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1、四川省成都七中届高一上学期期中考试英语试题成都七中期中考试卷2014级半期考试英语试卷考试时间:120分钟 试题满分:150分 试卷和机读卡、答题卡使用说明: 全卷分第I卷 (听力), 第II卷 (英语知识运用) 和第III卷(读写能力测试) 三大部分。机读卡使用范围:第I卷中的第1题至第20题;第II卷中的第21题至第35题; 第III卷中的第56至第65题。其余各题均按答题要求, 将答案直接写在答题卷相应的番号后。考试结束时,请将答题卷和机读卡一并收回。第II卷 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第1节 单项填空(共15小题,第2节 每小题1分;满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选

2、出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在机读卡上相应番号处将该项涂黑。21. I failed in the exam but _ teacher refused to give me _ second chance. A. a, the B. a, a C. the, a D. the, the 22. Life in cities is much livelier than _ in the country. A. / B. that C. it D. the one23. _ at a speed over 400 kilometres per hour, the train arrived i

3、n Pudong International Airport in ten minutes.A. Travelling B. Travelled C. To travel D. Travel24. - Mr Xie speaks English fluently and enjoys teaching a lot. - _A. So does he. B. So he does. C. So is his brother. D. So his brother is. 25. Justin Biebers rise to fame is an _ story which _ thousands

4、of young actors.A. inspiring; has inspired B. inspired; inspired C. inspiring; had inspired D. inspired; has been inspiring 26. - How do you find Mr Lis lecture? - Good indeed. It_ many problems we have come across in our study. A. says B. talks C. covers D. refers 27. Mike failed to finish his home

5、work on time, so he tried to avoid _ his teacher.A. meet B. to meet C. to meeting D. meeting28. - Did you enjoy the party last weekend at Peters home? - Oh, sure. It has been years _ I last enjoyed myself like that. A. since B. before C. until D. when29. Last week the students did the experiment in

6、order to_ if iron rusts in dry air A. look for B. look at C. find out D. find 30. - Are you satisfied with what he has done? - Not at all. It cant be _. A. any worse B. so bad C. much better D. the worst 31. I preferred _the long jump rather than _ in the relay race in the school sports games. A. to

7、 choose; to run B. choosing; to run C. choosing; run D. to choose; run32. All the viewers were deeply touched by Jay Zhous performance _ they attended his concert. A. the first time B. for the first time C. at the first time D. at first33. Thanks to the modern technology, we can get several times _

8、information _ people did in the past. A. as more; as B. as much; than C. as much; as D. as many; as 34. - You mean we will have the mid-term exam in early November? - Yes. _ A. Its up to you. B. Go ahead. C. See you again soon. D. Youve got it.35. Most people_ what Fang Zhouzi has done against the d

9、ishonest professors and research.A. admit B. appreciate C. satisfy D. afford 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分;满分30分)阅读下面三篇短文, 按句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 自选词汇或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。答案写在答题卷上相应番号后的横线上。AUS president Barack Obama is probably (36) _ most powerful person in the world. But what was his high school life (37) _? You

10、can find answers to the question in his “Back to School” speech (38) _ (give) on September 13, 2010.“I know some of you may be nervous about starting a new school year and worried about (39) _ thatll be like. Here is what I tell you: nobody (40)_ (get) to write your destiny (命运) but you. Your future

11、 is in your hands. Your life is what you make of it. And nothing is beyond your reach. So long as youre willing to dream big. So long as youre willing to work hard. So long as youre willing to stay (41) _ (focus) on your education. An education has never been more important. Im sure there will be ti

12、mes (42)_ youre staying up late for a test, or dragging (费力地拉起) yourselves out of bed on a rainy morning, and wondering (43) _ its all worth it. Let me tell you: Nothing is as (44) _ in life as your education. In other (45) _ (word), the farther you go in school, the farther youll go in life.BAn unf

13、orgettable experience I recently had made me (46)_ (see) how important friendships are and the need to have a better understanding of friends. A friend is a person (47)_ is always there to encourage and support you whenever youre in trouble. A friend is a person wholl try to do what he or she can (4

14、8)_ you. A friend is a person whos overjoyed seeing you win and who will share your sorrow when youre (49)_ (disappoint). For my part, friendship is like a (50)_(price) gift: It cant be bought for any amount. Its also a shining light of hope. If you have friendship, youll never feel (51)_(alone). CE

15、xactly 10 years ago, 189 heads of state (52)_ (gather) in New York. They set a number of goals. These goals included helping poor people, educating children and protecting the environment. The leaders agreed to do their best to meet the goals (53) _ 2015. With only five years (54) _ (go), about 140

16、world leaders got together in New York on September 20. Their (55) _ (三天的)meeting was to talk about their work on the goals.第III卷 读写能力测试 (共四部分,满分75分)第一部分 阅读下列短文, 按要求答题。(共15小题,每题2分;满分30分)A阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在机读卡上相应番号处将该项涂黑。June 5 is World Environment Day. This makes us pay more attention to

17、our environment and the need to protect it. When Wang Boxuan, a Beijing high schoolboy, uses up his exercise books, he does not throw them away. Each one is stored at his school with hundreds of exercise books given by other students. Then they are sold to a Beijing paper making factory.The paper is

18、 recycled and used again by students and teachers in the school. At the same time, the money made from the sales goes towards schools in Inner Mongolia for planting trees and grass. This place is one of the sources of the sandstorms that often attack Beijing during springtime.Wangs school is one of

19、the schools in the capital that take part in the “Green Promise” environmental protection activity. So far, nearly 210,000 students have taken part in the activity, collecting more than 87 tons of waste paper.Students are eager to help make the capital a more pleasant place. 56. What do Wang Boxuan

20、and his schoolmates do with the waste exercise books?A. Throw them away. B. Store and sell them.C. Cut them into pieces. D. Give them to the students in Inner Mongolia.57. What is the money used for?A. Buying new exercise books. B. Helping poor students.C. Planting trees and grass. D. Being stored.5

21、8. What can we infer from the third paragraph?A. Students will have no exercise books to use in many years.B. There will be no waste paper in many years.C. The sandstorms will be weaker in Beijing in many years.D. Beijing will be much dirtier in many years.59. Choose the right order according to thi

22、s passage?1 Trees and grass were planted.2 Schools in Inner Mongolia received the money.3 Students collected waste paper.4 Students sold the paper to a paper making factory.A. B. C. D.60. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Planting Trees. B. Green Promise.C. Collecting Waste Paper. D. Making

23、 Money.B阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在机读卡上相应番号处将该项涂黑。 People who show confidence really seem to have it made. They seize more rewarding careers, keep good relationships, and just seem to do everything with more styles than the rest of us.So what is the secret? There isnt one. Self-confidence is a ski

24、ll and habit that anyone can learn to develop. And although people who are raised in an encouraging environment with confident role models have a hard start in self-confidence development, we all can learn to become more confident at any age.Try these simple tips for practising and increasing your s

25、elf-confidence levels:Dare to fail. Anybody whos out there bravely performing is going to fail repeatedly. If you are not failing, you are not trying. So dont take failure too hard or too personally. Just learn to deal with it and use its lessons to keep improving.When in doubt, pretend you know wha

26、t you are doing. Because, if you are confident of your abilities, by the time you have done it, you will be experienced.Dress for success. You dont have to be beautiful to be confident. Make the most of your own unique physical characters and weaken your disadvantages.Listen to yourself. You are the

27、 only person who knows whats right for you. Dont put others opinions above your own inner voice.Build a confident vocabulary. Stop putting yourself down and give up continually blaming your tiny weaknesses. Learn to show up your strong points and the world will learn to see and celebrate them with y

28、ou.Pass on the praise. Praise others for their virtues and strengths. This practice will not decrease your confidence, but help increase it.61. The passage is written mainly _. A. to explain the definition of self-confidence B. to explain the secret of self-confidence C. to tell people how important

29、 self-confidence is D. to tell people how to build self-confidence62. The underlined word “one” in the second paragraph refers to _. A. the secret of self-confidence B. the skill of self-confidence C. the style of doing things D. a rewarding career63. The main idea of the sixth paragraph is _. A. to

30、 be confident means to have no disadvantages B. taking full advantage of your physical characters will help you be confident C. your unique characters will help you be confident and be successful D. to be confident means to be beautiful64. All the following are tips to increase your self-confidence level EXCEPT_. A. not to be afraid of failure B. dress yourself properly C. pretend to know everything D. make your advantages more obvious65. _ will weaken your self-confidence. A. Praising others for their strong points B. Always following others advice to

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