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1、中考英语模拟试题3张林芳 百汇学校 2012中考模拟试题 By zhang linfang第一部分 选择题(共80分)一、 第一节(共9小题;每小题1分,满分9分)听下面9段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。( )1.A.January 28. B.August 21. C.October 23.( )2.A.Rainy. B.Cold. C.Windy.( )3.A.History. B.Seience. C.Math.( )4.A.Soine milk. B.Som

2、e eggs. C.Some milk and eggs.( )5.A.Funny. B.Scary. C.Boring.( )6.A.A waiter. B.A farmer. C.A clerk.( )7.A Go swimming. B.Have a picnic C.Do some shopping.( )8.A.By bike. B.By bus. car ( )9.A. At 3:00 B.At 3:30 C.At 4:00第二节(共16小题;每小题1分,满分16分)听下面5段对话或独白。没段对话或独白后面有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对

3、话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,各题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第10段材料,回答第10、11小题。( )10.Whats the skirt made of? A.Cotton B.Leather. C.Silk.( )11.What else did the woman buy in Huanggang? A.Shirts. B.Silk. C.A new CD player.听第11段材料,回答第1214小题。( )12.How long has the girl been at home?A. For about half a year B

4、.For about one year. C.Last year.( )13.Why didnt the woman look for a job after she left school?A. Because she wanted to have a good rest.B. Because she was badly ill.C. Because she had to look after her mother.( )14.What happened the woman at last?A. The woman didnt get a job,B. The woman would get

5、 a job,but not suitable.C. The woman would get asuitable job.听第12段材料,回答第1517小题。( )15.Where does the girls father learn English? A.In a college. B.In a middle school. C.In an evening school.( )16.What does the girl think?A. Its too late for her father to learn English.B. English is very important.C.

6、Its hard to learn a second language.( )17.What does the girls father want to teach her?A. Study har at school.B. Its never too late to learn.C. She should learn two foreign langyages at least.听第13段材料,回答第1821小题。( )18.Whats the matter with the womans watch? A.It is borken. B.She cant find it. C.Her fr

7、iend forgot to return it.( )19.How did she get her watch wet?A.She was caught by the rain. B.She forgot to take it out when she washed clothes. C.She dropped it onto the ground .( )20.Who can she ask for helo? A.Mr Green. B.Mr White. C.Mr Smith( )21.Is Mr Smith good at fixing things? A.Yes,he is. B.

8、No,he isnt C.We dont know.听第14段材料,回答第2225小题。( )22.How many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the door? A.One person. B.Two perspms. C.Three persons.( )23.What did the young man wear? A.A white shirt. B.A pair of glasses. C.Long trousers.( )24.Who was the young man?A. He was

9、 a friend of the writers.B. He was a friend of the writers brothersC. He was a strange man to them.( )25.What was probably the end of the story?A. The young man was taken away by the police.B. The young man became their friend.C. The young man ran away. 二、语言知识运用(共两节,计35分)第一节 单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A

10、) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子换线部分意义相同或相近并能替代的那一项。( )26.I have never seen him from then on. A.since then B.just now C.right now present( )27.I put my English book on my desk,but now it is missing. A.has lost B.has gone C.has been away D.has left( )28.I dont like doing exercise.Its so boring. .I dont,e

11、ither.But my mother says its good for my health. A.Nor I do B.So do I C.Me,neither all( )29.Harrys fariends thought of the best ways to stop the H1N1 flu. A.solved B.came up with C.thought about. D.invented ( )30.If you are thinking of applying for that job,go for it. A.ask for it B.find it out

12、 C.try to get it with it.B)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。( )31.Can they communicate with these Chinese students very well? Yes,_Mike _Tom speaks good Chines. A.neithernor B.not onlybut also C.bothand D.eitheror( )32.A low-carbon lifestyle has_affect on daily life. Er,people are paying more and

13、more attention to_ energy these days A.a;saving B.a;to save;saving;save( )33.You take after your parents,Tom! Of course.We have our own DNA that_our parents. the same as similar to the same to similar as( )34-What are on show in the museum? -Some photos_by the children

14、of Yushu, qinhai. A.have been taken B.were taken C.are taken D.taken( )35.I think your painting is very natural. That is the reason_. A.why I prefer traditional art B.why did I prefer to paint landscapes C.what I prefer to be an artist D.what do I like paintings better( )36.I cant stop playing compu

15、ter games,Miss Feng. For your study and health , Im afraid you- A.must B.have to C.may D.need( )37.Lucy is a shy girl. Yeah,she prefers_to_. A.listen;give a speech B.listening;give a speech listen;giving a speech D.listening;giving a speech( )38. Which city is the city of the _Asian Games? _Gua

16、ngzhou . The newspaper says -_young people want to be volunteers for It A.sixteen , three million B.sixteen, millions of C.sixteenth. three million D.sixteenth ,three millions of ( )39.I wonder if the talent show _next month. If they_it, I must get ready for it. A.will hold; hold B.will hold , will

17、hold Cwill be held; hold held; will hold ( )40-Are you satisfied with the result of the exam? -Not at all.I cant have_. A.a worse one B.a beeter one C.the wore one D.the best one ( )41.Jane is one of the students In the class_have ever been to China.A. who B.whose C.which D.whom. ( )42.In many

18、places in China, the old over 80_not only by family but also by the gonernment. taking good care B.are taken good care of taking good care of D.are taken good care ( )43.-What a big storm last night -Yes, I was doing my homework.Suddenly,all the lights in my house_. A.went off B.turned off

19、 C.took off off ( )44.Id like to buy a big and modern house._,I hope its in a quiet neighborhood. A.After all B.Above all C.As a result D.At that moment( )45.-Im leaving for Canada on a study trip next week. -_. A.Enjoy your time B.Thats all right C.Youre welcome D. Its a pleasure 第二节 完形填空(共15

20、小题,每题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从文后所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白的最佳选项。I never hnew that one little “Im sorry”could mean so much.I never thought that one moment in time could _46_ the rest of my life.I was sitting in class one day,_47_a short and shy kid called Victor came in.He sat down _48_to me,looked at me,and looked aw

21、ay.I often talked to him,but he just smiled at me when our _49_met.I didnt think he was the boy Id like to become friends with.One day I joined the unking kids _50_at him though I knew it was wrong.“Do you have any friends?”A kid asked Victor who walked _51_us alone,head down.“No,he hasnt got any fr

22、iends.Hes too foolish,”I said.Victor looked _52_at me with sad eyes.That night,I couldnt sleep because I couldnt get Victors _53_out of mind.In the next weeks,he never met my eyes in class or smiled at me.It was really _54_for me to ask him to forgiye(原谅)me.I couldnt forget his sad eyes every time I

23、 saw him.The next day in class,I wrote him a note telling him how _55_I felt.About five minytes later,I turned and saw tears(眼泪)in his eyes.Later he told me that I would never _56_how much my applogy(道歉)had meant to him.He said he hoped that we could become friends.We had a very _57_talk over lunch

24、that noon.And then, we become _58_friend.When I think back,I realize that my apology made it _59_for me to make good friends with Victor,a lovely person.So never _60_a chance to tell somebody you are sorry.Apologies can really change your life.( )46.A.change C.have D.get( )47.A.though B.becau

25、se C.when D.since( ) B.nearly C.alone D.away( )49.A.ears B.eyes C.nose D.mouths( )50.A.looking B.smiling C.laughing D.knocking( )51.A.over B.along C.across D.past( )52.A.down B.up C.over D.round( )53.A.look B.head C.heart D.body( )54.A.easy B.different C.hard D.bad( )55.A.happy B.well C.bad

26、 D.oleased( )56.A.worry B.mind C.regard D.realize( )57.A.angry B.pleasant C.sad D.hungry( )58.A.close C.dear D.great( )59.A.comfortable B.possible C.terrible D.unable( )60.A.have B.want C.forget D.miss三、 综合阅读(共三节,计34分)第一节 综合知识(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择正确答案。( )61.On April 1st people can

27、 call those who believe things that are not true “_”. A.Funny Person B.April Fool C.Foolish Man D.Naughty Boy( )62.Of the four inventions,_wasnt invented in China. A.abancus B.gunpowder D.compass( )63.The mascot of the 2012 London Olympics are _. A.Haibao B.Le Yangyang C.Panpan D.Wenlock

28、and Mandeville( )64.Traffic can go on the left-hand side in _. A.China B.France C.singapore D.Russia( )65._was discovered by the Emperor Shen Nong over three thousand years before 1610. A.Potato chips C.Tobacco D.Tea( )66.In America,_was killed in the city of Memphis on April 4,1968 while_i

29、n New York was destroyed bu terrorists on Sepember 11,2001.A. Chirstian Elexander,the World Trade CenterB. Dr Martin Luther King,the White HouseC. Chirstian Eleaxander,the White HouseD. Dr Martin Luther King,the World Trade Center第二节 阅读理解(共7小题;每小题2分,满分14分) (1)Mr.White works in an office.He liked rea

30、ding in bed when he was at school.It was bad for his eyes and now he is near-sighted.But he wouldnt want anybody else to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses.It often brings him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business.He got off a bus at a stop in a

31、small town.Then he had t0 walk there.The road to the village wasnt smooth.There were stones here and there.He fell over several times and it made his clothes very dirty.At last he got to the village.Suddenly it began to blow strongly and it got much colder.His hat was blown off while he was looking for the school.He

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