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1、Unit6TravelAroundtheWorld课文翻译大学体验英语三Unit-6-Travel-Around-the-World课文翻译大学体验英语三Unit 6 Travel Around the WorldPassageA TheWomanTaxiDriverInCairoHer name is Nagat. I first saw her outside Cairos airport terminal. A woman taxi driver - the only woman, for that matter, among a large crowd of her male coun

2、terparts. Do you know what it is like to arrive in a strange city in the middle of the night? Nobody, not even a ray of sunshine is here to greet you. When I walk out of the terminal, I am facing the crowd of taxi drivers milling about in front of every airport the world over. Here in Cairo, it is l

3、arge and noisy. Taxi! You want taxi? I hear all round me. I feel a firm hand holding my left arm. You want taxi, follow me, the woman says. She doesnt ask, she simply respectfully and kindly chat with her. This scene repeats itself over and over again. I get the sense that she invites goodwill from

4、the people she meets. Nagat is proud and independent. One day, as I find her waiting outside a museum, she is just taking a spare tire out of the trunk of the taxi. One of the bald tires had finally gone flat, and she was going to change it herself. Several curious people gather around her and she r

5、eceives offers of help - but no, she wants no part of that. In her efficient, deliberate manner, she changes the tire, and having done so, washes her hands with bottled water, gets in the taxi and asks Where to now? Should you find yourself at Cairos airport, look for Nagat outside the international

6、 arrival hall. If you are lucky, you will have a chance to see Cairo through the eyes of a woman taxi driver. 开罗的女出租车司机她叫娜格特。我第一次见到她是在开罗机场。一个女出租车司机在一大群男伙伴中唯一干这一行的女性。你知道在深夜到达一个陌生的城市是一种什么感受吗?没有任何人,甚至没有一缕阳光来迎接你。当我步出机场时,迎面而来的是成群的出租车司机在全世界所有的机场都有众多出租车司机四处转悠。在开罗,出租司机人更多,更喧闹。“出租车!”“你要出租车吗?”我耳边充斥着这些声音。我感到一只




10、个好奇的旁观者围上来,还有人愿意帮忙-但是不,她不需要任何人帮忙。她麻利而从容地换好了轮胎,用瓶装水洗过手,然后坐进车里,问我:现在去哪儿?如果你有机会去开罗机场,记得到国际迎客厅外去找她。如果你幸运的话,你就有机会通过一个女出租车司机的眼睛去看看开罗。PassageB ARussianExperienceIt was almost midnight, yet the streets were bathed in a soft, shimmering light. The sun had just gone down and twilight would soon give way to ni

11、ght. We were strolling along the Nevsky Prospekt, a wide avenue stretching four kilometres and filled with people, music and street entertainers. This was St Petersburg in August and it seemed the city was out to celebrate the long summer nights. We had just left the home of newly found Russian frie

12、nds and after a wonderful traditional dinner decided to have some exercise before going to bed. It has always been my dream to visit St Petersburg. Absorbed by Russian history since childhood, I wanted to see it all for myself. Now, thanks to Perestroika, tourists are welcomed into Russia and St Pet

13、ersburg with its rich, cultural history is a popular choice. We flew in from Stockholm and from the air immediately noticed a well-planned city with apartment blocks built in semi-circles with central courtyards and gardens. Not only did this seem practical, but the idea behind the design was to she

14、lter residents from the fierce winter winds. The city was built by European architects in the 18th and 19th centuries and remains one of Europes most beautiful cities. Straddling the wide River Neva, the city is made up of almost 50 islands connected by some 310 bridges. No wonder the sight of elega

15、nt buildings along the canals reminded me of Paris, Amsterdam and Venice. I hadnt met many Russian people but I had an intense love for their country and traditions and was passionate about art and literature. Russian writers such as Pushkin, Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky reach the very soul of ordinary R

16、ussians, and this I find intriguing. It was no different when I finally found myself in Russia. People were openly friendly and eager to discuss any aspect of their lives in their beloved Motherland. No matter how bad the economy, somehow these people have the ability to see the positive aspects of

17、their lives, whatever their circumstances. We met an attractive woman from Moscow, and we fast became friends and it was she who invited us into the home of some dear friends of hers. The apartment block was in an elegant area of St Petersburg and was probably a palace in the past but now converted

18、into apartments of four floors. The entrance through a narrow hallway was dark and dull and there was an old fashioned lift on the ground floor with steel folding gates that clanged shut, after which the lift moved very slowly upwards. It was quicker to walk up the staircase. Our host, Yuri Petroche

19、nkov, himself an artist, warmly greeted us at the door. He was tall with gray hair pulled into a tail. His open, friendly manner and twinkling eyes showed a sense of humor and his English with a thick accent made him an entertaining host. Nelly, his wife, spoke little English but understood a great

20、deal more. We were ushered into their main room, which served as a living-room, dining room and TV area. There was an air of intimacy in the room, as though it was the core part of this family. Many parties, social and political discussions and family gatherings take place here. We were honored to b

21、e there and I felt ashamed that I had absolutely no Russian language to attempt to communicate in. Why is it that people of the English-speaking world take for granted that the rest of the world should speak English? I had always meant to learn Russian and had enrolled for courses in the past but th

22、ey never started because of lack of numbers. Our meal was a feast in itself. We werent offered wine, just vodka in little shot glasses and before drinking there is always a toast. Some nine vodkas later, Yuri was in fine form and had found a drinking partner in my husband! Wandering along the river,

23、 we agreed that not only had we found new friends, but we had just spent probably the most enjoyable experience of our trip to Russia. This is what travel is all about - to get to the heart and soul of the people and to try to understand and experience a little of what makes others tick. 亲历俄罗斯几近午夜了,

24、街道还沐浴在柔和的暮色微光之中。夕阳刚刚西下,黄昏过后夜幕即将降临。我们正漫步在涅夫斯基大街上。这是一条绵延4公里的宽阔大道,行人和街头艺人熙熙攘攘,音乐声不绝于耳。这就是八月的圣彼得堡。人们似乎倾城而出,庆祝这漫漫的夏日长夜。我们刚离开新结识的俄罗斯朋友的家。在享用了一顿丰盛的传统晚餐之后,我们决定就寝前稍稍活动一下。到圣彼得堡一游一直是我的梦想。童年时我就沉迷于俄罗斯历史,一直希望能够亲眼目睹它的风采。现在,多亏了改革政策,俄罗斯才向观光者张开了双臂。而圣彼得堡由于它那丰厚的文化历史底蕴,自然成为观光者的首选必游之地。 我们由斯德哥尔摩搭机,一飞入圣彼得堡上空,一座规划严密的城市顿时映入眼



27、口音浓重的英语使他表现出诚恳好客。他的妻子几乎不会说英语,但却能够听懂不少。我们被引进他们家的主厅,这里实际是客厅、餐厅和看电视的地方。房间里有一种亲密的气氛,似乎它是这个家里最核心的地方。许多聚会、社会政局讨论和家庭团聚都在这里举行。到此一访真是荣幸之至。不过,遗憾的是我对俄语一窍不通,根本别想用它来与人交谈。英语世界的人们为什么理所当然地认为世界的其他地方都应该说英语呢?以前,我一直想学俄语,过去也曾在几个学习班报过名,但都因为人数不够而无法开课。 我们的晚餐异常丰盛。我们喝的不是葡萄酒,而是倒在小杯里的伏特加。喝酒前通常总要敬酒。大约喝了九杯伏特加后,尤里仍然意犹未尽,和我丈夫真是酒逢知己!沿河漫步,我们一致认为,我们不仅结交了新的朋友,而且还体验到了或许是此次俄罗斯之行中最愉快的经历。而这正是旅游的全部意义所在-接触人们的心灵并且努力去理解和体验些许他人的生活与行动准则。

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