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1、英语经典句生活篇英语经典实用句生活篇Unit 1Job Interview 找工作一.Sentences 句子1.Sue is applying for a job as an office clerk. 苏在应聘一个办公室文员的工作。2.She is really a quick learner. 她学东西很快。3.A telephonist is supposed to have local knowledge. 话务员应该熟悉当地情况。4.For a foreigner, her English is pretty good. 对于外国人而言,她的英语很好了。5.Fluent Engli

2、sh alone cant guarantee you a job. 只有流利的英语并不能保证你找到一个工作。6.She has been in London for 3 weeks. 她在伦敦三周了。7.People call us up mainly to order meals. 人们给我们电话主要是来定餐的。8.Eddie has to wait until that bank has come to a decision. 艾迪只好等到银行做出决定再说。9.This job should suit Jenny well because she likes painting. 珍妮喜欢

3、画画,这个工作一定很适合她。10.The company offered Gary a place because he met all the ualifications. 这家公司给了加里一个职位因为他各方面条件都适合。11.I am waiting for a positive reply from the law firm. 我在等待这家律师事务所的肯定答复。12.The boss wants Sue to start working next Monday. 老板想让苏下周一上班。13.This kind of training is very important for every

4、 new employee. 这些训练对每个新人都很重要。14.Miss Wilkings showed me around the office after the interview. 威尔金斯小姐在面试后带我参观了办公室。15.There are ten more applicants in line. 名单上还有另外十个应聘的。二.Questions and Answers问与答1.Tom: What kind of job do you want, Sue? Sue: Something like an office clerk, I think. 汤姆:你想找个什么工作啊,苏? 苏

5、:办公室文员之类。2.Tom: Have you worked as a telephonist before? Sue: No, but I am really a quick learner. 汤姆:你以前做过话务员吗? 苏:没有,但我学东西很快。3 Tom: Is a telephonist supposed to have local knowledge? Sue: Yes. 汤姆:话务员应该对当地情况很熟悉,是吧? 苏:是的。4 Lily: How do you like her English? Jack: Well, for a foreigner, her English is

6、 pretty good. 丽莉:你觉得她的英语怎么样啊? 杰克:对于外国人而言,她的英语算是很好了。5 Jane: Is English very important in finding a job? Jack: Sure, but fluent English alone cant guarantee you a job. 简:找工作时英语重要吗? 杰克:当然了,但只有流利的英语并不能保证你找到一个工作。6 Alice: How long have you been in London? Jack: Ive been in London for 3 weeks. 艾丽斯:你来伦敦多久了?

7、 杰克:三周了。7 Jane: What are the people calling us for ? Sam: People call us up mainly to order meals. 简:别人给我们电话是干什么的呢? 山姆:人们给我们电话主要是来定餐的。8 Jane: Hows your interview? Eddie: Its good but I have to wait until that bank has come to a ecision. 简:你的面试怎么样啊? 艾迪:还好,但我只好等到银行作出决定再说。9 Mike: Do you like your job,

8、Jenny? Jenny: Oh, Yeah.This job suits me well because I like painting so much. 迈克:你喜欢你的工作吗,珍妮? 珍妮:是啊,我喜欢画画,这个工作很适合我。10 Mary: Did the company offer Gary a place finally? Sam: Yes, Gary met all the qualifications and the boss was glad. 玛丽:这家公司最后给了加里一个职位吗? 山姆:是的,因为他各方面条件都适合,老板很高兴。11 Gary:Have you got a

9、 reply from the law firm, Jane? Jane: Not yet.Hopefully, a positive one. 加里:你得到那家律师事务所的回音了吗? 简:还没呢,希望是个肯定的答复。12 Mike: when will you start working, Sue? Sue: Next Monday. 迈克:你什么时候开始上班啊,苏? 苏:下周一。13 Gary: Do you think these kinds of trainings is necessary for us? Jenny: Yes, its very important for ever

10、y new comer. 加里:你认为这些训练对我们有必要吗? 珍妮:是的,这些训练对每个新人都很重要。14 Tom: What did you do after the interview? Sue:Miss Wilkings showed me around the office. 汤姆:你面试后做什么去了? 苏:我跟着威尔金斯小姐参观了办公室。15 Tom: How many people are trying to get that job? Jane: There are ten more applicants on the line. 汤姆:有多少人在竞争这个职位啊? 简:名单上还

11、有另外十个应聘的。三.Substitution Drills 替换练习1.Sue is applying for a job as a telephonist. a secretary. an accountant. 苏在应聘一个 话务员 的工作。 秘书 会计2.She is a really quick learner. a green hand. an experienced teacher. 她 学东西很快。 是一个新手。 是一个有经验的老师。3.A telephonist is supposed to have local knowledge. good English. nice v

12、oice. 话务员应该 对当地情况熟悉。 英语很好。 声音好听。4.For a foreigner her English is pretty good. amazing. acceptable. 对于外国人而言,她的英语 很好了。 令人震惊。 说得过去。5.Fluent English alone cant guarantee you a job. Good grades Wide social connections 只有流利的英语 并不能保证你找到一个工作。 好的成绩 广泛的社会关系6.She has been in London for 3 weeks. since last Oct.

13、 after she quitted her job. 她 在伦敦三周了。 从去年十月就在伦敦。 辞去工作以后就在伦敦。7.People call us up mainly to order meal. for stock information. to ask about the prices. 人们给我们电话主要是来定餐的。 查询股票信息的。 询问价格的。8.Eddie has to wait until that bank has come to a decision. next Friday. the company Emails him. 艾迪只好等到 银行作出决定再说。 下周五。

14、公司给他发电子邮件。9.This job should suit Jenny well because she likes painting. she always wants to be areporter. its not far from the office to her home. 这个工作一定很适合珍妮,因为她喜欢画画。 她一直想做个记者。 办公室离她家很近。10.The company offered Gary a place because he met all the qualifications. he did well in the interview. hes got

15、lots of experience. 这家公司给了加里一个职位因为他各方面条件都适合。 他面试表现很好。 他工作经验丰富。11.I am waiting for a positive reply from the law firm. the high school. the magazine. 我在等待这家律师事务所的肯定答复。 这所高中 这家杂志社12.The boss wants Sue to start working next Monday. tomorrow. after a 20-day training. 老板想让苏下周一上班。 明天 培训20天以后13.These kinds

16、 of trainings are importantfor every new comer. necessary difficult 这些训练对每个新人都很重要。 必要。 困难。14.Miss Wilkings showed me around the office after the interview. left the office had a talk with me 威尔金斯小姐在面试后 带我参观了办公室。 离开了办公室。 和我谈话。15.There are ten more applicants in the line. waiting outside. sitting on t

17、he bench. 还有另外十个应聘的在名单上。 在外面等。 坐在长凳上。四.Conversation 对话 (I= Interviewer, A= Applicant)1.I: May I help you? A: Yes, Ive come to apply for the position as an office clerk. I: Im Edward Snow, the manager of the Human Resources Department.May I ask your name? A: My name is Alice White.How do you do, Mr.S

18、now? I: Im glad to meet you, Miss White.Please take a seat. A: Thank you, sir. 主考官:有什么需要帮忙的吗? 应聘者:是这样的,我是来应聘办公室文员的。 主考官:我是爱德华斯诺,人事部经理。你叫什么名字呢? 应聘者:我叫艾丽斯怀特。 斯诺先生,你好。 主考官:很高兴见到你,怀特小姐,请坐。 应聘者:谢谢你,先生。2.I: How long have you been in London? A: About three months. I: Have you worked as a secretary? A: No,

19、but I think I can learn quickly. I: Hows your computer skills? A:I am pretty good at basic office software. 主考官:你来伦敦多久了? 应聘者:大约三个月了。 主考官:你以前做过秘书吗? 应聘者:没有,但我学起来很快。 主考官:你电脑技术怎么样? 应聘者:我基本的办公软件操作很熟。3.I: Well, your English is very good.I have noticed that. A: Thank you. I: But the problem is my telephoni

20、st must have local knowledge as well. A: Is it? I: People call us up not just to order meals.They often ask questions about travel, entertainment, etc.So I have to say I cant offer you the job. A: Thats all right.I can try other places.Good-bye. I: Bye. 主考官:你的英语很不错,我注意到了。 应聘者:谢谢。 主考官:但问题是我们的话务员同时还必须

21、要熟知本地情况。 应聘者:是吗? 主考官:人们打电话不仅仅是来定餐的。他们往往要问关于旅行,娱乐等等问题。所以我不能提供这个工作给你。 应聘者:没关系。我可以试试其他地方。再见。 主考官:再见。4.I: Since there are other applicants on the line, we cant let you know our decision yet until all of them have got their chances for interview. A: Fair enough, I am willing to wait until you have come t

22、o a decision. I: We will let you know probably next Tuesday.I hope to give you the positive reply. A: Thank you, I will be glad to hear that. I: By the way, are you married? A: Yes, I am married and I have two children. 主考官:由于名单上还有其他的应聘者,所以只有等到所有人都面试完了,我们才能告知你我们的决定。 应聘者:这很公平啊。我愿意等到你们做出决定为止。 主考官:我们可能

23、下周二通知你,我希望能给你一个肯定的答复。 应聘者:谢谢,听到这个我很高兴。 主考官:顺便问一句,你结婚了吗? 应聘者:是的,我已婚并有两个孩子。5.A: Good, this job should suit me well. I: Can you start working next Monday? A: Sure. I: Thats settled then.Im glad to be able to offer you the job. A: Thank you, Brian. I: See you next Monday. 应聘者:好啊,这个工作应该很适合我。 主考官:你能下周一开始上

24、班吗? 应聘者:没问题。 主考官:那就这么定了。能给你提供这个工作我很高兴。 应聘者:谢谢你,布莱恩。 主考官:下周一见。6.I: Tell me about your present job, Alison. A: Im a receptionist.I work with a travel firm. I: Why do you want to study here? A: Because I want a better job.I want to go into a management. I: Well, you have all the qualifications.And we c

25、an offer you a place here. A: Thank you, I will do my best. I: Good.Well, now Miss Wilkings is going to show you around.Thank you for coming. A: Goodbye, Mr.Hutton.Thank you for seeing me. 主考官:阿莉森,请告诉我你做什么工作。 应聘者:我是接待员。我在一家旅游公司工作。 主考官: 你为什么要到这儿学习? 应聘者: 我希望有个较好的工作。我想到管理部门去工作。 主考官: 你的资历文凭齐全,我们会给你留个位置。

26、 应聘者: 谢谢你。我会尽力的。 主考官: 好的,现在威尔金斯小姐带你到各处看看,谢谢你的光临。 应聘者: 再见,赫顿先生。谢谢你的接见。Unit 2Burning the Midnight Oil一.Sentences 句子1.Now that youve done the best, hope for the best. 既然你已尽力,相信结果总会好的。2.The students often burn the midnight oil before a big exam. 学生们在大考之前总会开夜车学习 。.3We are trying to pull through the tough

27、est time of the semester. 我们在尽力度过这学期的最大难关。4.Keep your spirits high when facing difficulties. 面对困难要振作起来。5.Sam always does well on his homework. 山姆的家庭作业一直都做得很好。6.Tony worked so hard that he got an A in the exam. 托尼学习努力,考试得了个A。7.It was midnight then and all the lights went out. 当时是午夜,所有的灯都熄了。8.Now lets

28、 listen to some light music, and relax ourselves. 现在让我们听一些轻松的音乐来放松一下自己。9.Kurt did everything carelessly and finally got himself into a lot of trouble. 柯特做事情很粗心,最终给自己带来了很多麻烦。10.Eddie felt down after being criticized by the boss. 被老板批评后,艾迪情绪低落。11.We can do nothing but fight to the end. 我们只有奋战到底。12.Its

29、 a pity that he missed the chance to be promoted. 很遗憾他错过了晋升的机会。13.The answer to the question lies in Lesson 10. 问题的答案就在第十课。14.Try to apply what you have learned from your textbook to everyday conversation. 尽量将你从课本中所学到的用到日常对话中去。15.Kurt stayed up until early morning for three days and finally became i

30、ll. 柯特连续三天通宵达旦的学习,最后病倒了。二Questions and Answers问与答1.Tom: What is left for us to do since weve done the best? Sue: We shall hope for the best. 汤姆 :如果我们已尽力的话,我们还能怎样呢? 苏:我们要相信结果总会好的。2.Kevin: What do the students often do before a big exam? Sue: The students often burn the midnight oil. 凯文: 学生们在大考之前一般要做什

31、么啊? 苏:学生们总会开夜车学习3.Jack: What are you trying to do now? Sue: We are trying to pull through the toughest time of the semester. 简:你们现在尽力做什么呢? 苏:我们在尽力度过这学期的最大难关。4.Kevin: Whats the right attitude when facing difficulties? Sue: We d better keep our spirits high. 凯文: 我们面对困难的正确态度是什么? 苏:我们面对困难要振作起来。5.Mike: Does Sam always do well on his homew

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