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最新 新视野 Unit 5The battle against AIDS.docx

1、最新 新视野 Unit 5The battle against AIDS1 acquiren. acquisition 2. be immune to sthimmune system3. deficiency adj. deficient 4. infect n. infection sb be infected with He is infected with AIDS.5. virus n. 6. rural adj. rural development7. constitute vt.构成,组成; 制定 Volunteers constitute more than 95% of Th

2、e Centers work force. 该中心95%以上的工作人员是志愿者n. constitutionn.建立,组成; 体格8. segmentn. 部分the third segment of his journey. 他此行的第三程9. alarmn.惊恐; 警报; 闹铃vt.使惊恐; 警告; 给(门等)安装警报器We could not see what had alarmed him. 我们搞不明白是什么使他忧虑不安。adj. alarming10. federalfederal government11. implementvt.实施,执行; 使生效,实现; 落实(政策)Lea

3、dership is about the ability to implement change. 领导才能就是要有实施变革的能力。12. organizarion13. emergevi.出现,浮现Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged. 她出现的时候,理查德正在门外等着。n. emergence14. networkNow a special TV network gives live coverage of most races. 现在有一个专门的电视网络对大部分比赛进行现场直播。15. combatn.格斗,战斗, 竞赛,

4、比赛; vt.与战斗; 与斗争He resolved to combat with his bad habits. 他决意与自己的坏习惯作斗争.16. resourse n.资源; 物力,财力 Theres a great shortage of resource materials in many schools. 17. creative adj.创造性的,有创造力的; 有创意的,创新的,Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles. 富有创造力的人一般都意志非常坚定,能不断克服

5、困难,事业蒸蒸日上。18. educational19. clientThe company required clients to pay substantial fees in advance.20.publication21. appointmentn.约会; 任命; 职务;Drake and his cohorts were not pleased with my appointment. 德雷克那一帮人对我的任命很不满。v. appointvt.任命,委派;指定He promised to appoint an AIDS czar to deal with the disease.

6、他许诺任命一位艾滋病大使来应对这种疾病。22. educate23. stylist24. literacyn.识字; 有文化; 能读能写The literacy rate there is the highest in Central America. 那里的识字率居中美洲之首。25. literature n.文学; 文学作品; 文献; 著作classic works of literature 文学经典a Professor of English Literature英国文学教授26. solveI dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at

7、once. 我想出了一个方案,可以同时解决两个问题。27. illustratevt.说明; 表明; 给加插图; (用示例、图画等)说明This diagram will illustrate what I mean. 这个图表可说明我的意思.n. illustration28. establishvt.建立,创建he School was established in 1989 by an Italian professor. 这所学院由一名意大利教授于1989年创建。n. establishment29. buster30. riskat risk 处境危险;遭受危险at the risk

8、 of doing something take a risk in(at) doing something冒(做某事)的危险31. pressureCan you work under pressure?. 你能在压力下工作吗?32. definevt.规定; 使明确; 精确地解释He was asked to define his concept of cool. 他被要求说明自己关于“酷”的定义。n. defination33. plaguen.瘟疫; 灾害,折磨vt.使染瘟疫; 使痛苦,造成麻烦The city is under threat from a plague of rats

9、. 该市处于鼠患的威胁之下。34. emphasizevt.强调,着重; 加强语气The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus. 人们用这个故事来强调耶稣人性的一面。We emphasize on safety total customer service, and work quality. 我们著重工业安全、客户服务 、 服务品质三方面.place/put/lay emphasis on sthSome schools put / lay / place great emphasis on language study. 35.

10、 regardless of 不顾;不管;不论;无论The club welcomes all new members regardless of age. 俱乐部对所有新成员不分年龄一律欢迎。36. solutionn. 解决方案;溶液;解答a peaceful solution37. crisisn.危机; 危难时刻; 决定性时刻The government is taking emergency action to deal with a housing crisis. 38. cure v. 治疗;治愈An operation finally cured his shin injury

11、. 手术最终治好了他胫部的伤。39. representvt.表现,象征;代表These developments represented a major change in the established order. 这些发展代表了现有秩序的重大转变。adj. representativen. representation40. epidemic41. threaten42.racial adj.种族的; 人种的the protection of national and racial minorities. 对少数民族和少数人种的保护43. distractTom admits that playing video games sometimes distracts him from his homework. 汤姆承认玩电子游戏有时会使他无心做作业。n. distraction44. efficiencyinfefficiencyadj. efficient45. undeclared declare

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