer games _as well.3. 他激动得说不出话来。 He_she _say a word.4.

11、到目前为止他们没有一个去过英国。So far _to England.5. 地球绕着太阳转。The earth _ the sun.6. 昨天花了我两个多小时才到达那儿。It_two hours _there yesterday.7. 刚才我拿我的一些照片给我的同班同学看。 I _my classmates just now.8. 我的父亲明天将去上海出差。 My father is leaving for Shanghai _tomorrow.Module 41. 去年李先生教我们英语。Mr Li _last year.2. 我们在学校应该彼此相处融洽。We _each other.3. 我

12、已经听说过这个交通事故。I _the traffic accident already.4. 昨天他参加打篮球了。 He _basketball yesterday.5. 几年前他就退学了。He _a few years ago.6. 小明因为家庭穷而不能接受教育。Xiao Ming _because his family is poor.7. 在她妈妈的帮助下,她会做家务了。 She can do housework _.8. 因为希望工程,成千上万的孩子有了好的生活。_,thousands of children have better lives.9. 在过去5年中,这项工程已经捐款几次

13、了。In the last 5 years, this project _ several times.Module 51. 你现在究竟在等谁? _are you waiting for now?2. 不但你而且他都知道这件事。_you _ he _about it.3. 他在16岁就拥有了自己的实验室。He owned his own lab _.4. 他在这个乐队弹奏乐器。He _in the orchestra.5. 在她的一生中写了数百首曲子。He wrote _music in his life.Module 6-71. 灯熄了,漆黑一团。 The lights _and it wa

14、s dark.2. 他直到做完作业才回家。 He _he finished his homework.3. 在聚会中,玛丽把她的朋友介绍给我们。Mary _in the party. 4. 我读书时经常收到我父亲的来信。I _when I was at school.5. 生日晚会后,我迫不及待地打开了所有的礼物。 After the birthday party, I _all the gifts.6. 我们为中国排球队感到自豪。 We _China National volleyball team.7. 汤姆又迟到了,老师对他很生气。Tom was late for class again

15、 and the teacher _him.8. 我为来中国感到激动。I _to China.9. 他们第一次见面时互相握了手。 They _when first met.Module 81. 当他下船的时候,他发觉钱包不见了。When he _, he found his wallet gone.2. 你沿着王子大街走,然后向左转入乔治大街,你就可以看见邮局了。You_ Prince Street, _ George Street and you can see the post office.3. 圣彼得教堂在河对岸。St Peters church is _ the river.4. 如

16、果你想过河,就得乘船。If you want to _ the river, you have to take the boat.5. 请把你的身份证给我 Please_ ID card.Module 91. 他做作业心不在焉,结果出了很多错误。He did his homework carelessly. _, he made many mistakes.2. 他是一个粗心地男孩。例如,他常常把作业落在家里。He is a careless boy. _, he often leaves his homework at home.3. 我希望我们两个国家能和平共处I hope we two

17、countries can be _.4亚洲大多数国家的人们都以米饭为食People from most Asian countries _ rice.5我们都在为保护濒危动物而努力。We are all trying to protect the animals _.6. 越来越少的人愿意和他交谈。_ people would like to talk with him.Module 101. 这故事发生在广州。The story _ in Guangzhou.2. 我父母提出带我去香港。My parents _ me to Hong Kong.3. 最后,上尉爱上了玛利亚并和她结婚In t

18、he end, the captain _Maria and married her.Module 111. 去青岛旅游的最佳时节是什么时候?When is _ visit Qingdao?2. 昨天我们给Ben买了生日礼物。Yesterday we _ a birthday present for Ben.3. 与边远地区的儿童相比,我们很幸运。_ the children in the rural area, we are very lucky.Module 12 1. 我们每个星期五下午打扫卫生。We _ every Friday afternoon.2. 扔垃圾的人将被罚款。There

19、 will be fines for people _.3. 作为学生,我们应该按时交作业。As a student, we should hand in our homework _.4. 在泰国,握手并不常见。It is not common _ in Thailand.5. 我的观点与你的不同。My opinion _ from yours.6. 一有人进来,他们就不说话了。They _ as soon as someone came in.初二下册Module 11. 他还没有收拾好他的房间。He _ his room yet.2. 我父亲的爱好是集邮。My fathers hobby

20、 is _.3. 那封信一直在我的口袋里。The letter is in my pocket _.4. 我的新书将在今年年底出版。My new book _ this year.5. David篮球和排球都打得很好。David does very well in basketball _ volleyball.6. 这长沙发太占地方了。The couch _ too much room.7. 人们对网络越来越感兴趣。People became _ Internet.Module 21. 她日渐消瘦。She became thinner and thinner _.2. 她在国外交了很多朋友。

21、Shes _ abroad.3. 我已经长大了,不要为我担心。I have grown up. Dont _ me.4. 说吧,不要怕犯错。Go ahead! _to make mistakes.5. 他像往常一样和他的朋友一起上学。He went to school with his friends _Module 31. 当你驾车时, 要注意红灯.When you drive a car, you must _ the red light.2. 校长正带领客人参观我们的学校.The headmaster is _ the guests _ our school.3. 每个人需要学好英语,所

22、以我们要不断努力.Everybody needs _ English well, so we must _.4. 我们已为考试做好了准备.We have already _ the final exam.5. 我同意你的说法,我们应该再试一次.I _ you that we should try it again.6. 我们讨厌抽烟. We _.7. 他记得已关了门. He _ the door.8. 似乎没有人知道这件事. _ no one knows it.9. 你最好亲自参加你女儿的生日晚会.Youd better come to your daughters birthday _.10. 我们来到警察局请求警察帮助.We came to the police station _.11. 我六岁时学会了游泳.I could swim _ of six.12. 这对夫妇在他们的一生中相互恩爱,相互帮助This couple loved and helped _ during their life time.Module 41. 这项医疗新技术已经挽救了很多人的生命。This new

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