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1、turn的短语turn用作名词时可以和不少介词构成介词短语,使用时须注意各短语意义上的细微差别。 l. at every turn每次,总是,到处,主要表示事情发生的频率。例如: Because of his drinking,the man was refused a job at every torn 由于酗酒,那个人每次找工作都遭到拒绝。 Life holds new adventures al every torn 生活中处处有新的风险。 2by turn交替地,轮流地,一会儿一会儿,其含义为:有规律地轮换,根据一个重复性的计划而一个接一个或一个替换另一个。通常位于句末turn为复数。

2、例如: His condition is critical;we have to look after him by toms 他的病情极为严重,我们得轮流看护他。 When John had a fever,he felt cold and hot by turns 约翰发烧时,他一会儿发冷,一会儿发热。 3in ones turn轮到某人(做事)。例如: They,in their torn,rejected that 轮到他们时,他们也拒绝了。 4in turn依次地,一次一个地,轮流地,其含义为:按照一个固定的顺序依次进行。in turn在句中位置较灵活,只有在表示“轮流”时才可和 b

3、y turns换用,但它表示的时间范围要大些。in turn还可表示“回报”。例如: They rowed in turnby toms 他们轮流划船。 The children went on the bus in torn 孩子们依次上了公共汽车。 Life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy,which in turn is used to seek more food to grow,to reproduce and to survive 只有当食物转变为能量,能量再用来寻更多的食物,从而保证生命的 生长、繁

4、殖和生存,生命才成为可能。 I took Sally out to lunch,and she took me out in turn 我请了萨莉出去吃午餐,作为回报,她也请了我一次。 5on the turn 正在转变中,(牛奶)在变酸。例如: At last the condition of the patient seems to be on the turn 病人的情况看来终于有了转机。 This cream is on the turn 这些奶油变酸了。 6out of turn不按顺序,加塞儿,此义为 in turn(依次地)的反义语。Out of turn 还可表示“不合时宜”。

5、例如: Bill tried to register out of turn and was sent away 比尔注册时想加塞儿,结果被赶了出来。 I hope I havent spoken out of turnI didnt know it was supposed to be secret 希望我没有说不该说的话,我不知道这是要保密的。 7to a turn煮(烧等)得恰到好处,完美的。turn可改为T。例如: This fowl is done to a turn 这只鸡炖得恰到好处。 His nickname,Tiny,suited to a T 他的绰号“小不点”与他的身材正

6、好相符。 一、“turn”用法归类 英语中由 “turn” 构成的短语很多,常见的有: 1. turn in 归还 就寝 将某人交给警方拘押 例1)You must turn in your equipment before you leave the army. 2)Well, I think Ill turn in. Ive got to get up early. 3)She threatened to turn him in. 2. turn up 出现,到达 开大音量 被发现或找到 查(字典等) 例1)He promised to come but hasnt turned up y

7、et. 2)I cant hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit? 3)Im sure your watch will turn up one of these days. 4)You may turn the word up in the dictionary. 3. turn on 打开 依赖 突然攻击某人 例1)could you turn on the light, please? 2)The success of a picnic usually turns on the weather. 3)Why are you

8、all turning on me? 4. turn off 关掉(煤气,水,电,收音机,电视机等) 例1)They have turned the gas off for a couple of days. 2)Dont forget to turn off the light when you leave. 5. turn out 证明是,结果是 关掉 生产 赶走 例1)The experiment turned out to be a great success. 2)It turned out that she didnt get the job. 3)Remember to turn

9、 out the lights before you go to bed. 4)The factory turns out 100 cars per day. 5)Benjamin turned his son out of the house without any money. 6. turn down 关小 拒绝 例1)Can you turn the TV down? Im trying to get some sleep. 2)He tried to join the army but was turned down because of poor health. 7. turn a

10、gainst 背叛 例1)She will never turn against her country. 2)She turned against her old friend. 8. turn into 把变成,译成 例1)Youll never turn me into a salesman. 2)Turn the following sentences into Chinese, please. 9. turn to 翻到,求助于 例1)Please turn to page10. 2)The child turned to its mother for comfort. 3)turn

11、 to a dictionary (look up the words in the dictionary) 10. turn over 翻身,翻转 移交,交付 例1)She turned over and went to sleep. 2)The car turned right over. 11. turn (a)round 绕着转 面向另一方向 例1)The earth turns around / round the sun. 2)Turn around / round and let me look at your back. 12. turn away 转过脸,不面对或不再看 拒绝

12、帮助,拒绝某人进入某处 例1)She turned away in horror at the sight of so much blood. 2)A doctor cant turn away a dying man. 3)Hundreds of people had to be turned away from the stadium. 13. turn back 原路返回,往回走 例1) The weather became so bad that they had to turn back. 2)We were turned back at the border because of

13、the fighting. 14. take turns (at) doing sth. / to do sth. 依次,轮流做某事 例1)We took turns (at) doing the driving on the way up to Canada. 2)Youll have to take turns being captain of the team. 15. in turn 结果 依次 例1)Interest rates were cut, and in turn, share prices rose. 2)He asked each of us in turn to des

14、cribe how alcohol had affected our lives. 16. by turns 依次 例1)Lets drive the car by turns. 2)We did the work by turns. 17. at every turn 经常地,每次 例1)I kept meeting him at every turn. ?a hands turn举手之劳, 一臂之力; 一点工作a turn of fortunes wheel命运的转变About turn! (=Right about turn!)【军】向右转!at every turn处处, 到处; 每一

15、次, 经常地be turned (of)年在.以上, 年过by turns轮流地; 时而.时而.call the turn定调子; 发号施令; 操纵, 左右着do sb. a bad turn做有损于某人的事, 危害某人do sb. an ill turn做有损于某人的事, 危害某人do sb. a good turn做有利于某人的事, 为某人效了一次劳give a new turn to对.给与新的说法, 给与.另外一种说法give another turn of the screw对(某人)施加压力give sb. another turn of the screw对(某人)施加压力giv

16、e sb. a turn口使某人大吃一惊, 把某人吓了一跳give sb. quite a turn口使某人大吃一惊, 把某人吓了一跳go for a turn散步兜一圈, 玩一玩in turn轮流地; 挨个, 依次; 反过来in ones turn(依次)轮到时这一回in the turn of a hand顷刻之间Left turn!【军】向左转!make a turn转, 转弯on the turn正在转变, 正在变化; 正在好转; (牛奶)变酸One good turn deserves another.谚以德报德。out of turn不依顺序地冒冒失失地, 轻率地Right tur

17、n!向右转!serve ones (own) turn (=serve a turn)满足个人的需要(紧急时)能起作用; 能应急serve sb. the good turn(在.方面)对某人有好处serve sb. the good turn of(在.方面)对某人有好处serve sb.s turn对某人有用; 适合某人的需要short turn短小的节目star turn主要节目, 压轴戏引人注目的人物, 大红人take a turn转, 转弯散步, 溜达溜达(骑马, 乘船)玩一玩, 兜一兜风做一会(工作)(形势)转变take a turn for the better好转, 变好tak

18、e a turn for the worse变坏, 恶化take turns依次, 轮班; 轮流the turn of life【医】(妇女的)绝经期, 更年期the turn of the century一个世纪之末和下一个世纪之初; 世纪初, 世纪末the turn of the tide形势的转变to a turn刚好, 恰到好处精确地, 尽善尽美to the turn of a hair极其精确, 惟妙惟肖to the turn to a hair极其精确, 惟妙惟肖walk a turn来回地走走turn about转向相反的方向, 掉转方向轮流, 更替反复思考turn agains

19、t(使)变成和.敌对使(事情)对.不利turn and rend sb.突然责骂某人turn and wind(骑马者)把马头掉过来掉过去任意支配(某人)turn around(=turn round)转过去, 转身改换意见; 改变宗旨; 采取新政策(船只)下完乘客卸完货开船turn away转过脸去, 背过脸去把.打发走, 把.驱逐出去; 解雇离开避开, 防止turn back转回去, 往回走挡回, 使折回(to)翻回书页; 回溯到折转turndownt:ndaJn(使)折起来; (使)翻下来调低, 关小(灯光)拒绝, 摒弃; 驳回转入(另一条路)把纸牌面朝下摆着(经济等)走下坡, 衰退tu

20、rn forth驱逐, 赶走turn in拐进去; 转身进去(使)向里弯曲口交还; 上缴口上床, 就寝告发; 检举; 出卖口抛弃, 放弃作出, 取得turn in on oneself与他人断绝来往; 闭关自守, 采取了孤立主义turn in upon oneself与他人断绝来往; 闭关自守, 采取了孤立主义turn into拐入, 进入(使)变成, (使)成为turn it in辞去工作; 放弃工作; 停止说(使人不愉快的事情)(用于祈使句中)别搞了, 住嘴turn it up辞去工作; 放弃工作; 停止说(使人不愉快的事情)(用于祈使句中)别搞了, 住嘴turn of events形势的

21、变化turn of expression表达方式, 措辞turn of mind性情; 气质倾向, 才能turn of speech口吻, 说法turn of speed行速, 速力turn off关(自来水、电灯、收音机等)辞退, 解雇(人)转入另一条路, 拐弯; 岔开(路)岔开(话题等)生产, 制造(用车床)削掉, 车出处理掉; 抛售俚绞死变质, 变酸, 坏掉口(使)沮丧, (使)不感兴趣变成, 转为口使成婚; 使嫁出turn on拧开(自来水、电灯、收音机)要看.而定, 以.为转移反对, 攻击; 对.怀敌意口(使)感到兴趣; (使)兴奋激动美俚(使)服用麻醉品; (使)变得兴奋turn

22、out(使)向外弯曲关上(自来水、电灯等)生产, 制造; 培养出驱逐(某人)出去; 解雇(某人)翻转出, 倒空出动; 出席, 参加口起床证明是., 结果是.; 发展为.打扮, 装束; 装备把(牛、羊等)赶出栏外放牧turn over(使)翻过来; (使)翻倒, (使)打滚交给, 移交熟思, 再三考虑营业额为., 做(多少钱的)生意周转(货物等)大量卖出, 有销路发动(机器等); 转动翻阅(书刊)把.接转到下一行(胃)恶心; (心)乱跳turn to指向, 转向求取于, 依赖变成; 结果成为着手; 开始工作; 积极行动turn up向上; 向上翻; 使朝上开大; 扭亮(灯火等); 加快(速度等)翻起, 翻掘露面, 来到; 发生, 出现; (东西)被找到发现, 找到口使呕吐结果是., 证明是英参考, 查阅; 寻找, 查拐入, 转入; 转身登上杀死英放弃; 释放; 放松, 放掉转速达到, 功率达到【航海】(船)抢风转变航向turn upon有赖, 取决于; 随.而定突然攻击, 突然责骂; 对.翻脸

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