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1、7days inn题 目:Selecting Strategies for Economy Hotels姓 名: 邱燕群 Yanqun Qiu 学 号: 20070300372 所在学院: 国际商务英语学院 年级专业: 2007级 英语(国际商务管理)指导教师: 胡春雨 职称: 讲师 完成时间: 2011 年 4 月 13 日 Selecting Strategies for Economy HotelsSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements forthe Degree of BA in English _ByQiu Yanqu

2、nSupervisor: Hu ChunyuSchool of English for International BusinessGuangdong University of Foreign StudiesApril 13, 2011DeclarationI hereby declare that this thesis does not contain any material which has been accepted for the award of any other higher degree or graduate diploma in any tertiary insti

3、tution and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this thesis does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the thesis. SignedDated: May 16, 2010AbstractSince 1990s, economy hotels have been developing rapidly on the mark

4、et basis of many integrating factors, such as the lodging markets further subdivision, leisure tourisms fast growth and frequent small business activities and so on. However, as many new entrants come into the industry, fierce competition emerges. Excessive competitors gradually lead to a homogenous

5、 competition, especially among small hotels. Many big hotels are faced with cost challenges and management difficulties. In the meantime, the strategies that many hotels employed are too outdated.The study has adopted surveys and literature research as study methods. To make the study more convincin

6、g and more practical, this author becomes a member of 7days inn and Home inn and lodged in 7days inn and Home inn for three nights. This study aims to find out the problems of existing strategies and select a best one to sustain the development of economy hotels. Some suggestions will be made in the

7、 final parts.The survey shows that even several well-known brands of economy hotels dont have their unique features. Most of the hotels are led by cost leadership strategies and put great emphasis on cost reduction. From observation, the study also finds out that there are some differences among dif

8、ferent branches in a same brand. The brand awareness of economy hotel is still weak and customers loyalty is not good. Suggestions are that the economy hotels to adopt a cost leadership to develop itself and win its customers. When the hotel is known as a brand, it should start to differentiate itse

9、lf. The study hopes that an appropriate strategy will help the economy hotels flourish in the future markets.Key words: economy hotel, business-level strategy, cost leadership, differentiation中文摘要 自20世纪90年代以来,经济型酒店经历了市场进一步分化, 休闲旅游大幅增长,中小企业活动频繁等。这诸多因素,为经济型酒店的发展奠定了良好的基础。然而,伴随着越来越多的行业新进者,经济型酒店行业也开始浮现出激

10、烈的竞争局面。大大小小的竞争对手让这个行业的竞争趋向同质化,尤其是对于一些小而不知名得酒店。一些品牌酒店也面临一些问题诸如成本的增加,管理困难加大等。于此同时,经济型酒店所采用的战略相对过时。 本研究采用文献回顾和问卷调查为主要研究方法。同时,为了让本研究更贴近实际,更令人信服,研究人员还注册了7天连锁酒店和如家酒店的会员,并在这两家酒店各住过一晚,仔细观察酒店的管理和服务。本研究主要是为了发现经济型酒店的现存战略问题,并致力于寻找出适合酒店的发展战略,提出建议。调查结果表明,即使是一些品牌经济型酒店,很多都存在个性特色不足的问题。目前经济型酒店主要是以成本控制战略为主。为了控制成本,很多经济

11、型酒店是下足了功夫。通过观察法,本研究还发现了7天连锁酒店和如家酒店都存在不同分店的服务标准,装修特点存在较大差异,让顾客不太满意。很多酒店的顾客品牌意识较差,顾客忠诚度较低。因此,研究得出的建议是希望酒店在采用低成本战略发展酒店的同时,应该逐渐引用差异化战略。同时,要统筹好各个分店的管理,不要让过快的发展速度阻碍了酒店的长远发展。本研究希望这些建议能促进经济型酒店行业的健康发展。关键词:经济型酒店 事业层次战略 低成本战略,差异化战略 Table of ContentsAbstract ii中文摘要 iiiChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Research Orient

12、ation 11.2 Rationale 11.3 Structure of the Dissertation 2Chapter 2 Literature Review 32.1 The definition of Economy Hotel 32.2 Marketing Environment of Economy Hotel 42.3 Status Quo and Challenges of Economy Hotels 52.31 Cost Challenges 52.32 Homogeneous competition 62.33 Management Difficulty 72.4

13、Summary 7Chapter 3 Method 83.1 Research Questions 83.2 Participants 83.3 Research Procedure 11Chapter 4 Results and Analysis 124.1 Introduction 124.2 Data highlights 124.2.1Potential customers of economy hotels 124.2.2 Brand Loyalty 144.3 Analysis of the Results 14Chapter 5 Conclusions 185.1 Summary

14、 of Major Findings 185.2 Implications of This Study 185.3 Limitations 195.4 Suggestions for Future Research 20References 21Appendix 22Acknowledgements 24Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research OrientationTo survive in such an ever-changing market, economy hotels are faced with strong competition from sta

15、r hotels and home hotels. Even economy hotels meet the need of many people who receive modest income. Compared the prices and services with star hotel; economy hotels enjoyed both the advantages and their disadvantages. Many economy hotels now have developed into different market segmentations and h

16、ave reconsidered their strategies. To design a best strategy for a hotel need an accurate market position, knowing who their customers are. 1.2 RationaleThis thesis hopes to get to know the whole industry better and try to segment for different economy hotels. To sustain a prosperous development, ev

17、en survive in a highly-competitive market is not easy, especially to those small hotels and giant hotel chains. Economy hotel is a very promising industry. With such a large population to accommodate in China, economy hotels share most of the burden. But the industry is not as good as expected. Many

18、 problems occurred in these years. Business level strategies play a key role in achieving core competence. And a core competency is a specific factor that a business sees as being central to the way it, or its employees, works. Right now there has been a lot of research about how to further develop

19、the whole industry, but mainly through some specific methods. But specific methods sometimes cannot broaden our horizon to deal with some big issues. Adopting a most suitable strategy to boost a hotels development is worthwhile to explore. 1.3 Structure of the DissertationThe dissertation consists o

20、f five parts. Part one is a general introduction of the industry of economy hotel in China. Part Two is a review of relevant literature, specifying the definition, marketing environment of economic hotel and its status quo and challenges. Part Four introduces my study on this industry. At last, a co

21、nclusion will be made with some suggestions following.Chapter 2 Literature ReviewThis chapter will give a brief review of the economy hotel, including its definition, characteristics and marketing environments, as well as its challenges.2.1 The definition of Economy HotelEconomy hotel sets target fo

22、r ordinary customers, offering affordable prices and convenient services with a cleaning environment. Economy hotels put absolute emphasis on room services. The room environment can to be on a par with 3 star hotels. Therefore, economy hotel leaves out some large investment on supporting equipment s

23、uch as deluxe banquet hall, fitness center, and state of art conference room and so on. In the meantime, economy hotel usually locate in some busy streets and convenient city centre. (Wang, 2002)Economy hotel is a relatively specific, dynamic and balanced concept. In the broad sense, economy hotel u

24、sually refers to a hotel that charges a low and cheap price. According to the standard of western countries, a economy hotel meets two standards. First, it usually provides only lodging, without breakfast or meals. In the USA, the so-called economy hotels provide limited service. The three most prom

25、inent features are: first, a modest price: Second, limited services, usually without providing any meal services, even if it has, only some simple continental breakfast; Third, it reveal its features through those limited services(Zhang ,2004)Some scholars define economy hotel by the word itself. EL

26、S (Economy Lodging Service) avoid those words as budget or motel, which is easily linked to poor services. The concept of economy hotel is based on its price and value, which contains high-quality designation and management. In terms of this concept, people divide economy hotel according to their av

27、erage room price. Economy hotel can be generalized as: low in first time investment and high in operational efficiency and guests flow volume. A high guest flow volume due to its reasonable room price, convenient location. Domestic scholars have such an understanding of the modest price of economy h

28、otel: simplified in function, high in cost performance, saving cost and have a clear market position. (Zhang, 2004)2.2 Marketing Environment of Economy HotelAccording to scholar of strategic management Michael Porter, while making decision for an enterprise, one has to five powers that influence an

29、existing company. They are competitors, potential entrant, and threat of substitute, guests bargain abilities and suppliers bargain abilities.3.21. CompetitorsThe competitors of Economy hotel or Budget hotel are sorted into two kinds. First, luxury hotels such as 4-star or 5-star hotels are competit

30、ors. Second, hostels with a low price become more and more attractive to the younger generation. Nowadays, tourists are mainly those who enjoy a relatively easy life and budget may not be that tough. In addition, the number of travelers is in rapid increase and so these two kinds of hotels are not t

31、he direct rivals of economy hotels. 3.22 Potential entrantsIn some regions of China, especially some rural areas, there is still a space for the development of hotel industry. And with the development of auto industry, a new kind of hotel motel will soon appear. Opening a hotel need plenty of early

32、investment, thus, it is unlikely for investors to retreat from their investment even if the hotels are in a in the red.3.23 Threat of substituteWith the rapid development of transportation industry, there appear high-speed railway and Red eye flight (scheduled flight at night), which enable people to set off in the morning and come back in the evening. However, tourism industry and business trips are still a large market and the newly-emerged flight and high-speed train will

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